1. Lilly Library mss. II, 2010 1 bound Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington) The Lilly Library mss. II, 2010, consist of materials relating to the Lilly Library's 50th anniversary. Indiana University » Lilly Library
2. Lilly Library Research Grants mss., 1975-1977 1 Box (1 standard) Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington) The Lilly Library Research Grants mss., 1975-1977, consist of the correspondence and accounts of the Lilly Library small and summer grants program. Indiana University » Lilly Library
3. The Lilly Library Photograph Files mss., ca. 1960-2000 13 Boxes Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington) The Lilly Library Photograph Files mss. consists of photographic prints and negatives depicting materials in the Lilly Library, principally arranged by call number of the materials depicted. Indiana University » Lilly Library