Biographical Note
James Albert Woodburn, 1856-1943, was born in Bloomington, Indiana, and received his A.B. from Indiana University in 1876, his A.M. in 1885, and his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1890. He taught in the public schools of Grayville, Illinois, and in the Preparatory Department of Indiana University before becoming Professor of American History at Indiana University in 1890, a position which he held until his retirement in 1924. Outside of his career as a historian, he worked to further efforts of the League of Nations by promoting their world peace programs.
James Gelston Woodburn, 1894-1980, was born in Bloomington, Indiana to James Albert Woodburn and Caroline Louise Gelston. He received college degrees from Indiana University and Purdue University before earning his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1929. Over the course of his career as a civil engineer, he held faculty positions at Wisconsin State College and the University of Wisconsin before serving as the chair of his department from 1949-1958.
Scope and Content Note
Biographical and genealogical information on members of the Woodburn family may be found in James Albert Woodburn's Woodburn History: Some Generations of a Family, 1936. Keepsake letters and notes for James Albert Woodburn's fiftieth wedding anniversary to Caroline Louise Gelston are also included in the collection.
The collection is organized into the following series: I. Correspondence; II. Ephemera; III. Legal Documents; IV. Personal; V. Professional; VI. Photographs; VII. Print Materials and VIII. Realia.
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research.
Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice. Please make an appointment a minimum of one week in advance of your visit.
Usage Restrictions:
Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable rights holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish form.
Indexed Terms
- Biddle, Ward Gray, 1891-1946
- Bryan, Enoch Albert, 1855-1941
- March, Peyton Conway, 1864-1955 --Correspondence.
- Randall, David A. --Correspondence.
- Van Tyne, Claude Halstead, 1869-1930 --Correspondence.
- Wells, Herman B--Correspondence
- Woodburn, Caroline Louise Gelston, 1866-1943
- Woodburn, James Albert, 1856-1943
- Woodburns, James Gelston, 1894-
- Woodburns, James Gelston, 1894- --Correspondence
Corporate Bodies
- College teachers --Biography.
- College teachers --Correspondence.
- Indiana University
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
[Item], Woodburn mss. II, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Acquisition Information
Acquired: 2012
Processing Information
Processed by Casey Blackmore and Susan Bogner.
Completed in 2013
Collection Inventory
Box 1
Actuary (Postal Life Insurance Company). , 1915
Box 1
B1and , 1891-1974, undated
Box 1
Bailey, Margaret Dickinson (Christian Endeavor). , Undated
Box 1
Barrett, Wendree (?). , 1918
Box 1
Beck, J.W. (The Scarbough Company). , 1913
Box 1
Biddle, F. W. (Beta Eta). , 1923
Box 1
Biddle, Donna.and , 1962, undated
Box 1
Biddle, Ward G.and , 1915-1946, undated
Box 1
Bloomington High School. , 1911
Box 1
Bowman, Catherine. , 1913
Box 1
Bryan, Lowe Charlotte. , 1949
Box 1
Bryan, Lowe Enoch. , 1924
Box 1
Bryan, Lowe William. , 1882-1951
Box 1
Carney, Margarita. , 1947
Box 1
Chenoweth, Wilson. , 1911-1913
Box 1
Collins, Dorothy. , 1971-1974
Box 1
Cosgrove, Dorthea. , Undated
Box 1
Culver Military Academy. , 1917
Box 1
David, Dorothy. , 1915-1930
Box 1
Davis, Edward Hatton. , 1917
Box 1
Davisson, Schuyler C. , 1924
Box 1
Dickerman, Minerva. , 1912
Box 1
E, Simon (?). , 1915-1918
Box 1
Fantoli, Gaudenrio. , 1931
Box 1
Gabrielle, Hugh P. (Pendennis Club). , 1918
Box 1
Galbraith, Mary Lee. , 1914-1918
Box 1
Gasser-Fox Agency. , 1925
Box 1
Gelston, Anna (?).and , 1900-1924, undated
Box 1
The Globe Department Store. , 1918
Box 1
Gray, Lucile Charman. , Undated
Box 1
Hanna, Jr. Thomas H. , 1911-1914
Box 1
Haskell, Howard H. , 1927
Box 1
Heighway, George F. , 1945
Box 1
Hepburn, Sam. , 1911-1917
Box 1
Hildretd (?), Barbara. , 1924
Box 1
Holland, E.O. , 1924-1946
Box 1
Houghton, Woodburn Mary.and , 1911-1928, undated
Box 1
Indiana University. , 1915
Scope and Contents: (includes correspondence from President Bryan)
Box 1
Institut Tilly (Berlin). , 1911
Box 1
Jameson, Arthur W. , 1926
Box 1
K1and , 1916-1933, undated
Box 1
Kenyon, H.M.and , 1916-1917, undated
Scope and Contents: (Includes additional correspondence)
Box 1
King, Horace W. , 1927-1933
Box 1
Knapp, Robert and Pearl. , Undated
Box 1
Longmans, Green and Co, Inc. , 1948
Box 1
Looss (?), Helena. , 1911-1912
Box 1
M1and , 1898-1911, undated
Box 1
All correspondence from mother to James Woodburn.and , 1898-1911, undated
Box 1
All correspondence from mother to James Woodburn. , 1911
Box 1
All correspondence from mother to James Woodburn. , 1913
Box 1
All correspondence from mother to James Woodburn and additional family members. , 1915-1918
Box 1
All correspondence from mother to James Woodburn.and , 1919-1943, undated
Box 1
Masow, Ida Lora.and , 1908, undated
Box 1
McDowell, "Mac" M. E. , 1917
Box 1
Mitchara (?), S. (The Psychological Laboratory at Cornell University) , 1918
Box 1
All correspondence from papa/father to James Woodburn. , 1899-1915
Box 1
All correspondence from papa/father to James Woodburn. , 1917-1918
Box 2
All correspondence from papa/father to James Woodburn and other family members. , 1919-1928
Box 2
P4and , 1929-1943, undated
Box 2
All correspondence from papa/father to James Woodburn and other family members. and , 1929-1943, undated
Box 2
Purdue University (various correspondents). , 1917-1971
Box 2
Riley, Lucille. , 1917-1918
Box 2
Rinder, Herbert G. , 1926
Box 2
Roberts, Kitchel Arthur. , 1906-1914
Box 2
Scarborough Company. , 1914
Box 2
Schumacher Hardware Company. , 1914
Box 2
Seabury, George T. , 1929
Box 2
Sigma Nu Fraternity. , 1916
Box 2
Slagle, Robert L. , 1916
Scope and Contents: (Includes additional correspondence)
Box 2
Smith, Shirley W. , 1927-1928
Box 2
Spaets (?), Nelson J. , 1921
Box 2
Stahr Jr, Elvis J. , 1963-1966
Box 2
Suthe (?), Carl E. , 1928
Box 2
Sutton, L. Joseph. , 1970
Box 2
Tilden, F. W. , 1914
Scope and Contents: (Includes additional correspondence)
Box 2
Turring (?), Simon. (The Sentinel-Tribune ) , 1914
Box 2
U1and - V1 , 1879-1964, undated, 1918
Box 2
All unidentified correspondence and blank envelopes in back of folder
Box 2
United States Department of Agriculture. , 1921-1923
Box 2
Van Tyne, Claude H. , 1918
Box 2
Waller, O. L. , 1924-1929
Box 2
War Department. (Various correspondents and enclosed forms) , 1918-1920
Box 2
Wells, Herman B. , 1937-1993
Box 2
Wiecking, Janet Woodburn.and , 1907-1970, undated
Box 2
Wilson, Francis I. , 1941
Box 2
Woodburn, Robert (Bobby). , 1906-1941
Box 2
Woodburn, Caroline Gelston.and , 1890-1931, undated
Box 2
Woodburn, Delma Gelston. , 1923-1939
Box 2
Woodburn, Donnie.and , 1935-1941, undated
Box 2
Woodburn, James Albert.and , 1891-1930, undated
Box 2
Woodburn, James Albert. , 1917-1938
Box 2
Woodburn, James Gelston. , 1899-1937
Box 2
W6- Y , 1937-1968, 1919-1923
Box 2
Woodburn, James Gelston.and , 1899-1968, undated
Box 2
Woodburn family. , 1912-1934
General: (Various correspondents in one letter)
Box 2
Yeoman, R. C. , 1919-1923
Box 2
Flyers for the orchestra, receipts, newspaper clippings, materials related to education, and ticket stubsand , 1911-1918, undated
Box 2
Items relating to education, the Sigma Nu fraternity, and newspaper clippings and a Purdue University pin and , 1913-1919, undated
Box 2
Receipts, flyers and bulletins, drawings, and a university instructor pamphletand , 1925-1930, undated
Box 2
Probate Court documents including the last will and testament of Mary C. Gelston , 1910-1940
Box 2
Warranty deeds created by Gelston family members , 1909-1927
Box 3
Awards given to James Gelston Woodburn , 1927-1965
Box 3
Finances of James Albert Woodburn , 1929-1946
Box 3
Foreign materials, including written accounts of trips , 1955
Box 3
Forest Hill Cemetery memorial fund certificate , 1905
Box 3
Funeral service receipts , 1903-1926
Box 3
Gelston farming materials , 1940-1979
Box 3
Report cards for James Gelston Woodburn and James Albert Woodburn, various schools , 1907-1918
Box 3
Woodburn History: Some Generations of a Family by James Albert Woodburn, (Folder 1) , 1936
Box 3
Woodburn History: Some Generations of a Family by James Albert Woodburn (Folder 2) , 1936
Box 3
Coasters from various establishmentsand , 1911, undated
Box 3
Journal of James Gelston Woodburn , 1907
Box 3
Journals of James Gelston Woodburn dated from and two journals attached together , 1906 to 1912, undated
Box 3
Journals of James Gelston Woodburn, six in total and written in German (?) , undated
Box 3
Journals of James Gelston Woodburn, six in total and seem to be used for academic workand , 1914, undated
Box 3
Journal of James Gelston Woodburn, diary of JGW's travel to Germany, enclosed letter from Herman B Wells , 1911
Box 3
Junior Movies pamphlet, Indiana University junior class pamphlet discussing sports, fraternities and sororities, and literary works created by students , 1915
Box 3
Keepsake notes given to James Albert Woodburn on his fiftieth wedding anniversary , 1943
Box 3
School essays, written by James Gelston Woodburnand , 1913-1914, undated
Box 3
School work by James Gelston Woodburnand , 1909, undated
Box 3
Travel booklet by James Gelston Woodburn , 1932
Box 3
Various articles and newspaper clippings saved by James Gelston and James Albert , 1923-1930
Box 3
Various awards and condolences in regards to James Gelston Woodburn , 1980
Box 4
Memorial articles and papers for James Gelston Woodburn , 1981
Box 4
Miscellaneous items pertaining to James Gelston Woodburn , 1912-1971
Box 4
Miscellaneous items pertaining to James Gelston Woodburnand , 1893-1912, undated
Box 4
Miscellaneous items pertaining to James Gelston Woodburnand , 1912-1914, undated
Box 4
Obituaries for James Gelston Woodburn, photocopies of news paper entries , 1980
Box 4
Purdue materials, pertaining to James Gelston Woodburn, includes awards, alumni magazines, and articles , 1945-1969
Box 4
Sale of 12 Geddes Heights house located in Ann Arbor Michigan , 1950
Box 4
Sympathy and condolence letters/telegrams, sent to James Albert Woodburn and family , 1943-1953
Box 4
Materials pertaining to Indiana University and both James Gelston and James Albert , 1962-1969
Box 4
Materials pertaining to Indiana University and both James Gelston and James Albert , 1970
Box 4
Materials pertaining to Indiana University , 1938-1959
Box 4
James Gelston Woodburn lecture on Columbia power plant , 1943-1974
Box 4
Materials pertaining to the Woodburn Fellowship, includes correspondence , 1973-1993
Box 4
Miscellaneous materials , 1929-1994
Box 4
Cardboard photographs of various Woodburn family membersand , 1874, undated
Box 4
Engineering Society , 1925
Box 4
Woodburn family members , 1867-1890
Box 4
Woodburn office at IU , undated
Box 4
James Albert Woodburnand , 1895-1912, undated
Box 4
James Albert Woodburn passport photo , undated
Box 4
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, photocopy , undated
Box 4
Photo album that goes with James Gelston Woodburn's diary of his trip to Germany , 1912
Box 4
Photo album, unidentified subjects , 1911
Box 4
Woodburn family , undated
Box 4
Indiana University, faculty and campus photosand , 1916-1962, undated
Box 4
Miscellaneous photographs, unidentified subjects , undated
Box 4
Negatives 91-102, unidentified subjects and locations , undated
Box 4
Negatives, group titled "Coble" , undated
Box 4
Negatives, Ithaca and Ann Arbor , undated
Box 4
Negatives, James Woodburn , undated
Box 4
Negatives, travels to England , undated
Box 4
Negatives, travels to Berlin and Potsdam , undated
Box 4
Negatives, miscellaneous, unidentified subjects and locations , undated
Box 4
Unidentified group photo , 1932-1933
Box 9
Photograph album, photos of various trips including Germany, England, Ithaca, and Indiana University campus , 1911
Box 10
Chi Epsilon fraternity of University of Wisconsin photograph , 1929
Box 5
Curry and Woodburn Houseand , 1983-1984, undated
Box 5
German items, possibly from Woodburn's trip in 1912 , 1911-1912
Box 5
Map of water works system in Madison, Wisconsin , undated
Box 5
New paper clippingsand , 1911-1971, undated
Box 5
Newspaper clippings, most from Madison, Wisconsin newspapers , 1943-1979
Box 5
Political newspaper clippingsand , 1911, undated
Box 5
Education materials pertaining to James Gelston and Indiana University , 1908-1940
Box 5
Indiana University and general interest materialsand , 1914-1917, undated
Box 5
Indiana University materials , 1903-1950
Box 5
Congressional record, remarks of Honorable Knute Hill , 1940
Box 5
Congressional records, second and third session, includes enclosed handwritten note , 1914
Box 5
Congressional records, third and first sessions , 1914-1916
Box 5
Congressional records, second and first sessions , 1927-1928
Box 5
Congressional records, second session , 1930
Box 5
Newspaper clippings on taxes , 1972-1980
Box 5
Newspaper clippings on historical events , 1915-1976
Box 5
Sesquicentennial Observance , 1950
Box 6
Correspondence case
General: (actual letters moved to Correspondence series)
Box 7
Diploma collection , 1855-1918
Box 8
Decorative gift box , undated