The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent a diversity of subjects, including literature; children’s literature; history; folklore; science; radio, film and television; book collecting and bookselling; journalism; and translation.
The Zarifopol-Johnston mss., 1988-2008, consists of translator Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston's research and writings on the Romanian philosopher E. M. Cioran.
The Young, C. mss., 1935-2014, consist of the writings, correspondence, research materials, and personal papers of journalist and activist Charles M. Young.
The Wrancher, Elizabeth mss., 1943-2002, consist of correspondence, photographs, printed material, and personal ephemera related to opera singer Elizabeth Wrancher.
The Wissing mss., 1994-2016, consist of the papers of Indiana University alumnus and Bloomington-based journalist Douglas Wissing. The collection includes his freelance articles as well as several book projects, including two books on US aid to Afghanistan.
The Winston mss., ca. 1998 - 2011, consist of drafts of German literature translations by Krishna Winston, a professor in the German Studies Department at Wesleyan University.
The Winston mss., ca. 1998 - 2011, consist of drafts of German literature translations by Krishna Winston, a professor in the German Studies Department at Wesleyan University.
The Wilson, R.A. mss., 1960-2001, consist of the correspondence of bookseller Robert Alfred Jump Wilson,1922-2016, and poet John Wieners, 1934-2002, related to the publishing of Wieners' Ace of Pentacles (Lilly PS3545 .I18 A62) in 1964.
The Weaver, W. mss. II, 1833-2006, consists of the correspondence, writings, research, photographs, and teaching materials pertaining to the life and work of literary critic and translator William Weaver, 1923-2013.