Creator: | Ostrom, Elinor |
Title: | Ostrom, Elinor mss. |
Collection No.: | LMC 2748 |
Dates: | 1889-2012 |
Quantity: | Quantity: 437 Boxes |
Abstract: | The Ostrom, Elinor mss., ca. 1889-2012, consist of the research, papers, correspondence, publications, manuscripts, proposals, photographs, audio tapes, and realia of Vincent and Elinor Ostrom, their colleagues and families, and the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. |
Location: | ALF (Auxiliary Library Facility); Lilly - Vault 2 |
Language: | English . |
Repository: | Lilly Library 1200 E. Seventh St. Bloomington, Indiana 47405-5500 Business Number: 812-855-2452 URL: |
Awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2009, "for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons," Ostrom was first the first woman to be so honored. She shared the award with Oliver E. Williamson. Considered one of the leading scholars in the study of common pool resources, Elinor's work examines how humans interact with ecosystems to maintain long-term sustainable resource yields and emphasizes the multi-faceted nature of human-ecosystem interactions. She had a particular emphasis on the relationship between police officers and their community. Vincent's work also involved the nature of human-ecosystem interactions, particularly with water and how it effects communities. He was also interested in institutional arrangement and organization, particularly with the termination of the Klamath Indian reservation in the 1950s and the drafting of a constitution for the state of Alaska.
The Elinor Ostrom and Vincent Ostrom series include material concerning research, teaching, professional organizations and conferences, writings by the Ostroms and writings by other people which they consulted in their research or courses they taught. Material that was either created by or concerns both Elinor and Vincent is in the Joint Elinor Ostrom/Vincent Ostrom series under the appropriate subseries. The Workshop series pertains to work directly connected with this organization, although there may be material cataloged under Elinor or Vincent that concerns the functions of the Workshop. Artifacts include objects and other items received with the manuscript material.
The collection is organized into the following series: Elinor Ostrom; Vincent Ostrom; Joint Elinor Ostrom/Vincent Ostrom Material; Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis; Photographs; Media; and Artifacts.
Minimally processed collection. Advance permission is required for access; use the Lilly Library's contact form to request permission.
Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice.
Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable copyright holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish Form .
[Item], Ostrom, Elinor mss., Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Gift: 2010-2021
Scope and Contents: Includes 1 trifold invitation, 1 separated trifold invitation, and 1 envelope inscribed Mrs. Hattie Hopkins
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Traveled Europe and Asia (identifies herself as Stock Market Trader); address book (records family dates)
Scope and Contents: Includes 1) Leah Hopkins in Boston, Girl's Latin School Orchestra, Boston 1913-1914 Leah Hopkins, pianist and composer; 2) postcard of Girl's Latin School written to Encie; Mrs. Lee Ainsworth
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) "Shapes of Clay" by Stan; 2) sewing project - needlepoint; 3) photographs from high school; 4)photographs of Chuck, Lin, and Mother; 5) commencement programs from Beverly Hills High School, 1946; 5) newspaper clippings, 1940s
Scope and Contents: Note that 12.5a-f concern Elinor Ostrom's father's productions. Elinor Ostrom's mother may have played in the orchestra of "The Firefly" 12.5f (see sheet music in collection)
Quantity: 3 Folders
Quantity: 3 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Zoning and Planning in Indiana; 2) Cooperation and Coordination in Cross-Border Governance from Local to International Scales
Quantity: 3 Folders
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Quantity: 5 Folders
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Scope and Contents: Includes 1) Baker, William "A review of models of landscape change"; 2) Behrens et al. "A Regional Analysis of Bari Land Use Intensification and Its Impact on Landscape Heterogeneity" (Behrens, Clifford; Baksh, Michale; Mothes, Michel)
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
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Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Criminal Justice Pilot City Program Interim Report, 1972 Dec. 31 (2 copies); 2) Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York. 1973 May 7 (2 copies); 3) Demographic Indicators for Rochester and Monroe County, New York. 1973 June (2 copies)
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Cost Effectiveness Analysis of the Collection and Disbursement of Support Payments by Monroe County Family Court, 1973 July; 2) A Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Monroe County Pilot Program for Vocational Upgrading of Probationers, 1973 July; 3) Probation Employment and Guidance Program, 1973 Sept.; 4) Criminal Justice Research, Management, and Information System, 1973 Sept.
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) The First Five Years of the Safe Streets Act; Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Grants. 1973 Sept. (2 copies); 2) Monroe County Family Court Probation Project, undated; 3) Rehabilitation Intervention Program for Sentenced Prisoners, 1973 Oct.; 4) Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York 1960-1973. 1973 Oct. 30
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Program, 1973 Dec. 31 (2 copies); 2) The Impact of Alcohol Offenses on the Criminal Justice System in Monroe County, New York. 1974 Jan. 28 (2 copies)
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Police in Monroe County, New York. 1974 May (2 copies); 2) Corrections in Monroe County, New York 1970-1973. 1974 Apr.; 3) Research, Management, and Offender Based Transaction Statistics Systems. 1974 Apr. 30; 4) Crime in Monroe County: 1960, 1964, 1970-1973. 1974 Sept.
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Probation Employment and Guidance Program II, 1974 July; 2) "Facit" Family Conflict Intervention Team Experiment, 1974 July; 3) From Elizabeth Croft, 1974 Mar. 11
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Program, Phase Two Interim Report. 1974 Sept. 30 (2 copies); 2) Analysis of Juror Utilization in Monroe County, 1974 Oct.; 3) An Econometric Analysis of Property Crime: Interaction between Police and Criminals, 1975 Jan. (2 copies)
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Research and Management Utilization of a Court Information System, 1975 Mar.; 2) Inverse Distance Variations for the Flow of Crime in Urban Areas, 1974 Mar. (2 copies); 3) Target Pins, Experimental Action Program. 1975 June (2 copies); 4) A Note on the Effect of Crime on Property Values, 1975 June (2 copies); 5) Victim Assistance Program, 1975 June
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) The Screening and Selection of Police Candidates in Rochester, New York. 1975 June (2 copies); 2) The Court System in Monroe County, New York. 1975 June; 3) A Report on the Experience of the Probation Employment and Guidance Program: September 1973 – May 1975. 1975 June
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) The Monroe County Jail: The Need for and Feasibility of Relocating into Other Facilities Seven Categories of Prisoners, 1975 July (2 copies); 2) Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot Program, Final Report. 1975 June (2 copies)
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Proposed Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, undated; 2) Economic Growth: A Framework for Planning Policy, 1974; 3) Applicant and Grantee Guide, 1976
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Planning for Comprehensive Youth Services in Monroe County, 1976; 2) Juvenile Delinquency: A Regional Perspective, 1972
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
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Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) INFLO, Project Description, 1980; 2) INFLO, Housing and Equipment, 1981
Quantity: 2 Folders
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Quantity: 4 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) "The St. Louis Airport Dilemma: A Reasoned Argument Concerning the Adequacy of Lambert-St. Louis Airport," James, Dzierwa, St. Louis Seminar, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1971; 2) Shopping Center Directory for the Greater S. Louis Area, 1972; 3) St. Louis County Hotel/Motel Study, Status Report, 1971 Oct.; 4) Municipal Wage and Salary Survey, 1971
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Directory of Municipal Officials of St. Louis County, 1972-73; 2) Office of Economic Opportunity Information Center, Community Profile, 1972; 3) Local Government Finances in the Nation and the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Feb. 1969
Quantity: 4 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
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Quantity: 3 Folders
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Quantity: 4 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 4 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) St. Louis University "Field Placement in Juvenile Delinquency and Criminology"; 2) UMSL "Law Enforcement News Notes; 3) Mihanovich, Clement "Management: Measurement of Public Attitudes Towards Police" The Police Chief, May 1967; 4) Heller, Nelson "Operations Research in Criminal Justice and Public Safety Systems"; 5) Misner, John "The St. Louis County Department of Police"
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Mihanovich, Clement "Sociology of Police-Community Relations"; 2) Major Case Squad; 3) Missouri Highway Patrol Bulletin, 2/4/72, List of Convictions and sentences for Missouri, 1972 to date; 4) Greenhalgh, W.F. "Police Correlation Analysis…"; 5) Several Articles about use of Educational TV in SLPD; 6) Several Short Histories of SLPD
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) St. Louis Police Department "Automatic Pinning, Final Report"; 2) Casey, E.J.M. "Citizens' Attitudes Toward the Police and Law Enforcement"; 3) di Grazia, R.J. "Trends in Police Services, Standards and Ethical Practice" 1972 Jan. symposium; 4) Commission in Crime and Law Enforcement newsletters; 5) Criminal Justice Newsletter, Indiana University, Bloomington
Quantity: 3 Folders
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Quantity: 3 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Correspondence tables of supervisors and patrol officers, to EO, from Diane Baillargeon, Jan 1977; 2) PSS, Dennis, Gordon, EO, RBP, SDM, May-July 1978; 3) Coding Sheet for Status of Interviewed Officers, Key to Form 80; 4) Correspondence, re: University City sample, Gordon, Steve, Lin, Dennis 1978; 5) Photocopy of MS notes, Rochester PD; 6) Monroe County, Photocopy of MS notes; 7) Greece Police Department, Photocopy of MS notes; 8) Gates Police Department, Photocopy of MS notes; 9) Tampa P.D., typescript; 10) Rochester P.D., typescript; 11) Monroe County, typescript; 12) Gates, P.D., typescript; 13) University City, typescript; 14) Ferguson, typescript; 15) Berkeley, typescript; 16) Kirkwood, typescript; 17) Bridgeton P.D., typescript; 18) Wellston P.D., St. Louis Metropolitan P.D., typescript; 19) Further comments on police officer interview, T. Drazan, 5/24/1978; 20) Correspondence: Tony Drazan, Gordon Whitaker, April 20, 1978 Re: comments on police officer interview methods report
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Coding log data, ICMA Govt/74, October 8, 1976; 2) Blocked Data on USN T355, 1973, Intergovernmental Service Agreements; 3) Coding Log ICMA Contr/72 , 11/8/76; 4) Survey on: Intergovernmental Service Agreements, 1972; 5) Municipal Electoral Systems and City Council Structure-1974 Questionnaire; 6) Personnel Practices in Municipal Police Departments 1973 Questionnaire
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) 1972 Census of Governments Government Finance Tape Documentation, June 1975 (4 copies, plus partial copy-intro); 2) An introduction to MEASUR (SPSS system file); 3) Coding log ICMA POLBENE/73 October 8, 1976; 4) Survey letter from International City Management Association; 5) Coding Manual, EO PS 210 (2 copies)
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
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Quantity: 3 Folders
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Quantity: 3 Folders
Quantity: 6 Folders
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Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Schedule for Nobel Day in Washington, D.C. Dec 1, 2009; 2) Programme for Professor Elinor Ostrom during Nobel Week Dec 2, 2009; 3) Business cards of people EO met in Sweden Dec 3-16, 2009; 4) Contact Information for Nobel Week 2009; 5) Nobel Week 2009 Accompanying Persons List; 6) Nobel Week 2009 Official Program; 7) Bus transport service during Nobel Week 2009; 8) Nobel Lecture Dec 8, 2009; 9) Nobel Prize concert program Dec 8, 2009; 10) Luncheon menu for American Laureates Dec 9, 2009; 11) Hotel Den Gyldene Freden menu Dec 10, 2009; 12) Nobel Banquet Program Dec 10, 2009; 13) Nobel Prize seating plan map Dec 12, 2009
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Le Nouvel Observateur June 16-22, 2011; 2) Finance and Development Sep. 2011; 3) Cuadernos de GSD Nov. 12, 2011
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Herald Times "Ostrom, IU collaborators to apply common pool theories to healthcare" Nov. 19, 2010; 2) The Kathmandu Post - Nepal 2010, Dec.
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Mar. 7, 2003 IU INFO "Ostrom Revists in the Commons" in Science; 2) May 7, 2003 IU Home Pages "IU's Einhorn, Ostrom elected to National Academy of Sciences"
Quantity: 3 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) AEA 2011 Meetings, Aunash Dixit Jan. 8, 2011; 2) UCLA College Report V. 16 2011; 3) Aus Politik und Zeitgeschiechte July 11, 2011
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Mujer y ciencai: 13 nombres para cambia el mundo Apr. 2, 2012 (Includes letter from the editor); 2) Indiana Daily Student, Apr. 25, 2012
Quantity: 3 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
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Quantity: 5 Folders
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Quantity: 3 Folders
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) EO, anon. 2) Lampkins Ridge; 3) Scott, Charles H. (Love letter promising to marry Elinor by the last day of August 1954); 4) Todd, Nicole; 5) Workshop; 6) VO, EO (Wishes happy birthday); 7) Hong, You; 8) North, Doug; 9) Awan, Leah; 10) Syifa, Melani, Katie, VO; 11) Jaggard, Goldie, July 25 (year unknown, sympathy card); 12) Micholaf, Tom (sympathy card); 13) O'Brien, David (sympathy card); 14) Harf, Jim (sympathy card); 15) Canada, Larry (sympathy card); 16) Gesdre, Marion; 17) Simonarson, Einar
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah; 2) University of Denver
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah; 2) Ireland, Frederick
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah; 2) Thompson, Catalyn; 3) Paddy; 4) Didithye
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Byrnes, Bob; 2) McCall, Martha E.; 3) Kronenberg, Helen; 4) Harf, Jim; 5) Sutton, Joseph L.; 6) Rieselbach, Leroy; 7) Hattery, Robert M.; 8) Hayes, Richard E.; 9) Political Science Graduate Council; 10) Phillips, Harry; 11) Walkden, Philip; 12) Ostrom, Peter; 13) Hofslitter, Richard; 14) Derge, David R.; 15) Gillis, Frank J.; 16) Phil and Nancy; 17) Carter; 18) Benard, Hama; 19) Guarasci, Richard; 20) Elton and Janet; 21) Rodgers, Bruce
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Stein, George; 2) Bish, Bob; 3) Malecek, Nancy; 4) Ernst, Richard; 5) Gorgone, John; 6) Keith, Harry; 7) Latz, Donald S.; 8) Dwaine
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Ostrom, Peter; 2) Hartman, Mae J.; 3) Davis, Debbie; 4) Bruce; 5) Simonarson, Einar; 6) Agger, Robert; 7) Bob; 8) Jim; 9) Workshop; 10) Zhang, Xin; 11) Myers, Charles T.; 12) Kaul, Minoti; 13) Orebech, Peter; 14) Mills, Myrna, Barry Ostrom; 15) Smith, Ronald S.; 16) Wisen, Laura Ann; 17) Berg, James; 18) Tucker, Echo; 19) Thomson, Jamie; 20) Carlsson, Lars
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Lezotte, Patricia Ann; 2) Syifa; 3) Lampkins Ridgers; 4) Allen, Barbara; 5) Raadschelders, Jozef C.; 6) Goodman, Paul; 7) Todd, Nicole
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Lam, Danny; 2) Daniels, John; 3) Mullins, Doug
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Minigov Planning Group
Quantity: 2 Folders
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Lowengrub, Morton; 2) Neal, Homer; 3) Hickman, R. E.; 4) Schaap, Ward B.
Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Council of Ministers, Nepal Dec 7, 2009; 2) Sveriges Riksbank Dec 7, 2009; 3) James Marvin Walker, Nobel Reception Dec 7, 2009; 4) Nobel Reception, Gov Mitch Daniels Dec 7, 2009
Quantity: 3 Folders
Quantity: 4 Folders
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Quantity: 5 Folders
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Quantity: 2 Folders