The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent a diversity of subjects, including literature; children’s literature; history; folklore; science; radio, film and television; book collecting and bookselling; journalism; and translation.
The Mitchell, B. mss II., 1970-2016, consists of the correspondence, translations, author/title files, professional and personal files of Professor and Translator Breon Mitchell.
4 Boxes (Stacks and Vault)
Collection ID: LMC 1623
The Latin American mss.--Miscellaneous 1536-1957 consists of miscellaneous documents from various Latin American countries, compiled from the other Latin American mss., including correspondence, goverment documents, literature, photographs, and other documents.
This collection consists of t-shirts, lunchboxes, statues of comic book characters, a model car, and a jigsaw puzzle, all collected by Michael E. Uslan.
The Carroll L. Lurding Library of College Fraternity and Sorority Materials mss., ca 1840-2014, consist of books, pamphlets, histories, yearbooks, and other bound volumes detailing the history of fraternities, sororities, colleges, and universities from all 50 states and the District of Columbia in the United States as well as some colleges in Canada.
This collection includes essays, editorials, and fictional work by Algren as well as interviews with Algren, essays about Algren, and essays about his work.