Spain History mss., 1468-1887

Papers relating to Spanish history at the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Finding aid created by Electronic finding aid encoded by Indiana University Libraries.

Title: Spain History mss.
Collection No.: LMC 1962
Dates: 1468-1887

Quantity: 5.6 linear feet

Quantity: 123 items

Abstract: The Spain History mss., 1468-1887, consist of correspondence, histories, governmental papers, and literature relating to Spain.
Location: ALF (Auxiliary Library Facility) - OVFlat; Lilly - Stacks; Lilly - Map Case
Language: Spanish; Castilian , Latin , Portuguese , Catalan; Valencian .
Repository: Lilly Library
1200 E. Seventh St.
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-5500
Business Number: 812-855-2452

Scope and Content Note

The Spain History mss. is a miscellaneous collection of manuscripts in Spanish history, which do not fall into any of the library's more specialized manuscript collections

Note on Indexing Term - "Law": Of particular interest: 1484-1485. Protocollo o cabreu de los actos contractos de la Ciudat de Teruel recibidos e testifecados por francisco loppez de montreal. A daily registry of the public acts of the city of Teruel and activities of the Inquisition. 1614, Jan. 3-1615, Dec. 27. Minutes of the meetings of the Consejo de las Indias. Contains the Minutes of the Council of the Indies submitted to Felipe III, king of Spain.

Note on Indexing Term - "Voyages and travels": Of interest: Oct. 23, 1522: Epitstola De Insulis Moluccis written by a royal official. This is an account of the circumnavigation of the globe by Magellan and Juan Sebastian del Cano. Aug. 30, 1633: Letter from Felipe IV, king of Spain to Lopo de Sequeira Pereira in which the king discusses methods of increasing revenues to defend the maritime commerce of Portugal, then under the crown of Spain. Jan. 23, 1776: A document giving information about the Spanish army and navy. 1816-1820: Affairs of the second and third voyages of the frigate Resolucion. Feb. 25, 1818: Freight list of the Spanish frigate Nuestra Senora de los Dolores.

Note on Indexing Term - "Travel": Of interest: "Dependencias y existencias Del viaje numero 2 y 3 De la fragata Resolucion A Cadiz" which concerns the affairs of the second and third voyages of the frigate "Resolucion." Also, an undated "De jure et justitia belli contra indos ad Philip. II Hisp. Regem." written by Vincent Paletinus, which has bound with it a copy of an account of the circumnavigation of the globe by Magellan and Juan Sebastian del Cano.


Materials are arranged chronologically when possible, and alphabetically for undated items.


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This collection is open for research.

Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice. Please make an appointment a minimum of one week in advance of your visit.

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Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable rights holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish form.

Related Materials

See the Spain History mss. II, also at the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Indexed Terms

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Item], Spain History mss., Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Acquisition Information

Purchase/gift: 1967-1997

Collection Inventory

ovflat 16
Carillo, Alfonso, cleric. [Carta de venta to Pedro Gonzalez de Hores.] , 1 November 1468 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 45 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. On vellum

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Protocollo o cabreu de los actos contractos de la Ciudat de Teruel recibidos e testifecados por francis co loppez de montreal... , 1484-1485 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 191 leaves 22 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Sewn through the spine
  3. Written in several hands
  4. A daily registry of the public acts of the city of Teruel and activities of the Inquisition

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Two documents, May 1482 and April 1489, signed by Ferdinand, King of Spain and one, 1491, signed by both Ferdinand and Isabella, Queen of Spain. , 1482-1491 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 191 leaves 22 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift. Omar Pound. 55 Princeton Ave. Princeton, NJ 08540. 2004 .

box 1
Isabel I, la Catolica, queen of Spain, 1451-1504. Document concerning the purchase of cloth. , 23 February 1504 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 31 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Juana, la loca, queen of Castile, 1479-1555. Privilegios de la Escrivania de Sacas y Aduanas y cosas bedades y puerttos de los reinos desde la Villa de Jibra Leon, hastta Carttajena. , 20 March 1510 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 8 p. 29 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Grant to Lorenzo Galindez de Carvajal of the rights to the notarial office controlling trade of the ports extending from the town of Gibraleon to Cartagena. Two warrants, 1512 and 1513, to enforce the grant are appended. Signed by Fernando V, king of Spain, acting for his daughter, Juana.
  2. Accompanied by an 11 p. typescript and a 12 p. English translation

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchase. Manuscript Society Auction, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Date unknown.

box 1
Karl V, emperor of Germany, 1500-1558. Title of nobility granted to Juan and Fernando Pantoja. Granada, Spain. , 28 September 1552 -

Physical Description: Document signed 72 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. On vellum
  2. Sewn with silk cord
  3. Page 2 and a few initial letters illuminated
  4. Inside front cover, first p. and last 2 p. contain notarial statements dated Sept. 28-29, 1617, Oct. 9, 1552, July 21, 1580 and Aug. 7, 1624

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift. Margaret H. Rumbel, Route 4, Box 190, Mission, Texas. 1979 .

box 1
Felipe II, king of spain, 1527-1598. Title of nobility granted to Antonio Cornejo and Pedro Cuello. Valladolid, Spain. , 22 December 1559 -

Physical Description: Document signed 41 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. On vellum
  2. Sewn with silk cord
  3. First and last p. illuminated; also several initial letters and occasional words
  4. Cover sheet in nineteenth century hand

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift. Margaret H. Rumbel, Route 4, Box 190, Mission, Texas. 1979 .

bound Bound
Executoria de hidalguia de ... Juan de morales ... y de francisco de morales... , 20 March 1561 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 41 leaves 25 x 35 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Limp parchment covers
  2. Lower cover folds over front and ties with a green silk cord
  3. Twenty sheets of heavy vellum laced together with the cover in one quire, with a thick tricolor cord from which the royal lead seal has been removed
  4. Written in calligraphic round hand
  5. Highly illuminated
  6. Leav IV has a large historical capital D and a coat of arms showing two olive trees in diagonal quarters on a gold field with the motto: "Matura Lente"; the other two quarters bear three horizontal bars, sable on argent. Leaf 40 has been stitched in to provide space for the family record carried up to 1627. This is a compilation of documents recognizing the nobility of the Morales family

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchase. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Date unknown.

bound Bound
Felipe II, king of Spain, 1527-1598. Carta de previllegio y confirmacion ... al convento de alcantara. , 4 June 1562 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 10 leaves 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding and leaves
  2. Confirmation of the privileges of royal taxes on shipments of gold and silver from America for the Orden de Alcantara. Has the signatures of officials of the Casa de Contratacion

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 1
Pius V, Saint, pope, 1504-1572. constitucion de Nuestro Santisimo Senor Pio Papa V contra los que ofenden el Estado, Bienes, y Personas del Santo oficio de la Ynquisicion, contra la heretica pravedad y Apostacia. , 1 April 1569 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 10 leaves 22 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains a list of the cardinals who subscribe to the resolutions

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Felipe II, king of Spain, 1527-1598. Carta de privilegio. , 24 December 1572 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 14 leaves 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding and leaves
  2. Letter of privilege guaranteeing a percentage of the gold and silver of the Casa de Contratacion first granted to Juan Garcia in exchange for a loan to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and later transferred to Antonio Gallardo.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Monteagudo, Francisco, notary public. Certificate of authenticity of an ejecutoria de hidalguia in favor of Luis de Valenzuela. , 18 November 1583 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 6 p. + 1 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Heavy vellum, originally laced with silk cords in a book of some forty leaves
  2. Only two separate sheets unaccompanied by the royal lead seal attached to documents of this sort. The certificate of authenticity is appended to a fragment of the ejecutoria of which only 3 leaves remain

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchase. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Date unknown.

bound Bound
Spain. Consejo de las Indias. Minutes of the meetings of the Consejo de las Indias. , 3 January 1614-27 December 1615 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 222 leaves 32 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Preserved in levant morocco case
  3. Contains the actua lminute sof the Consejo de las Indias, submitted to Felipe III, king of Spain, for his comments; with twenty-six autograph marginal notes by Felipe III, over sixty autograph notes by Francisco Sandoval y Rojas, duque de Lerma, and sixty letters to Felipe III from his confessor, Luis Aliaga. Accompanied by a typescript of the marginal notes, 14 p.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 1
Auto de la fee que se celebro en Sevilla en 30 de noviembre de 1624 de 45 Personas. , 30 November 1624 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 10 leaves 30 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Torre, Diego de la, Carmelite. Espexo Espiritual Del Principio, y fin de la vida humana. Dividido en quince raconamientos, y en ciento y cinquenta dubios principales, Hechos entra el Discipulo y el Maestro, en forma de Dialogo. Recogido de Varios, y diversos auctores. Obra no menos deleitosa al Curioso entendimiento, que provechosa, y util al piadoso Lector. , 1628 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 189 leaves + 61 leaves 15 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. A devotional work written by Torre while he was a captive in Tunis. Also included is 1) the Epistola que Rabbi Samuel Judio escrivio en lengua Arabiga ... y se la enbio a Rabbi Isaac Maestro de la Sinagoga; 2) a Copy of the letter written by Alphonsus Bonihominis, Al Reverendisimo Padre en Christo fray Hugo ..., 1339; and 3) Sanctus Augustinus de dignitate Sacerdotum.
  3. The Epistola was written in Arabic in the 11th century by Samuel, Marochianus, a converted Jew. It was translated into Latin between 1337 and 1339 by Alphonsus Bonihominis and later published as Epistola Rabbi Samuelis, judaei ad Rabbi Isaac, judaeum ..., 1527 (See Antonio Palau y Dulcet, Manual del librero Hispano-Americano, Barcelona, Libreria palau, 1948-1972, Vol. XVIII, 289203. Lilly Z2681 .P16
  4. For biographical information on Samuel, Marochianus, see Christian Gottlieb Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon (Hildesheim, 1960), IV, col. 98 (Lilly Z1010 .J63), and Jo. Christophori Wolfii, Bibliotheca Hebraea (Hamburgi & Lipsiae, 1715-1733), I, 2076, p. 1099-1101 (Lilly Z7070 .W85)
  5. For biographical information on Alphonsus Bonihominis, see Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon, I, col. 1234, and Jacques Quetif & Jacques Echard, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Recensiti (New York, 1959), I, part 2, p. 594-595 (Lilly Z7840 .D7 Q8)

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Luis Bardon Lopez, Plaza de San Martin 3, Madrid, Spain. 1964 .

box 1
Felipe IV, king of Spain, 1605-1665. Madrid. To Lopo de Sequeira Pereira. , 30 August 1633 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Portuguese
  2. Small seal on the back
  3. Felipe IV, king of Spain, discusses methods of increasing revenues to defend the maritime commerce of Portugal, then under the crown of Spain

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Felipe IV, king of Spain, 1605-1665. Regium Infantioniae Privilegium Francisci Dominici de Ruesta. , 10 January 1641 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 20 leaves 28 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Spanish and Latin
  2. Bound in dark red morocco, wide rolled borders, fan corners, inner lozenges and central oval with Virgin and Child on each cover
  3. On leaf 2v is a coat of arms in colors
  4. Certification of the lineage of Francisco Domingo de Ruesta.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Felipe IV, king of Spain, 1605-1665. Vuestra Magestad Prorroga al convento de nuestra Senora de las Maravillas desta Corte La licencia que le tiene Concedida para poder Pedir Limosna en las yndias. , 23 March 1644 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 3 p. 32 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Papeles De Los Sucesos Del Capitan Don Felix Rodriguez De Arebalo Pacheco. , 9 June 1644 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 76 leaves 33 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Documents presented by Felix Rodriguez de Arebalo Pacheco to prove his claim to lands lost during war with the Portuguese. Claiming kinship with Diego Centeno, Rodriguez de Arebalo Pacheco includes documents of Centeno's, showing his loyalty to the king during the uprising of the Pizarros in Peru

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 1
Copias de los Pedimientos del senor Don Anttonio de Castro fiscal del Real Consexo de las Indias en el Pleito Sobre la Paga de los Derechos del Primer ano del assiento de la Introduzion de Negros y las Respuestas dadas a ellos. , 22 December 1644 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 18 p. 30 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659, bishop, viceroy of New Spain. Propone a vuestra Magestad y a Vuestro Real consejo Las Racones, que se han offrecido para obedecer y no cumplir dos reales provisiones despachadas por la Real chansilleria de Valladolid Sobre la materia occurrente de la Ecclesiastica ymmunidad de la qual de las yglesias es Vuestra Magestad unico Patron y Protector. , 14 September 1656 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 22 leaves 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in limp mottled sheep

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Carlos II, king of Spain, 1661-1700. Vuestra Magestad confirma y aprueua las Ordinaciones hechas por los Iurados de la Ciudad de Caragoca en favor de la Cofadria del Arte de la seda de aquella. , 26 August 1672 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 41 leaves 29.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in 17th century dark red morocco, spine full gilt, covers ornately tooled in gold with broad rolled borders, corners and central ovals of curious plumed tools in fan designs; Spanish, but with Italian influence
  2. Written in imitation of an Italian hand on vellum
  3. Signed for Carlos II by his mother, Mariana de Austria, queen consort of Felipe IV

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Portocarrero, Luis Manuel Fernandez de, 1635-1709, cardinal. Document concerning revenues of the archbishopric for 1678 and 1679. , 10 February 1679 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 2 p. 27.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Breve relacion de los subcesos mas sobresasalientes, que an acaecido en la Europa, despues que salio la flota a Nueva Spana por fines de Jullio del ano pasado de 92. , 1693? -

Physical Description: Autograph document 13 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. This contains information concerning political events in Europe and the deaths of prominent persons for the year 1692
  2. Bound in Relacion general de los sucesos de la Europa desde que salio la flota que truxo el aviso que salio de Espana... Lima, Impr. de Joseph de contreras, 1694 (Lilly D279.5 .R38 1694 Mendel)

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Source unknown. 1974 .

bound Bound
Valenzuela, Fernando, marques de Villa Sierra, 1636-1689, statesman. Historia Canonica De Los Machabeos. Con Exposiciones Sacras Morals y Politicas. , 1696 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 741 p. 28.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in mottled brown calf
  2. Gold tooling on spine is badly deteriorated
  3. A history of the Maccabees written in ink by an anonymous copyist. Copied from the original in the possession of Gaspar de la Cerda Sandoval Silva y Mendoza, conde de Galve, by the order of Tomas Tello de Guzman. Ownership of the book by Tomas Cristobal Romero Agredano is stated on the verso of the second title page. Part One is dedicated to the Catholic Church, prefaced and divided into 25 chapters, numbering 127 leaves. Part Two has an introduction, 31 chapters, numbering 402 p. and a sonnet to the sepulchre of Judas. The indices for both sections are at the end of the second.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Luis Bardon Lopez, Plaza de San Martin 3, Madrid, Spain. 1964 .

box 1
Castro, Antonio de. Sobre La Capellania de Pedro simois y obras pias de casar huerfanas que fundo. , 17th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 10 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Spanish and Latin
  2. Discourse on the rights of the Church over a chaplaincy in Portugal

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 1
Discurso sobre si su Magestad hallandose en castilla puede conoseer por su Real persona de las causas de Portugal y nonbrar para ellas Juntas de Jueces que no sean Portuguesas. , 17th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 43 p. 30 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1964 .

bound Bound
Osorio, Antonio, 1623-1680, Jesuit. Yncliti Herois, Principis, Ducis Ac M'lits Optimi Exemplar id est Yoannis Austriaci Vita. Auctore. , 17th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 1 p. + 349 p. 32.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Latin
  2. Quarter bound with medallion on front cover and smaller medallion on back cover
  3. Bookplate of Sir William Stirling-Maxwell on inside front cover
  4. Pasted on verso of the front flyleaf are notes about Antonio Osorio and the information that Pascual de Gayangos y Arce furnished this copy to Stirling-Maxwell. This work was translated and published as Modelo del inclito heroe, del Principe, del General y del excelente soldado, o sea Vida de Don Juan de Austria, Madrid, Blass, 1946 (See Antonio Palau y Dulcet, Manual del librero Hispano-Americano, Barcelona, Libreria Palau, 1948-1972, Vol. XII, 206591). Palau also states that the original manuscript in Latin is in the Biblioteca Nacional.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot S570a. 1968 .

bound Bound
Papeles Varios. , 17th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 240 leaves 32 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Bookplate of Bernardo Mendel on inside front cover
  3. Some printed items
  4. A collection of sixty-one documents, many of which pertain to the reign of Carlos II, king of Spain, and particularly to the controversy caused by Juan Jose de Austria. An index on leaves 4-5 lists 59 of the items.
  5. Among the items are: 1) a Remedio Contra toda peste, n.d., leaf 6, and a printed version, leaf 27; 2) copies of letters of Felipe II, king of Spain, to Pope Pius V and Catalina, queen consort of Juan III, king of Portugal, concerning the imprisonment of Felipe II's son, Carlos, in 1568; 3) Cedulas of Carlos II, on leaves 12-15, 105, 109, and 170-175; 4) the printed Defensa de la Astrologia y respuesta al Catedratico bastardo de matematicas de Cien-Pozuelos, Madrid, 1681 (see Antonio Palau y Dulcet, Manual del librero Hispano-Americano, Barcelona, Libreria Palau, 1948-1972, 69675); 5) Copia fielmente sacada de una carta secreta que un Religioso escrivio al Senor Inquisidor General, Zaragoza, 1668?, leaves 72-73 (see Palau y Dulcet, Manual, 61268); 6) Cartas de S.A. para su Magestad, y Marques de Aytona, y carta que su Magestad mando responder a S.A. Todas escritas desde que S.A. llego a Torrejon de Ardoz, hasta que partio para Guadalaxara, n.p., 1669, leaves 76-79 (see Palau y Dulcet, Manual, 46335); 7) three printed memorials to the king from the deputies of the kingdom of Aragon, n.d., leaves 84-87; 8) Copia de carta, que el Ilustrisimo Senor D. Ioseph de Cossio Barreda, Obispo de Salamanca, escrivio a su familia el dia, que recibio el Viatico en la enfermedad, de que murio, n.p., 1689, leaf 157; 9) two genealogical trees of the royal families of Spain and Portugal, leaves 161-169; 10) Los Acuerdos que el Reyno hizo en las Cortes que se propusieron en nueve de Febrero de mil y seiscientos y diezisiete, en que sirvio a su Magestad con disziocho milliones, Madrid, 1617, leaves 176-227 (see Palau y Dulcet, Manual, 2450); and 11) Prematica en que su Magestad manda, que de aqui adelante no se pueda hazer ni escribir ninguna escritura ni instrumento publico... Madrid, Por la Viuda de Alonso Martin, 1637, leaves 228-237 (see Palau y Dulcet, Manual, 235463).

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1964 .

box 1
Inquisition. Spain. List of books to be added to the Index librorum prohibitorum. , 21 December 1701 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 2 p. 31 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Enriquez de Cabrera, Juan Tomas, 1646-1705, statesman. Copia de Carta escrita a lost Ministros de Estados por el Almirante. , 31 October 1702 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 3 p. 29 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Appended to this are copies of Enriquez de Cabrera's letter to the queen, Maria Luisa Gabriela de Saboya, on Oct. 31, 1702, and her reply, Nov. 13, 1702

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 1
Orellana Pizarro y Barrantes, Fernando Jose de, government official. Copy of a royal decree concerning payment of the troops and Orellana's instructions for implementing the decree. , 15 May 1713 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 4 p. 30.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1964 .

box 1
Felipe V, king of Spain, 1683-1746. Para que las Justizias del Reyno y Probinzias del Peru, Guarden y Cunplan la Requisitoria, arriva ynserta como se manda, a pedimiento de Don Martin Antonio de Vega Marques de Feria. , 22 May 1728 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 16 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Impression of a wax seal on p. 16
  2. Approves the requisitorio submitted by Martin Antonio de Vega y Cruzat, marques de Feria, concerning the settling of his father's estate.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Felipe V, king of Spain, 1683-1746. Military promotion for Francisco Franquin. , 5 March 1734 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 2 p. 29.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. This is a copy made on Dec. 14, 1734

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
En quanto al disturbo entre las potencias de Europa ocurren las novedades Siguientes. , 3 July-6 August 1756 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 2 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Report on events in Europe in 1756

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Documents concerning Miguel de la Grua Talamanca y Branciforte, marques de Branciforte. , 17 August 1758-12 April 1792 -

Quantity: 32 p. 21-33 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Eleven documents
  2. Two documents in Latin
  3. Two documents are partly printed
  4. The manuscripts concern appointments and honors for Branciforte

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Juicio imparcial de la Nacion Espanola en General, y Particular por las Provincias, que la compone. , 1767-1804 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 70 leaves 23 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Limp vellum binding
  2. Marbled endpapers
  3. Inside front cover has the bookplate of the author Manuel Antonio Roman, 1858-1920
  4. A compilation of manuscripts dealing mainly with the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain and the French Revolution
  5. Contents: 1) Juicio imparcial de la Nacion Espanola... (decimas about the character of the people of Spanish provinces and possessions), n.d., leaves 1-7. 2) A summary of correspondence between the Dean of Cuenca and the Cura of Pareja, n.d., leaf 8. 3) Copia de una Carta del Rey Carlos tercero al Papa Clemente XIII dandole Cuenta de la Expulsion de los Jesuitas, Mar. 31, 1767, leaves 9-9v. 4) Respuesta de Nuestro Santo Padre Clemente XIII al Rey Catholico de las Espanas Carlos tercero, Apr. 16, 1767, leaves 9v-15. 5) Consulta del consejo Extraordinario de Castilla al Rey, en vista del Brebe del Papa, con fecha de 30 de Abril de 1767, leaves 16-25v. 6) Respuesta de Rey Carlos tercero, June 2, 1767, leaves 25v-26v. 7) Glosa de la Sequencia de Difuntos (decimas of a religious nature), n.d., leaves 27-31. 8) Decimas (treating the French Revolution), n.d., leaves 32-38v. 9) Causas, y Agentes de la revolucion de Francia, n.d., leaves 39-42v. 10) Relacion de lo acaecido con un soldado Frances llamado Richart del Reximiento de Ynfanteria de Chartres, hallandose en Brest de Guarnicion, n.d., leaves 43-45v. 11) Verdades desnudas de la Reynante de? toda (decimas), n.d., leaves 46-47v. 12) Apuntamiento de un chronista Frances para la Historia de Espana del Siglo presente (decimas), n.d., leaves 48-49. 13) Decimas de Don Ramon de la Cruz, n.d., leaves 49-49v. 14) Carta Pastoral del senor Obispo de Blois, escrita al Clero de su Diocesi (concerning the French Revolution), n.d., leaves 50-61. 15) Haviendo preguntado en Genova un Frances a un Presbitero de Calatayud, si era Ex-Jesuita, le respondio (reply follows in poetic form), n.d., leaf 62. 16) Epitafio a la gran Republica francesa muerta en 19 de Mayo de 1804 (a decima), n.d., leaf 62v. 17) Gazeta Historica-Politica de lo temporal, y eterno, de lo pasado, presente, y futuro, May 25, 1785, leaves 63-66v. 18) Carta del Yllustrisimo Senor Obispo de Orense (to Carlos III, king of Spain), 1786, leaves 66v-70v.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot 24961. Date unknown.

bound Bound
Carlos III, king of Spain, 1716-1788. Reglamento, y Ordenanza de Su Magestad Para el Exercicio, Evoluciones, y Maniobras de la Cavalleria, y Dragones Montados de sus Exercitos, y otros puntos relativos al servicio de estos Cuerpos. , 8 July 1774 -

Quantity: 95 leaves + 39 blank leaves 14 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. A handbook of military regulations and procedures
  3. A copy of the printed work, Reglamento y ordenanza de s. M. para el exercicio, evoluciones y maiobras de la cavalleria y Dragones montados de sus exercitos..., Madrid, Pedro Marin, 1768 (see Antonio Palau y Dulcet, Manual del librero hispanoamericano, Barcelona, 1948- , Vol. XV, nos. 255855-6).

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot 24810. 1968 .

box 1
Document giving information about the Spanish army and navy. , 23 January 1776 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 2 p. 20.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Floridablanca, Jose Monino y Redondo, conde de, 1728-1808, statesman. Madrid. To Francisco Tadeo Diez de Medina. , 23 April 1788 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 1 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Informs Diez de Medina that Floridablanca has been made president of the Consejo de las Indias

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Segura, Martin de, notary public. Certification of a visit with Maria Bentura de Guirior, marquesa de Guirior. , 18 March 1790 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 2 p. 31 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Ceronio, Esteban. Philadelphia. To Jose Ignacio de Viar. , 28 October 1790 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 26 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Requests a passport to New Orleans

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

ovflat 28
Fernandez Canel, Sebastian. Ysla de Leon. To Tomas Lopez de Vargas Machuca. , 7 May 1793 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 3 p. 21 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Accompanied by Map of the Mariana Islands, A.D. 1 p. 60 cm.
  2. Letter concerns the enclosed map that Lopez de Vargas Machuca has requested

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Noticias de Espana. , 15 November 1793-11 January 1799 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 4 vols. 676 leaves 22 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Notices sent by an anonymous observer to an unknown friend concerning historical events in Spain. Topics covered include the royal court, society, politics, and military reports. This is probably a contemporary copy of the notices.
  3. Contents: 1) Vol. 1, leaves 1-147, 15 November 1793-30 December 1794. 2) Vol. 2, leaves 148-319, 2 January 1795-5 January 1796. 3) Vol. 3, leaves 320-520, 8 January 1796-29 April 1798. 4) Vol. 4, leaves 521-676, 10 October 1797-11 January 1799.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot 24959. 1968 .

box 1
Aranguren, Manuel de, notary public. Transcript of correspondence between Jose Gamoliate and Jose Gardoqui and sons. , 22 January 1796 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 7 p. 23.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. On last page is a wax seal
  2. The correspondence concerns Gamoliate's and Gardoqui's involvement in the fishing industry. The correspondence extends from 25 December 1795 until 19 January 1796.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 1
Munoz, Juan Bautista, 1745-1799, historian. Respuesta de Don Juan Bautista Munoz al Voto particular del Senor Don Josef de Guevara sobre la Historia del Nuevo Mundo. , 1796? -

Physical Description: Autograph document 28 leaves 22 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Sheets loose in vellum binding
  2. Munoz answers the criticisms made by Jose de Guevara during the sessions of the Academia de Historia about his work, Historia del Nuevo-mundo..., Madrid, Ibarra, 1793.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 1
Godoy Alvarez de Faria Rios Sanchez y Zarzosa, Manuel de, principe de la Paz, 1767-1851, statesman. Por quanto ha resuelto el Rey, que Dios guarde, conceder Pasaporte a Juan Leonard... , 2 February 1798 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Partly printed

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Soler, Miguel Cayetano, 1746-1809, statesman. Aranjuez. To Bernardo de Iriarte. , 1 April 1799 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 20.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Laid in half morocco case
  2. Accompanied by the original envelope with portion of wax seal preserved
  3. Requests the evaluation of Luis Vilemont's reports about the Louisiana and Ohio River regions. Also enclosed is an unsigned note to Iriarte informing him of Vilemont's desires for employment.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot 24758. 1968 .

box 1
Papel compuesto por don Santiago Riol, y remitido a Su Magestad sobre el origen del Santo oficio. , 18th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 11 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Historical essay about the Inquisition

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Papel del Penitente del Padre Marquina. , 18th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 147 leaves 21.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Bookplate of Manuel Antonio Roman on inside back cover
  3. Works critical of Jose Francisco de Isla's Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes. Escrita por Don Francisco Lobon de Zalazar, Madrid, Impr. de D. Gabriel Ramirez, 1758. For an English translation of Isla's work, see The History of the Famous Preacher, Friar Gerund de Campazas: otherwise Gerund Zotes, London, T. Davies, 1772 (Lilly PQ6530 .H6 E5)
  4. Contents: 1) Prologo al Autor de la Obra de Fray Gerundio, leaf 103; 2) Yntroducion, leaf 3v.; 3) four Reparos, leaves 3v-24; 4) Diferentes Papeles Poeticas..., leaves 24v-28; 5) four Cartas, leaves 29-139; and 6) Dialogo ..., leaves 140-147.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio, general. Military distinction to the soldier Jose Mendoza. , 20 January 1801 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Partly printed

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de, 1744-1811, author, statesman. Majorca. To Carlos IV, king of Spain. , 24 April-8 October 1801 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 11 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Two letters protesting his imprisonment and treatment and asserting his innocence of wrong-doing

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Soler, Miguel Cayetano, 1746-1809, government official. San Ildefonso. To Domingo Garcia Fernandez. , 27 August-18 December 1807 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 9 p. 29.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Two letters to Garcia Fernandez discussing the manufactur of sulfur, gunpowder, and saltpeter. Enclosed is a Presupuesto de los Caudales que necesitan mensual o anualmente las Fabricas de Salitre Azufre y Polvora... n.d.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Report on events in Spain. , 24 August 1808 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 16 p. 20.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Horst, Baron de, et al. Berga, Spain. To Anselmo de Dalmases. , 1 October 1811 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Concerns the Direccion general de hospitales del Ejercito de Cataluna

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Collar, Silvestre, government official. Cadiz. To Ayacucho, Peru (City) Catedral. , 31 December 1811 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 6 p. 30.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Collar is asking for contributions to pay the salaries of the ministers of the Consejo de las Indias. Enclosed is a royal cedula Vuestro Magestad exorta a los Arzobispos, Obispos, y Cavildos de las Yglesias a que voluntariamente contribuyan anualmente para pagar los sueldos de los Ministros del Consejo de aquellos Dominios, y demas Subalternos de el, por estar destinadas las rentas del Estado a la manutencion de los Exercitos, Dec. 31, 1811

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Abadia, Francisco Javier, 1774-1860, general. Ponferrada. To Francisco Javier Castanos y Aragoni, duque de Bailen. , 20 February 1812 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 3 p. 29 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Discusses military matters

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Horst, Baron de, et al. Berga, spain. To Catalans de la America. , 1 June 1812 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Catalan
  2. Concerns the Direccion general de hospitales del Ejercito de Cataluna

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Horst, Baron de, et al. Berga, Spain. To Anselmo de Dalmases. , 4 June 1812 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Concerns the Direccion general de hospitales del Ejercito de Cataluna. Accompanied by two enclosures dated 1 June 1812, to the same effect

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Martin Diaz, Juan, 1775-1825, general. Aranda de Duero, Spain. To Excelentisimo Senor General en Gefe del 6o Egercito. , 12 December 1812 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 20.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Discusses military matters

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Sanchez, Joaquin Ciudad. Madrid. To Luis Maria de Salazar, conde de Salazar. , 19 May 1814 -

Physical Description: Autogrpah document 8 p. 29.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Discusses problems in the manufacture of gunpowder and saltpeter

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Horst, Baron de, et al. Barcelona. To Anselmo and Benito de Dalmases. , 15 December 1814 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 3 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Concerns the Direccion general de hospitales del Ejercito de Cataluna

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Horst, Baron de, et al. Barcelona. To Anselmo and Benito de Dalmases. , 9 February 1815 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 29.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Concerns the Direccion general de hospitales del Ejercito de Cataluna

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Status reports of the Spanish army. , 30 March-16 September 1815 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 5 p. 25-30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Five separate reports

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

ovflat 4
Exercito de Reserva. Estado que manifiesta las Divisiones que componen el expresado Exercito y puntos donde deben acantonarse. , 26 August 1815 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 1 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers and the rnumber of troops in the reserve army

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Dependencias y existencias Del viaje numero 2 y 3 De la fragata Resolucion A Cadiz. , 1816-1820 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 29 leaves + 87 blank leaves 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Calf binding
  2. Affairs of the second and third voyages of the frigate Resolucion

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot 24812. 1968 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
O'Donnell, Enrique Jose, conde de La Bisbal, 1769-1834, general. Exercito de Ultramar. Estado de su Fuerza en 1o de Enero de 1817. , 1 January 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 2 p. 44 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers and statistics of the ejercito de Ultramar. Also signed by Blas de Fournas

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
O'Donnell, Enrique Jose, conde de La Bisbal, 1769-1834, general. Exercito de Ultramar. Plana Mayor del Exercito. , 1 March 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 43 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers of the Ejercito del Ultramar and of the officials of the Real Hacienda del Ejercito. Also signed by Blas de Fournas

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
O'Donnell, Enrique Jose, conde de La Bisbal, 1769-1834, general. Resumen general. , 1 March 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 43 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains statistics concerning the Ejercito do Ultramar. Also signed by Blas de Fournas

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
O'Donnell, Enrique Jose, conde de La Bisbal, 1769-1834, general. Exercito de Ultramar. Estado de su fuerza en 1o de Abril de 1817. , 1 April 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 2 p. 47 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers and statistics concerning the Ejercito de Ultramar. Also signed by Blas de Fournas

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
Fournas, Blas de, 1761-1845, army officer. Exercito de Ultramar. Estado de su fuerza en 1o de Junio de 1817. , 1 June 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 2 p. 46 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers and statistics concerning the Ejercito de Ultramar

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
Fournas, Blas de, 1761-1845, army officer. Exercito de Ultramar. Plana Mayor. , 1 June 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 48 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers of the Ejercito de Ultramar and of the officials of the Real Hacienta del Ejercito

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

Map Case Lilly - 5
O'Donnell, Enrique Jose, conde de La Bisbal, 1769-1834, general. Egercito de Ultramar. Plana Mayor General. , 1 December 1817 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 54 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Contains the names of the officers of the Ejercito de Ultramar and of the officials of the Real Hacienda del Ejercito. Also signed by Blas de Fournas

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Valdeavellanos, Juan Bautista de, ship's captain. Sobordo de la Fragata Espanola nombrada Nuestra Senora de los Dolores a El Alcides su Maestre Don Juan Bautista de Valdeavellanos en su viaje a Lima. , 25 February 1818 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 19 leaves + 76 blank leaves 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in half calf
  2. Freight list of the Spanish frigate Nuestra Senora de los Dolores

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot 24811. 1968 .

box 2
Torre, Jorge Maria de la, government official. Por cuanto el REY nuestro enor Don FERNANDO VII ha venido en conceder la gracia de Invalido a Jose Mendoza... , 7 April 1818 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 30.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Partly printed

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Negociacion con Espana. , 1819? -

Physical Description: Autograph document 5 p. 20.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Report on the negotiations between Spain and the U.S. over disputed territories that culminated in the Treaty of Washington in 1819

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Martinez, Juan Manuel, notary. Acta notarial de protesto. , 9 September 1820 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 2 p. 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Notarial protest concerning lack of payment on a promissory note

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Desvit, Fernando. To Los Senores Calvo y Perez. , 25 November 1820 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 3 p. 23 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Gives news of events in Spain

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Rivas, Angel Perez de Saavedra Ramirez de Madrid Remirez de Baquedano, 3. duque de, 1791-1865, poet. Lanuza. Tragedia en 5 Actos. , 1822 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 61 leaves + 16 blank leaves 17.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in contemporary sheep, unlettered and untooled
  2. A copy of the printed work Lanuza, Madrid, Luis Munoz y Vilches, 1822 (see Antonio Palau y Dulcet, Manual del librero hispanoamericano, Barcelona, Antonio Palau Dulcet, 1948- , Vol. XVIII, no. 283257).

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Pavia y Pavia, Francisco de Paula, 1812-1895, government official. Diarios de Nabegacion de Don Francisco de Paula Pavia Abenturero de la Real Armada embarcado en la Fragata del Rey Restauracion... , 27 May 1828-21 October 1829 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 154 leaves 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in somewhat later sheep

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Lobo, Tomas, government official. Madrid. To Maria Antonia Godoy, marquesa de Branciforte? , 3 November-22 December 1830 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 3 p. 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Two items
  2. A letter informing the Marquesa de Branciforte that the queen, Maria Cristina de Borbon, has awarded her the Banda de la Reina Maria Luisa and a partly printed certificate to the same effect

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Campbell, Archibald. Autograph Signatures of Don John of Austria and some of his contemporaries and friends. Traced from originals in the Royal Archives of Simanacas by Archibald Campbell 1868. , 1868 -

Physical Description: Autograph document 30 p. 22 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Quarter bound with medallion on front cover, marbled spine
  2. Bookplate of Sir William Stirling-Maxwell on inside front cover
  3. Tissue tracings from original signatures mounted on verso pages, notes and comments on facing recto pages. Apparently made for Stirling-Maxwell's research in connection with his Don John of Austria, London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1883.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lanthrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

ovflat 28
Figueras y Moragas, Estanislao, 1819-1882, statesman. [Appointment of Juan de Alminana Martin as vice-consul to the United States.] , 8 April 1873 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 35 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Also signed by Emilio Castelar y Ripoll. Enclosed is a newspaper clipping concerning Castelar y Ripoll's death

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

ovflat 4
Alfonso XII, king of Spain, 1857-1885. [Appointment of Juan de Alminana Martin as consul to the United States.] , 31 August 1877 -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 1 p. 35 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Madrazo y Garreta, Raimundo de, 1841-1920, artist. To Chere Madame. , 22 October 1880 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 3 p. 16 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. French
  2. A personal letter

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Gayangos y Arce, Pascual, 1809-1897, historian. Autograph. , 28 February 1885 -

Physical Description: Autograph note signed 1 p. 18 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Castelar y Ripoll, Emilio, 1832-1899, statesman. Madrid. To Fanny Nole. , 19 December 1887-

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 1 p. 20.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Authorizes her to translate and have printed his Fra Filippo Lippi. Apparently this project was never completed

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Domingo y Marques, Francisco, 1842-1920, artist. To ? , 31 August 1888 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 4 p. 20 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Gives some biographical data

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Pardo Bazan, Emilia, condesa de, 1852-1921, author. To Fanny Hale Gardiner. , 29 August 1896 -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 2 p. 18 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Discusses an article she has read and the translation of some of her work

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
Muceta, Sebastian. List of papers belonging to a dead clergyman. , 19th century -

Physical Description: Autograph document 1 p. 30.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Benavente y Martinez, Jacinto, 1866-1954, dramatist. To Robert H. Rendueles. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph letter signed 1 p. 21 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Canciones Espanoles. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document 58 leaves 22 x 31 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Oblong quarto
  2. Bound in leather-backed cloth with the book-plate of Sir William Stirling-Maxwell on inside cover
  3. A list of the contents is in the back. There are sixteen transcriptions of folk songs.
  4. Three printed sheets, the first a lithograph, have been inserted.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. Harper lot S7572. 1968 .

bound Bound
Contiene este tomo los dos Procesos que el Tribunal de la Santa Ynquisicion fulmino el 1o contra el Arzobispo de Toledo Fray Bartolome de Carranza: Y el otro, contra el padre Maestro Fray Froylan Diaz, Confesor del Rey Don Carlos II. Los quales son dos sucesos harto peregrinos. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document 346 p. 22 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in discolored autumn-leaf brown calf, tooled in gold
  2. Title on spine reads: Vida del Arzobispo Carranza
  3. Anonymous copy in ink
  4. Contents: 1) Vida, cuasa, y sucesos, prosperos, y adversos del Yllustrisimo y Reverendisimo Senor Don Fray Bartholome de Carranza y Miranda, Arzobispo de Toledo, de la esclarecida orden de Predicadores. Escrita por Don Pedro de Salazar y Mendoza, Canonigo Penitenciario de dicha Santa Yglesia a instancia del Excelentisimo Senor Cardenal de Quiroga su dignisimo Arzobispo de toledo ano de 1586. 138 p. Published as Vida y sucesos prosperos y adversos de D. Fr. Bartolome de Carranza y Miranda, Arzobispo de Toledo... Madrid, En la Imprenta de Joseph Doblado, 1788. 2) Relacion de la causa, y Proceso fulminado contra el Padre Maestro Fray Froylan Diaz, de la Orden de Predicadores, comfesor del Senor Don Carlos II. Rey Catolico de Espana Con Noticia del suceso de su antecesor en el Ministerio el Padre Maestro fray Pedro Matilla de la misma religion. Estado del Govierno, y negocios Universales de la Monarquia, con otras particulares concernientes a ella. Cuio peregrino caso tubo principio en el ano de 1698 y fin en el de 1704. 208 p.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Luis Bardon Lopez, Plaza de San Martin 3, Madrid, Spain. 1964 .

bound Bound
Drawings for illustration of "Los Siete Infantes de Lara." , Undated -

Quantity: 11 drawings

Scope and Content:

  1. Illustrations for legend set in 10th century Spain
  2. Manuscripts used for backing are mainly 17th century, at least one from Bogota

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift. Becky Mirza, 1972 .

box 2
Document concerning Manuel de Segovia y Orozco, who was falsely accused of smuggling. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document 1 p. 29 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

box 2
Documents concerning the Spanish army. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document 6 p. 20.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

box 2
La gran fiesta de la Canonizazion de nuestro Padre Senor Thomas de Villanueva... , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document 4 p. 30.5 cm.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Miscellaneous. , Undated -

Physical Description: Document

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Source and date unknown.

bound Bound
Lopez de Ulloa, Francisco. Al Licenciado Don Juan de Caravajal Regente de la Real audiencia de Canaria el licenciado francisco Lopez de ulloa salud. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 14 leaves + 19 blank leaves 30 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in modern half red skiver
  2. A discourse on superstition and magic. On leaves 8-14 is Caravajal y Sande's reply, in Latin

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Bernardo Mendel, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1967 .

bound Bound
Manuscritos sobre Sevilla. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document 319 p. 22.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Bound in brown cloth lined cardboard covers, quartered leather spine with the title tooled in gold
  2. In ink in the hands of several copyists, with corrections and marginal notes in the last article
  3. A collection of articles copied or extracted from various works on Seville dealing with floods, the Inquisition, bubonic plague, administration of justice, and artists.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Luis Bardon Lopez, Plaza de San Martin 3, Madrid, Spain. 1964 .

bound Bound
Navarro, Juan Jeronimo, physician. Respuesta al papel defensorio que saco el Doctor Andres Geronimo Rocha en favor del impreso sobre se en la turgencia de humores se a de Sangrar o purgar y se puede la sangre ser turgente. , Undated -

Physical Description: Autograph document signed 82 leaves 21 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Vellum binding
  2. Latin and Spanish
  3. Contents: 1) Clarissimo Admodum nobili Medicor totius huius orbis ... Domino Doctori Melchiori Amusgo. Doctor Joannes Hieronimus Navarro S.P.D., leaves 1-6. 2) Ocasiono esta Respuesta en favor del Doctor diego de Cisneros contra el discurso del doctor Rocha..., leaf 7. 3) Comendatio Doctoris Andres Hyeronimi Rocha ad Doctissimum, u Reverendissimum Patrem F. Joannem de Ribera..., leaves 8-10. 4) Caption title begins at leaf 11.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .

bound Bound
Paletinus, Vincent. De jure et justitia belli contra indos ad Philip. II Hisp. Regem. , Undated -

Physical Description: Document 134 leaves 22.5 cm.

Scope and Content:

  1. Copy
  2. Latin
  3. Half red morocco binding
  4. Bookplate of Bernardo Mendel on inside front cover
  5. Two other works also bound in: 1) Maximilianus, Transylvanus, Epistola De Insulis Moluccis, 23 October 1522. This is a copy, in Latin, on leaves 81-104, of an account of the circumnavigation of the globe by Fernao de Magalhaes and Juan Sebastian del Cano. It is in the form of a letter written by Maximilianus to his father, Cardinal Matthaeus Lang. The work was published as De Moluccis insulis..., [Colonie, Eucharij Ceruicorni, 1523] (Lilly G240 .M2 M4 vault). 2) Noticia de la California Sonora, Nueva Vizcaya, y nuevo Mexico..., n.d., leaves 106-134, in Spanish.

Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased. Lathrop C. Harper, 8 West 40th Street, New York, New York, 10018. 1968 .