The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent a diversity of subjects, including literature; children’s literature; history; folklore; science; radio, film and television; book collecting and bookselling; journalism; and translation.
The Mitchell, B. mss II., 1970-2016, consists of the correspondence, translations, author/title files, professional and personal files of Professor and Translator Breon Mitchell.
The Latin American mss.--Miscellaneous 1536-1957 consists of miscellaneous documents from various Latin American countries, compiled from the other Latin American mss., including correspondence, goverment documents, literature, photographs, and other documents.
This collection consists of t-shirts, lunchboxes, statues of comic book characters, a model car, and a jigsaw puzzle, all collected by Michael E. Uslan.
The Carroll L. Lurding Library of College Fraternity and Sorority Materials mss., ca 1840-2014, consist of books, pamphlets, histories, yearbooks, and other bound volumes detailing the history of fraternities, sororities, colleges, and universities from all 50 states and the District of Columbia in the United States as well as some colleges in Canada.
This collection includes essays, editorials, and fictional work by Algren as well as interviews with Algren, essays about Algren, and essays about his work.
Translations mss., ca. 19th-21st centuries, consist primarily of manuscripts of literary translations, either from a foreign language into English or in some cases from English into another language. Also present are letters from authors to translators of their work or from the translators to the authors they translate.
The collection consists of typescripts of films written by, directed by, or starring African Americans. The typescripts are in various states of revision and various formats.
Bruner, Paul mss., ca. 1967-2011, consist of Paul Bruner's artist's book edition of the 1954 Holocaust era poem, "The Plains," written by Polish poet Tadeusz Rozewicz and translated by Paul Mayewski, as well as accompanying materials.
The Eastman mss. V, 1880-2009, consist of the photographs, correspondence, personal papers, writings, and legal documents of Max Eastman, 1883-1969; and Yvette Szekely Eastman, 1912-2014.
The Frielinghaus mss., ca. 1998-2001, consists of Helmut Frielinghaus' translations into German of works by Nicholson Baker, Raymond Carver, William Faulkner, and John Updike.
The Alden mss., 1951-2001, consists of correspondence and research files generated by historian Dauril Alden, 1926-, in preparation of his biography of Dutch and Portuguese colonial historian Charles Ralph Boxer, 1904-2000.
The Fugard mss. II, ca. 1976–2002, consist chiefly of photographs, playbills, etc. relating to stage productions of plays by South African writer Athol Fugard, 1932– .
The Hill, A. mss., ca. 1886-2004, consist of correspondence, journal fragments, legal and financial documents, clippings, photos, and account books of Lady Anne Hill (1911–2006), author, public figure, and wife of prominent bookseller G. Heywood Hill.
The Gathorne-Hardy, J., mss., 1705-2017, consist of the correspondence, family materials, journals, and manuscripts of writer Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, 1933-2019.
The Nims mss. II, 1929-2003, consist of the correspondence and writings of poet John Frederick Nims, 1913-1999, including materials relating to his work as a translator of poetry.
The Kessler mss., 1966-2018, consists primarily of manuscripts, drafts, correspondence and other material reflecting the creative life of Stephen Kessler (b. 1947), poet, translator, essayist and editor.
The Corman mss. VI, 1993–2003, consist mostly of letters from poet, translator and editor Cid Corman, 1924–2004, to German poet and carpenter Charlie Mehrhoff.
The Corman mss. V, 1993–2002, consists of letters from poet, translator, and editor Sidney "Cid" Corman, 1924–2004, to poet and translator Nicolas Linkert.
The Bloomington Garden Club mss., 1938-2016, consists of the papers, minutes of meetings, scrapbooks, and photograph albums relating to the activities of the Bloomington Garden Club, especially the annual Garden Walk.
The Young, C. mss., 1935-2014, consist of the writings, correspondence, research materials, and personal papers of journalist and activist Charles M. Young.
The Reed mss., 1950-2005, consist of the papers of scholar Peter Reed related to Kurt Vonnegut, including correspondence, book proofs, commercial recordings, recorded interviews, and copies of early Vonnegut publications.
The Wakefield mss. II, 1995-2002 collection consists of materials related to the film adaptation of Going All the Way by novelist, journalist, and screenwriter Dan Wakefield, 1932-
The Capra Press mss., 1955-2010 , contain the correspondence, book production materials, manuscripts, galleys, printing records, and cost sheets of printer/publisher Noel Young of Santa Barbara, California.
The Anderson mss., 1967-2004, consist of the correspondence, catalogs, and ephemera of Frank John Anderson related to private press publishing, miniature books, and book collecting.
The Bouchercon mss., 1970-2019, consist of program books, badges, tote bags, and other materials associated with The Anthony Boucher Memorial Mystery Convention (Bouchercon).
The Arikha mss., 1933-2011, consists of correspondence from writer Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989, to Avigdor Arikha, 1929-2010, and Arikha's wife, poet Anne Atik, 1932-. Arikha's various collected periodicals, catalogues, theatre ephemera, criticisms of Beckett, and other related items.
The Baker Street Irregulars mss., 1923-2007, consists of correspondence, business files, and publications of the Baker Street Irregulars, a Sherlock Holmes literary society founded in 1934.
The Barnhart Dictionary mss., 1929-2005, consists of the correspondence, business records, project files, reference books, notes, and proofs of lexicographer Clarence L. Barnhart, 1900-1993, and the dictionaries he edited.
The Bellos mss., 1954-2014, consists of correspondence, notes, manuscript drafts, and research files of literary translator and writer David Bellos, 1945-.
The Belton, Don mss., 1907-2009, consists of the papers, writings, and correspondence of Indiana University Assistant Professor of English Don Belton, 1956-2009.
The Boehm mss., 1992-2008, consists of translation drafts, page proofs, and correspondence relating to literary translations from German and Polish by noted American translator Philip Boehm, 1958-.
The Bononno mss., 1996-2003, consists of translation drafts, proofs, editorial correspondence, and other materials by translator Robert Bononno, 1949-.
The Bradbury M. mss. III, 1950-2000 consists of the papers of Sir Malcolm Bradbury, 1932–2000 who was knighted in the year 2000 for his services to literature.
The Bradley mss. II, 1986-2008 contains materials pertaining to the life and career of actor Charlton Heston, who was "discovered" by early pioneer of independent filmmaking David Bradley.
The Breton mss. II, 1946- , consist of literary works acquired through Jean Breton, proprietor of the firm of Librairie Saint-Germain-Des-Pres in Paris. Some of the writings are accompanied by letters and related materials.
The Campbell, Mary mss., 1954-2012, consist of the personal correspondence, writings, photographs, concert and theatre programs, and professional materials of music and theatre journalist Mary Campbell.
The Center for the Art of Translation mss., 1994-2010, consists of editorial files, proof copies, correspondence, and other material relating primarily to the Center's publication of Two Lines, an annual bilingual anthology of international literature featuring work from approximately twenty different languages.
The Chambers, Anthony mss., 1969-2006, consists of correspondence, printer's proofs, reader's notes, drafts, fliers, and reviews of the translation works of Anthony Chambers.
The Christ mss. 1967-2007, consists primarily of notes and drafts of translations by Professor Emeritus of English Ronald Christ. In addition, it contains collected papers from fellow authors and translators Helen Lane and Charles Greenleaf Bell.
The Calinescu, Matei mss., 1959-2009, consists of the correspondence and diaries of literary critic and Indiana University professor of comparative literature Matei Calinescu.
The Calinescu, Matei mss. III, 1957-2009, bulk 1973-2009, consists of the scholarly work of Indiana University professor of comparative literature Matei Calinescu.
The Coates mss., ca. 2000-2003, consist of correspondence, drafts, corrected proofs and publication related files for the English translation L'espace d'un cillement by Jacques Stéphen Alexis.
The Collins mss., ca. 1926-2001, consists of the correspondence, writings, photographs, albums and chess club records of influential American chess teacher John William (Jack) Collins, 1912-2001.
The Conti mss., 2000-2002, consists of correspondence, readers' reports and manuscript drafts relating to Gregory Conti's translation into English of Rosetta Loy's Cioccolata da Hanselmann.
The Costa, Margaret Jull mss., 1980–2016, consists of the papers of one of the most important literary translators of her time, Margaret Jull Costa, 1949-.
The Cunningham mss., circa 1985-2008, consist primarily of manuscripts, drafts, correspondence, and other material by scholar and writer Rodger Cunningham, Professor of English at Alice Lloyd College in Kentucky.
The Diamant, Alfred mss., 1917-2012, consists of the personal correspondence, emails, school records, military papers, birth and marriage certificates, and family trees of Alfred Diamant. It also includes various drafts and pre-publication copies of his and his wife's co-authored memoir Worlds Apart, Worlds United: A European-American Story.
The Diop mss., 1963-2017, consist of the notebooks, drafts, writings, correspondence, teaching materials, and born-digital materials of Senegalese author and journalist Boubacar Boris Diop, 1946- .
The DuVal, John mss., ca. 1975-2016, consists of correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, drafts, typescripts, poetry, and translations relating to the publications of John Tabb DuVal (1940- ), especially his translation of The Song of Roland. Also includes materials about John Duval and his daughter Kathleen Duval's "Interpreting a Continent: Voices from Colonial America" (2009), and includes texts translated from French and Spanish. Other parts of this collection in order of publication include Cuckolds, Clerics, and Countrymen: Medieval French Fabliaux (1982), From Adam to Adam: Seven Old French Plays (2005), and Fabliaux, Fair and Foul (2008).
The Eastman mss. IV, 1890-2009, consist of the photographs, correspondence, personal papers, writings, and artwork of Max Eastman, 1883-1969; Yvette Szekely Eastman, 1912-2014; and Eliena Krylenko Eastman, 1895-1956.
The Weaver, W. mss. II, 1833-2006, consists of the correspondence, writings, research, photographs, and teaching materials pertaining to the life and work of literary critic and translator William Weaver, 1923-2013.
The Eichler mss., 1928-2002, consists primarily of letters between educator, journalist, and businessman David Kemble Eichler, 1913-2003, and actress Katharine Hepburn, 1907-2003.