The Zarifopol-Johnston mss., 1988-2008, consists of translator Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston's research and writings on the Romanian philosopher E. M. Cioran.
The Young, C. mss., 1935-2014, consist of the writings, correspondence, research materials, and personal papers of journalist and activist Charles M. Young.
The Wrancher, Elizabeth mss., 1943-2002, consist of correspondence, photographs, printed material, and personal ephemera related to opera singer Elizabeth Wrancher.
The Wissing mss., 1994-2016, consist of the papers of Indiana University alumnus and Bloomington-based journalist Douglas Wissing. The collection includes his freelance articles as well as several book projects, including two books on US aid to Afghanistan.
The Winston mss., ca. 1998 - 2011, consist of drafts of German literature translations by Krishna Winston, a professor in the German Studies Department at Wesleyan University.
The Winston mss., ca. 1998 - 2011, consist of drafts of German literature translations by Krishna Winston, a professor in the German Studies Department at Wesleyan University.
The Wilson, R.A. mss., 1960-2001, consist of the correspondence of bookseller Robert Alfred Jump Wilson,1922-2016, and poet John Wieners, 1934-2002, related to the publishing of Wieners' Ace of Pentacles (Lilly PS3545 .I18 A62) in 1964.
The Weaver, W. mss. II, 1833-2006, consists of the correspondence, writings, research, photographs, and teaching materials pertaining to the life and work of literary critic and translator William Weaver, 1923-2013.
The Wakefield mss. II, 1995-2002 collection consists of materials related to the film adaptation of Going All the Way by novelist, journalist, and screenwriter Dan Wakefield, 1932-
The Vonnegut mss. II, 1965-2002, consists of letters of novelist Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., 1922-2007, written to his youngest daughter, artist Nanette (Nanny) Vonnegut, 1954- .
The Volková, Bronislava mss., 1983-2011, consists of typescripts, drafts, email correspondence and other material relating to poetry in Czech and English by Bronislava Volková, 1946- , Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Indiana University.
The Uslan, Michael mss., 1973-2007, consists of the files, typescripts, emails, memorabilia, original artwork, recordings, periodicals, realia, photos, production boards and ephemera of Michael E. Uslan, 1951- , the originator of the Batman movies.
The United World Federalists mss. IV, 1927-2011, consists of books, pamphlets, and research related to the United Nations, the environment, and generalized politics, as well as copies of World Federalist Association annual reports, the World Federalist News magazine, and miscellaneous related awards and conferences materials.
The Unger mss., 1968-2003, consists of the correspondence, interviews, writings, and other materials relating to Raymond and Maryanne Carver and their friendship with the Unger family.
Translations mss., ca. 19th-21st centuries, consist primarily of manuscripts of literary translations, either from a foreign language into English or in some cases from English into another language. Also present are letters from authors to translators of their work or from the translators to the authors they translate.
The Tibbits, Mercedes mss., 1931-2008, consists of the publications from the collection of Dr. Mercedes Vidal Tibbits, a Catalan writer and editor from Barcelona, Spain.
The Thom, James Alexander mss., 1966-2013, consists primarily of writings and correspondence related to Indiana novelist James Alexander Thom's publications.
The Theroux, Peter mss., 1969-2015, consists of papers and correspondence related to Peter Theroux's work as a translator of Arabic novels, as well as materials related to his brothers, novelists Paul Theroux and Alexander Theroux.
The Strand mss., 1953-2014, consists of the correspondence, writing, and other materials regarding the American poet laureate Mark Strand, 1934-2014, including correspondence concerning his work as a translator of poetry.
The Solley mss., 1888-2006, consists of the automobile and coachbuilder catalogs, photographs, and related automobile literature of architect Thomas T. Solley, 1924–2006.
The Snodgrass, W. D. mss., 1984-2013, consists of the original and photocopied correspondence, emails, obituaries, and tributes concerning the illness and death of W. D. Snodgrass, 1926-2009. Most correspondence and emails are between Snodgrass's friends and colleagues and his fourth wife, writer Kathleen Snodgrass.
The Smith, W.J. mss., 1947-2007, consists of writings, translations, correspondence, and research materials of poet and translator William Jay Smith, 1918-2015.
The Smith, Annette mss. 1964-2004, consists of the papers of Annette Smith, 1924-, Professor Emeritus of Literature at the California Institute of Technology.
The Skinner, Robert E. mss. II, 1983-2005, consists of drafts of detective novels and scholarly works on hard-boiled crime fiction by Robert E. Skinner (b. 1948).
The Sipper mss., 1973-2010, consists of the correspondence and business records of Ralph Bruno Sipper, 1932-, an antiquarian bookseller specializing in modern first editions.