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Wissing, Douglas A.
The Wissing mss., 1994-2016, consist of the papers of Indiana University alumnus and Bloomington-based journalist Douglas Wissing. The collection includes his freelance articles as well as several book projects, including two books on US aid to Afghanistan.

13. Winston mss., 1998-2008 30 Items (2 boxes)

Winston, Krishna
The Winston mss., ca. 1998 - 2011, consist of drafts of German literature translations by Krishna Winston, a professor in the German Studies Department at Wesleyan University.
Eco, Umberto
The Weaver, W. mss. II, 1833-2006, consists of the correspondence, writings, research, photographs, and teaching materials pertaining to the life and work of literary critic and translator William Weaver, 1923-2013.

24. Volková, Bronislava mss., 1983-2011 2 Boxes (2 standard)

Volková, Bronislava
The Volková, Bronislava mss., 1983-2011, consists of typescripts, drafts, email correspondence and other material relating to poetry in Czech and English by Bronislava Volková, 1946- , Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Indiana University.
Uslan, Michael, 1951-
The Uslan, Michael mss., 1973-2007, consists of the files, typescripts, emails, memorabilia, original artwork, recordings, periodicals, realia, photos, production boards and ephemera of Michael E. Uslan, 1951- , the originator of the Batman movies.
United World Federalists (U.S.)
The United World Federalists mss. IV, 1927-2011, consists of books, pamphlets, and research related to the United Nations, the environment, and generalized politics, as well as copies of World Federalist Association annual reports, the World Federalist News magazine, and miscellaneous related awards and conferences materials.

29. Unger mss., 1968-2003 3 Boxes (3 standard)

Unger, Douglas, 1952-
The Unger mss., 1968-2003, consists of the correspondence, interviews, writings, and other materials relating to Raymond and Maryanne Carver and their friendship with the Unger family.

30. Translations mss., 1800-2010 2 Boxes (2 standard)

Translations mss., ca. 19th-21st centuries, consist primarily of manuscripts of literary translations, either from a foreign language into English or in some cases from English into another language. Also present are letters from authors to translators of their work or from the translators to the authors they translate.

33. Theroux, Peter mss., 1969-2015 3 Boxes (3 standard)

Theroux, Peter
The Theroux, Peter mss., 1969-2015, consists of papers and correspondence related to Peter Theroux's work as a translator of Arabic novels, as well as materials related to his brothers, novelists Paul Theroux and Alexander Theroux.

34. Strand mss., 1953-2016 16 Boxes

Strand, Mark, 1934-2014
The Strand mss., 1953-2014, consists of the correspondence, writing, and other materials regarding the American poet laureate Mark Strand, 1934-2014, including correspondence concerning his work as a translator of poetry.

38. Solley mss., 1888-2006 35 Boxes

Solley, Thomas T.
The Solley mss., 1888-2006, consists of the automobile and coachbuilder catalogs, photographs, and related automobile literature of architect Thomas T. Solley, 1924–2006.

39. Snodgrass, W.D. mss., 1984-2013 2 Linear Feet (2 boxes)

Snodgdrass, W.D. (William De Witt), 1926-2009
The Snodgrass, W. D. mss., 1984-2013, consists of the original and photocopied correspondence, emails, obituaries, and tributes concerning the illness and death of W. D. Snodgrass, 1926-2009. Most correspondence and emails are between Snodgrass's friends and colleagues and his fourth wife, writer Kathleen Snodgrass.

46. Sipper mss., 1973-2010 20 Boxes

Sipper, Ralph B.
The Sipper mss., 1973-2010, consists of the correspondence and business records of Ralph Bruno Sipper, 1932-, an antiquarian bookseller specializing in modern first editions.
Sembène, Ousmane, 1923-2007
The Sembène mss., 1956-2008, consists of the correspondence, photographs, writings, professional files, film scripts, and related material of filmmaker and author Ousmane Sembène.
Saltzman, Barry, 1961-
The Saltzman, Barry mss., ca. 1978-2008, contain annotated actor scripts, books of plays, posters, contracts and box office receipts records and CDs of photos documenting the career of actor Barry Saltzman, 1961- .
Sadlier, Darlene J. (Darlene Joy) (1950)
The Sadlier, Darlene J. mss., 1946-2013, consist of the audiovisual material, journals, and the published works of Darlene J. Sadlier, a professor for the Indiana University Bloomington Department of Spanish and Portuguese since 1978 and the current director of the Portuguese Program.

62. Reed mss., 1950-2005 2 Boxes

The Reed mss., 1950-2005, consist of the papers of scholar Peter Reed related to Kurt Vonnegut, including correspondence, book proofs, commercial recordings, recorded interviews, and copies of early Vonnegut publications.
Red Dust (Firm)
The Red Dust mss., 1963–2010, consists of the papers and business records of Red Dust Inc., including manuscript drafts and proofs, correspondence with authors and translators, and additional book production materials.
Randall House Publications (Firm)
The Randall House mss., 1975-2013, consists of the business records and correspondence of the San Francisco bookselling firm Randall and Windle and of its successor Randall House.
Rafal, Nancy
The Rafal mss., 1998-2003, consist of correspondence between poet Cid Corman and poet Nancy Rafal, as well as Rafal's correspondence relating to the 100th anniversary of poet Lorine Niedecker.

70. Polsgrove, Carol mss., 1964-2007 4 Boxes (4 custom)

Polsgrove, Carol
The Polsgrove, Carol mss., 1964-1994, bulk 1991-1994, consist of interviews and other recordings related to the book It Wasn't Pretty Folks, But Didn't We Have Fun: Esquire in the Sixties (W.W. Norton, 1995) by Carol Polsgrove, professor and journalist.
Pollock, James W. (James Wilson), 1922-
Consists of the notes, drafts and final manuscript of Nature, Man and God in Medieval Islam: 'Abd Allah Baydawi's text, Tawali' al-anwar min matali' al-anzar, along with Mahmud Isfahani's commentary, Matali' al-anzar, sharh Tawali' al-anwar, edited and translated by Edwin E. Calverley and James W. Pollock (Leiden: Brill, 2002).

72. Poetry mss., 1954-2002 160 Boxes

Modern Poetry Association
Consists primarily of the correspondence, individual issue make-ups and proofs of Poetry (formerly called Poetry: A Magazine of Verse) published in Chicago, Illinois.

73. Pike mss., 2002-2003 3 Boxes (3 standard)

The Pike mss., circa 2002-2003, consist of the translations from German into English made by Burton Pike, 1930- , Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at The City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center.
Perkins, J. G., 1945-
The Perkins, J. Greg Mss., ca. 1981-2018 consists of manuscripts, revision-related correspondence, and final versions of plays, novels, and short stories, as well as scholarly writings and professional papers of Dr. J. Greg Perkins, author.
Ostrom, Elinor
The Ostrom, Elinor mss., ca. 1889-2012, consist of the research, papers, correspondence, publications, manuscripts, proposals, photographs, audio tapes, and realia of Vincent and Elinor Ostrom, their colleagues and families, and the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis.

81. Old Stile Press mss., 1989-2009 47 Boxes (22 boxes, 25 oversize)

Old Stile Press.
The Old Stile Press mss., 1989-2009, consists of materials documenting the process of traditional book design, production, and publication for more than fifty titles from the British private press, The Old Stile Press.
National Theatre Conference
The National Theatre Conference mss., 1932-2012, consist of the papers of past presidents, executive secretary, and treasurer of the National Theatre Conference, an organization of American community and university theatres organized collectively to serve non-commercial theatre.

92. Montgomery mss., 1931-2004 6 Boxes (6 standard)

Montgomery, Mary Ann, 1931-
The correspondence consists primarily of letters from Aurelia Schrober Plath, 1906-1994, to Mary Ann Montgomery. Interfiled among those letters are carbon copies of Dr. Montgomery's letters to Mrs. Plath. Other correspondents present in the collection are Bill and Hillary Clinton and other White House officials, and poet Robert Lax. A folder of miscellaneous letters includes one each from artist Norman Rockwell, poet Allen Ginsberg, and opera singer Beverly Sills, as well as an undated autograph note from Mlle. Marie d'Agoult, mistress to nineteenth-century composer Franz Liszt. Additions to the correspondence include a copy of Dr. Montgomery's autobiography and dissertation, and six albums containing notes, photographs, awards, memorabilia and writings.
Miniature Book Society
This collection consists of the records of the Miniature Book Society, 1983-2011. The collection includes business files, traveling exhibition papers, correspondence, meeting minutes, souvenirs, manuscripts, catalogs, and audiovisual materials.

97. Miller, E. Gamble mss., 1967-2007 1 folio (oversize)

Miller, Elizabeth Gamble, 1926-
The Miller E. Gamble mss., 1962-2007, consists primarily of manuscripts, drafts, correspondence and other material relating to translations into English from the Spanish, mostly of Latin American authors, made by Elizabeth Gamble Miller over the course of her career.