X mss., 1928-1961

Papers of Various at the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Finding aid created by Electronic finding aid encoded by Indiana University Libraries.

Title: X mss.
Collection No.: LMC 2103
Dates: 1928-1961

Quantity: 2 Boxes

Quantity: 2 standard

Abstract: The X mss., 1928-1961, (principally 1959-1961), consist of the office files of X: A Quarterly Review, edited by David John Wright and Patrick Swift and published by Barrie and Rockliff, London, England, vol. I, no. 1, November 1959 to vol. II, no. 2, August 1961, inclusive.
Location: Lilly - Stacks
Language: Materials are in English .
Repository: Lilly Library
1200 E. Seventh St.
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-5500
Business Number: 812-855-2452
URL: https://libraries.indiana.edu/lilly-library

Biographical Note

X, A Quarterly Review, also called X Magazine, was a British literature and arts review journal that ran from 1959 to 1962.

Scope and Content Note

The correspondence, 1957-1963, consists in the main of letters to the editors of X, David John Wright and Patrick Swift from contributors, translators and would-be contributors, and letters from Wright to Swift in regard to X. The letters from contributors and translators relate principally to their contributions to X, their writings, translation of articles, and comments on X and on other writers. The editorial make-ups and proofs are arranged in the order of the volumes and numbers of the magazine. Writings consists of the manuscripts of articles and poems submitted for publication, 1928-1960, (principally 1959- 1960).

Correspondents represented in the collection include Dannie Abse, Craigie Aitchison, John C. Ashby, Frank Auerbach, George Barker, Barrie and Rockliff, publishers, Marjorie Battock, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Mrs. Lilian Bomberg, Yves Bonnefoy, Patrick Bowles, James Brockway, J. S. Bussy, William Clarke, Jenny Joseph Coles, William Cookson, Anthony Cronin, Vera Daumal-Page, John Davenport, George Duthuit, Alexander Eliot, Andrew Forge, Charles Wrey Gardiner, David Gascoyne, Diego Giacometti, Denis Goacher, Nigel Gosling, Ken Gransden, Robert Graves, Helga Greene, Christopher Murray Grieve, Michael Grieve, Geoffrey Grigson, Donald Hall, Michael Hastings, Aidan Higgins, Brian Higgins, Derek Hill, Mary Hutchinson, Elizabeth Jennings, Maria Jolas, Patrick Joseph Gregory Kavanagh, Monique Lange, John Lehmann, Karl Leschke, Helen Lessore, Pierre Leyris, Claire McAllister, John McGahern, Charles Marowitz, Philip Martin, Andre Masson, Michael Leverson Meyer, Robert Nye, Ezra Loomis Pound, Gabriel Pustel, Henry Rago, George Reavey, Marie (Nordlinger) Riefstahl, W.R. Rodgers, John Russell, Michel Saint-Denis, Charles Hubert Sisson, Albert Skira, Florence Margaret Smith, Stephen Spender, Quentin Stevenson, Noel Stock, Patrick Swift, Richard Wadleigh, Nevile Arthur Douglas Wallis, John Walter, Vernon Phillips Watkins, W. P. Watt, Evelyn Waugh, Dobson Wayland, Cicely Veronica Wedgwood, John Weightman, Huw Wheldon, Oscar Williams, and David John Wright.


The collection is arranged into the following series: I. Correspondence, II. Writings, and III. Editorial Make-ups and Proofs.


Access Restrictions:

This collection is open for research.

Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice. Please make an appointment a minimum of one week in advance of your visit.

Usage Restrictions:

Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable rights holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish form.

Indexed Terms

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Item], X mss., Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Acquisition Information

Purchase: 1973

Collection Inventory


box 1
box 1
box 1
box 1
box 1
box 1
box 1
box 1
Wright, D.J., undated
box 1
Unidentified, undated


box 1
Graves, Robert , 5 November 1928
box 1
Ghika, N.H. , 1953
box 1
"For Adrian" , 29 August 1958
box 1
Auerbach, Frank , 6 July 1959
box 1
Nye, Robert , October 1959
box 1
Coper, Hans , 26 November 1959
box 1
Ghika, N.H. , 1959
box 1
Martin, Philip , 1960
box 1
Painter, G.D. , 18 July 1960
box 1
Notebook of David Wright, undated

Scope and Contents: Written conversations of David Wright, who was hearing impaired

box 1
Aitchison, Craigie, undated
box 1
Andrews, Michael, undated
box 1
Ashby, John C., "They run towards Emmans every morning," undated
box 1
Ashby, John C., "We start as all the popular programs start," undated
box 1
Ashby, Joh nC., "He looked with intermediate eyes," undated
box 1
Barker, George, "8 beatitudes to Denver," undated
box 1
Barker, George, "Circular from America," undated
box 1
Barker, George, "The hippogryph and the water-pistol," undated
box 1
Barker, George, "How to refuse a heavenly house," undated
box 1
Barker, George, "On a distant prospect of English poetry & Downing College," undated
box 1
Beckett, Samuel, "L'image," undated
box 1
Blackburn, Thomas, "A small, keen wind," undated
box 1
Blackburn, Thomas, "Teaching Wordsworth," undated
box 1
Bomberg, Lilian, "A few cuttings," undated
box 1
Bomberg, Lilian, "Notes on paintings," undated
box 1
Bomberg, Lilian, "Notes on the teaching period...of David Bomberg," undated
box 1
Clarke, William, "Military cemetery," undated
box 1
Clarke, William, "Mission hall," undated
box 1
Clarke, William, "Old people's home," undated
box 1
Clarke, William, "The widow," undated
box 1
Cronin, Anthony, "Fairway's betting office," undated
box 1
Cronin, Anthony, "Getting wurred in," undated
box 1
Cronin, Anthony, "It means what it says," undated
box 1
Cronin, Anthony, "R.M.S. Titanic," undated
box 1
Cronin, Anthony, "Responsibilities," undated
box 1
Duthuit, Georges, undated
box 1
Fairfax, John, "The City," undated
box 1
Fleming, William, "Aquinas on the 'De Anima,'" undated
box 1
Genet, Jean, "The secret of Rembrandt," undated
box 1
Ghika, N.H., undated
box 1
Gomperts, H.A., undated
box 1
Grieve, C.M., "From Hugh MacDiarmid's notebooks," undated
box 1
Grieve, C.M., "Poets on poetry: I," undated
box 1
Grieve, C.M., "Song of the seraphim," undated
box 1
Hardy, Robert, "Letter from James Mahon," undated
box 1
Hardy, Philip, "Prolegomenon to Philip Larkin," undated
box 1
Hastings, Michael, "The middle classes have no hero...," undated
box 1
Hastings, Michael, "Walking out," undated
box 1
Heath-Stubbs, John, "Francis Alexander - Tantum religio...," undated
box 1
Heath-Stubbs, J.F.A., undated
box 1
Higgins, Aidan, "Langrishe, go down; an extract from a novel," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "The accidental purity," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "Baedeker for Metaphysicians," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "The corrupt man in the French pub," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "Fame," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "A look around," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "Sadly the world," undated
box 1
Higgins, Brian, "A triumvirate," undated
box 1
Humble, Christopher, "The Hammersmith poem," undated
box 1
Humble, Christopher, "To my generation," undated
box 1
Hutchinson, Mary, undated
box 1
Kavanagh, P.J.G., "Living in the country," undated
box 1
Kavanagh, P.J.G., "Mermaid tavern," undated
box 1
Kavanagh, P.J.G., "The flying moment," undated
box 1
Kavanagh, P.J.G., "On a liberal education," undated
box 1
LeQuier, Jules, undated
box 1
Lessore, undated
box 1
Lowry, undated
box 1
McGahern, John, undated
box 1
Mahon, James, undated
box 1
Marowitz, Charles, undated
box 1
Morales, Dom F., "Myth one," undated
box 1
Nye, Robert, undated
box 1
Paton, William, undated
box 1
Pinget, Robert, undated
box 1
Pound, Ezra, undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "The administrators," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "C.H. Sisson," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "The execution," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "Found on a building site," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "He came to visit me," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "History lesson," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "Living by the river," undated
box 1
Seymour-Smith, Martin, "Request on the field," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Christopher Homm's Sunday dinner," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Leisure and the arts," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Natural history," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Seven poems," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Adam and Eve," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "A young woman," undated
box 1
Ssison, C.H., "By the lift gate," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Choses vues," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Grandmother," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "Great down," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "No title," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "The nature of man," undated
box 1
Sisson, C.H., "What a piece of work is man," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "The last turn of the screw," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "Poets on poetry: I," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "La robe chemise," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "Thoughts about the muse," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "Thoughts about the person from Porlock," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "Translation," undated
box 1
Smith, F.M., "Votaries of both sexes cry first to Venus," undated
box 1
Stevenson, Quentin, undated
box 1
Stock, Noel, "Danger," undated
box 1
Stock, Noel, "The serious artist," undated
box 1
Tarn, Nathaniel, "Remembering benares," undated
box 1
Watkins, V.P., undated
box 1
Wright, D.J., "A vision," undated
box 1
Wright, D.J., "Report on Paris," undated
box 1
Wright, D.J. and Swift, Patrick, "On the margin," undated
box 1
Wright, D.J. and Swift, Patrick, "Foreword to Vol. 2," undated
box 1
Wright, David John, "An editorial," undated
box 1
Wright, David John, "Reflections on love," undated
box 1
Unidentified, undated


box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 1 (Dummy)
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 1
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 1 (Galley proof)
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 1 (Page proof)
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 2

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 3
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 4
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 3 (Galley proof)
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 4 (Galley proof)
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 2, no. 1
box 1
Editorial make-up, v. 1, no. 4 (Page proof)
box 2
Editorial make-up, v. 2, no. 2
box 2
Editorial make-up, v. 2, no. 2 (Page proof)
box 2
Editorial make-up, v. 2, no. 3 (Galley proof)