Sembène mss., 1956-2008

Papers of Ousmane Sembène, 1956-2008, at the Lilly Library, Indiana University

Finding aid created by Mary McSparran

Creator: Sembène, Ousmane, 1923-2007
Title: Sembène mss.
Collection No.: LMC 2943
Dates: 1956-2008

Quantity: 32 Boxes

Abstract: The Sembène mss., 1956-2008, consists of the correspondence, photographs, writings, professional files, film scripts, and related material of filmmaker and author Ousmane Sembène.
Location: Lilly - Stacks
Language: English , French , Russian , Wolof .
Repository: Lilly Library
1200 E. Seventh St.
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-5500
Business Number: 812-855-2452

Biographical Note

Born in Ziguinchor on January 1, 1923, Ousmane Sembène worked as a fisherman and docker in Dakar as well as Marseille following his move to France in 1947, when he also became involved in PCF (French Communist Party). His years of experience in this profession inspired his first novel, Le Docker Noir , and his subsequent exposure to the French trade union movement and PCF influenced his cinematic and literary works as well as his political and professional activism. Sembène's career as a filmmaker began in 1963 with the production of Borom Sarret , releasing his first of many films in Wolof in 1968 with Mandabi . In the 1970's, Sembène co-founded and edited Kaddu , the first monthly newspaper entirely in Wolof, cementing his role as an advocate for his native language. Also an active advocate for African filmmakers in the international film community, Sembène co-founded a number of professional organizations, including FEPACI (Pan-African Federation of Film Professionals) and FESPACO (Pan-African Film Festival in Ougadougou or African Film Week), in addition to actively participating in many others.

Sembène continued to produce films and write novels until his death in 2007, winning a number of prizes and bringing attention and prestige to Senegalese cinematography. He is survived by his three sons: Alain, Moussa, and Mactar.

Scope and Contents

The Films series includes scripts, correspondence, contracts, and other production material related to Sembène's realized films. Films (Unrealized) consists of unproduced or unfinished projects, with a large portion of the material relating to his unrealized film Samori . Writings and Publications includes typescripts, correspondence, and drafts related to Sembène's prose and poetry, as well as material relating to Kaddu , the Wolof newspaper he co-founded. Writings by Others features articles, monographs, and magazines written by others, many of which were sent to Sembène by the author or collected by Sembène for research; the subseries About Sembène collects the many theses and articles that explore Sembène himself and his works. Professional Organizations consists of statutes, literature, correspondence, and papers relating to the many cinematic professional organizations Sembène belonged to and co-founded. Correspondence includes Sembène's professional and personal correspondence, including letters to and from his wives, children, and close friends. The Personal series consists of journals, identification cards and badges, and other personal material, along with a Legal and Financial subseries. Photographs include personal and production-related photos of Sembène and his films, as well as his appearances at professional conferences and with friends and family.


The collection is organized into the following series: Films, Films (Unrealized), Writings and Publications, Writings by Others, Professional Organizations, Correspondence, Personal, Photographs, and Audio-Visual. The Films series, as well as Writings and Publications, are arranged chronologically by date of release or publication, while Films (Unrealized) are arranged chronologically by rough date of development/production. Writings by Others and Professional Organizations are arranged alphabetically by author or source organization. Correspondence is arranged chronologically, and major correspondents are sorted into individual folders arranged alphabetically when possible.

A note from the archivist: some of the letters within the Correspondence series are missing the first page. Care has been taken to reunite orphan pages when possible, but approximate dates were assigned when the first page could not be located. Additionally, subjects of photos in the Photographs series have been identified and separated into their respective films when possible, but the "Friends, Family, and Production Photos" folders may contain stills from these films that were not identified. Similarly, unidentified photos of Sembène may be contained within these folders rather than in the "Sembène with Friends and Family" folders if his identity could not be confirmed with a degree of certainty.


Conditions Governing Access:

This collection is open for research.

Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice. Please make an appointment a minimum of one week in advance of your visit.

Conditions Governing Use:

Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable rights holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish form.

Related Materials

See Ngũgĩ mss., also located at the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Indexed Terms

Administrative Information

Existence and Location of Copies

For digitized content, see the Online Content tab or Sembène mss., 1956-2008 in Digital Collections.

Preferred Citation

[Item], Sembène mss., Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Purchase: 2018

Collection Inventory




Borom Sarret
box 1
"Black Girl," DVD, undated
box 1
Script, undated
box 1
Correspondence , 1963-1967

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 1
Financial , 1969-1972


box 1
Script and related material , 1965-1988
box 1
"Vexi Ciossan," typescript, undated
box 1
"Wexi Ciossane," printed, undated


La Noire de...
box 1
Scenario , 1966


box 1
"Danmarks Radio" publication , 1977
box 1
Correspondence , 1968-1974
box 1
Contracts and financial , 1967-1969
box 1
Dialogues, undated


box 1
Scenarios, undated


box 1
"Dossier Emitai" , 1971-1973

Physical Description: (4 folders)

box 1
"MK2 Productions - Karmitz" , 1977-1981
box 1
Synopsis , 1972?
box 1
"Euroamerica Films" , 1982
box 1
Correspondence and contracts , 1971-1973
box 1
"Agence de Cooperation Technique et Culturelle" , 1981
box 1
Script (bound), undated


Seven in Germany
box 1
Correspondence , 1972-1973


box 2
Reviews and critiques , 1976-1991
box 2
Dialogues (French and English), undated
box 2
Photographs - notebook , 1974
box 2
Photographs - loose, undated
box 2
Promotional material, undated
box 2
Presentation dossiers and synopses, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 2
Scripts, undated

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 2
Financial documents , 1966-1985
box 2
Research files , 1973?
box 2
Correspondence , 1973-1984

Physical Description: (2 folders)

Box 32
Script , undated


box 2
Notebook, undated
box 2
Financial documents , 1976-1987
box 2
"Dossier sur le Mali," Mamby Sidibe, undated
box 2
Correspondence , 1977-1986

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 2
Promotional material, undated
box 2
Synopsis and lists of cast and crew, undated
box 2
Dialogues in Wolof, undated
box 3
"Dossier Ceddo" , 1976-1977

Physical Description: (5 folders)

box 3
"Lettre à tous les Senegalais," Ousmane Sembène , 1977
box 3
Employee contracts , 1976

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 3
Blank contracts, undated
box 3
Manuscript - dialogues in French, undated
box 3
Review , 1998
box 3
Script, undated
box 3
Dialogues in French, undated
Box 32
Scripts , undated


Camp de Thiaroye
box 3
Annotated script, undated
box 3
"Liste des sequences par decor," undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 3
"Dépouillement," undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 4
"Rapport script" , 1987?

Physical Description: (4 folders)

box 4
Speech - Mostra (Festival), Venise , September 1988


box 4
Expenditures and receipts , 1991-1992

Physical Description: (10 folders)

box 4
Financing plan, undated
box 4
Lists of equipment and material , 1991-1992
box 5
"Decomptes Doomireew et Galatée," undated
box 5
Negatives and photos , 1991

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 5
"Cachet interpretation," undated
box 5
Promotional material, undated
box 5
"Liste des médicaments," undated
box 5
"Traduction dialogues Wolof --> Francais," undated
box 5
Typescript of novel based on film , 1991
box 5
"Scenario en Wolof," undated
box 5
"Gendarmerie Nationale" , 1991
box 5
Incomplete script, undated
box 5
Script, undated
box 5
List of actors and roles , 1991
box 5
Synopsis, undated
box 5
Dialogues in Wolof, undated
box 5
Correspondence , 1991
box 5
Contracts and agreements , 1991-1992

Physical Description: (5 folders)

box 5
"Dépouillement," undated
Box 32
Script , undated


box 5
Script, undated
box 5
Dialogues in Wolof , 2000


box 5
Introduction and cost estimates, undated
box 5
"Projet de tirage de la version Bamanakan de Molaade en 200 copies," undated
box 5
"Heroisme au Quotidien" , 1998
box 6
Scripts, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)




box 6
Manuscript, undated




Rôles - première époque
box 6
Aguibu Taal, undated
box 6
Djabi, undated
box 6
Djeli Konate, undated
box 6
Djeli Sori, undated
box 6
Dotofere, undated
box 6
Dumbuya, undated
box 6
Dyaulen Karamogho, undated
box 6
Ka-Sya, undated
box 6
Kaba Konate, undated
box 6
Kafin-Fere, undated
box 6
Kani Mori, undated
box 6
Karamogh Cisse, undated
box 6
Karamogho Morifing, undated
box 6
Karamogho Mori Kaba, undated
box 6
Ke-Ule, undated
box 6
Kekoura, undated
box 6
Keme Kamara, undated
box 6
Kemo Sidibe, undated
box 6
Lanfinja, undated
box 6
Lenko, undated
box 6
Ma-Sorona, undated
box 6
Mambi Keita, undated
box 6
Mame Konate, undated
box 6
Manan Kolo, undated
box 6
Masa, undated
box 6
Masaran, undated
box 6
Mono, undated
box 6
Morifindiang, undated

Physical Description: (4 folders)

box 6
Morlay, undated
box 6
Nana Nfali, undated
box 6
Nintainin, undated
box 6
Ougangbe, undated
box 6
Sadji, undated
box 6
Sakho Kamara, undated
box 6
Samori, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 6
Sekuba, undated
box 6
Sagha-Usu, undated
box 6
Sere-Bourlay, undated
box 6
Sere-Brema, undated
box 6
Si-Demfo, undated
box 6
Sifaragbe, undated
box 6
Tafsir Daouda, undated
box 6
Tenekaly, undated
box 6
Thierno Bokar, undated
box 6
Va-Ferela, undated


Rôles - première et deuxième époques
box 6
Fa-Koroba, undated
box 6
Bubu Silla, undated
box 6
Day Kaba, undated
box 7
Dulaulare, undated
box 7
Dyaulen Karamogho, undated
box 7
Karfala, undated
box 7
Kokosi, undated
box 7
Mangama Nfaly, undated
box 7
Manigbe, undated
box 7
Moriba Kande (Falenko), undated
box 7
Famudu, undated
box 7
Sherifu Baturuba Lay, undated
box 7
Sherifu Sidiki Aidara, undated
box 7
Tassili, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 7
Traore, undated


Rôles - deuxième époque
box 7
Ahmadou Taal, undated
box 7
Alboury, undated
box 7
Ba-Bemba, undated
box 7
Dala-Ulare, undated
box 7
Dendo Soghoma, undated
box 7
Diawara, undated
box 7
Djeli Dyanka, undated
box 7
Djeli-Mousso, undated
box 7
Djigo, undated
box 7
Dugugbe, undated
box 7
Dyola Keita, undated
box 7
Gbesiramudu, undated
box 7
Karamogho Sakho, undated
box 7
Kyeula, undated
box 7
Mamamudu, undated
box 7
Mase, undated
box 7
Morifidiang, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 7
Mountaga Taal, undated
box 7
Nasika, undated
box 7
Samori, undated

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 7
Sekuba, undated
box 7
Solomini, undated
box 7
Tyeba, undated
box 7
Ya Sidibe, undated


Rôles - deuxième et troisième époques
box 7
Balla, undated
box 7
Daouda, undated
box 7
Fatimata, undated
box 7
Fo, undated
box 7
Mamadou Souleymane Dem, undated
box 7
Nambele, undated
box 7
Sidi Baba, undated


Rôles - troisième époque
box 8
Adyi Brema Diakhite, undated
box 8
Ahmadou Traore, undated
box 8
Ansu Ule, undated
box 8
Bakari Ule, undated
box 8
Balaydi, undated
box 8
Bayusu, undated
box 8
Djeli Mussa, undated
box 8
Dya Diakhite, undated
box 8
Gnassongo, undated
box 8
Karamogho Longosa, undated
box 8
Karamogho Ule, undated
box 8
Keletigi Wattara, undated
box 8
Mefono, undated
box 8
Morifidiang, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 8
Pelefogho, undated
box 8
Reine Dyimbe, undated
box 8
Sabana Ule, undated
box 8
Sagedi Traore, undated
box 8
Samori, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 8
Sekuba, undated
box 8
Sidikiba, undated
box 8
Wakuru, undated


Rôles - première, deuxième, et troisième époques
box 8
Alpha, undated
box 8
Amara, undated

Physical Description: (4 folders)

box 8
Ansumana, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 8
Bilali, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 8
Conde, undated

Physical Description: (Folder 1)

box 9
Conde, undated

Physical Description: (Folder 2)

box 9
Dyaulen Karamogho, undated
box 9
Dyaulen Sidibe, undated
box 9
Fabu, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 9
Fila Kali, undated
box 9
Fode, undated
box 9
Le Bourreau, undated
box 9
Manangbe, undated
box 9
Manangbe Kamara, undated
box 9
Ngolo, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 9
Saranke Konate, undated
box 9
Saranke Mori, undated
box 9
Sirafa, undated
box 9
Sire Toure, undated
box 9
Surakala, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 9
Syagba, undated
box 9
Tassili, undated
box 9
Tiranke Mori, undated
box 9
Tiranke Taure, undated


Rôles - première et troisième époques
box 9
Nielle, undated
box 9
"Assurance Sonam" , 1987
box 9
"Préambule - Projet de Lettre," undated
box 9
"Rapport de mission de Mr. Sembène," undated
box 9
"Restaurant, bar, hotel - décor," undated
box 10
Scene cards - all 3 époques, undated

Physical Description: (4 folders)

box 10
Scene cards - "Faamaya Sila," undated
box 10
Costume design - colored sketches, undated
box 10
Research materials and notes , 1902-1980

Physical Description: (Folders 1-6)

box 11
Research materials and notes , 1902-1980

Physical Description: (Folders 7-10)

box 11
Hand-drawn maps, undated
box 11
"Accord de co-production," undated
box 11
"Projet pout la reéalisation d'un film," undated
box 11
"List of materials," undated
box 11
"Convention," undated
box 11
"Compte rendu réunions" , 1986?
box 11
"Evaluation du devis," undated
box 11
"Participation des armées à la réalisation du film," undated
box 11
Synopsis and pitch materials, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 11
"Faamaya Sila" - bound screenplay, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 11
"Sikasso Kele" - bound screenplay, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 12
"Faama" - bound screenplay, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 12
Casting applications, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 12
Signed photo of Sidney Touré , 27 February 1985
box 12
Storyboards, undated
box 12
Dialogues in English, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 12
"Vincent Monteil" materials , 1981?
box 12
Correspondence , 1986-1989
box 12
Slides, undated
box 12
"Elements de décors," negatives, undated
box 12
"Sikasso Kele" - corrected typescripts, undated

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 12
"Sikasso Kele" - scene outline, undated
box 13
"Sikasso Kele - texte francais et frappe original Malinke," typescript, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 13
"Sikasso Kele - 3e frappe," typescript, undated

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 13
"Sikasso Kele," exemplaire no. 4, undated
box 13
"Faamaya Sila," exemplaire no. 2, undated
box 13
"Première époque," bound screenplay, undated
box 13
"Deuxième époque," bound screenplay, undated
box 14
"Troisième époque," bound screenplay, undated


God's Bits of Wood
box 14
Script, undated
box 14
Theater adaptation , 1985?
box 14
Correspondence , 1981-1987


box 14
Synopsis and budget, undated
box 14
Script, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)


box 14
Research materials , 1982?


Various Projects
box 14
Fatou Ndiaye Diop undated
box 14
"Kaire...Palais de Justice?," two spiral notebooks, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 14
"Vam/Chemin Faisant?" , 1985
box 14
Unidentified scenes and dialogues, undated




Docker noir
box 14
Correspondence , 1956-1963


O pays, mon beau peuple!
box 14
Correspondence , 1959-1961


Bouts de bois de Dieu
box 14
Correspondence , 1964-1968
Box 32
Theatrical adaptation , undated


box 14
Tome I - typescript , 1961

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 14
"Tome II: Compagnes d'ideaux," manuscript draft, undated
box 14
"Tome II: Compagnes d'ideaux," typescript, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 14
"Tome II: Compagnes d'ideaux," annotated typescript , 1961?

Physical Description: (2 folders)


box 15
Correspondence , 1972-1974

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 15
Subscriptions and cancellations , 1975?
box 15
Statutes and administrative files, undated
box 15
Blank stationery, undated
box 15
"Special" , 1972
box 15
No. 2 , 1972
box 15
No. 3 , 1972
box 15
No. 4, undated
box 15
No. 5 , 1972
box 15
No. 7, undated
box 15
No. 8, undated
box 15
No. 10 , 1973
box 15
No. 11 , 1973
box 15
No. 15, undated
box 15
No. 16 , 1974
box 15
No. 18 , 1974
box 15
No. 21, undated
box 15
No. 24, undated
box 15
Miscellaneous, undated
Box 32
"Espesyaal Endepandans" , 1972


box 15
Annotated typescript, undated
box 15
Typescript, undated
box 15
Revised typescript, undated
box 15
Reviews and articles , 1998


Dernier de l'empire
box 15
Annotated typescript, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 15
Page proofs, undated
box 15
Xerox typescript , 1980?

Physical Description: (3 folders)


box 16
Manuscript notebook, undated


box 16
"Elle et moi" , 1977?
box 16
Assorted poems, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)


Essays and Prose
box 16
"Collection of short stories," undated
box 16
"Nouvelles et contes," undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

Scope and Contents: Includes Le Mandat related material

box 16
"Nouvelle inédite," undated
box 16
"Reflexions sur l'histoire," undated
box 16
Various essays, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)




Afrika Zamani
box 16
No. 1 , September 1973


L'Afrique Actuelle
box 16
No. 15 , February 1967


Ambo Novib
box 16
"Persknipsels: Symposium 'Primair Literair,'" , 29-31 May 1991


Archives Culturelles du Sénégal
box 16
"Catalogue des collections audiovisuelles," undated


Bailleul, Charles
box 16
Lexique Bambara-Francais: syllabique et tonal , June 1973


Beye, Ben Diogaye
box 16
Thiaroye 44 undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 16
Thiaroye, terre rouge , undated


Bijl, Jaap
box 16
L'Habitat du grand nombre I , 1974
box 16
L'Habitat du grand nombre II , 1974
box 16
L'Habitat du grand nombre III , 1974


Biny, Traore
box 16
"La problematique du cinema africain," undated


Caam, Saxiir
box 17
Taalif, Woy, Tegg , undated


Cahiers du Cinema
box 17
No. 171 , October 1965


Caw, Isaa Laay
box 17
"La Résistance du Joobas à travers les chants populaires," undated


Cazenave, Teouc
box 17
"Le Couple" [dossier sur le polygame?], undated


box 17
"Bulletin de liaison," no. 10-11 , June-July 1969


Centre de Linguistique Appliquée de Dakar
box 17
"Pour parler Wolof: cours intensif" , 1977


Le Cinema Africain
box 17
No. 9, undated


Conseil Economique et Social
box 17
"Travail et roles feminins en Sénégal" , 1971?


Le Courrier
box 17
26e année , November 1973
box 17
June 1989


box 17
Les Langues nationales au Sénégal: réalités et perspectives , June 1977


Dia, Amadou Abdoul
box 17
Le Fouta de Kalmbane undated


Diakhate, M. Lamine
box 17
"Le Livre et Afrique," undated


Dieng, Amady Aly
box 17
"Classes sociales et mode de production esclavagiste en Afrique de l'ouest" , 1974


Direction Nationale de l'Alphabetisation
box 17
"Projet d'alphabetisation fonctionnelle des cooperateurs en milieu rural," undated
box 17
Wolof alphabet chart, undated


Faye, Cheikh Faty
box 17
"L'Opinion publique dakaroise, 1940-1944" , October 1973


Ferraton, H.
box 17
Agnes et le serpent sacré: histoires en noir et blanc , December 1989

Physical Description: (2 folders)


Gerima, Haile
box 17
Nunu undated


Gorée Institute
box 17
Financial reports , 1996-1997


Gadagbe, Dr. E. Z.
box 17
"Conseils de santé à la famille africaine" , 1977?


box 17
8e année, no. 16 , 1971
box 17
11e année, no. 24 , December 1975


Haile, Yanalbaye Kham Sy
box 17
Politesses , 2001


Hurel, R.
box 17
"Développement de six langues africaines en vue de leur utilisation pour une alphabetisation en milieu rural sénégalais" , January-June 1971


Institut Polytechnique de Conakry
box 17
"Le Baga-Ta (Histoire Art)," undated


Jdan, Vitaly
box 17
"La Formation des cinéastes en URSS," undated


Jeune Volta (UGEV)
box 17
"Special vacances" , 1976


Kan, Xalifa
box 17
Naq Jerinu , 1982


Khalil, Diare Ibrahima
box 17
Chants de larmes, de foi et de joie: recueil de poèmes et traduction chants populaires , undated
box 17
"Liane des générations: recueil des récits folkloriques , 1970?


Lettres Guinnéennes
box 17
No. 4 , August-October 1990


Ligue Anti-Imperialiste
box 17
Dossier 20e année no. 3 , November 1995


M'Bengue, Alioune Badara
box 18
Rapport sur le futur code de la famille , 10 July 1966


box 18
Miscellaneous clippings and publications , 1962-1998

Physical Description: (2 folders)


Monteil, Vincent
box 18
"Lat Dior, Damel du Kayor, et l'islamisation des wolofs" , 1963


Morisseau-Leroy, F.
box 18
Doguicimi undated


Mwangi, Meja; Balogun, Ola; Crowther, Bruce
box 18
Le Ministère de la peur undated


L'Organisme Général Egyptien pour le Cinéma
box 18
"L'Industrie cinématographique en République Arabe Unie" , May 1966


OUA - Centre d'Etudes Linguistiques et Historiques par Tradition Orale
box 18
"Communications presentées au seminaire 'Politique Culturelle et Unité Africaine" , 7-11 December 1981


box 18
"IIIe Forum Franco-Africain, Ougadougou" , 25-26 October 1997


Renaudeau, Michel
box 18
Sénégal undated

Scope and Contents: Inscribed and includes photograph


Renaudeau, M. & J. Gerard Bosio
box 18
Souvenirs du Sénégal , 1983


Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture
box 18
Collections and usage guidelines, undated


Sidibe, Manby
box 18
"Histoire du Mali: Deuxième Partie," undated


Sow, M. Abdoulaye Korka
box 18
"La Production cinéma tographique au Sénégal" , 3 December 1974


Sy, Samane Djoubou
box 18
"Mamadou Lamine Drame: sur le chemin de l'honneur," undated


box 18
L'Art de l'Afrique occidentale representé dans les musées de l'URSS undated


Vieyra, M. Paulin
box 18
Le Cinema africain d'expression francaise undated
box 18
"L'africain face au cinema mondial," undated


Visages d'Afrique
box 18
No. 5 , June 1969


War Department
box 18
French Military Dictionary , 1 August 1944


About Sembène
box 18
Antoine, Kakou Bi N'Dri - Lectures des textes filmiques de Sembène Ousmane... , 1980
box 18
Banguissa, Eugene - L'Homme blanc en Afrique dans l'oeuvre de Sembène Ousmane , 1973
box 18
Bitumba, Monkasa - La Femme dans l'oeuvre littéraire de Sembène Ousmane , July 1974
box 19
Bocoume, Moussa Diallo - L'Esthetique du film africain: l'exemple des oeuvres de Ousmane Sembène... , 2000
box 19
Cheriaa, Tahar - Deux marches et deux politiques de l'audiovisuel en Afrique de l'ouest: au Sénégal et au Burkina Faso , June 1988
box 19
Clippings and articles about Sembène , 1974-2006
box 19
Day, Patrick L. - "Ce monde nouveau tant attendu, tant revé": Ousmane Sembène's vision of post-colonial... , 1989
box 19
Diome, Fatou - Les Mutations socioculturelles au Sénégal après l'indépendance d'après Xala de Sembène Ousmane , 6 July 1998
box 19
Dossier sur Sembène in Zaire , 1978
box 19
Huannou, Adrien - Le Réalisme militant dans les romans de Sembène Ousmane , 25 June 1973
box 19
Interviews with Sembène , 1971-1982
box 19
Kabore, Auguste Theodore - Ecritures littéraire et cinématographique d'Ousmane Sembène à travers Le Mandat , December 1996

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 19
Kayumba, Ilunga - L'Inceste et la folie dans "Veni-Ciosane" de Sembène Ousmane , 1985
box 19
Mbengue, Papa Wongue - Sembène Ousmane: récit écrit et récit filmique , 1981
box 19
Scrapbooks, undated
box 19
Smyley, Karen Marie - The African Woman: Interpretations of Senegalese Novelists Aboulaye Sadji and Ousmane Sembène , 1977

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 19
Suzuki, Junko - Etude de Xala de Sembène Ousmane , 1979
box 20
Tape Baroan, Tina Genevieve - Peinture sociale dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Mohammed Dib et d'Ousmane Sembène , 3 March 1992
box 20
Tine, Alioune - Etude pragmatique et semiotique des effets du bilinguisme dans les oeuvres romanesques de Sembène Ousmane , May 1981
box 20
Unknown - "African Cinema" , October 1992
box 20
Unknown - incomplete thesis about Sembène, undated
box 20
Voll, Solveig Borgenvik - Den Sosiale Realismen i Ousmane Sembènes Verk , 1972




ACCT (Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique)
box 20
Papers , 1975-1998


ACS (Cinéastes Sénégalais Associés)
box 20
Correspondence , 1971-1975


Armée Sénégalais
box 20
Correspondence about Samori , 1981-1986


Associations des Ecrivains du Sénégal
box 20
"Statuts d'association," undated


CEDEAO (Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest)
box 20
Papers and correspondence , 1984-1998


Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision
box 20
Bulletin no. 1 , August 1971


Centre National de Cinématographie
box 20
"Le cinéma francais en 1970" , July 1970


Comité Africain de Cinéastes
box 20
Charter, undated


Comité Nationale pour la Commemoration du Centenaire de l'Amine Ibrahima Arfang Senghor
box 20
Statuts , 1990


FEPACI (Pan-African Federation of Film Professionals)
box 20
"2e Festival Mondial des Arts Negro-Africains" , 1974-1975
box 20
Consultative Commission and Congress papers , 1993-1999

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 20
"Le cinéaste sénégalais dans la nation" , 1974
box 20
"Panther House - Museum of Modern Art" , 1972-1974
box 20
"Refonte" and Goree Institute , 1997-2000
box 20
Statutes, charters, and declarations , 1989?
box 20
Miscellaneous , 1975-1985?


FESPACO (Pan-African Film Festival in Ougadougou, or African Film Week)
box 20
Fourth festival , 1973
box 20
Fifth festival , February 1976
box 20
"Colloque 'Quel FESPACO Demain,'" , 26-28 March 1992
box 20
"Commissariat Général au festival" , 1988


Festival de Tours
box 21
Program , 1966


box 21
"Les motivations, les implications et les résultats d'un festival du cinéma 'pas comme les autres,'" , 22-31 October 1974


Ministre de la Communication
box 21
Correspondence , 1993-1994


Ministère de la Culture
box 21
Minutes and correspondence , 1971-1994


PEN Club
box 21
Correspondence and 49th International Congress papers , 1986-1992


Première Rencontre Cinématographique du Tière Monde
box 21
Correspondence , 1974


Rencontres Internationales pour un Nouveau Cinéma
box 21
Cahiers 1 et 4 , June 1974


SNC (National Society of Cinematography)
box 21
Papers, undated


SNPC (Société Nationale de Promotion du Cinéma)
box 21
Annual reports , 1985-1986

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 21
Annual report , 1987
box 21
Annual report , 1988
box 21
Annual report , 1989
box 21
"Au Journal Officiel de la République du Sénégal" , 15 August 1987
box 21
"Constitution de la Société Anonyme - statuts" , 15 December 1983
box 21
"Contrat de Gerence d'exploitation de films cinématographiques" , 1987?
box 21
Correspondence , 1988-1990

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 21
Correspondence - Cinéastes Sénégalais Associés , 1986-1987
box 21
Correspondence - Ministère de la Communication , 1989-1990

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 21
Correspondence - SATPEC (Tunisie) , 1988-1989
box 21
"Doudou Seydi - expert comptable" , 1985-1990

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 21
"Groupe de travail" , 1989
box 21
Minutes , 1983-1990

Physical Description: (Folders 1-2)

box 22
Minutes , 1983-1990

Physical Description: (Folders 3-4)

box 22
"Note à l'attention des administrateurs" , 1983-1989
box 22
"Note sur la répartition des credits d'investissement affectés aux films" , January 1986
box 22
"Politique du personnel en 1986" , 1986
box 22
"Procès verbal de controle de caisse" , October 1985
box 22
"Projet de budget provisionnel de l'exercice" , 1988
box 22
"Rapport d'activités" , 1987?
box 22
"Rapport de présentation" , 1988-1989
box 22
"Rapport de révision des comptes" , 1987
box 22
"Rapport de révision des comptes" , 1989
box 22
"Réponses aux directives - Directeur Général de la SNPC" , 1987


Société Africaine de Culture
box 22
Presented papers , 8-13 April 1974


UCOA (Union Cinématographique Ouest Africaine)
box 22
"Contrats du groupement d'interêt économique," undated
box 22
Correspondence and papers , 1986?


box 22
Correspondence , 1993-1994


UPAC (Union Pan-Africaine des Cinéastes)
box 22
"Dossier du projet de création" , July 1969


Vienna Institute for Development
box 22
"Symposium: 'The Documentary Film in Africa and Asia,'" , 4-10 July 1966


box 22
box 22
1960-2 July 1964
box 22
4 July 1964-1969
box 22
box 22
1970-8 October 1973
box 22
10 October 1973-28 February 1975
box 22
1 March 1975-20 April 1976
box 23
20 April 1976-1 December 1977
box 23
2 December 1977-16 June 1978
box 23
19 June 1978-3 May 1979
box 23
5 May 1979-25 December 1979
box 23

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 23
3 January 1980-15 December 1980
box 23
17 December 1980-20 November 1981
box 23
23 November 1981-31 August 1983
box 23
22 September 1983-11 October 1985
box 23
14 October 1985-27 July 1987
box 23
1 August 1987-1989
box 23
box 23
1990-15 January 1991
box 23
22 January 1991-17 March 1992
box 23
1 April 1992-15 January 1994
box 24
14 January 1994-1999
box 24
box 24
box 24
box 24
Actualités Francaises , 1964-1968

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 24
Arouh, Odette , 1960-1964
box 24
Bassori, Timite , 1965-1996
box 24
Belguith, Chehira , 1989?
box 24
Capponi, Sylvia , 1956-16 June 1960
box 24
Capponi, Sylvia , 23 June 1960-10 March 1961
box 24
Capponi, Sylvia , 3 March 1961-1981, undated
box 24
Comptoir Francais du Film , 1971-1972
box 24
Deville, Auguste & Carole , 1969-1981
box 24
Deville, "Mme." , 1962-1974
box 24
Dia, Marie , 1963-1972
box 24
Elise , 1968-1973
box 24
Eymon-Yocio, Florence , 1976-1994
box 24
Family letters , 1956-1994
box 24
Faye, Wayne , 1973-1979
box 24
Film distribution - Britain , 1985-1987
box 24
Film distribution - France , 1983-1984
box 24
Film distribution - Germany , 1981-1985
box 24
Film distribution - international , 1972-1976
box 24
Film distribution - Japan , 1980-1984
box 24
Film distribution - Yugoslavia , 1979-1993
box 24
Filmi Doomireew , 1987-1990
box 24
Galle Ceddo , 1983-1990

Physical Description: (2 folders)

box 24
Giraud, "Mme." , 1960
box 25
Haffner, Pierre , 1977-1983
box 25
"Important letters" , 1960-1988
box 25
Ingrand, Marlène , 1958-1981
box 25
Ministre de l'Information , 1977-1981
box 25
Moezzi, Valia , 1962-1969
box 25
Neige , 1960-1964
box 25
Odette (soeur de Sembène) , 1978-1985?
box 25
Oumar , 1968-1977
box 25
Pape , 1964-1990
box 25
Présence Africaine , 1977-1990
box 25
"Reflexions sur le cinéma" , 1967-1977

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 25
Seck, Mame , 1991-1998
box 25
Sembène, Alain , 1965-1999
box 25
Sembène, Moussa , 1995-1998
box 25
Société Nationale de Recouvrement , 1992-1994
box 25
"Soleil O et Comité Africain des Cinéastes" , 1982-1985
box 25
Sonatel , 1989-1991
box 25
"Symposium du Pays-Bas" , 1991
box 25
To Moussa , 1993?
box 25
Vieyra, Paulin , 1968-1980


box 25
"Bibliothèque Ousmane Sembène," UNESCO certificate , November 1993
box 25
Business cards and checks, undated
box 25
Visitors' guest book, undated
box 25
Filmi Doomireew registration , 1971
box 25
Passports, undated
box 25
Blueprints and plans of Dakar (?), undated
box 25
Voter and membership cards , 1983-1997?
box 25
"Troisième voyage U.S.A.," journal , 1972
box 25
Birth certificate - Moussa Sembène , 21 June 1983
box 25
"Voyage aux US," itinerary , 1972?
box 25
Caricature of Sembène , 21 August 1975
box 25
Journal , 1988
box 27
Stamp scrapbooks, undated
box 28
Pipe collection, undated
box 29
Film festival passes, undated


Legal and Financial
box 26
"Plainte de Mame Seck Mbacke" , 2008
box 26
Contracts and agreements , 1984-2000?
box 26
Crédit Lyonnais , 20 October 1998
box 26
Comptoir Francais du Film , 1968-1975
box 26
Heirs of Sembène (with family tree) , 2008?
box 26
Bills , 1988-2006

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 26
Filmi Doomireew finances , 1988-1990

Physical Description: (3 folders)


box 26
Friends, fanily, and production photos , 1960-2000?

Physical Description: (5 folders)

box 26
Sembène with friends and family , 1960-2000?

Physical Description: (Folders 1-4)

box 27
Sembène with friends and family , 1960-2000?

Physical Description: (Folder 5)

box 27
Ceddo , 1977?
box 27
Mandabi , 1968?
box 27
Xala , 1975?
box 27
Emitai , 1971?
box 27
Guelwaar , 1993?
box 27
Moussa, undated
box 27
Borom Sarret , 1963?
box 27
Slides of Sembène , August 1981
box 27
Negatives , 1976?
box 27
Patricia - "à l'oncle," undated
box 27
Camp de Thiaroye , 1988?

Physical Description: (3 folders)

box 27
Baby pictures of Moussa and Mactar (?) , 1980s?
box 27
Framed Photo


Box 31
Cameras d'Afrique VHS, undated
Box 31
Moolade - première, Betacam master, undated
Box 31
Moolade - deuxième, Betacam master, undated
Box 31
Moolade - troisième, Betacam master, undated
Box 31
Moolade - quatrième, Betacam master, undated
Box 31
Moolade - cinquième, Betacam master, undated
Box 31
"Palabre avec M. Ousmane Sembène," two audiocassettes , 8 January 1981

Scope and Contents: Includes note from Jonathan A. Reben at UMBC's African American Studies department thanking Sembène for his time and participation

Box 31
"Ousmane Sembène," audiocassette , February 1978
Box 31
Unidentified miniature film reel, undated
Box 31
"Literatur in Afrika - Schreiben in Kikuyu," Ngugi wa Thiong'o, VHS, undated
Box 31
"Literatur in Afrika - Somalia," VHS, undated
Box 31
Interview with Sembène by Mel Churchill for "San Francisco Wake Up," U-matic, undated
Box 31
"Pathe Diagne - Pale Jân," sound recording tape, undated
Box 31
"Musique Nationale Sénégalaise," sound recording tape, undated
Box 31
"Discussion cinéastes/étudiants - Sembène Ousmane," 5e FESPACO à Ougadougou, sound recording tape , 1976?
Box 31
"Mansane Cisse, Diouana San, Kora Seul," two long play sound tapes, undated
Box 31
"Film: Dagmat Hellsler," VHS, undated