Search Results
2. Undine Smith Moore Collection of Original Music and Manuscripts by Black Composers, 1940-2022 5 document cases (4 linear feet)
Manuscript and printed scores, photographs, biographical material, and recordings by Black composers active from 1950 to present.
3. Indiana University I Association records, 1994-2010 1.8 cubic feet ((3 boxes))
The I Association (formerly I-Men Association (1913-2006) and I-Women Association (1982-2006)) honors exceptional athletes at Indiana University Bloomington. This collection contains files about I Association alumni events and event planning, Board of Directors meeting information, I Association membership, and email, letter, and memo correspondence between I Association staff and alumni.
4. Willkie Residence Center scrapbooks and other materials, 1962-2007, bulk 1968-1981 1 cubic foot (4 scrapbooks, 3 legal folders and 1 oversize folder)
The Wendell L. Willkie Quadrangle opened in the fall of 1964 as a residence hall for men and women, and was rededicated as the Willkie Residence Center in 2000. This collection contains four scrapbooks that were compiled by staff of the Willkie Quadrangle residence hall between 1968 and 1981. The scrapbooks contain photographs, newspaper clippings, event pamphlets, and other materials that document staff and resident events during their respective time periods. In addition, the collection contains loose photographs of Willkie staff and leadership teams from 2004-2007, as well as loose newspaper clippings and other materials documenting Willkie residents and staff from the late 1960s to the early 1980s.
5. Robert Berry collection, 1962-2011 1 Box
Robert Berry (born 1940) is an actor, playwright, and teacher. While a student in the Theater Department at Indiana University Bloomington in the summer of 1962, he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in a feature-length psychological horror film, "House of Dreams". The film, which was shot entirely without professional help with a budget of $10,000, is perhaps the first feature-length film created primarily by Indiana University students. The film was shot in Decker and Vincennes, Indiana and utilized the historic Sam Jordan House as the haunting centerpiece of the story. "House of Dreams" premiered in Vincennes on September 11, 1963. Given the involvement by local citizens and representation of small Southern Indiana towns, it was heralded locally as a distinctly "Hoosier" film.
6. J. Gus Liebenow Collection, 1882-2011 18 cubic feet (18 records cartons)
J. Gus Liebenow was a professor emeritus of political science at Indiana University. Starting his tenure in 1958, Liebenow also served as the dean for Research and Advanced Studies as well as vice president and dean of Academic Affairs. In 1961, he also found the University's African Studies Program. This collections consists of lecture notes, personal files, department records, Liebenow's writings, and materials from numerous organizations he was affiliated with.
7. Kessler mss., 1966-2018 42 Boxes
The Kessler mss., 1966-2018, consists primarily of manuscripts, drafts, correspondence and other material reflecting the creative life of Stephen Kessler (b. 1947), poet, translator, essayist and editor.
8. Alfonso Montecino Collection, 1906-2016 13 Boxes
The Alfonso Montecino Collection consists of the works, papers, and selected music collection of the pianist Alfonso Montecino.
9. Jeanette Carter Papers, 1928-2013 23 cubic feet; (23 records cartons)
The Jeanette Carter Papers spans the dates 1928-2014. Renowned anthropologist on West Africa and women, this collections includes her research on women in Liberia and the Gambia, personal accounts of the Liberian Civil War, her field notes, research on ethnic groups, and extensive reports, publications and news articles on Liberia.
10. Reports of Investigations of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, 1964-2019 1386 Reports
Reports of Investigation (ROIs) created by the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology or their Cultural Resource Management (CRM) office from 1964-2019.
11. Bai T. Moore Papers, 1919-2004 23 cubic feet; (22 records cartons; 1 oversized materials box.)
Bai T. Moore was a renowned poet and author whose work was greatly influenced by his experiences growing up in Liberia. In addition to Moore's career as a writer, he served as a government official for several years, first as Chief of the Liberian Bureau of Agriculture, and later, as Deputy Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism. This collection consists of government papers, ethnographic materials, published works, manuscripts, and drafts of his writings.
12. Ridenour, W.W. mss., 1943-2013 5 Boxes
The Ridenour, W.W. mss, 1943-2013, consist of the personal journals of Presbyterian minister and World War II Army veteran, William W. Ridenour.
13. Wolverton mss., 1919-2005 1 Box (1 standard)
The Wolverton mss., 20th century, consist of three unpublished novels by Indiana author Ethel Traugh Wolverton, 1890-?.
14. Translations mss., 1800-2010 2 Boxes (2 standard)
Translations mss., ca. 19th-21st centuries, consist primarily of manuscripts of literary translations, either from a foreign language into English or in some cases from English into another language. Also present are letters from authors to translators of their work or from the translators to the authors they translate.
15. Nims mss. II, 1929-2003 48 Boxes
The Nims mss. II, 1929-2003, consist of the correspondence and writings of poet John Frederick Nims, 1913-1999, including materials relating to his work as a translator of poetry.
16. Fugard mss. II, 1976-2002 1 Box
The Fugard mss. II, ca. 1976–2002, consist chiefly of photographs, playbills, etc. relating to stage productions of plays by South African writer Athol Fugard, 1932– .
17. Oeser mss., 2001-2009 3 Boxes
The Oeser mss., 2001–2009, consists of notes, drafts, page proofs, et cetera of works translated by German language translator Hans–Christian Oeser.
18. Zenith mss., 1985-2004 1 Box (1 standard)
The Zenith mss. consists of the correspondence and manuscripts of translations from the Portuguese, ca. 1999-2004, of Richard Zenith.
19. Community Cookbook Collection: Local Organization Non-Profit Cookbooks and Nationally-Published Popular Cookbooks, 1907-2008 238 items (13 boxes)
A collection of cookbooks printed in the United States between 1907 and 2008, with particular focus on cookbooks from Indiana.
20. African American Film Script Collection, 1929-2002 32 Boxes
The collection consists of typescripts of films written by, directed by, or starring African Americans. The typescripts are in various states of revision and various formats.
21. Bruner, Paul mss., 1941-2011 2 Boxes (1 standard, 1 custom)
Bruner, Paul mss., ca. 1967-2011, consist of Paul Bruner's artist's book edition of the 1954 Holocaust era poem, "The Plains," written by Polish poet Tadeusz Rozewicz and translated by Paul Mayewski, as well as accompanying materials.
This collection consists of t-shirts, lunchboxes, statues of comic book characters, a model car, and a jigsaw puzzle, all collected by Michael E. Uslan.
23. Carroll L. Lurding Library of College Fraternity and Sorority Materials mss., 1840-2014 135 Boxes
The Carroll L. Lurding Library of College Fraternity and Sorority Materials mss., ca 1840-2014, consist of books, pamphlets, histories, yearbooks, and other bound volumes detailing the history of fraternities, sororities, colleges, and universities from all 50 states and the District of Columbia in the United States as well as some colleges in Canada.
24. Comic Art mss., 1901-2010 4 folios (oversize)
The Comic Art mss., 1906-1967, consists of original illustrations for comic books, newspaper comic sections, pulp magazines, and film animations.
25. Corman mss. VI, 1993-2003 1 folio
The Corman mss. VI, 1993–2003, consist mostly of letters from poet, translator and editor Cid Corman, 1924–2004, to German poet and carpenter Charlie Mehrhoff.
26. Corman mss. V, 1993-2002 1 Box (1 standard)
The Corman mss. V, 1993–2002, consists of letters from poet, translator, and editor Sidney "Cid" Corman, 1924–2004, to poet and translator Nicolas Linkert.
27. Reed mss., 1950-2005 2 Boxes
The Reed mss., 1950-2005, consist of the papers of scholar Peter Reed related to Kurt Vonnegut, including correspondence, book proofs, commercial recordings, recorded interviews, and copies of early Vonnegut publications.
29. Young, C. mss., 1935-2014 45 Boxes (42 standard, 3 custom)
The Young, C. mss., 1935-2014, consist of the writings, correspondence, research materials, and personal papers of journalist and activist Charles M. Young.
30. Wakefield mss. II, 1995-2002 1 Box
The Wakefield mss. II, 1995-2002 collection consists of materials related to the film adaptation of Going All the Way by novelist, journalist, and screenwriter Dan Wakefield, 1932-
31. Bloomington Garden Club mss., 1938-2021 18 Boxes
The Bloomington Garden Club mss., 1938-2016, consists of the papers, minutes of meetings, scrapbooks, and photograph albums relating to the activities of the Bloomington Garden Club, especially the annual Garden Walk.
32. Capra Press mss., 1955-2010 68 Boxes
The Capra Press mss., 1955-2010 , contain the correspondence, book production materials, manuscripts, galleys, printing records, and cost sheets of printer/publisher Noel Young of Santa Barbara, California.
33. Robert Blaemire Papers, 1951-2017 10 linear feet
Consists of documents and A/V materials related to Birch Bayh's campaigns from 1972 through 1980, the rise of the New Right, and research and resources for Blaemire's biography of Bayh, and political memorabilia.
34. Steve Buyer Congressional Papers, 1993-2011 695 linear feet
Consists of papers, photos, and audiovisual materials generated and received by the office of Steve Buyer during his tenure as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Indiana's 5th district from 1993 to 2003 and Indiana's 4th district from 2003 to 2011.
35. The Ira L. Reiss Collection, 1953-2020 8 Boxes
The materials in this collection are related to Ira L. Reiss, a sociologist specializing in the study of human sexuality. This collection contains biographic information, correspondence, publications/research, lectures, and AV recordings. Reiss's total collection spans an impressive 57 years, from 1953 to 2010 and Reiss will soon be adding new material.
36. The Leonore Tiefer Collection, 1948-Present 3 linear feet
The Leonore Tiefer Collection contains over 900 monographs extensively covering topics such as Women's Studies, Feminism, Clinical Psychology, and Human Sexuality. Her collection also includes several educational videos, educational slides, and personal photo albums of attended professional conferences. Archival collection currently being processed.
The International Academy of Sex Research collection consists of correspondence relevant to academy elections, membership, conferences, publications, and day-to-day operations between the years 1976 and 2002. It also contains some financial information—primarily IASR bank statements, bank stubs, and photocopies of checks from dues.
38. The Elaine Hatfield Collection, 1975-2000s 2 Boxes
The Hatfield Collection contains materials related to Elaine Hatfield, a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii. This collection contains biographical materials, items related to the criticism of her work from Senator William Proxmire (D-Wisc), video materials and other miscellaneous items.
The Whipple Collection contains materials related to Beverly Whipple, PhD, RN, FAAN, a professor Emeritus at Rutgers University and a certified sex educator, counselor, researcher, and sexologist. This collection contains biographical material, correspondence, publications, research files and miscellaneous material. Much of the research included in this collection is devoted to female sexuality and pain control.
The Kenneth R. Haslam, MD collection at The Kinsey Institute contains materials related to polyamory. It consists of conference materials, Internet resources, media coverage, and research articles, as well as Dr Haslam's personal correspondence and papers originally delivered at poly-oriented meetings, sex research and sex therapy conferences. Additionally, there are materials from several other donors relating to research, media response, and community communications and publications. The bulk of the collection represents the work of Dr. Haslam and other poly-activists from 2000 to the present, with contributions from earlier polyamory writers and activists dating from the 1970's. Dr. Haslam's decision to develop the polyamory collection at The Kinsey Institute reflects his interest in providing information and educating the public about polyamorous relationships. The collection includes biographical information about Kenneth Haslam, who has been a leader in organizing and documenting the polyamory community, and in introducing polyamory into the academic sphere. Dr. Haslam's presentations, featured in this collection, are geared towards educating professionals, practitioners, the public and the poly-community; they form a framework for understanding polyamory, along with snapshots of the lifestyles and communities. Many different polyamory groups and communities are represented in the collection, including the 1970's Kerista Community and the Church of All Worlds in the U.S., and international materials, such as Dutch language publications from The Netherlands. The collection also contains newsletters that were the precursors of Loving More magazine, a complete collection of Loving More magazine. The vast array of Internet community resources includes list-servs, blogs and journals, and websites. Examples are archives of the website "Polyamorous Percolations," "Swingercast," the swingers' podcast, Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness materials, and archives of various web-based discussion groups. There is a polyamory bibliography containing a variety of materials, including books on the subject that are held by the Kinsey Institute.
The Davidson-Moore Collection contains materials related to the research of Dr. J. Kenneth Davidson Sr., professor emeritus of sociology and former coordinator of family studies at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and Dr. Nelwyn B. Moore, professor emeritus, Texas State University-San Marcos. The collection currently includes correspondence, publications, research, grant applications, presentations/lectures, and a categorized/ numbered collection of 10,000+ articles regarding the topics of Contraception, Family Planning, Physiology, Sex Attitudes, Sex Behavior, and Sex Knowledge. Davidson and Moore have refereed many published manuscripts, of which the collection includes much original data and research material. The topics of the publications include sexual fantasies, premarital sexual intercourse, college-level sex education, sex attitudes and behavior, female sexuality, guilt, masturbation, parenting, orgasm, and contraception.
42. The John Money Collection, 1940-2004 250 boxes, ca.
The Money collection includes professional correspondence (1950-2004); lectures, presentations, and audiovisual materials (1960s-2004); articles and clippings (1973-2000); including thousands of reprints and pamphlets on a broad range of sex education and research topics, scientific journals and erotic magazines (1940s-2000); a complete holding of his manuscripts and publications; scientific, erotic and pornographic journals and magazines (1949-1985); conference programs and papers, photo albums, and information, and materials relating to sex research organizations and conferences.
43. The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) Collection, 1978-2006 2 Boxes
The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) Collection consists of materials related to the activities of HBIGDA, a multi-disciplinary professional organization dedicated to the research and treatment of gender identity disorders. This collection contains organizational information, symposium materials and publication, correspondence and miscellaneous material.
The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) was founded in 1993 by Cheryl Chase, herself an intersexual who underwent female sex assignment and clitorectomy in early childhood. Her goal was to support and advocate for intersexuals by increasing awareness and acceptance of their various conditions and by discouraging medical professionals from surgically assigning gender to intersexed infants who are unable to consent to the procedure. In 2003 Cheryl retired from her position as director of the ISNA, passing the direction of the organization to Monica Casper, with Jane Goto acting as her assistant. In a posting on the message boards in June 2003, Monica Casper described the goals of the ISNA very clearly: "Our mission is to end shame, secrecy and unwanted surgery for people with intersex conditions. We are a policy/advocacy organization working toward systemic social change… At the heart of ISNA's mission is fostering social acceptance of all bodies – be they intersex or not, trans or not, queer or not – and fostering informed consent for people to decide what happens to their bodies. Many people with intersex conditions have choice stripped from them when they are operated on as children, while many trans people have choice stripped from them when they are unable to obtain the surgical care they want and need." This collection contains a great deal of correspondence from people with intersex conditions looking for information and support, from urologists and sexologists, and from people affected by ISNA's many press releases who wish to express support. The collection also includes a huge number of academic articles on intersex issues as well as popular press articles intended to raise awareness about intersex issues. Key Members and their positions at the time of these materials: Cheryl Chase, Founding Director (1993-2003) Monica Casper, Director (2003) Alice Dreger, Chair (1996-2005) Robin Mathias, Chief Financial Officer (2001- ) Sherri Groveman, Treasurer and Founder of the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Jane Goto, Operations Manager (2003- )
45. Mitchell, B. mss II., 1970-2016, 2001-2012 40 Boxes
The Mitchell, B. mss II., 1970-2016, consists of the correspondence, translations, author/title files, professional and personal files of Professor and Translator Breon Mitchell.
This collection consists of comic book action figures from the collection of Michael E. Uslan.
47. Gathorne-Hardy, J. mss., 1705-2017 32 Boxes
The Gathorne-Hardy, J., mss., 1705-2017, consist of the correspondence, family materials, journals, and manuscripts of writer Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, 1933-2019.
48. Hill, A. mss., 1886-2004 12 Boxes
The Hill, A. mss., ca. 1886-2004, consist of correspondence, journal fragments, legal and financial documents, clippings, photos, and account books of Lady Anne Hill (1911–2006), author, public figure, and wife of prominent bookseller G. Heywood Hill.
49. Pike mss., 2002-2003 3 Boxes (3 standard)
The Pike mss., circa 2002-2003, consist of the translations from German into English made by Burton Pike, 1930- , Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at The City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center.
50. Raintree Press mss., 1975-2010 2 Box (1 standard, 1 custom)
The Raintree Press mss., 1975-2010, consist of manuscripts, galleys, etc., of the Raintree Press of Bloomington, Indiana.