Biographical Note
Ronald Christ has published numerous articles on art and literature in addition to his work as a literary translator. He founded Lumen Books as an outlet for architectural and literary writing, especially in translation, and in 1998 was awarded the Eugene M. Kayden National Translation Award for his translation of Eltit's E. Luminata . Christ has also served as the president of PEN New Mexico. Christ enjoyed close friendships and working relationships with many authors and translators, most notably Helen Lane and Charles Greenleaf Bell, the latter of which Christ helped to publish an autobiography.
Scope and Content Note
Both the Translations and Additions series consist of typescripts, proofs, manuscripts, drafts, notes, corrections, and correspondence related to works translated by Christ. Professional Files are revisions Christ did for colleagues, various correspondence, and reviews of Christ's work as well as colleagues. The Helen Lane series is primarily Lane's papers or Christ's papers about Lane, including her translation work and correspondence at the time of her death. Lastly, the Charles Greenleaf Bell series are papers and correspondence concerning Christ's colleague and friend.
This collection is arranged into five series: Translations, Additions, Professional Files, Helen Lane, and Charles Greenleaf Bell. Translations is further arranged by author subseries and Additions consists of one subseries: Translations, which is arranged alphabetically by author.
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research.
Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice. Please make an appointment a minimum of one week in advance of your visit.
Usage Restrictions:
Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable rights holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish form.
Indexed Terms
- Bell, Charles G. (Charles Greenleaf), 1916-2010
- Lane, Helen R.
Corporate Bodies
- Eugene M. Kayden national translation award
- Lumen books
Genres and Forms
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
[Item], Christ mss., Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Acquisition Information
Gift: 2013
Collection Inventory
box 1
Diamela, Eltit
box 1
Digital barking, typescript in Portuguese , 2002
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Digital barking, typescript in English, undated
box 1
Custody of the eyes (Los vigilantes), published book in Spanish with CD-ROM, Ronald Christ's working copy , 2005
box 1
Custody of the eyes, background materials , 2005
box 1
Custody of the eyes, Spanish text with notes, undated
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Custody of the eyes, draft and queries , 2002
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 1
Custody of the eyes, draft with notes, undated
box 1
Custody of the eyes, corrections with notes , 2001
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Custody of the eyes, late draft (incomplete) with notes, undated
box 1
Custody of the eyes, final draft , 2002
box 1
Custody of the eyes, draft with queries and revisions, undated
box 1
Custody of the eyes, proof , 2005
box 1
Custody of the eyes, intermediate proofs with notes, undated
box 1
Custody of the eyes, final proof with notes , 2005
box 1
Custody of the eyes, proof with final corrections , 2005
Garavito, Fernando
box 1
Exercises in solitude, typescripts in Spanish and English with notes , 2004
box 1
On writing and exile, typescripts in Spanish and English with notes , 2004
box 1
Correspondence concerning translations , November 2004
Ibargüengoitia, Jorge
box 1
Correspondence between Ronald Christ and colleagues seeking translation advice , August 2005
box 1
Kill the lion, fourth draft with correspondence , July 2005
box 1
Kill the lion, fourth draft with corrections , July 2005
box 1
Kill the lion, final draft with corrections , July 2005
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 1
Kill the lion, final draft with revisions by Barbara Riley , August 2005
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 1
Kill the lion, CD-ROM, undated
box 1
The dinosaur, first draft, corrections , January 2006
box 2
Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, El Zarco correspondence , 2003-2007
box 2
Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, El Zarco photocopy of book in Spanish with notes, undated
box 2
Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, El Zarco draft of an earlier translation with notes, undated
box 2
Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, El Zarco introduction corrections with correspondence , September 2006
box 2
Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, El Zarco drafts with corrections , 2006
Physical Description: (7 folders)
box 2
ArtsCanada, correspondence with photographs , 1980-1982
box 2
Cahill, Christopher correspondence and proofs , 1996
box 2
Eltit, Diamela, correspondence , 1995-2006
box 2
Garavito, Fernando, Las vacas volando intentos y ensayos draft , 2004
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 2
Garavito, Fernando, correspondence , 2004-2005
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 2
Kocbek, Edward, correspondence and draft with corrections , 1998
box 2
Kodama, Maria, The Dinosaur draft with corrections, undated
box 2
Maruane, Lina, Razor Blades Spanish text, drafts, author's comments, corrections , 2006
box 2
Pombo, Alvaro, Contra Natura correspondence , 2007
box 2
Puig, Manuel , 1985
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 2
Sarduy, Severo, Pajaros de la playa correspondence and publisher agreements , 1997-2003
box 2
Thida, Ma correspondence, corrections , 2005
box 2
Walsh, Rodolfo, That woman , 2006
box 2
West, Paul, The immensity of the here and now review , 2003
box 3
West, Paul, correspondence , 1982-2007
Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 3
West, Paul, The shadow factory reviews , 2005
box 3
West, Paul, The shadow factory reviews and correspondence , 2007
box 3
West, Paul, The shadow factory draft with corrections , November 2007
box 3
West, Paul, The shadow factory corrections , November 2007
box 3
West, Paul, The shadow factory draft spiral bound, undated
box 3
West, Paul, Excerpts from publications presented from West to Christ , 1967-1977
box 3
West, Paul, Miscellaneous , 1984-1992
box 3
Research for Spanish translations , 2007
box 3
Carol Maier's students' translations of Fernando Garavito revisions , May 2005
box 3
Millennial harvest: collected poems of Charles bell revisions , July 2001
box 3
Victoria Ocampo translated by Karen Phillips revisions, undated
box 3
Reviews by Ronald Christ , 2001-2003
box 3
General correspondence , 1997-2007
box 3
Carol Maier interview with Ronald Christ , 1995
box 3
Translation Review, number 5, "An interview with Helen R. Lane" by Ronald Christ , 1980
box 3
Helen Lane's translation of Ricardo Palma, Peruvian traditions, Spanish copy with notes, undated
Physical Description: (3 folders)
box 3
Reviews of Helen Lane's translation of Augusto Roa Bastos, I the supreme , 1986
box 3
Helen Lane's file containing reviews, CV, and queries on Duele el Pais by Fernando Garavito , 1982
box 3
Helen Lane's French copy of State of Siege, with her notes in text and laid in , 1999
box 3
Excerpts from Helen Lane's translation of Santa Evita , 1996
box 3
Helen Lane's publication contracts and correspondence , 1995-1996
box 3
Helen Lane's obituary, estate papers, correspondence about her death , 2002-2005
box 3
Galway Kinnell typescript of "The River" with his revisions in ink, undated
box 3
Correspondence concerning Charles Bell , 2005-2007
oversize 1
Award for "Professional Achievement" inscribed to Helen R. Lane , 1983