Ostrom, Elinor mss., 1889-2012

Papers, 1889-2012, of Elinor Ostrom and Vincent Ostrom at the Lilly Library, Indiana University Bloomington

Finding aid created by Ava Dickerson and Louis Morris

Creator: Ostrom, Elinor
Title: Ostrom, Elinor mss.
Collection No.: LMC 2748
Dates: 1889-2012

Quantity: 437 Boxes

Abstract: The Ostrom, Elinor mss., ca. 1889-2012, consist of the research, papers, correspondence, publications, manuscripts, proposals, photographs, audio tapes, and realia of Vincent and Elinor Ostrom, their colleagues and families, and the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis.
Location: ALF (Auxiliary Library Facility); Lilly - Vault 2
Language: English .
Repository: Lilly Library
1200 E. Seventh St.
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-5500
Business Number: 812-855-2452
URL: https://libraries.indiana.edu/lilly-library

Biographical Note

Awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2009, "for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons," Ostrom was first the first woman to be so honored. She shared the award with Oliver E. Williamson. Considered one of the leading scholars in the study of common pool resources, Elinor's work examines how humans interact with ecosystems to maintain long-term sustainable resource yields and emphasizes the multi-faceted nature of human-ecosystem interactions. She had a particular emphasis on the relationship between police officers and their community. Vincent's work also involved the nature of human-ecosystem interactions, particularly with water and how it effects communities. He was also interested in institutional arrangement and organization, particularly with the termination of the Klamath Indian reservation in the 1950s and the drafting of a constitution for the state of Alaska.

Scope and Contents

The Elinor Ostrom and Vincent Ostrom series include material concerning research, teaching, professional organizations and conferences, writings by the Ostroms and writings by other people which they consulted in their research or courses they taught. Material that was either created by or concerns both Elinor and Vincent is in the Joint Elinor Ostrom/Vincent Ostrom series under the appropriate subseries. The Workshop series pertains to work directly connected with this organization, although there may be material cataloged under Elinor or Vincent that concerns the functions of the Workshop. Artifacts include objects and other items received with the manuscript material.


The collection is organized into the following series: Elinor Ostrom; Vincent Ostrom; Joint Elinor Ostrom/Vincent Ostrom Material; Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis; Photographs; Media; and Artifacts.


Conditions Governing Access:

Minimally processed collection. Advance permission is required for access; use the Lilly Library's contact form to request permission.

Many collections are housed offsite; retrieval requires advance notice.

Conditions Governing Use:

Photography and digitization may be restricted for some collections. Copyright restrictions may apply. Before publishing, researchers are responsible for securing permission from all applicable copyright holders, then filling out the Permission to Publish Form .

Indexed Terms

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Item], Ostrom, Elinor mss., Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift: 2010-2021

Collection Inventory


Elinor Ostrom


Biographical and Family


Extended Family
box 399
EO Maternal Great-Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary Album (George E & Caroline Cudney Hopkins, misspelling- Horace should be Hollace, empty album cover and filler pages)
box 1
Postcard to Encie Planck Hopkins , 1920
box 1
Wedding certificate of maternal; grandparents Hollace Hopkins and NC/Encie Plank. trifold, in three pieces now , 2 July 1889
box 1
Grandmother's application to DAR, Pvt. Holms fought in Revolutionary War, Descendant of Private Roswell Holmes, NY , 1914
box 1
Letter to Encie Hopkins, St. Louis. Inscribed: Encie Hopkins from [Camie Bart Chilsen?] , 17 December 1927
box 1
Maternal Family Tree, starting with grandmother.
box 1
Eastern Star, book. Inscribed: Mrs. E.P. Hopkins, Stamped with E.O.'s Bloomington address , 1909
box 1
Eastern Star and DAR membership cards , 1906-1920
box 1
DAR Meeting notifications & programs & due notice
box 1
Travel Journal to George and Cora from Schuyler and Bessie. Inscribed: To George and Cora, from Schuyler and Bessie. Other names (p. 1) Mr. Kennedy of LaSalle; Mr. Wescott of Lacon; Miss Kidder, Miss Benton, and Miss Bannister of Peoria; Miss Brunner, Miss Longworth of Peru: Handwritten, pictures pasted in, ledger (black bound, lined paper). Travel west, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, San Francisco; Indiana; Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Niagara Falls , 5 July 1899
box 1
Progressive study club, Elinor Ostrom's grandmother was a member, hosted March mtg. 1 photo in Mylar
box 1
Progressive study club, Elinor Ostrom's grandmother was a member, hosted March mtg. 1 photocopy of club information and meetings, 2 pgs.
box 1
Wedding invitation of Elinor Ostrom's maternal grandparents Encie (also expelled NC) and Hollace Hopkins , 1889

Scope and Contents: Includes 1 trifold invitation, 1 separated trifold invitation, and 1 envelope inscribed Mrs. Hattie Hopkins

box 1
The thirty-fifth annual breakfast of the Pacific Coast Women's Press Association (Encie P. Hopkins). Inscribed: Mrs. Encie P. Hopkins , 1925
box 3
Encie Hopkins (2 photographs, 1 postcard & envelope)


Immediate Family


Leah Hopkins
box 397
EO Mother's Sheet Music (1 of 5):
box 397
* Ethelbert Nevin, 22 Favorite Compositions for Piano Solo
box 397
* Favorite Piano Classics, Vol. 2
box 397
EO Mother's Sheet Music (2 of 5): Robbins Mammoth Collection of Famous Piano Classics, No. 9
box 397
EO Mother's Sheet Music (3 of 5):
box 397
* Woodland Sketches
box 397
* Lyric Impressions, 6 Pianoforte Compositions by Rudolf Friml
box 397
* "Pajama Parade" by Edna Arnold (Inscribed: To a Very Dear Friend, From Edna Arnold, August 10, 1931
box 397
EO Mother's Sheet Music (4 of 5): Misc. single sheets of music
box 397
EO Mother's Sheet Music (5 of 5):
box 397
* Includes letter to Blanche Grambs from Alexander Angus (Columbian Music Publishers Song Report re: "To Be with You" by Grambs) , 19 February 1930
box 397
* Includes (Mother's Day dedication of manuscript Lyrics "To Be With You"; "To Leah") , [11 May] 1932
box 397
* Includes letter to Blanch Grambs from Alexander Angus (Columbian Music Publishers request for Collaboration Agreement. Note on back: No. 2, rec'd Mar 5) , 1 March 1938
box 397
* Includes letter to Miss Brambs [sic] from Hal D. Neides, Manager of Orpheum Theatre with a letter to Leah from Blanch on the back, dated Jan. 21, 1935 (includes song lyrics and a story by Leah called "Retribution") , 16 January 1935
box 397
* Includes manuscript lyrics and melody of "My Secret" by Blanche Grambs
box 1
Financial Records (1 of 2): Bank records, leases, deeds, 1 9x4 envelope "Mrs. E.P. Hopkins same as Mrs. H. L. Hopkins" containing deeds and summons (apparently concerning farm property), One postcard photo of child before elaborately carved chair. Inscribed: Leah Hopkins [daughter of Encie P. Hopkins]
box 1
Financial Records (2 of 2): Farm deeds, medical bills, leases, insurance, etc.; death records of father Hollis and mother Encie: re: Watertown, S.D.; Oakland, California; Leah H. Awan [Mother's married name]. Of interest: H. L. Hopkins (father) endowed the "Glen and Gail Hopkins Memorial Reference and Historical Library" for public high schools in Watertown area
box 1
Letter to EO's Mother for playing music at veterans gathering , 6 August 1951
box 1
Trading Records of Lin's mother, Leah Hopkins Awan. 4 items, capital gains and losses records, 1945-47  , 1945-1947
box 1
Photos of Leah Hopkins, w/ siblings Gail, Glenn, Caroline. Note on folder: Leah went to music school in Boston, 1910.

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 2
All Arts Club, Secretary's Book of Leah Hopkins. 5.5 x 15 ledger, secretary's calls, notes, membership lists; 13 items Correspondence folded within; binding in fragments; Recipes written in different hand from back to front , 1924
box 2
The Nine Arts Club meeting notes, pp. 1-50, 1 letter enclosed , 13 October 1920
box 2
Stock Market Records , 1943-1962
box 2
Memorabilia Leah Hopkins Awan: Cards, programs, correspondence, etc. Invitations: To hear Senator John Kennedy at the Biltmore; Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling; Henry Cabot Lodge; Interviewed as Woman Investor  , 1920s-1949
box 2
Memorabilia Leah Hopkins Awan: Cards, announcements, programs: Daughters of the American Revolution, International Affairs of the Women's Division of Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Photos of Gaudette family , 1950-1954
box 2
Memorabilia Leah Hopkins Awan: Cards, announcements, programs , 1950-1962
box 2
Memorabilia Leah Hopkins Awan: Cards, programs, etc. , 1977-1981
box 2
Photos—Leah Hopkins , 1970s
box 2
Women's Civic Conference pamphlet  , 1945
box 2
News Clipping—Leah Hopkins relocates her concert manager business to Rock Ridge. Notes that she moved from Boston two years, after training at Boston Conservatory and Damrosch Institute of Music in NY, previous to San Francisco , 1921-1922
box 2
Professional folder: Leah Hopkins business card in San Fran and letter of reference. Includes Who's Who biography, married in 1924, worked in publishing in SD briefly
box 2
Notebook and Passport, Journal:

Scope and Contents: Traveled Europe and Asia (identifies herself as Stock Market Trader); address book (records family dates)

box 2
Social Insurance Award , 1958
box 2
Letters (3 items): Condolence Letters to Leah, re: mother Encie , 1929
box 2
Letter from S. Dakota Federation Business and Prof. Women's Clubs , 1929
box 2
Photos and Postcard: , ca. 1914-1915

Scope and Contents: Includes 1) Leah Hopkins in Boston, Girl's Latin School Orchestra, Boston 1913-1914 Leah Hopkins, pianist and composer; 2) postcard of Girl's Latin School written to Encie; Mrs. Lee Ainsworth

box 2
Programs from Boston, Leah Hopkins, Institute of Musical Art, NY; Boston Symphony Orchestra
box 3
Bank books for Encie Hopkins. Bank books of Mrs. Encie P. Hopkins, SD (Records of farming costs) , 1901-1920
box 3
Log by maternal uncle [Glen Hopkins] of vacation to Pacific Cost, 1905. Hollace, Encie, Leah [age 10] and Glen  , 1905
box 3
Sierra Club Walking Schedule, No. 38, California , 1924
box 3
Progressive Study Club photos , 1915-1916
box 3
Progressive Study Club booklet , 1915-1916
box 4
Leah Awan Obituary


Adrian Awan
box 2
News Clipping, undated. Philharmonic Auditorium Notice, "Clarissa" (Adrian Awan—Art and Technical Direction)
box 3
Playbills from Adrian Awan's productions , 1944
box 3
Adrian Awan's business cards
box 4
Theater Book "The Pilgrimage Play: Life of Jesus the Christ" , 1944
box 4
"Address of Madame Chiang Kai-shek" , 4 April 1943


Early Life
box 411
Scrapbook and photos, 1945 (junior high school)
box 1
Elinor's application to join CAR at age of 5 (2 documents)
box 1
Play program, The Divine Flora (Lyn Awan is circled as player) , 1950
box 1
Carthay Center School [Jr. High] 2 issues. Mentions Mrs. Adrian Awan as Music Committee chairman, and PTA notice written by her, and [1942] Historian of Parent-Teacher association; Room 24 news , Elinor Awan p. 6. Of interest: Vol. IV, No. 6 1942, p.19, defines the Nobel Prize and lists a few famous persons, Elinor won the prize in Economics in 2009. , 1942
box 2
Lin in Los Angeles Examiner , 7 February 1949
box 2
Christmas card from "Dolly and Daddy", Adrian Awan and [Ethelyn Awan?]  , 1949
box 2
sketches and photos: High School Photos, sketches, Girl Scout Membership card; 1945 Class Autograph Book. Includes: Autographs of Mother and Father  , 1945
box 2
Postcard from EO's Father, undated. Postcard of "The Red Mill" which Adrian Awan was scenic designer in Broadway
box 2
Elinor Ostrom's school work , ca. 1944
box 3
Newspaper clippings
box 3
Clippings, theater programs, etc. concerning Adrian, Leah Hopkins, and Elinor
box 3
Photos of Elinor at La Grand Opera , November 1935
box 3
Baby book
box 3
Christmas Show program , 1940
box 3
Newspaper clipping--Aquacade , 1947
box 3
News clippings , mid-1940s
box 3
Playbills and clippings from Adrian's and Elinor's productions
box 3
CAR (Children of the American Revolution) , 1940s
box 3
News clipping of Awans traveling , 1914
box 3
The Firefly handbill , 1941
box 3
Personal sketches
box 3
"Watchtower" Yearbook, Beverly Hills High School , 1941
box 3
Items removed from Watchtower yearbook

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) "Shapes of Clay" by Stan; 2) sewing project - needlepoint; 3) photographs from high school; 4)photographs of Chuck, Lin, and Mother; 5) commencement programs from Beverly Hills High School, 1946; 5) newspaper clippings, 1940s

box 3
University of Denver scrapbook (summer session) , 1950
box 387
Red diary--high school (1949 Standard Daily Journal) , 1950
box 387
Blue diary (year book) , 1949
box 387
Brown leather diary (includes clippings and other inserts) , 1947-1948


Adult Life
box 1
Christmas Card to Ostroms. Santa Mouse: Mick [Born (?)], Tanya and Kari, 1911 Villard St. Eugene, OR, 97403 , December 1975
box 1
"50 years later…" [Reunion] Book from Elinor Ostrom's High School
box 1
Letter from Gail Keller to Elinor Ostrom, 1 Typed letter (1 pg.), and 1 Christmas Letter (1 pg.) , 20 January 1991
box 1
Commencement program UCLA graduation , 1956
box 1
Clippings of Elinor Ostrom; 4 clippings: B.H. Citizen states "The Beverly Hills girl has for years participated in civic light opera, Community Chest, motion picture and modeling activities here. Feb 3, 1949 , 1949-1956
box 2
Scrapbook from H.S. and College [includes conservation list--see enclosed hand list of items by folder and page made by conservation]

Scope and Contents: Note that 12.5a-f concern Elinor Ostrom's father's productions. Elinor Ostrom's mother may have played in the orchestra of "The Firefly" 12.5f (see sheet music in collection)

box 3
Small notebook from Nepal trips (multi-colored)
box 3
Engagement Announcements to Charles Scott , 1953-12-28
box 3
White guestbook
box 3
Black guestbook
box 3
Envelope Leah Awan used to send materials to EO
box 4
Personal letters, business cards, etc. (business cards for Lynn Scott) , ca. 1954
box 4
Who's Who Listings , 1989-1998
box 4
Gift catalog
box 319
Wedding book from marriage to Charles (Chuck) Scott , 1954


box 398
EO Computer Printouts—McIver , 1984


CIPEC (Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change)
box 7
SIDA Evaluations Newsletter, No. 2 , 2002
box 74
box 75
Global Warming

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 75
CC--Energy Polices
box 75
box 75
box 75
CC--Household Efforts
box 75
CC--Innovative Efforts
box 75
CC--Land Use
box 75
CC--US Local Emissions
box 75
CC--Polycentric Approaches

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 75
Post-autistic economics review
box 75
Chaos theory
box 75
Conflict Processes
box 75
Culture: Cultural Homogeneity and Diversity
box 75
Electronic Network
box 75
box 75
Evolution of Market Institutions
box 75
CT: Generative Structures in Biology, Linguistic, Politics
box 75
Information Asymmetries
box 75
Intellectual Property Rights
box 75
box 75
Monitoring Detection
box 75
Research Results: Learning Theory, Perception, Physiological Foundations, Capabilities
box 75
CT: Multiple Levels, Complex Systems, Decomposition
box 75
Rent Seeking Behavior
box 75
Self-Organizing Groups
box 75
Science Policy--Testimony of Experts Organization of Science
box 75
CT: Spontaneous Order
box 75
The Slate
box 75
box 75
X National studies of economic growth
box 75
Technological innovation
box 75
Policy Issues: Acid Rain
box 75
Policy Issues: Developing Countries
box 75
Policy Issues: Asian "Miracle"
box 75
Policy Issues: Biology
box 75
Policy Issues: Bureaucratic Rules
box 75
Policy Issues: S74-2 California Governor's Task-Force on Local Government Reform Report
box 75
Policy Issues: Citizenship
box 75
Policy Issues: Civil Rights Legislation and Court and Regulation
box 75
Policy Issues: Collective Sanctions
box 75
Policy Issues: Cooperatives
box 75
Policy Issues: Corruption
box 75
Policy Issues: Misc. Notes and Thoughts on Equity
box 75
Policy Issues: Firms going smaller--public going private
box 75
Policy Issues: Health Care
box 75
Policy Issues: CT: Homelessness, De-institutionalization
box 75
Policy Issues: Global Commons--Global Warming
box 75
Policy Issues: Government Regulation and its consequences
box 75
Policy Issues: Informal Economies
box 75
Policy Issues: Liability Law and Liability Insurance
box 75
Policy Issues: NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations)
box 75
Policy Issues: Ozone
box 75
Policy Issues: Population
box 75
Policy Issues: Poverty
box 76
Policy Issues: Public Goods Worshippers
box 76
Policy Issues: Principal-Agent Relationships in Politics
box 76
Policy Issues: Public Sector Organization
box 76
Policy Issues: CT: Prejudice Against Ethnic Entrepreneurs
box 76
Guatemala Municipal Survey
box 76
box 76
box 76
Koontz, Tomas papers
box 76
McConnell, William papers
box 76
McCracken, Stephen papers
box 76
Moran, Emilio "A Comparative Analysis"
box 76
Munroe, Darla
box 76
Schwiek, Charles papers
box 76
Summers, Kathleen--NIPF in Indiana
box 76
Tucker, Catherine papers

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 76
Paul Turner article
box 76
York, Abigail

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Zoning and Planning in Indiana; 2) Cooperation and Coordination in Cross-Border Governance from Local to International Scales

box 76
Unruh, Jon papers
box 76
Welch et al. "Social Assessment of…" National Forests (Welch, David; Evans, Tom; Croissant, Cynthia; Ostrom, Elinor)
box 76
Ted Webb papers
box 76
Remote Sensing, etc.
box 76
Parts of Crafting not used--Irrigation Finance?
box 76
IAAS Village Paths , 1994-1995
box 76
Nepali Scholars--Vita
box 76
Paudel & Pokharel "Looking at the Prospects of Community Forestry in the Terai Region of Nepal" (Paudel, Shyam; Pokharel, Bharat)
box 76
Shivakoti & Thapa "Assessment of Factors Influencing Agricultural Transformation Process: Evidence from Midhills Region of Nepal" (Shivakoti, Ganesh; Thapa, Surendra)
box 76
box 76
Parks and People--Nepal and South Asia , 1990s
box 76
Adhikari, Bhim—Nepal
box 77
Fisher, R.J. "Indigenous Forest Management in Nepal"
box 77
Shah, Shree--Forest/Protected Areas (Nepal)
box 77
Thoms, Christopher--Forestry in Nepal
box 77
Yoder, Robert--Constitution of Chhattis Mauja system
box 77
Nepal-UK Community Forestry Project
box 77
Nepal Biodiversity
box 77
IAAS-IMSSG Proposal (Nepal)

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 77
Policy Issues: Slavery
box 77
Policy Issues: Smog Processes
box 77
Policy Issues: Sovereignty
box 77
Policy Issues: Urban Governance
box 77
Policy Issues: Welfare Measures—Old Age Support, Medicare, Child Care
box 77
Policy Issues: World Bank and other international banks
box 77
Policy Issues: Year End Review of Economy
box 77
Countries and Regions: World wide data indicators
box 77
Countries and Regions: Afghanistan
box 77
Countries and Regions: Africa
box 77
Countries and Regions: Alaska
box 77
Countries and Regions: Arctic
box 77
Countries and Regions: Australia
box 77
Countries and Regions: Bolivia
box 77
Countries and Regions: Brazil-Amazon
box 77
Countries and Regions: Bulgaria
box 77
Countries and Regions: Burma
box 77
Countries and Regions: California
box 77
Countries and Regions: Central America
box 77
Countries and Regions: Central Asia
box 77
Countries and Regions: China
box 77
Countries and Regions: Eastern Europe
box 77
Countries and Regions: England
box 77
Countries and Regions: Europe
box 78
Countries and Regions: Guatemala
box 78
Countries and Regions: Indianapolis
box 78
Countries and Regions: India and Pakistan and Bangladesh
box 78
Countries and Regions: Indonesia
box 78
Countries and Regions: Iraq
box 78
Countries and Regions: Japan
box 78
Countries and Regions: Kenya
box 78
Countries and Regions: Liberia
box 78
Countries and Regions: Latin America
box 78
Countries and Regions: Madagascar
box 78
Countries and Regions: Mayan/Mexico
box 78
Countries and Regions: Middle East
box 78
Countries and Regions: Mongolia
box 78
Countries and Regions: Namibia
box 78
Countries and Regions: Nepal
box 78
Countries and Regions: Netherlands
box 78
Countries and Regions: Nigeria
box 78
Countries and Regions: NICS—Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore
box 78
Countries and Regions: Papua New Guinea
box 78
Countries and Regions: Poland
box 78
Countries and Regions: Russia
box 78
Countries and Regions: South Africa
box 78
Countries and Regions: Spain
box 78
Countries and Regions: Sweden
box 78
Countries and Regions: Sudan
box 78
Countries and Regions: Switzerland
box 78
Countries and Regions: Thailand
box 78
Countries and Regions: Uganda
box 78
Countries and Regions: Yugoslavia
box 78
Countries and Regions: U.S.
box 78
Countries and Regions: Zimbabwe
box 78
South Madagascar
box 78
Hayes, Tanya "Analyzing Institutional Change in Traditional Common-Property Forest Governance Systems"
box 78
Klooster, Daniel papers and proposals
box 78
Analysis of Size Variability
box 78
Fisheries and Water: Pastoral Resources
box 78
Fisheries and Water: Fisheries Miscellaneous
box 78
Fisheries and Water: Almlov, Maria Aqvist
box 78
Fisheries and Water: Arnason, Ragnar
box 78
Fisheries and Water: Berkes, Fikret
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Bhattacharjee, Yudhijit
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Christy, Francis Jr.
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Cinner, Joshua
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Copes, Parzival
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Corson, Trevor
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Costello, Christopher
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Cox, Kevin
box 79
Fisheries and Water: CPR Projects Abstracts
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Davis, Anthony
box 79
Fisheries and Water: De Alessi, Michael
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Dickie, L.M.
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Duncan, Leith
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Dunkel, Tom
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Durrenberger, E. Paul
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Dybas, Cheryl Lyn
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Fisheries Fluctuations, Chaos, etc.
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Fishfolk

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 79
Fisheries and Water: Folke, Carl
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Friedman, Alan
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Gibbs, Mark
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Gold, Allan
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Griffith, David
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Guillotreau, Patrice
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Haller, Tobias
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Hannesson, Rognvaldur
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Harris, Douglas
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Holmes, Bob
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Ingrassia, Lawrence
box 79
Fisheries and Water: ITQs and Fish Limits
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Jentoft, Svein
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Johnsen, D. Bruce
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Jones, Peter
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Lobe, Kenton & Berkes, Fikert
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Lieber, Michael
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Malm, Thomas
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Matthiasson, Thorolfur
box 79
Fisheries and Water: McCay, Bonnie
box 79
Fisheries and Water: McDonald, Kim
box 79
Fisheries and Water: McEvoy, Arthur
box 79
Fisheries and Water: McGrath, David
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Myers, Ransom
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Passell, Peter
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Patey, Nina
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Pauly, D.
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Pinkerton, Evelyn
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Pinto da Silva, Patricia
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Price, Thomas
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Rohter, Larry
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Ruddle, Kenneth
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Sandberg, Audun
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Scott, Anthony
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Schmidt, William
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Sutinen, Jon
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Toonen, Theo
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Townsend, Ralph
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Trosper, Ronald
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Van Ginkel, Rob
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Webster, D.G.
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Wilson, James
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Wunsch, Carl
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Water Misc.
box 79
Fisheries and Water: Policy-Protected Areas (folders 1-5)

Quantity: 5 Folders

box 80
Fisheries and Water: Policy-Protected Areas (folder 6)
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Ground Water and Oil Common Pool Resources
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Hicks, Gregory & Dveon, Pena "Community Acequias in Colorado's Rio Culebra Watershed"
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Hutchinson, Adam
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Imperial, Mark
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Jennings, PD
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Meinzen-Dick et al. "What Affects Organization and Collective Action for Managing Resources?" (Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Raju, K. V.; Gulati, Ashok)  
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Nelson, Margaret
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Nilsson, David
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Pant, Dhruba
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Slaughter, Richard
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Spanish Irrigation--Pictures 
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Sproule-Jones, Mark—Great Lakes
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Tarlock, Don
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Toonen, Theo
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Uphoff et al. "Optimum Part. In Irrigation…Sri Lanka" (Uphoff, N.; Wickramasinghe, M. L.; Wijayaratna, C. M.)
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Valencian Irrigation Institutions
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Vermillion Irrigation Management Transfer
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Water Pollution
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Young, M.D.
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Zetland, David Jason
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Zilberman, David
box 80
Fisheries and Water: Sonak et al. "The Problems of Fit, Interplay, Scale and Competing Interests in Fisheries Management" (Sonak, Sangeeta; Sonak, Mahesh; Rubinoff, Janet)
box 80
box 80
Climate Change: Barrett, Scott
box 80
Climate Change: Boyd, Emily
box 80
Climate Change: Brondizio, Eduardo
box 80
Climate Change: Cole, Daniel
box 80
Climate Change: Easterling, David
box 80
Climate Change: Economists Voice Special Issue 
box 80
Climate Change: Haas, Armin
box 80
Climate Change: Johansen, Inge
box 80
Climate Change: Malnes, Raino
box 80
Climate Change: McIntosh, Roderick
box 80
Climate Change: Michel, David
box 80
Climate Change: O'Brien, Karen
box 80
Climate Change: Oppenheimer, Michael
box 80
Climate Change: Page, Edward
box 80
Climate Change: Posner, Eric
box 80
Climate Change: REDD
box 80
Climate Change: Sovacool, Benjamin
box 80
Climate Change: Srinivasan, U. Thara
box 80
Climate Change: von Furstenberg, George
box 80
Climate Change: Ward, J.R.
box 80
Complex Systems: General
box 80
Complex Systems: Science , 1999
box 80
Complex Systems: Scales--Lumps (?)
box 80
Diversity: General
box 80
Diversity: Biodiversity
box 80
Diversity: Endnote--Structure Reviews
box 80
Diversity: LUCC
box 80
Sustainability: AMBIO Special Issue
box 80
Sustainability: Arrow, Kenneth
box 81
Sustainability: Article--Panaceas
box 81
Sustainability: Sustainable Agriculture
box 81
Sustainability: Almedon, Astier--Resilient Mental Health
box 81
Sustainability: Berkes, Fikert papers
box 81
Sustainability: Brooks, Jeremy
box 81
Sustainability: Burns, Tom
box 81
Sustainability: Folke, Carl
box 81
Sustainability: Hollingsworth, Rogers
box 81
Sustainability: Hughes, Terence
box 81
Sustainability: Jenerette, G. Darrel
box 81
Sustainability: Low, Bobbi--Teaching Materials
box 81
Sustainability: Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
box 81
Sustainability: Resilience and Development Economies
box 81
Sustainability: Portney, Kent
box 81
Sustainability: Population and Environment
box 81
Sustainability: Protected Areas and Parks
box 81
Sustainability: Rapport, David
box 81
Sustainability: Ross, Andrew
box 81
Correspondence , 1997-2002
box 81
Correspondence and Articles , 1998-2001
box 81
Correspondence and Articles , 1998
box 81
Correspondence and Writings , 1994-1997
box 81
Correspondence and Writings , 1997
box 81
USDA Project
box 81
Correspondence and Writings , 1998
box 81
Correspondence , 1997-1998
box 81
box 82
Mexico , 1998-1999
box 82
Correspondence and Materials , 2001-2002
box 82
Fall 1999
box 82
NSF Proposal , 1995
box 82
NSF Annual Report , 1997

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 82
Biocomplexity Proposal
box 82
Correspondence , 2000
box 82
Annual Report , 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 82
Memos and Meetings , January-August 2001
box 82
Agendas, Minutes, and Meeting Notes , 1998-2000
box 82
Demographer Position
box 82
Biocomplex Meeting , September-December 2003
box 82
Biocomplexity , Spring 2003
box 82
Memos and Meetings , September-December 2001
box 83
Indiana Forest Legacy Program
box 83

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 83
Fall 1998
box 83
box 83
CENR--Priorities for Global Research
box 83
Current IFRI (papers/notes)
box 83
Articles , 1992-2001
box 83
Presentations and Materials
box 83
Preparatory Memos Proposal
box 83
Spring 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 83
IFRI Minutes CIFOR , 1997
box 83
Indiana Location , 1997-1998

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 83

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 83
Central America

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 83
box 84
box 84
Research Groups IDS
box 84
Research Groups IUFRO
box 84
Research Centers ICIMOD
box 84
Old USDA Correspondence , 1994
box 84
Research Centers International Fund for Agricultural Development
box 84
Research Center International Institute for Environment and Development
box 84
Baltimore Trip
box 84
Annual Reports , 1998-1999
box 84
Summer Institute , 1997-1998

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 84
Minor (Materials)
box 84
Spring 1998
box 84
Fall 1997
box 84
Recent Stuff , 1996-1997
box 84
October to December 1995
box 84
box 84
Equipment Budget , 1996
box 84
NASA Proposal , 1997-1998
box 84
Budgets , 1997-1998
box 84
box 84
IGERT , 1997
box 84
IFRI Video
box 84
Pending Proposals (ACT, NIGEC)
box 84
Fisheries and Water: AID descriptions of irrigation Projects around the world
box 84
Fisheries and Water: Bosselman, Fred
box 84
Fisheries and Water: Brennan, Brian
box 84
Fisheries and Water: Coral Reefs
box 85
Fisheries and Water: Europe's Water
box 85
Fisheries and Water: Fujita, Masako
box 85
Fisheries and Water: Glennon, Robert
box 85
11 Survey Research
box 85
12 Case Study and In-Depth Methods
box 85
14 Comparative Methods
box 85
15 From Substance to Epistemology
box 87
Agrawal et al. "A Review and Assessment of Land Use Change Models" (Agrawal, Chetan; Green, Glen; Grove, J. Morgan; Evans, Tom; Schweik, Charles)
box 87
Andersson, Krister--decentralized forest governance
box 87
box 87
Laura Carlson, IMP
box 87
Croissant, Cynthia
box 87
box 87
Evans, Green & Carlson (Evans, Tom; Green, Glen; Carlson, Laura) , 2000
box 87
Gibson, Clark , 1998
box 87
Glen Green papers on Madagascar--vita

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 88
Climate Change

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 88
box 88
Global Warming

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 95
An Evaluation of an Evaluation Process

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 95
Latin America Trip , 1990
box 95
Plateau, Barakin-Ladi
box 95
Oji River
box 95
box 95

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 95
Research Interview Notes , October 1984
box 95
AID Evaluation Process
box 95
Kathmandu/Nepal general info
box 96
Country Files: Brazil
box 97
Country Files
box 97
Country Files: Japan
box 97
Country Files: Kenya—General

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 97
Country Files: Korea—General
box 97
Country Files: Latin America—General
box 97
Country Files: Mali—General
box 97
Country Files: Mexico—General

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 97
Country Files: Middle East—General
box 97
Country Files: Mozambique—General
box 97
Country Files: Netherlands—General
box 97
Country Files: Nicaragua—General
box 97
Country Files: Nigeria—General
box 97
Country Files: Northern Ireland—General
box 97
Country Files: Pakistan—General
box 97
Country Files: Poland—General
box 97
Country Files: Republic of South Africa—General
box 97
Country Files: Scotland—General
box 97
Country Files: Soviet Union—General

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 97
Country Files: Spain—General
box 97
Country Files: Sweden—General
box 97
Country Files: Switzerland—General
box 97
Country Files: Uganda—General
box 97
Country Files: United Nations—General

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 97
Country Files: Western Europe—General
box 97
Country Files: Yugoslavia—General
box 98
Country Files: Zaire—General
box 98
Country Files: Zambia—General
box 98
Country Files: Zimbabwe—General
box 109
Research Advisory Committee--Consent forms for Marco Janssen's Experiments October 2005 (2 copies)
box 109
Research Advisory Committee--Consent forms for Jim Cox's Experiments October 2005
box 109
Research Advisory Committee--Foraging Experiments 2006; questions, forms, payments

Quantity: 6 Folders

box 124
"The Effect of the Environment on the Behavior of Leaders…"
box 151
CIPEC Multidisciplinary Science Building
box 151
Human Dimensions of Global Change , 24 June 1998-14 August 2000
box 165
U.S. National Committee for SCOPE , 1996

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 165
Conservation Investigation Meeting in Mexico (notebook) , 1998
box 165
Indiana Environment Group Project
box 165
U.S. National Committee for SCOPE , 1997
box 165
Endowment letter , 1998
box 165
Ecology and ecosystems programs
box 165
Draft of ecosystem model paper , 1995

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 165
Draft of Patuxent Landscape Model (PLM) , 1994
box 165
Fisheries & Water writings
box 168
Cole on Climate--Frankfurt and Wittgenstein Lectures , 2009
box 168
UNEP--A Global Green New Deal , February 2009
box 168
Potential International Agreements
box 169
Biocomplexity Project—Meretsky, Vicky and readings (Natalie McKarney, Juan Camilo Cardenas, Laura Carlson) , 30 June 2003
box 169
box 170
box 170
Mexico Projects
box 170
SES Club Correspondence, articles, notes
box 170
SES Club Correspondence , 2010-2011

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 170
Sudan , 2006
box 172
CIPEC Conference , 2004
box 172
Intentional Communities Paper , 2004
box 172
Land Owner Survey , 2004
box 172
Intentional Communities Outline and Draft , 2004
box 172
Intentional Communities newsletter , 3 October 2004
box 172
Intentional Communities newsletter , 8 June 2008
box 172
IAD Papers
box 386
Institutions, Incentives, and Irrigation in Nepal , 1992
box 386
Natural Resource Systems in the Sahel


Common Pool Resources (CPR)
box 382
Governing the Commons Book Reviews

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 85
Common Pool Resources and Collective Action: A Bibliography, Vol. 3, by Charlotte Hess, 1996, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (Forward by Elinor Ostrom)

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 85
Common-Pool Resources and Collective Action: A Bibliography, Vol. 2, by Fenton Martin, 1992, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (Forward by Elinor Ostrom)
box 85
The Nature of Goods and Production Technologies
box 85
CPR Examples
box 85
Trading Shares--Pollution--CPRs
box 85
Common Property Resource Management , 15 September 1999?

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 85
Definition of Commons
box 85
English Commons
box 85
Future Directions of Common Property Theory and Research
box 85
Social Networks
box 85
Centola & Macy "Complex Contagion and the Weakness of Long Ties" (Centola, Damon; Macy, Michael)
box 85
Alchourron & Bulygin "Normative Systems" (Alchourron; Bulygin)
box 85
Anderson, Terry "Customs, Culture, and the Commons"
box 85
Attwood & Baviskar "Why Do Some Cooperative Work But Not Others?" (Attwood, D. M.; Baviskar, B. S.)
box 85
Baker; Behrens, Baksh, and Mothes:

Scope and Contents: Includes 1) Baker, William "A review of models of landscape change"; 2) Behrens et al. "A Regional Analysis of Bari Land Use Intensification and Its Impact on Landscape Heterogeneity" (Behrens, Clifford; Baksh, Michale; Mothes, Michel) 

box 85
Bennett, John "Reciprocal Economic Exchanges Among North American Agricultural Operators"
box 85
Berge, Erling "Common Property Rights Regimes in Norway and Sweden"
box 85
Brown & Pearce "the Causes of Tropical Deforestation" (Brown, Katrina; Pearce, David)
box 85
Chomitz & Gray "Roads, Lands, Markets, and Deforestation" (Chomitz, Kenneth; Gray, David)
box 85
Clark, Colin "Restricted Access to Common-Property Fishery…"
box 85
Dawes, Robyn "The Commons Dilemma Game"
box 85
Ensminger & Rutten "The Politics of Changing Property Rights" (Ensminger, Jean; Rutten, Andrew)
box 85
Halstead & O'Shea "Cultural Responses to Risk and Uncertainty" (Halstead, Paul; O'Shea, John)
box 85
Hardin, Garrett. Tragedy of the Commons
box 85
Hawkes "On Sharing and Work"
box 85
Jodha "Common Property Resources: A Missing Dimension…"
box 85
Juergensmeyer & Wadley "The Common Lands Concept" (Juergensmeyer, Julian; Wadley, James)
box 85
Karpoff, Jonathan "Characteristics of Limited Entry Fisheries and the Option Component"
box 85
Policansky & Magnuson "Genetics, Metapopulations, and Ecosystem Management of Fisheries" (Policansky, David; Magnuson, John)
box 85
Pellikaan & van der Veen "Environmental dilemmas and policy design" (Pellikaan, Huib; van der Veen, Robert)
box 85
Steins & Edwards "Platforms for Collective Action" (Steins, Nathalie; Edwards, Victoria)
box 85
Stern, Paul "Effect of Incentives and Education on Resource Conservation Decisions"
box 85
Wilson, James "Economical Management of Multispecies Fisheries"
box 85
Wilson & Thompson "Common Property and Uncertainty" (Wilson, Paul; Thompson, Gary)
box 85
CPR Articles
box 86
Pasotti & Rothstein "In the Market for Ideas: A Quest for a Unified Conceptual Approach in Political Science" APSA (Pasotti, Eleonora; Rothstein, Bo)
box 86
Stanovich & West "Individual differences in reasoning" (Stanovich, Keith; West, Richard)
box 86
Articles Related to Rules
box 86
Ganz, Joan Safran "Rules: A Systematic Study"
box 86
Rules notebook
box 86
Adler, Keith "On the Falsification of Rules Theories"
box 86
Appendix B--The Lasswellizer--A Hypothetical Value Recorder
box 86
Papers etc.
box 86
Berman History of Law Articles (Berman, Harold)
box 86
Black, Max "Models and Metaphors. Studies in Language and Philosophy"
box 86
Bochner, Art "On Taking Ourselves Seriously"
box 86
Braybrooke, David "Logic of Political Discussion"
box 86
Brown & Bellugi "Three Processes in the Child's Acquisition of Syntax" (Brown, Roger; Bellugi, Ursula)
box 86
Burke, Kenneth "(Nonsymbolic) Motion/(Symbolic) Action"
box 86
Calvert, Randall "Communication in Institutions"
box 86
Cole, Daniel "The Herder Problem in Not a Prisoners Dilemma"
box 86
Cover, Robert "Nomos and Narrative"
box 86
Cushman, Donald "The Rules Perspective as a Theoretical Basis for Study"
box 86
Cushman & Whiting "An Approach to Communication Theory" (Cushman, Donald; Whiting, Gordon)
box 86
Cushman & Pearce "Generality and Necessity in Three Types of Theory about Human Communication" (Cushman, Donald; Pearce, Barnett)
box 86
Dacey, Raymond "Rational Dishonesty and Irrational Honesty"
box 86
Duke, Daniel--Learning and Rules
box 86
Fisher, John "Knowledge of Rules"
box 86
Fisher, Walter "A Motive View of Communication"
box 86
Flavell, John "Metacognitive Development"
box 86
Galanter, Marc "Justice in Many Rooms"
box 86
Grafstein, Robert "The Problem of Institutional Constraint"
box 86
Gouldner, Alvin "Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy"
box 86
Greif, Avenr "Rules"
box 86
Hodgson, Geoffrey "Rules"
box 86
Haberstroh, Chadwick "Evaluation and Design of Organizational Systems"
box 86
Haden Elgin, Suzette "A Primer of Transformational Grammar"
box 86
Hallden, Soren "Preference Logic and Theory Choice"
box 86
Heiner, Ron "The Origin of Predictable Behavior"
box 86
Hogan articles on moral conduct (Hogan, Robert)
box 86
Hofstadter, Douglas "Nomic"
box 86
Hunt, Lester "Some Advantages of Social Control"
box 86
Language articles
box 86
Kempf, Wilhelm "Rule Learning as a Methodological Principle"
box 86
Klayman & Ha "Hypothesis Testing in Rule Discovery" (Klayman, Joshua; Ha, Young-Won)
box 86
Koestler, Arthur "The Tree and the Candle"
box 86
Larkin, Jill "Problem Solving in Physics Structure, Process, and Learning"
box 86
Larkin, Jill "Klahr and the Classroom Intriguing Implications and Intrinsic Limitations"
box 86
Levmore, Saul
box 86
Losco papers on Rules and Biological Foundation of Rules (Losco, Joseph)
box 86
Mansbridge, Jennie
box 86
Mather & Yngvesson "Language, Audience Transformation of Disputes" (Mather, Lynn; Yngvesson, Barbara)
box 86
Meyer & Rowan "Institutionalized Organizations" (Meyer, John; Rowan, Brian)
box 86
Morris, Charles "Excerpts from Signification and Significance"
box 86
Nader & Yngvesson "On Studying the Ethnography of Law and Its Consequences" (Nader, Laura; Yngvesson, Barbara)
box 86
Nofsinger, Robert "On Answering Questions Indirectly"
box 86
Oberschall, Anthony "Rules, Morality, Institutions"
box 86
Papers by Karl Dieter Opp
box 86
Pejovich, Svetozar "Towards an Economic theory of the Creation and Specification of Property Rights"
box 86
Pearce, W. Barnett "Consensual Rules in Interpersonal Communication"
box 86
Pearce, W. Barnett "Naturalistic Study of Communication"
box 86
Pearce & Conklin "A Model of Hierarchical Meanings in Coherent Conversation" (Pearce, W. Barnett; Conklin, Forrest)
box 86
Powell, Robert "Bargaining in the Shadow of Power"
box 86
Reeker, Larry "Varieties of Learning in Grammatical Acquisition"
box 86
Sanders & Martin "Grammatical Rules and Explanations of Behavior" (Sanders, Robert; Martin, Larry)
box 86
Scandura, Joseph "New Directions for Theory and Research on Rule Learning"
box 86
Schotter, Andrew "The Nature and Function of Social Institutions"
box 86
Schluter & Theesfeld "The Grammar of Institutions" (Schluter, Achim; Theesfeld, Insa)
box 86
Searle, John "Rules"
box 86
Sosa, Ernest "Actions and Their Results"
box 86
Tammelo, Ilmar "Sketch for a Symbolic Juristic Logic"
box 86
Telser, L. G. "A Theory of Self-Enforcing Agreements"
box 86
Thaler, Richard "Illusions and Mirages in Public Policy"
box 86
Thompson & Thompson "Finding Rules in Data" (Thompson, Beverly; Thompson, William)
box 86
Toulmin, Stephen "Rules and their Relevance for Understanding Human Behavior"
box 86
Udehn, Lars "25 Years with the Logic of Collective Action"
box 86
Umbeck, John "Contract Choice and CA Gold Rush"
box 86
Vanberg, Viktor "De Moribus est Disputandum: Ethics in Economic Explanations"
box 86
Von Wright "The Logic of Practical Discourse"
box 86
CPR-Rules Articles
box 86
Old Rule Configuration paper
box 87
QCA and Other Rule Analysis
box 87
WOW version--A Grammar of Institutions
box 87
W83-23: Action Set
box 87
Rule Configuration working paper
box 87
Rule Configuration Form and Manual
box 87
EO/SUE memos
box 87
EO's Musings on Rules and Rule Configuration
box 87
The Structure of Interdependent Decision Making Mechanisms
box 87
Action and Rules Paper
box 87
ECPR version (Crawford-EO)
box 87
Avedon & Sutton-Smith "The Study of Games" (Avedon, Elliott; Sutton-Smith, Brian)
box 87
Beck, Nikolaus "Rules"
box 87
Edward Elgar Press Comm.
box 87
Rule Configuration Materials
box 87
Rules Notes
box 87
Evolution of Rules materials

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 87
Evolutionary Theory
box 87
Soltis, Joseph "Can Group-Functional Behaviors Evolve"
box 87
Kohler, Timothy "Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies"
box 87
Irons, William "Morality, Religion, and Human Evolution"
box 87
Evolutionary Theory articles (1 of 2)
box 88
Evolutionary Theory articles (2 of 2)
box 88
Scale--Evolutionary Theory

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 88
Howard-Scale Papers
box 88
10: Formal Methods (CPR)
box 88
9: Research Design and Experimentation (CPR)
box 88
8: Evolutionary Epistemology and Epistemological Synthesis (CPR)
box 88
Y570—Karl Marx articles
box 88
Y570—Schwartz, Joel "Participation and Multisubjective Understanding"
box 88
Y570—Fay, Brian "How People Change Themselves: The Relationship Between Critical Theory and its Audience"
box 88
7: Critical Theory and the Uses of Social Science Knowledge (CPR) (Ostmann, Axel; Beckenkamp, Martin)
box 88
Ostmann & Beckenkamp

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 88
Articles , 1996-2000
box 88
Sandler, Todd "Logic of Collective Action"
box 88
Chwe, Michael Suk-Young "Structure and Strategy in Collective Action" , 1990
box 88
Decision Making Under Risk
box 88
Miscellaneous Collective Action articles and notes

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 89
Xepapadeas, Anastasios "Regulation and Evolution of Compliance in Common Pool Resources"
box 89
Riechert & Hammerstein "Game Theory in the Ecological Context" (Riechert, Susan; Hammerstein, Peter)
box 89
2: Development of the Discipline
box 89
5: Nomological Approaches
box 89
4: Collective Action and Political Life
box 89
6: Interpretivism and the Subject of Our Understanding
box 110
W67-1 "On the Variety of Potential Public Goods"
box 111
CPR Game Experiment and Survey , 2001-2007
box 112
Experiment/Game Notebook--notes on rounds , 1988-1991
box 115
Common Pool Resources - Reprint (Dietz, Thomas; Ostrom, Elinor; Stern, Paul) , 12 December 2003
box 123
Collective Action literature search, 2004: Collective Action: SPSS, Base units tables, STAT Results on Collective Action data sheet; including 2 floppy disks (removed), SPSS outputs on frequencies 1,2,3; Collective Action 1990-2004 2 may XLS; CA results 2 may 05.doc; Instructions for 2 may 2005.doc, collective Action, 1990-2004 13 May ap.xls
box 123
Doc 26 , 4 January 1986
box 150
Dynamics of Rules Project, Marco Janssen, ASU
box 150
World Bank--Community Driven Development

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 150
Mellon Project Correspondence File
box 151
ICS Press , May 1994-28 May 1998
box 151
CIRCLE Civic Politics Current Project , 4 August-30 October 2007
box 166
Citations: Rules, private & public, structure & organization, etc.
box 167
Citations: PSS, "games", institutional analysis, etc.
box 169
Health Care Presentations: Materials , 2011
box 169
Health Care Correspondence (Health Commons Webinar, Correspondence: McGinnis, Michael, Robert Stone, Karen Green Stone, Claudia Brink) , 2011
box 170
Health Care Correspondence , 2010

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 170
Bloomington Health
box 170
Cedar Rapids Iowa
box 170
Grand Junction Colorado Healthcare System
box 170
Health Care Articles
box 170
Monitoring and Sanctioning
box 170
Ontologies—Correspondence, articles, notes

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 385
Public Choice or Atomized Choice?


Decentralization: Finance & Management Project (DFMP)
box 5
Appendix: Case Studies--Cost Recovery and Local Resource Mobilization: An Examination of Incentives in Irrigation Systems in Nepal, Decentralization: Finance & Management Project , December 1990
box 5
Cost Recovery and Local Resource Mobilization: An Examination of Incentives in Irrigation Systems in Nepal, Decentralization: Finance & Management Project , December 1990
box 5
Newsletter Vol. 2.1 (2 copies)
box 5
Newsletter Vol. 2.2 (2 copies)
box 5
Newsletter Vol. 3.1 (2 copies)
box 5
Newsletter Vol. 4.1 (2 copies)
box 5
Update IHDP No. 2 , 2001
box 7
Institutions, Incentives, and Irrigation in Nepal, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, (Paul Benjamin, Wai Fung Lam, Elinor Ostrom, Ganesh Shivakoti) , October, 1995
box 7
Appendix--Case-Studies--Cost Recovery and Local Resource Mobilization: An Examination of Incentives in Irrigation Systems in Nepal, 1990 December (Also managed with Associates in Rural Development) , May, 1990
box 7
Institutional Incentives and Rural Infrastructure Sustainability, (Elinor Ostrom, Larry Schroeder, Susan Wynne)
box 90
Facts and Figures, Tables , 1988-1989
box 90
Gross State Product , 1989
box 90
Book of the States , 1982-1983
box 90
Church, Gilbert "Accountability Problems as they Affect State Expenditures and Some Ideas on Some Solutions to Those Problems" , 1989
box 90
Expenditure Limits , 1989
box 90
Data Sources/Files Listings , 1980-1989
box 90
Tables – Types and Dates, undated
box 90
Government Finances and Deflators , 1986-1987
box 90
Government Finances , 1987-1988
box 90
Wisconsin Counties – Finances , 1982-1986
box 90
Tax Trends/Changes and Governor's Messages , 1982-1983
box 90
Expenditures with Tables , 1978-1988
box 90
Revenues with Tables , 1978-1990
box 90
State/Local Revenue , 1958-1988
box 90
State/Local Expenditures , 1961-1987
box 90
Local Revenue/Expenditures by Type of Government (Wisconsin Only) , 1988-1989
box 90
School Statistics , 1979-1990
box 90
Education , 1987-1988
box 90
Price Indices – GPI, CIP , 1970-1990
box 90
Government Employment – Wisconsin , 1987-1988
box 90
Welfare , 1972-1988
box 90
Health/Hospital Expenditures , 1972-1988
box 90
Highway Expenditures , 1972-1988
box 90
Other Services , 1972-1988
box 90
S/L, GE , 1973-1982
box 90
S/L GE OWN [GE-IGRF] , 1973-1982
box 90
Intergovernmental Revenue (IGRF) , 1972-1988
box 90
State Intergovernmental Aids by Recipient and Function
box 90
Own Source General Revenue , 1972-1988
box 90
S/L Total Tax Revenue , 1972-1987
box 90
S/L Sales Tax , 1972-1988
box 90
S/L Income Tax , 1972-1988
box 90
S/L Property Tax Revenue , 1973-1987
box 90
S/L "Other" Taxes , 1972-1988
box 90
S/L CHG Miscellaneous Revenue , 1972-1988
box 90
Property Tax Percentage of Personal Income , 1970-1987
box 90
Wisconsin and Others/Government Growth/TELS/SST Models , 1960-1990
box 90
State/Local Employment , 1980-1983
box 90
Individual Governments in Wisconsin , 1974-1986
box 90
Local Expenditures, WI and NBRS – Totals by Object, Government Type, Own Source , 1975-1989
box 90
Local Revenue, WI and NBRS/WI and Great Lakes/WI and U.S., and by Type , 1970
box 90
Wisconsin Abstracts – Gina Davis , 1979-1989
box 90
Wisconsin, Jun. 12, undated
box 90
Wisconsin Chapter 3 – TELS National , 1990
box 90
Completed with Abstracts , 1979-1989
box 90
Rom, M. and Peterson, P.E., "Welfare Magnetism and Welfare Policy in Wisconsin," , 1988
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Privatization in Wisconsin State and Local Governments , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, GPR, Spending Goals Expressed in Terms of Texas , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Proposed State and Local Expenditure Goals and Implementation , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Follow-up for Spending Policy Paper of , Aug. 11, 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, State and Local Spending Policy Alternatives , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Privatization Follow-up Issues , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, State Expenditure Limitations , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Privatization Alternatives for Higher Education
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Would Reorganizing Some of Wisconsin's Local Government Units Promote Greater Economic Efficiency , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Final Report , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Report of the Welfare Magnet Study Committee , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Report of the Welfare Magnet Study Committee, Appendices , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin Expenditure Commission, "State Expenditure and Revenue Trends 1958-59 to 1983-84" , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin Expenditure Commission, "State Expenditure and Revenue Trends 1958-59 to 1983-84, Appendices" , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, DR, The Relationship Between Aids and Spending – Review of the Research Literature , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, DR, Alternative Long-Term Revenue Patterns , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, What is Privatization? How Has It Been Used? How Can It Benefit the State of Wisconsin? , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, DA, A Program Assessment of State Spending Policy , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Local Assistance and Property Tax Relief , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, EC, Is Wisconsin Spending Too Much on Elementary and Secondary Education , 1986
box 90
Wisconsin, DA & DR, Briefing Materials for Analysis of Long-Term Revenue and Expenditure Patterns , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, DA & DR, Analysis of Long-Term State Revenue and Expenditure Patterns , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, DR, Background Data on Wisconsin – Municipal Revenues and Expenditures , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, Aid to Families with Dependent Children; The Family and the Economy , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, Does Wisconsin Spend Too Much on Welfare , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, Does the University of Wisconsin Command Too Large a Share of State Resources , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, Should Wisconsin Establish a Policy Regarding its Future Spending Level? If so, What Standards Should be Imposed , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, How Should the Overall State and Local Government Spending Goal for Wisconsin be Applied at the Local Level , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, How Much Spending Can Wisconsin Afford , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, How Should an Overall State Spending Goal for Wisconsin be Implemented , 1987
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, A Legislative History of Shared Revenue in Wisconsin , 1985
box 91
LRB, Wisconsin, State Steps Toward Educational Improvements Informational Bulletin 84-IB-3 , 1984
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, An Introduction to Wisconsin, Brief 86-12 , 1987
box 91
WTA, Wisconsin Government Finance, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 56, No. 4 , 1988
box 91
WTA, Wisconsin, Employment Relations Commission, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 55, No. 6 , 1987
box 91
WTA, Local Option Taxes, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 54, No. 10 , 1986
box 91
WTA, Tax Incremental Financing, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 51, No. 10 , 1983
box 91
WTA, School District Finances, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 53, No. 10 , 1985
box 91
WTA, Local Government Revenues, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 52, No. 10 , 1984
box 91
WTA, Total 1987 Tax Collections in Wisconsin, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 56, No. 2 , 1988
box 91
WTA, Municipal Police Departments, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 53, No. 7 , 1985
box 91
WTA, Assessment Appeals, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 53, No. 5 , 1985
box 91
WTA, Assessment Appeals; Equalized Value Trends, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 54, No. 5 , 1986
box 91
WTA, Large City Government, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 53, No. 12 , 1985
box 91
WTA, City and Village Administration, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 54, No. 7 , 1986
box 91
WTA, Local Capital Finance, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 49, No. 6 , 1981
box 91
WTA, State Debt, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 50, No. 6 , 1982
box 91
WTA, Education and interstate Comparisons, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 50, No. 5 , 1982
box 91
WTA, Local Government Expenditures, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 52, No. 11 , 1984
box 91
WTA, State and Local Spending – the 50 States, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 52, No. 12 , 1984
box 91
WTA, Local Government Units in Wisconsin, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 47, No. 7 , 1979
box 91
WTA, Property Assessment Appeals, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 55, No. 5 , 1987
box 91
WTA, Town Government, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 57, No. 6 , 1989
box 91
WTA, Adult Corrections, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 57, No. 5 , 1989
box 91
WTA, City-Purpose Taxes, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 57, No. 4 , 1989
box 91
WTA, 1988 Total Taxes, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 57, No. 3 , 1989
box 91
WTA, The 1989 Legislative Session, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 57, No. 1 , 1989
box 91
WTA, Homestead Tax Credit Programs, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 56, No. 12 , 1988
box 91
WTA, Emergency Ambulance Services, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 56, No. 11 , 1988
box 91
WTA, Wisconsin Sales Tax, The Wisconsin Taxpayer, Vol. 57, No. 2 , 1989
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, Wisconsin Legislative Innovations; Informational Bulletin 81-IB-4 , 1981
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, Ask the LRB; Revised for the 1989 Wisconsin Legislature Informational Bulletin 88-IB-5 , 1988
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, The Question of Statewide Minimum Teachers' Salaries, Informational Bulletin, 85-IB-3 , 1985
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, The Partial Veto in Wisconsin – An update, Informational Bulletin, 87-IB-3; Revised for , Aug. 1988
box 91
LRB Wisconsin, Wisconsin's County Sales and Use Taxes; Informational Bulletin, 86-IB-5 , 1986
box 91
LAB Wisconsin, School District Expenditures, 1977-78 to 1986-87, IM87-1 , 1987
box 91
LAB Wisconsin, The Effect of State Standards on Local School Spending, IM88-2 , 1988
box 91
LAB Wisconsin, The Effect of Salary and Fringe Benefit Increases on Local School Spending , 1988
box 91
LCS Wisconsin, Major Provisions of Wisconsin's Municipal Employment Mediation-Arbitration Law, Informational Memo 84-22 , 1984
box 91
LCS Wisconsin, Major Provisions of Wisconsin's Municipal Employment Arbitration Law, As Amended by 1985 Wisconsin Act 318 , 1986
box 91
LCS Wisconsin, Wisconsin Legislative Council Staff, Informational Memo 84-29 , 1984
box 91
LCS Wisconsin, Analyses of Employer and Employee Experience Under Wisconsin's Mediation-Arbitration Law , 1985
box 91
Schten, E.V., Current Issues Affecting local government Officials, , 1985
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1988
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1987
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1986
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1985
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1984
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1983
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1982
box 91
Wisconsin, DA, Annual Fiscal Report , 1981
box 91
Swoboda, L.J., Schneider, G., "The Impact and Effect of the Municipal Employee Collective Bargaining Law Upon Wisconsin's Public Elementary and Secondary Education Environment: Its Historical Context and Political Perspective," , 1988
box 91
Alliance, WT, Public Libraries , 1989
box 91
Alliance, WT, State and Local Debt , 1989
box 91
Alliance, WT, 1989-91 State Budget , 1989
box 91
Alliance, WT, County Law Enforcement , 1989
box 91
Alliance, WT, Municipal Police Departments , 1989
box 91
Alliance, WT, Property Tax Collections , 1989
box 91
Alliance, WT, School District Finances , 1990
box 91
Wisconsin, EC, Department of Revenue Papers on Taxation Distributed to the Commission , 1986
box 91
Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB), "The Story of Wisconsin in Capsule Form," Wisconsin Briefs , 1983
box 91
LRB, "1987 Legislative Session Fiscal Estimate Manual" , 1986
box 91
LRB, "Blueprints for Educational Reform" , 1983
box 91
State of Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau, "The Tax Incremental Financing Law Section 66.46 Wisconsin Statutes" , 1981
box 91
State of Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau, "Industrial Revenue Bonds" , 1981
box 91
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, "Basic Facts About Wisconsin's Elementary and Secondary" , 1987-1988
box 99
Van den Brink, Rogier
box 99
Wunsch, James
box 99
Rondinelli, Dennis
box 99
Tranvik, Tommy
box 99
Ribot, Jesse
box 99
Palmer, Charles
box 99
Olowu, Dele
box 99
Oates, Wallace
box 99
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth
box 99
McDavid, James
box 99
Lindsay, Jonathan
box 99
Kollman, Ken
box 99
Elstub, Stephen
box 99
Cohen, John
box 99
Conyers, Diana 
box 99
Ceccarelli, Salvatore 
box 99
Berner, Erhard
box 99
Bardhan, Pranab
box 99
Balooni, Kulhushan
box 99
Araral, Ed
box 99
Correspondence--Agrawal, Arun , 2002-2003
box 99
Articles , 2002-2003
box 99
Speical versus General Choices
box 99
Social Capital , 2001-2002
box 100
Materials , 2003-2004
box 122
Topical Update , 1990-1991
box 386
Sahel Decentralization Policy Report, Volume III


Experimental Validity
box 92
Al-Ubaydli, Omar
box 92
Alewell, Dorothea
box 92
Alfano, Geraldine
box 92
Andersen, Steffen
box 92
Andreoni, James
box 92
box 92
Bagnoli, Mark
box 92
Basu, Sudipta
box 92
Beckenkamp, Martin
box 92
Ben-Ner, Avner
box 92
Bergstrom, Theodore
box 92
Berkowitz, Peter
box 92
Bianchi, Ana Maria
box 92
Bicchieri, Cristina
box 92
Binmore, Ken
box 92
Bischoff, Ivo
box 92
Boero, Riccardo
box 92
Bolton, Gary
box 92
Bowles, Samuel
box 92
Brandts, Jordi
box 92
Brekke & Johansson-Stenman (Brekke, Kjell; Johansson-Stenman, Olof)
box 92
Brosig, Jeannette
box 92
Buchan, Nancy
box 92
Budescu, David
box 92
Cain, Michael
box 92
Camerer, Colin
box 92
Cardens, Juan-Camilo
box 92
Carpenter, Jeffrey
box 92
Casari, Marco
box 92
Cason, Timothy
box 92
Castillo, Daniel
box 92
Chan, Kenneth
box 92
Charness, Gary
box 92
Clark, Andy
box 92
Clark, Kenneth
box 92
Coates, Jennifer
box 92
Cochard, Francois
box 92
Cohn, Jonathan
box 92
Coordination Game
box 92
Cox, James
box 92
Croson, Rachel
box 92
box 92
Decker, Torsten
box 92
Dickhaut, John (Diekman)
box 92
Dictator Games
box 92
Doi, Toshiaki
box 92
Dougherty, Keith
box 92
Druckman, James
box 92
Dufwenberg, Martin
box 92
Eckel, Catherine
box 92
Erev, Ido
box 92
Ertan, Arhan
box 92
Eshel, Ilan
box 92
Farrell, Joseph
box 92
Fershtman, Chaim
box 93
Field Experiments
box 93
Fiore, Annamaria
box 93
Fischbacher, Urs
box 93
Fischer, Maria-Elisabeth
box 93
Fischer, Sven
box 93
Fleishman, John
box 93
Fogerty, T.M.
box 93
Fon, Vincy
box 93
Franzen, Axel
box 93
Glance, Natalie
box 93
Frohlich, Norman
box 93
Gneezy, Uri
box 93
Gintis, Herbert
box 93
Goetze, David
box 93
Goldberg, Jeffrey
box 93
Guerra, Gerardo
box 93
Gurerk, Ozgur
box 93
Guth, Werner
box 93
Harstad, Ronald
box 93
Hayami, Yujiro
box 93
box 93
Hauert et al. (Hauert, Christoph; De Monte, Silvia; Hofbauer, Josef; Sigmund, Karl)
box 93
Heckathron, Douglas
box 93
Henrich, Joseph
box 93
Herrnstein, R.J.
box 93
Hoffman, Elizabeth
box 93
Hibbing, John
box 93
Hollingshead, Andrea
box 93
Hugh-Jones, David
box 93
Huppes, Gjalt
box 93
Issac, R. Mark
box 93
Janssen, Marco
box 93
Jennings, Kent
box 93
Johnson, Tim
box 93
Joireman, Jeffrey
box 93
Karlan, Dean
box 93
Karmiloff-Smith, Annette
box 93
Kerr, Norbert

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 93
Keser, Claudia
box 93
Khalil, Elias
box 93
Koford, Kenneth
box 93
Kollock, Peter
box 93
Komorita, Samuel
box 93
Kramer, Roderick
box 93
Landry, Rejean
box 93
Larrick, Richard
box 93
Ledyard, John
box 93
Lee, Myungsuk
box 93
Levi, Margaret
box 93
Lipnowski, Irwin
box 93
List, John
box 93
Lohmann, Susanne
box 93
Lopez, Maria Claudia
box 93
Maier-Rigaud, Frank
box 93
Mannix, Elizabeth
box 93
Manski, Charles
box 93
Marwell, Gerald
box 93
Masclet, David
box 93
McCabe, Kevin
box 93
McCusker, Christopher
box 93
Messick, David
box 93
Mestelman, Stuart
box 93
Micko, Hans Christoph
box 93
Miettinen, Topi
box 93
Milinski, Manfred
box 93
Moir, Rob
box 93
Mookherjee, Dilip
box 93
Moxnes, Erling
box 93
Murphy, James
box 93
Mysker, Michael
box 93
Nickerson, David
box 93
Nikiforakis, Nikos
box 93
Niou, Emerson
box 93
Nitzan, Shmuel
box 93
box 93
O'Connor, Brian
box 93
Offe, Claus
box 93
Opp, Kerl-Dieter
box 93
Orbell, John
box 94
Page, Talbot
box 94
Palfrey, Thomas
box 94
Panchanathan & Boyd "Indirect Reciprocity Can Stabilize Cooperation" (Panchanathan, Karthik; Boyd, Robert)
box 94
box 94
Parks, Craig
box 94
Pedersini, Riccardo
box 94
Pestoff, Victor
box 94
Bousquet, Cardenas, Castillo, Janssen, and Worrapimphong (Bousquet, Francois; Cardenas, Juan Camilo; Castillo, Daniel; Janssen, Marco; Worrapimphong, Kobchai)
box 94
Plott, Charles
box 94
Posner, Richard
box 94
Pradiptyo, Rimawan
box 94
Putterman, Louis
box 94
Rabin, Matthew
box 94
Rapoport, Amnon
box 94
Robinson, Robert
box 94
Rothstein, Bo
box 94
Rotter, Julian
box 94
Sally, David
box 94
Salmon, Timothy
box 94
Satz, Debra
box 94
Schechter, Laura
box 94
Schuessler, Rudolf
box 94
Sears, David
box 94
Sebi, Carine
box 94
Sell, Jane
box 94
Selten, Reinhard
box 94
Sethi, Rjiv
box 94
Siren, Anders
box 94
Smirnov, Oleg
box 94
Smith, Eric Alden
box 94
Smith, Vernon
box 94
Sociology Experiment
box 94
Stutzer, Alois
box 94
Suleiman, Ramzi
box 94
Sutter, Matthias
box 94
Thompson, Suzanne
box 94
Van Huyck, John
box 94
Van Vugt, Mark
box 94
Van Soest et al. (Stoop, J. T. R.; van Soest, D. P.; Vyrastekova, J.)
box 94
Visser, Martine
box 94
Vlek, Charles
box 94
Vohs, Kathleen
box 94
Vollan, Bjorn
box 94
Walker, James
box 94
Weber, J. Mark
box 94
Wilke, Henk
box 94
Wilson, Rick
box 94
Wit, Arjaan
box 94
Zwick, Rami
box 94
Miscellaneous articles
box 94
box 94
ESA Discussions
box 94
Experimental Research
box 94
Abbink, Klaus
box 94
Abreu, Dilip
box 94
Adler, Paul
box 94
Agarwal, Rajshree
box 94
Ahn, T.K.
box 94
Hey, John "Experimental Analysis of Optimal Renewable Resource Management"
box 94
Koukoumelis, Anastasios "Leading by Words"
box 94
Articles , 2000s
box 94
Foraging Experiments
box 94
Articles and Correspondence , 1990s-2000s

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 95
Kollock, Peter "The Emergence of Exchange Structures"
box 95
Kollock, Peter "Social Dilemmas"
box 95
Sened, Itai & Riker, William "Common Property and Private Property"
box 95
Common Resources Game
box 95
Experimental Political Science

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 109
Historical Experiments--2-Person Private Common Property Experiments 2006 (2)
box 109
Japanese-US Experiments
box 109
Walker-Ostrom Trust Experiments [many forms] , 1996

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 110
Walker-Ostrom Trust Experiments [many forms] , 1996

Quantity: 9 Folders

box 110
INV-2P Trust Experiments (payments, decision forms)
box 111
Correspondence--Powell , 1991
box 112
rolled graph sheets of data
box 112
box 112
Trust Experiment Instructions, Hokkaido University, Yamagishi, Toshio

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 113
CPR Game , 1987-2002
box 113
Phase II Research: Instruments with Variable Names , ca. 1978-1979

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 165
Walker-Ostrom Experiment--IG-2P
box 165
Walker-Ostrom Experiment--IG-3P
box 169
Design Principles Project: Materials regarding reviews of Design Principles by EO (1990); Correspondence: Michael Cox, Marty Anderies, EO, Villamayor Tomas Sergio, Evans, Tom P, Arnold, Gwendolyn Bree, Michael Schoon; 2009
box 169
2010 Fall Experimental Methods Working Group
box 173
Baseline No Comm/ No Sanction Destruction. Investment in Market CPR Experiment (Sanctioning Table insert at back) , 27 May 1988
box 173
Voting Experiments , ca. 1994

Quantity: 2 Folders


FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
box 5
Forest Resources and Institutions, Working Paper No. 3, FAO 1998 May: Forests Trees and People Programme, Phase II. Clark Gibson, Margaret A. McJean, Elinor Ostrom.
box 5
Successful forest Management: The Importance of Security of Tenure and Rule Enforcement in Ugandan Forests, Working Paper W961-25, FAO 1996 July: Forests Trees and People Programme, Phase II. Abwoli Y. Banana and William Gombya-Ssembajjwe.
box 5
Common Property: What is it, What is it Good For, and What Makes it Work? Working Paper W961-24, FAO 1996 July. Forests Trees and People Programme, Phase II. Margaret A. McKean.
box 5
Social Norms and Human Foraging: An Investigation into the Spatial Distribution of Shorea robusta in Nepal, Working Paper W961-26, FAO 1996 July. Forests Trees and People Programme, Phase II. Charles M. Schweil.
box 83
Miscellaneous , 1997-1998

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 84
Old Correspondence--FTPP In Central America
box 84
Recent FAO communications
box 95
Gibson, McKean, EO "Forest Resources and Institutions" (Gibson, Clark; McKean, Margaret; Ostrom, Elinor) , 1998

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 95
Gibson, McKean, EO "People and Forests..." (Gibson, Clark; McKean, Margaret; Ostrom, Elinor) , 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 96
"People and Forests" correspondence and chapters

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 96
"People and Forests" chapters

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 96
"Forests, Trees, and People" Working Paper , 1998
box 96
"People and Forests" MIT Press , 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 96
"Forest Resources and Institutions" , 1996
box 96
"Forest Resources and Institutions" correspondence , 1995-1996
box 96
"People and Forests" duplicate, MIT. , 2 December 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 96
"People and Forests" correspondence, chapters, and indices , 1999-2000
box 96
"People and Forests" master set, MIT. , 2 December 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 112
Correspondence , 1994-1996


box 6
Collaborative Research Centre, IFRI, CRC, SHODH (Elinor Ostrom was Co-director, IFRI and CIPEC, USA, on Advisory Committee)
box 57
IFRI Data Management Manual
box 57
IFRI Coding Forms Manual , December 1993
box 57
Hess, Charlotte "Forestry Resources and Institutions: A Bibliography" , 1996
box 98
Pagdee, Adcharaporn
box 98
Pearce, David; Adger, Neil; Maddison, David; Moran, Dominic
box 98
Peters, Charles; Gentry, Alwyn; Mendelsohn, Robert
box 98
Meyfroidt, Patrick
box 98
Schlueter, Achim & Schraml, Ulrich
box 98
Sargent, Caroline & Bass, Stephen
box 98
Nagendra, Harini
box 98
Sarin, Madhu; Singh, Neera; Sundar, Nandini; Bhogal, Ranu
box 98
Nickum, James
box 98
National Research Council: Evaluation of Biodiversity Projects
box 98
Nepal Forest Study
box 98
Netting, Robert "Of Men and Meadows"
box 98
Clippings, etc. related to Forestry—Urban Forest

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 98
Collaborative Forestry Group
box 98
European Observatory of Mountain Forest
box 98
Lee, Kai "Appraising Adaptive Management" , 1999
box 98
Forest Research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
box 98
Important Forest and Parks papers
box 98
AID--Forestry Resources Com (?) Report
box 98
Community Based Forest Management
box 98
Agarwal, Bina
box 98
Agrawal, Arun
box 98
Agrawal, Arun "JFM statement in India"
box 98
Alcorn, Janis "Economic Botany, Conservation, and Development"
box 98
Allen, Julia & Barnes, Douglas "The Causes of Deforestation in Developing Countries"
box 98
Anderson, C. Leigh "Rules and Property Rights"
box 98
Andersson, Krister
box 98
Andersen et al. "Deforestation in the Amazon" (Andersen, Lykke; Granger, Clive; Huang, Ling-Ling; Reis, Eustaquio; Weinhold, Diana)
box 98
Arnold, JEM MGMT Forest resources
box 98
Anderson, Dennis "Declining Tree Stocks in African Countries"
box 98
Arora, Dolly "From State Regulation to People's Participation: Case of Forest Management in India"
box 98
Ascher, William "Pol. Ec. And Problematic Forestry Policies in Indonesia"
box 98
Atran, Scott "The Commons Breakdown in Mayaland"
box 98
Attwood, D. W. "The Role of the State in Common Resource Management"
box 98
Ayres, Robert "Industrial Metabolism and Global Change"
box 98
Berry, Sara "Resource access and management as historical processes"
box 98
Blaikie, Piers & Brookfield, Harold "Land Degradation"
box 98
BOSTID--Tropical Forestry Research
box 98
Bhadra, Binayak "Forest Resources: Nepal"
box 98
Bray, David--Forestry
box 98
Breckenridge, Lee "Protection of Biological and Cultural Diversity"
box 98
Bromley, Daniel "Property Rights as Authority System…"
box 98
Brouwer, Roland "Between Policy and Politics"
box 98
Campbell et al. "Challenges to Proponents of Common Property Resource Systems: Despairing Voices fromt the Social Forests of Zimbabwe" (Campbell, Bruce; Mandondo, Alois; Nemrundwe, Nontokozo; Sithole, Bevlyne; De Jong, Wil; Luckert, Marty; Matose, Frank)
box 98
CAPRI--Social Capital in Collective Action
box 98
Castaneda, Javier "Union of Forest Ejidos and Communities of Oaxaca"
box 98
Chichilnisky, Graciela papers
box 98
box 99
box 99
Community Forest in Liberia--CIFOR
box 99
Committee on Forestry Research "Forestry Research: A Mandate for Change"
box 99
Contreras-Hermosilla, Arnoldo "The Underlying Causes of Forest Decline"
box 99
Cruz, Maria Concepcion "Population Pressure, Deforestation, and Common Property Institutions"
box 99
Deacon, Robert "Deforestation and Ownership"  
box 99
Dixon, John & Sherman, Paul "Protected Areas"  
box 99
Dove, Michael "Theories of swidden agriculture, and the political economy of ignorance"
box 99
Elias, Tseggai "Community Participation in Rural Access Planning: The Case of Gurage in Ethiopia"
box 99
European Tropical Forest Network
box 99
FAO of the United Nations "Macroeconomic Aspects of Forestry Sector Planning"
box 99
Fischer, Burnell Papers
box 99
Fisher, Bob "Creating space: Dev. Agencies and local institutions in natural resource management"
box 99
Forest Trends: Who Conserves the World's Forests
box 99
Fortmann, Louise "Customary Law"  
box 99
Foster, David "Land-Use History"  
box 99
Fox, Jefferson "Forest Resources in a Nepali Village"
box 99
Fries & Hermans "Natural Forest Management in Semi-Arid Africa"
box 99
Frumhoff, Peter "Conserving Wildlife in Tropical Forests Managed for Timber"
box 99
Gadgil, Madhav & Seshagiri, P. R. "On Designing a System of Positive Incentives to Conserve Biodiversity…"
box 99
Gluck, Peter
box 99
Ghate, Rucha--Forestry
box 99
Goldstein, Jon "The prospects for Using Market Incentives to Conserve Biological Diversity"
box 99
Herring, Ronald "Commoditization of Nature: Conservation, Preservation and International Regimes"
box 99
Hobley, Mary
box 99
Honey-Roses, Jordi--Forestry
box 99
Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples
box 99
Johansson, S. Ryan "Computer Paradigm and the Role of Cultural Information"
box 99
Johnson, Ronald "Efficient Markets and Great Lakes Timber"
box 99
Kates, Robert & Haarmann, Viola "Where the Poor Lives: Are the Assumptions Correct?"
box 99
Kellert, Stephen
box 99
Kremen et al. "Ecological Monitoring" (Kremen, Claire; Merenlender, Adina; Murphy, Dennis)
box 99
Lambin, Eric "Modelling Deforestation Processes"
box 99
Forestry Articles
box 99
Lawry, Steven "Tenure Policy Toward Common Property Natural Resources in Sub-Saharan…"
box 99
Lele & Stone "Population Pressure, Environment and Agricultural Intensification"
box 99
Lugo, Ariel papers
box 99
Owen, Lynch "Securing Community-Based Tenurial Rights in the Tropical Forest of Asia"
box 99
Magrath, William "Challenge of the Commons"
box 99
Menzies, Nicholas "Forest and Land Management in Imperial China"  
box 99
Merlo et al. "Collective Forest Land Tenure and Rural Dev. In Italy" (Merlo, Maurizio; Morandini, Riccardo; Gabbrielli, Antonio; Novaco, Isidoro)
box 99
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report
box 100
Correspondence--Yandle, Tracy , 2010
box 100
Wily, Liz "Participatory Forest Management in Africa" , 2002
box 100
Webb, Edward, et al. "Forest Property Rights Under Nationalized Forest Management in Bhutan" , 2006
box 100
Walker, Robert
box 100
Deforestation presentation (transparencies in sleeves)
box 100
Vincent, Jeffrey & Binkley, Clark
box 100
Verissimo et al. (Verissimo, Adalberto; Barreto, Paulo; Mattos, Marli; Tarifa, Ricardo; Uhl, Christopher)
box 100
Skole, Chomentowski, Sala, and Nobre
box 100
Vedeld, Trond
box 100
Uhl et al. (Uhl, Christopher; Barreto, Paulo; Verissimo, Adalberto)
box 100
Tzankov, Nikolay
box 100
Turner, Billie Lee
box 100
Thompson, Jamie , 1996
box 100
Subedi, Bishnu
box 100
Subedi et al. (Subedi, Bhishma; Umans, Laurent)
box 100
Sunderlin, William
box 100
Swallow, Brent & Bromley, Daniel
box 100
Task Force on Global Biodiversity
box 100
Talbott, Kirk
box 100
Thomson, James & Schoonmaker, Karen
box 100
Scherr et al. (Scherr, Sara; White, Andy; Kaimowitz, David)
box 100
Scher, Stanley
box 100
Shrestha-Campbell Forestry Questionnaire
box 100
Sinha, Subir & Herring, Ronald
box 100
Sinn, Hans-Werner
box 100
box 100
Stone, Christopher
box 100
Resource Management--Moorehead Program, Murphree, Netting
box 100
Plotkin, Mark & Famolare, Lisa
box 100
Pokharel, Ridish
box 100
Redford, Kent
box 100
Repetto, Robert
box 100
Rights and Resources: From Exclusion to Ownership
box 100
Rodrigues, Antonio
box 100
Rudel, Thomas
box 100
Norgaard Papers
box 100
Ongugo, Paul
box 100
Oreskes et al.
box 100
Oyono, Phil
box 119
Open Source Model
box 165
Kaimowitz & Angelsen "Economic Models of Tropical Deforestation" , 1998
box 169
Decentralization: Memos, drafts, forestry decentralization literature review drafts, Unpacking Decentralization, SANREM meeting; Correspondence: Meinzen-Dick, Ruth (IFPRI), Luckert Marty; EO, Bauer, Jacqueline M., Esther Mwangi, Jagger, Palema Anne, Forrest Fleischman. Krister Par Andersson , 22 May 2008
box 169
box 178
Fisher, Burney "Leaves and Limbs" profile , 2006
box 178
IUFRO World Congress XXIII Korea Memoirs , 2010
box 386
Crafting institutional arrangements for community forestry


GCES (Committee on Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences)
box 178


NORG (Neighborhood Organization Research Group)
box 6
NORG Working Bibliography on Neighborhood Issues and announcements, membership: 1979-1981 (Also includes flyer announcement for Metropolitan Reform An Annotated Bibliography)
box 7
NORG Membership Directory , 1980
box 7
NORG Directory of Newsletters (Paula C. Baker) , August 1980
box 7
Neighborhood Organization News Bulletins and Membership Form, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis: Vol. 1, 2, 3 (Vol. 1, No. 4-5; Vol. 2, No.1-4; Vol. 3, No. 1-4; Vol. 4, No.1-2) , 1977-1981
box 9
Graphics for "Measuring Urban Services" portfolio
box 9
Decision-Related Research on the Organization of Service Delivery in Metropolitan Areas/ National Neighborhood Policy Act 1976/ Proceedings of the Fifth National Meeting, the Neighborhood Movement '77 Building Alliances
box 37
Working Bibliography #1, 1981 Mar. , March 1981
box 37
Neighborhood and Community Organizations: St. Louis
box 44
XF 60706--Focus Midwest: A Magazine Sensitive to the Realities in Our Society
box 44
XF 60712--Neighborhood Revitalization Through the Community Development Grant Block Program , 1980
box 44
XF 60713--Proposal for Electing a Neighborhood Representative
box 44
XF 60714--Remember the Neighborhoods: Conserving Neighborhoods through Historic Preservation Techniques
box 44
XF 60715--Indianapolis police swing away from rotating shifts , 1981
box 44
XF 60716--Director's Report, Community Design Center of Atlanta , June 1980
box 44
XF 60717--How do you start a neighborhood center?
box 44
XF 60718--Organizing to Handle Neighborhood-Based Technologies
box 44
XF 60719--Neighborhood-Based Technologies an Overview
box 44
XF 60720--A Proposal for the Development Training Institute
box 44
XF 60721--Rediscovering Governance Tools: New Applications for Urban Neighborhoods
box 44
XF 60722--Children's Advocacy: A Neighborhood Action Guide
box 44
XF 60723--Neighborhood Services for the Aging
box 44
XF 60724--Neighborhood Food Programs
box 44
XF 60725--Housing Rehabilitation
box 44
XF 60726--Forming Housing Cooperatives
box 44
XF 60727--Community-Based Waste Recycling
box 44
XF 60728--Combating Housing Abandonment
box 44
XF 60729--Community Land Bank and Land Trusts
box 44
XF 60730--Meeting State and Local Housing Needs: A Model for Illinois
box 44
XF 60731--Rural Community Development Block Grant Local Survey Form , Feb. 1979
box 44
XF 60732--Single Purpose Small Cities CDBG Housing Assistance Plan Household Needs Field Survey
box 44
XF 60733--HUD News, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development , May 7, 1980
box 44
XF 60734--Housing in Denmark , 1979
box 44
XF 60735--Non-Profit Housing in Denmark , 1979
box 44
XF 60736--A Short Introduction to the System of Valuation and Taxation of Real Property in Denmark
box 44
XF 60737--Current Trends and Policies in the Field of Housing, Building and Planning , 1979
box 44
XF 60738--A Guide to the Annual Housing Survey (2 copies)
box 44
XF 60739--Housing and Urban Development Department , 1979
box 44
XF 60740--HUD International Brief, Program Report 10 , June, 1971
box 44
XF 60741--HUD International Brief, Program Report 11 , June, 1971
box 44
XF 60742--HUD International Brief, 13 , February, 1972
box 44
XF 60743--South Bronx Community Housing Corporation (2 copies)
box 44
XF 60744--Challenge! Options and Opportunities for Disabled Citizens (2 copies)
box 44
XF 60745--Housing Research Data Center
box 44
XF 60746--Adaptive Reuse Handbook: Executive Summary (2 copies)
box 44
XF 60747--Data Resources in Housing and Urban Development
box 44
XF 60748--Secretary of HUD letter , January 5, 1977
box 44
XF 60749--Home Owner Equity Insurance
box 44
XF 60750--General Information Packet, National Clearinghouse on Domestic Violence
box 44
XF 60751--Prisons and Prisoners, Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin
box 44
XF 60752--Crime Victims Compensation Board, Annual Report , 1980-1981
box 44
XF 60755--Public Affairs Pamphlet Series , December, 1974
box 44
XF 60756--A Citizens' Guide to Maintaining Neighborhood Places
box 44
XF 60757--Citizens' Action Manual
box 44
XF 60758--Organizing an Effective Parent Advisory Council
box 44
XF 60759--Big School Bankruptcies: Public of Private Bailout?
box 44
XF 60760--1980 Guide to Office of Education Programs
box 44
XF 60761--Community Education Skills Exchange Network
box 44
XF 60763--Taking the Grief out of Grievances in Public School Systems
box 44
XF 60764--People Helping People: An Overview of Community Education
box 44
XF 60765--Organizing a Community School: A Primer for Citizens
box 44
XF 60766--Community Education for the Rural Elderly
box 44
XF 60767--Community Education Proven Practices, Two-district Approach
box 44
XF 60768--Community Education Proven Practices, Loyal Government Participation
box 44
XF 60769--Community Education Proven Practices, Agency Cooperation
box 44
XF 60770--Community Education Proven Practices, Citizen Participation
box 44
XF 60771--Community Education Proven Practices, Building Local Support
box 44
XF 60772--Community Education Proven Practices, K-12 Integration
box 53
Dissemination: Measures Mailing Addresses
box 57
Streets and Roads
box 57
Measures--Street Observations
box 57
Measures (Miscellaneous)

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 70
Measures Project Subareas

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 71
Measuring Urban Services: A Multi-Mode Approach, (Workshop Measures Project NSFGI-38535) , 1975-06
box 71
M-13 Ostrom, Elinor "The Need for Multiple Indicators in Measuring the Output of Public Agencies" (Measures Project GI-38535—Measures of Municipal Services: Multi-Mode Approaches) Research Report Number 13 [here realized substantial category so designated the M series in pencil]
box 71
M-11 Ostrom, Elinor "Multi-Mode Approaches to Measurement of Government Productivity" (Measures Project GI-38535, Fourth Colorado Regional Urban Conference on Exploring Productivity vs. Effectiveness in Governmental Systems, Denver, CO , April 24, 1975)
box 71
M-10, Carroll, Susan "An Analysis of the Relationship Between Citizen Perceptions and Unobtrusive Measures of Street Conditions" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-9 Carroll, Susan "The Importance of the Order of Placements of Questions on A Questionnaire: An Analysis of Citizen Responses to Overall Evaluation Questions on Street Lighting and Street Conditions" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-8 Greene, Vernon "Citizen Perceptions of Streetlight Brightness Levels: Measurement Validity" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-6 Rich, Richard "Development of the Residential Street Roughness Indicator as a Mode of Measurement for the Study of Municipal Services" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-5 Rich, Richard "The Development of a Technique for the Physical Measurement of Residential Street Lighting" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-3 Rich, Richard "The Development of a Street Lighting Photograph Display for Obtaining Measures of Citizens' Perceptions and Preferences" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-3 Rich, Richard & Ostrom, Elinor "The Development and Pretesting of a Street Lighting Simulator for Obtaining Information Concerning Citizens' Perceptions of and Preferences for Street Lighting" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-2 Rich, Richard "The Selection and Specification of Dimensions of the Services to be Studied" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 72
M-1 Greene, Vernon; Ostrom, Elinor; Parks, Roger B.; Rich, Richard "The Measures Project- A Theoretical Methodological Overview" (Measures Project GI-38535)
box 92
Dissemination of Measures Study , 1976

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 101
NORG Bulletins , 1970-1989

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 102
NORG Bulletins , 1970-1989

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 102
Correspondence with electric companies , 1974-1975
box 102
Lighting and Crime
box 102
Streetlighting and Road Repair
box 102
Development of the RSRI
box 102
Coding conventions for Measures Questionnaire
box 102
Light Meter Readings/Graphs
box 102
Technical Aspects of Street Lighting
box 102
DOT Materials
box 102
Visual Perception
box 102
Measures Reports 1-13: Urban Services Pamphlets 2-11
box 102
Measures: Original 1
box 102
Measures: Original 2
box 102
Measures: Pamphlet 3
box 102
Measures: Pamphlet 4
box 102
Measures: Original 5
box 102
Measures: Original 6
box 102
Measures: Original 7
box 102
Measures: Original 8
box 103
Measures: Original 9
box 103
Measures: Original 10
box 103
Measures: Pamphlet 11
box 103
Measures: Original Bibliography
box 103
Measures Project--A Theoretical and methodological Overview
box 103
M-2: The Selection and Specification of Dimensions of the Services to be Studied
box 103
M-3: The Development and Pretesting of a Street Lighting Simulator for Obtaining Information Concerning Citizens' Perceptions…
box 103
M-4: The Development of a Street Lighting Photograph Display for Obtaining Measures of Citizens' Perceptions and Preferences
box 103
M-5: The Development of a Technique for the Physical Measurement of Residential Street Lighting
box 103
M-6: Development of the Residential Street Roughness Indicator…
box 103
M-8: Citizen Perceptions of Streetlight Brightness Levels
box 103
M-9: The Importance of the Order of Placement of Questions on a Questionnaire…
box 103
M-10: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Citizen Perceptions and Unobtrusive Measures of Street Conditions
box 103
M-11: Multi-Mode Approaches to Measurement of Government Productivity
box 103
M-12: Multi-Mode Measures: From Potholes to Police
box 103
M-13: The Need for Multiple Indicators in Measuring the Output of Public Agencies
box 103
Roadway Engineering
box 106
Computer Printouts "Tot Pot 5400-6000"
box 106
Computer Printouts "Tot Pot 9080-9240"
box 106
Computer Printouts "Tot Pot 0080-1000"
box 107

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 107
box 107

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 107
Expenditures , 1980
box 107
"Current" materials , 1980-1989
box 107
Correspondence , 1981-1982
box 108
Correspondence , 1976-1977
box 109
Guide to Resources in Alternative Human Services
box 109
Measures Project
box 169
Bloomington Neighborhood Energy Study: Energy Reduction District concept, US DOE Strengthening Building Retrofit Markets, 2010. Correspondence: Karen Hanson, Claudia Brink, McGinnis, Michael, Maurice Luker, Burnell Fischer, Kathryn Mincey, Michael Kelly, Rebecca Dilger
box 225
Delivery of Urban Services, Ch. 1-8, etc.

Quantity: 9 Folders

box 225
Sage Publication Related Correspondence
box 378
States Info bits


PSS (Police Services Study)
box 382
box 382
Variable List--Masters

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 382
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing , September, 1976

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 5
Administrative Report Nos. 1-4, NSF Grant No. GI-43949. Report on Dissemination, Janna Hodson , 1975
box 5
Administrative Report No. 6, NSF Grant No. GI-43949. On Dissemination, Elinor Ostrom and Gilian Nevin , December 6, 1976
box 5
Final Report on Research, NSF Grant No. 43949: Final Report on Research Activities, Products and Dissemination. Stephen L. Percy, Elinor Ostrom, Gillian Nevin , June, 1980
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, In Fresh Pursuit of Fresh Pursuit, [No. 2] 1975 May. Larry Wagner. Copy 1
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, The Case of Major Case Squads, [No. 3] , August, 1975
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, Bulletin 1/ A Study of Police Agencies in Metropolitan Areas. Copy 1
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, Bulletin 1/ A Study of Police Agencies in Metropolitan Areas. Copy 2
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, In Fresh Pursuit of Fresh Pursuit, [No. 2] Copy 2 , May, 1975
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, In Fresh Pursuit of Fresh Pursuit, [No. 2] Copy 3 , May, 1975
box 5
Workshop Reports: Preliminary Findings from 1977 Summer Research. Copy 1
box 5
Workshop Reports: Preliminary Findings from 1977 Summer Research. Copy 2
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, In Fresh Pursuit of Fresh Pursuit, [No. 2] Copy 4 , May, 1975
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, In Fresh Pursuit of Fresh Pursuit, [No. 2] Copy 5 , May, 1975
box 5
Workshop Reports: Police Services Study Bulletin, In Fresh Pursuit of Fresh Pursuit, [No. 2] Copy 6 , May, 1975
box 5
Board of Consultants St. Louis Meeting
box 5
Board of Consultants Meeting , April 1, 1975
box 5
Administrative Report No. 1, Report on Dissemination, NSF Grant No. GI-43949, (2 copies) Jana Hodson , 1974-1975
box 5
W72-3, Roy D. Burbrink "An Analysis of Citizen Evaluations of the Bloomington Police Department: The Relationship Between Young People and the Police" Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, , 1972
box 5
W73-6, Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Dennis C. Smith "A Multi-Strata, Similar Systems Design for Measuring Police Performance" Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meetings , May 25-26, 1974
box 5
W78-37, Wesley G. Skogan, George E. Antunes "Information, Apprehension, and Deterrence: Exploring the Limits of Police Productivity." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis , November 11, 1978
box 5
W79-12 "Calling the Cops: Police Telephone Operators and Citizen Calls for Service" Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. George Antunes, Department of Political Science--U. of Houston; Eric J. Scott , November 02, 1979
box 5
Patterns of Police-Referral Agency Interaction (2 copies), softcover
box 5
Case Disposition: An Assessment of the Literature on Police Referral Practices
box 6
Florida Department of Law Information [sic] Enforcement, Legislative Budget Request for, Tallahassee , 1975-1976

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 7
Portfolio for Measuring Urban Services: A Multi-Mode Approach. Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks directors , 1975
box 7
The Police Services Study Handbook, Draft, NSF Grant No. GI 43949, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Police in Metropolitan America, Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon P. Whitaker , December 1, 1975
box 7
Comprehensive Report, Patterns of Metropolitan Policing, NSF Grant GI 43949, Second Draft. Patterns of Metropolitan Policing, Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon P. Whitaker , December 1, 1975
box 7
W80-33-18, Police Communications Study, Report on Data Collection and Research Instruments, National Institute of Justice Grant No. 80-IJ-CX-0014, (Percy, Stephen; Scott, Eric; Swarup, Asha) , July 9, 1981

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 7
Background Material for National Board of Consultants Meeting , March 17-18, 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 7
NSF Grant no. 43949. Final Report on Research Activities, Products, and Dissemination, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (Stephen L. Percy, Elinor Ostrom, Gillian Nevin) , June, 1980
box 7
Report on Research Activities, Products, and Dissemination (Stephen L. Percy, Elinor Ostrom, Gillian Nevin) , June, 1979
box 7
Polycentric Orders and Police: The Unfolding of a Research Program, Draft. Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks , 1985
box 8
T-27, Appendix A--List of Indicators , October 4, 1976
box 8
T-27, Variables & Framework Chart , October, 1976
box 8
T-27, X5 Linkage Hypotheses, E. Ostrom , October 25, 1976
box 8
T-27, Z-3 Linkage Hypotheses--Allen , October 25, 1976
box 8
Policing Metropolitan America--Major Findings--E.O., RBP, GPW Draft 11/76: W76-7, Policing Metropolitan America, 1977. Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon Whitaker. small note in folder with date sent to NSF 1-27-77 (3 copies) , January, 1976
box 8
Policing Metropolitan America--Major Findings--E.O., RBP, GPW Draft 11/76: Summary of Policing Metropolitan America. Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon Whitaker (10 copies at least) , July, 1976
box 8
Policing Metropolitan America--Major Findings--E.O., RBP, GPW Draft 11/76: Policing Metropolitan America, Major Findings, Summary. Elinor Ostrom, Gordon Whitaker (6 copies at least) , November 17, 1976
box 8
Policing Metropolitan America--Major Findings--E.O., RBP, GPW Draft 11/76: Policing Metropolitan America, Major Findings, draft. Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon Whitaker , November 11, 1976
box 8
3rd Draft--The "Handbook" W76-7: Policing Metropolitan America. Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon Whitaker , September 15, 1976
box 8
Board of Consultants, St. Louis meeting , December 13, 1974
box 8
The Handbook--Rough Chapters Typed--2nd Draft , September 1, 1976
box 8
The Handbook--Copy of First Draft , August, 1976
box 8
Publishing correspondence , 1970-1979
box 8
Comments on "Policing Metropolitan America"
box 8
Ostrom, Elinor & Parks, Roger "Polycentric Orders and Police…"
box 9
Handbook draft , August 16, 1975
box 9
"Policing Metropolitan America" third draft , September 15, 1976
box 9
Handbook maps
box 9
Handbook graphs
box 9
Workshop reports, bulletins
box 9
Chief's Report draft template
box 9
Chief's Report, St. Petersburg Police Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, Tampa Police Dept. , 1978
box 9
Chief's Report, Tarpon Springs Police Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, University City Police Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, Wellston Police Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, St. Louis Metro. Police Dept. , 1977

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 9
Chief's Report, Rochester Police Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, Pinelawn Police Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, Pinellas County Sherriff's Dept. , 1977
box 9
Chief's Report, Pinellas Park Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Monroe County Sherriff's Department , 1977
box 10
Research Manual for the Police Services Study
box 10
Chief's Report, Kinloch Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Kirkwood Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Largo Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Correspondence--Service Requests , 1978
box 10
Names & Address of Police Chiefs for Rochester, Tampa, & St. Louis
box 10
Correspondence--Chief's Reports , 1978
box 10
Chief's Report, Berkeley Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Hillsborough County Sherriff's Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Brentwood Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Bridgeton Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Clearwater Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Crestwood Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Ferguson Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Northwoods Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Gates Police Department , 1977
box 10
Chief's Report, Greece Police Dept. , 1977
box 10
Criminal Justice Research and Development
box 10
20-01-004 (Salvation Army) Phase II: Rochester, SMSA, Internal Docs and Materials related to the Referral and Citizen Org. Questionnaires
box 10
20-01-009 (Annual Report of Catholic Family Center) , 1977
box 10
20-01-012 (Family Service of Rochester) , 1977
box 11
20-01-013 (Progress Report on Life Line) , 1974
box 11
20-01-020 (Hillside Children's Center) , 1977
box 11
20-01-022 (Jewish Family of Rochester Annual Report) , 1977
box 11
20-01-027 (Evaluation of the Teen Challenge Treatment Program) , 1976
box 11
20-01-++++-031 (Rape Crisis Service) , 1976
box 11
25-01-032 (Social Work Office Questionnaire)
box 11
20-04-007 (Straight, Inc.)
box 11
20-04-016 (Quest Inn) , 1976
box 11
20-04-027 (Suicide and Crisis Center)
box 11
20-04-064 (Operation Par, Inc.)
box 11
20-05-025 (Hillsboro Co. Stop Rape Inc.)
box 11
20-05-034 (Family Service Association of Greater Tampa Inc.)
box 11
20-05-046 (Hillsboro Community Mental Health Center, Inc.)
box 11
20-05-098 (Metropolitan Ministries, Inc.)
box 11
20-05-152 (Big Brothers of Tampa, Inc.)
box 11
20-05-153 (Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services)
box 11
20-05-008 (Family Counselling Center)
box 11
20-06-017 (Alternative Human Services Telephone Counseling)
box 11
20-06-053 (Boy's Club, Inc.)
box 11
20-06-054 (Juvenile Services, Inc.)
box 11
20-06-055 (HRS Protective Services)
box 11
20-06-082 (Health and Rehabilitative Services)
box 11
20-06-145 (HRS Group Home)
box 11
20-06-146 (HRS Youth Services)
box 11
20-07-++++-002 (Hyland Center for the Treatment of Alcoholism)
box 11
20-07-++++-005 (Salvation Army)
box 11
20-07-++++-017 (Family and Children's Service of Greater St. Louis)
box 11
20-07-++++-019 (Bureau of Field Operations)
box 11
20-10-003 (Community Dispute Services)
box 11
20-10-++++-005 (Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau)
box 11
20-10-++++-021 (Rochester Mental Health Center)
box 11
20-10-++++-035 (Rochester Police Department Victim Assistant Program)

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 11
20-10-++++-043 (Youth Services and Delinquency Project)
box 11
20-20-007 (Referral Agency)
box 11
20-20-++++-018 (Threshold)
box 11
20-20-++++-024 (Volunteers of America)
box 11
20-20-++++-034 (Legal Aid Society of Rochester)
box 11
20-20-++++-037 (Town of Henrietta Youth Bureau)
box 11
20-20-++++-038 (Dept. of Parks and Recreation)
box 11
20-30-++++-039 (Storefront Cops)
box 11
20-40-161 (School Resource Officer Program)
box 11
20-50-069 (John 3:16)
box 11
20-50-083 (Vitec and Project Concern)
box 11
20-050-103 (Community Youth Services, Inc.)
box 11
20-062-072 (Clearwater PD Victim Assistance)
box 11
Telephone Referral Screeners--Tampa
box 11
Random Notes
box 11
20-70-++++-006 (Harbor Light Program)
box 11
20-70-++++-09 (Detoxification and Diagnostic Evaluation Center)
box 11
20-70-++++-020 (Area CMH-10 Mental Health and Related Facilities)
box 11
20-70-++++-025 (South Side YMCA Peak Experience)
box 11
20-80-++++-001 (Youth Emergency Service)
box 11
18-01-++-004 (Urban League of Rochester)
box 11
18-10-++-013 (Against Crime Together)
box 11
18-10-+++-018 (South East Area Collation)
box 11
18-01-++-029 (Monroe county Human Relations Commission)
box 11
18-10-++-038 (Community Affairs Center)
box 11
18-10-++++-045 (The Cornhill Gazette)
box 11
18-01-++-047 (React)
box 11
18-10-++++-049 (Action for a Better Community)
box 11
18-10-++++050 (Facts about Baden Street Settlement)
box 12
18-10-++++056 (Sixteenth Ward Coalition Planning)
box 12
18-10-++++-066 (Hudson Ave Neighborhood Association)
box 12
18-10-01-067 (Community Association Newsletter)
box 12
18-01-++++070 (The Ibero-American Action League)
box 12
18-10-++++-094 (EANA)
box 12
18-01-++++-118 (Senior Action Council)
box 12
18-10-++++-130 (SWEM)
box 12
18-01-++++-151 (Crime Summit)
box 12
18-10-++++-169 (UCAN)
box 12
18-10-++-212 (CIT Org)
box 12
18-01-++++-240 (MORE)
box 12
18-20-++++-244 (Rochester Jobs Incorporated)
box 12
18-10-++++-245 (Ashanti)
box 12
18-20-01-++-246 (SCRAM)
box 12
"Pac-Tac" Rochester ("Files from Roger Parks Office, Phase II: Rochester, SMSA, Internal Docs and Materials related to the Referral and Citizen Org. Questionnaires") , 1973-1974

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 12
Neighborhood Watch, Monroe County
box 12
Neighborhood Watch Advisory Committee, City of Monroe
box 12
Neighborhood Watch Program, Yearly Progress Report , 1976
box 12
National Neighborhood Watch Program. Rochester-Monroe report , 1975
box 12
Neighborhood Watch in Monroe County: An Impact Study , 1975
box 12
Roger Parks, letter about legal matters , 1977
box 12
Rochester maps
box 12
Rochester, personnel hiring , 1977
box 12
Rochester-Seabrooke , 1977
box 12
Rochester grant from NY Office of Crime Control Planning , 1976

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 12
Rochester Police Department, team policing , October, 1975
box 12
Rochester Police Department, investigative outcome assessment , 1976
box 12
Rochester Police Department, Crime Analysis Unit Managing Criminal Investigations. , January 1, 1976
box 12
Monroe County, NY. Home Security checklist
box 12
STAR Program project grant application
box 12
Monroe County Sheriff Survey. Small business survey form
box 12
Gates Police Department, Rochester, NY , 1976
box 12
Rochester, NY. Phase II contact lists
box 12
Brighton Police Department. Public Intoxication Procedure , January 1, 1976
box 12
Rochester, NY. Chamber of Commerce. Unified Police Services Task Force. , June 4, 1973
box 12
Charter Crime Study Paper, Monroe County, NY. , April 25, 1974
box 12
D'Amore, Lawrence "Metropolitan Police System" Monroe County, Rochester, NY
box 12
Correspondence--Memos on Dispatch Observation. , February-March, 1977
box 12
Rochester, NY correspondence--topical , 1976
box 12
Center for Governmental Research
box 12
Rochester correspondence--publications list
box 12
Government pamphlets, Rochester, NY
box 12
Rochester--Monroe County Criminal Justice, Pilot City Program
box 12
Rochester libraries
box 12
Living in Rochester

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (1 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Criminal Justice Pilot City Program Interim Report, 1972 Dec. 31 (2 copies); 2) Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York. 1973 May 7 (2 copies); 3) Demographic Indicators for Rochester and Monroe County, New York. 1973 June (2 copies)

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (2 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Cost Effectiveness Analysis of the Collection and Disbursement of Support Payments by Monroe County Family Court, 1973 July; 2) A Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Monroe County Pilot Program for Vocational Upgrading of Probationers, 1973 July; 3) Probation Employment and Guidance Program, 1973 Sept.; 4) Criminal Justice Research, Management, and Information System, 1973 Sept.

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (3 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) The First Five Years of the Safe Streets Act; Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Grants. 1973 Sept. (2 copies); 2) Monroe County Family Court Probation Project, undated; 3) Rehabilitation Intervention Program for Sentenced Prisoners, 1973 Oct.; 4) Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York 1960-1973. 1973 Oct. 30

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (4 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Program, 1973 Dec. 31 (2 copies); 2) The Impact of Alcohol Offenses on the Criminal Justice System in Monroe County, New York. 1974 Jan. 28 (2 copies)

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (5 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Police in Monroe County, New York. 1974 May (2 copies); 2) Corrections in Monroe County, New York 1970-1973. 1974 Apr.; 3) Research, Management, and Offender Based Transaction Statistics Systems. 1974 Apr. 30; 4) Crime in Monroe County: 1960, 1964, 1970-1973. 1974 Sept.

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (6 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Probation Employment and Guidance Program II, 1974 July; 2) "Facit" Family Conflict Intervention Team Experiment, 1974 July; 3) From Elizabeth Croft, 1974 Mar. 11

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (7 of 12): Crime in Monroe County: 1960, 1964, 1970-1973 (Crime Data Supplement). (2 copies) , September, 1974
box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (8 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Program, Phase Two Interim Report. 1974 Sept. 30 (2 copies); 2) Analysis of Juror Utilization in Monroe County, 1974 Oct.; 3) An Econometric Analysis of Property Crime: Interaction between Police and Criminals, 1975 Jan. (2 copies)

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (9 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Research and Management Utilization of a Court Information System, 1975 Mar.; 2) Inverse Distance Variations for the Flow of Crime in Urban Areas, 1974 Mar. (2 copies); 3) Target Pins, Experimental Action Program. 1975 June (2 copies); 4) A Note on the Effect of Crime on Property Values, 1975 June (2 copies); 5) Victim Assistance Program, 1975 June

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (10 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) The Screening and Selection of Police Candidates in Rochester, New York. 1975 June (2 copies); 2) The Court System in Monroe County, New York. 1975 June; 3) A Report on the Experience of the Probation Employment and Guidance Program: September 1973 – May 1975. 1975 June

box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (11 of 12): The Juvenile Justice System in Monroe County, New York. (2 copies) , June, 1975
box 13
Rochester-Monroe County (12 of 12)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) The Monroe County Jail: The Need for and Feasibility of Relocating into Other Facilities Seven Categories of Prisoners, 1975 July (2 copies); 2) Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot Program, Final Report. 1975 June (2 copies)

box 13
A Study of Drug Abuse in Rochester and Monroe County, (2 copies) , 1974
box 14
Alcohol Abuse and the Criminal Justice System, , 1973
box 14
A Plan for Better Government in Monroe County: A Report to the Monroe County Legislature , 1974
box 14
Rochester Center and Monroe County: The Police System: Present, Proposed , 1970
box 14
Rochester Center and Monroe County: Human Resource, Problems Inventory , 1971
box 14
Two-Tiered Government in Monroe County, New York , 1975
box 14
Monroe County and New York State

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Proposed Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, undated; 2) Economic Growth: A Framework for Planning Policy, 1974; 3) Applicant and Grantee Guide, 1976

box 14
Juvenile Reports

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Planning for Comprehensive Youth Services in Monroe County, 1976; 2) Juvenile Delinquency: A Regional Perspective, 1972

box 14
Social Services Agencies: Regional Survey , 1970
box 14
ICMA Data Files , 1976
box 14
Directions for Phase II , 1976
box 14
Board of Consultants Meeting , 1975
box 14
Board of Consultants Meeting , 1974
box 14
Research Instruments Police Referral , 1975
box 14
Board of Consultants Meeting , 1976
box 14
Board of Consultants Meeting , 1978
box 15
Coproduction Group , 1979-1980
box 15
Chronological Files (Correspondence, etc.) , December 1974 - November 1976
box 16
Monthly Chronological Files, December 1976-October 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 16
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County Communities, Vol. I--Bella Villa, Missouri; Reports to Chiefs , 1972

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 16
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County Communities, Vol. II--Crestwood, Missouri; Reports to Chiefs , 1972

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 16
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County Communities, Vol. III--Kinloch, Missouri; Reports to Chiefs , 1972

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 16
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County Communities, Vol. IV--Richmond Heights, Missouri; Reports to Chiefs , 1972

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 16
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County Communities, Vol. V--University City, Missouri; Reports to Chiefs (1 of 2) , 1972
box 17
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County Communities, Vol. V--University City, Missouri; Reports to Chiefs (2 of 2) , 1972
box 17
Chief's Report: Pinellas County Sheriff's Department , 1978
box 17
In-Depth Notebook , 1977
box 17
Research Triangle Institute "Evaluating the Organization of Service Delivery: Fire"

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 17
Research Manual for the Police Services Study, , January, 1975
box 17
Patrol Observer's Training Notebook, undated
box 17
Census Bureau Estimates for 1972 & 1973. , July, 1975
box 17
Data Analysis and Field Procedures , 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 17
Survey Codes
box 17
NSF Measures, undated
box 17
EO Final Overviews , 1974
box 17
AAAS Study Guide on Contemporary Problems: Public Policy Analysis, undated
box 17
U421 Aggregate Project: The 1972 NORC National Probability Sample, (King, Benjamin; Richards, Carol) , 1972
box 17
Correspondence related to Chicago II Study , 1971-1972
box 18
Expenditure/Manpower Data from West Palm Beach , 1977
box 18
Research Manual for the Police Services Study , 1975
box 18
Code Sheets by State
box 18
Administrative Report: Decision Related Research on the Organization of service Delivery in Metropolitan Areas , 1975
box 18
St. Louis Questionnaire and Coding Form , 1972
box 18
Form 26: Tear Data Sheet , 1977-1979
box 18
Problem Codes , 1977-1978
box 18
Institute for the Development of Anthropology (IDA) , 1981-1984

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 18
Code Sheets by State

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 19
Data Analysis, Fall , 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 19
Materials , 1977
box 19
Monthly Chronological Files , January 1988 - July 1989
box 20
Monthly Chronological Files , 1980
box 20
Monthly Chronological Files , January 1974 - November 1974
box 20
Procedure folder
box 20
Background material for National Board of Consultants Meeting, Seabrook Island Club, John's Island, South Carolina , March 17-18, 1977
box 20
Monodex-Metref Urban Citation Retrieval System, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (2 copies) , 1974
box 20
Final Instruments, Police Services Study, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, , February 15, 1975
box 20
Patrol Observer's Training Notebook, undated
box 20
Methods Report, The Referral Agency Interview and Narrative Forms, (2 copies) , 1977
box 20
Patrol Observer Debriefing Room, Sharp/Whitaker/Mastrofski , February 22, 1977
box 20
Debriefing Log Sheet Draft, Form Number 50 , May 2, 1977
box 20
Various Drafts of Police Officer Questionnaire—Before Final
box 20
Various Drafts of Citizen Questionnaire—Before Final Citizen Survey 01 – Draft, undated
box 21
Citizen Survey 01--Draft
box 21
Drafts of Bid Letter , April, 1977
box 21
The Debriefing Instruments – Their Purposes , October 6, 1976
box 21
Police Officer Debriefing Form – Scott , October 4, 1976
box 21
Debriefing Coding Manual #5
box 21
Police Encounter Coding Form and Preliminary Notes to Same, RBP , March 15, 1977
box 21
Various Drafts of Patrol Encounter Coding Form
box 21
Patrol Encounter Coding Form Coding Manual, RBP Draft , December 28, 1977
box 21
Patrol Encounter Narrative Form – RBP Draft , April 17, 1977
box 21
Dispatch Observation Forms, Sharp , February 14, 1977
box 21
Citizen Organization mail Questionnaire Draft, FPB, 28234 , April 19, 1977
box 21
Form #16, Telephone Screener (FPB), Final Draft
box 21
Letter to Citizen Respondents , May 26, 1977
box 21
Phone Call Instruction Sheet , July 1976
box 21
Form #18, In-Depth Citizen Organization Questionnaire, Final Version
box 21
Observation Instruments, Sharp and GPW , October 4, 1976
box 21
Specific Types of Questions , October 7, 1976
box 21
Overview – David Allen , October 13, 1976
box 21
An Intuitive Factor Analysis – Allen , October 22, 1976
box 21
The Use of Surveys to Isolate Police Productivity Factors, Allen Draft , November 1976
box 21
Problem Type Code Elaboration Draft, DNA , April 29, 1976
box 21
Revised Problem Type Code Elaboration , 1977
box 21
Introduction Letter – Pretest, undated
box 21
Observation Log Sheet – McIver Draft , November 5, 1976
box 21
Preliminary SMSA Selection Matrix, ES , February 16, 1977
box 21
Telephone Screener for Citizen Organizations, Form #16, FPB Draft , April 18, 1977
box 21
Citizen Labor In-Depth Interview Forms, Mastrofski , March 1, 1977
box 21
Problem Type Codes Draft , May 27, 1977
box 21
Memo from RBP RE Neighborhood Code for Calls for Service Form , May 29, 1977
box 21
Coding Update Sheets #1, #2, and #3, RBP
box 21
Referral Agency Interview Form – Draft Before Final Version, #20, undated
box 21
Form #7 – Police Administration Interview, Final Version, undated
box 21
Old Drafts of Various Forms, undated
box 21
Variable List – Revised , March 14, 1977
box 21
Form #66 Jurisdiction-District-Neighborhood Codes Revised , January 3, 1978
box 21
Jurisdiction-District-Neighborhood Codes Revised , January 3, 1978
box 21
Research Manual for the Police Services Study , January, 1975
box 21
Letters to Police Chiefs , 1977
box 21
Board of Consultants Meeting , 1978
box 22
Indianapolis Study , 1970
box 22
Indianapolis News, Index Police File , 1979
box 22
Training Week Schedule, Police Communications Study , 1981
box 22
W80-33-3(1), Calls for Service/Dispatch, Form 01 , 1980
box 22
W80-33-2, Description of City of Phoenix and Phoenix Police Department , 1980
box 22
INFLO, Citizen Demand, Information Flow, and Initial Police Response , 1980-1981

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) INFLO, Project Description, 1980; 2) INFLO, Housing and Equipment, 1981

box 22
Memphis Site Information , 1980
box 22
Phoenix Site Information , 1980
box 22
Correspondence – Saulsbury/NIJ , 1980-1981
box 22
Grant/Award Requirements
box 22
IUPD Pretesting Summary Report , 1981
box 22
INFLO Correspondence, Etc.. , 1980-1981
box 22
INFLO, Position Applications/Recommendations , 1980
box 22
INFLO, Quarterly Reports , 1981
box 22
INFLO, Publicity , 1980
box 22
INFLO, Grant Awards/Requirements , 1980
box 22
INFLO, Site Selection Notes , 1980-1981
box 22
Chronological Files , March - December 1990
box 23
Chronological Files , November 1977 - February 1990
box 23
Board of Consultants, Correspondence , 1975-1978
box 23
List of Board of Consultants , January 1978
box 23
Address List, Board of Consultants, undated
box 23
Board of Consultants Meeting , March 16, 1978
box 23
Access Letters, "Rochester, N.Y." , 1976
box 23
Terms and Conditions of Employment for Research Assistants, Summer , 1977
box 23
Management Plan for Phase IIb , November, 1976
box 23
Site Selection for Phase IIb Case Studies, Revised , October 24, 1976
box 23
Notes from Rochester Visit , November, 1976
box 23
Thank you Letters to Rochester , 1976
box 23
Fieldworker's Meeting , April 10-11, 1976
box 23
Quail Roost Conference , October 26, 1977
box 23
NSF Site Team Visit , December 3-5, 1975
box 23
NSF Board of Consultants Meeting, New Orleans , March 17-18, 1978
box 23
National Board of Consultants, Seabrook Meeting , March 17-18, 1977
box 23
National Board of Consultants, Quail Roost Meeting , October 27-29, 1976
box 23
Board of Consultants Meeting, St. Louis , July 22-23, 1976
box 23
Board of Consultants, Denver Meeting , September 11-12, 1975
box 23
NSF Site Team Visit , October 7-8, 1976
box 23
Board of Consultants Meeting, St. Louis
box 23
Angell, John (correspondence) , 1974-1975
box 23
Bliss, Dennis L. (correspondence) , 1974-1975
box 23
Corbett, Patrick J. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Damos, James (correspondence) , 1974-1975
box 23
Dunn, Paul F. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Gardiner, John A. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Jacobsmeyer, Adolphe C. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Lewis, Joseph H. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Morgan, J.P. (correspondence) , 1974-1975
box 23
Owens, Robert P. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Smith, Dennis C. (correspondence) , 1974
box 23
Administrative Science Quarterly , 1978
box 23
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science , 1978
box 23
Law and Society Review, undated
box 23
Journal of Police Science and Administration , 1978
box 23
Policy Analysis , 1978
box 23
The Policy Studies Journal, undated
box 23
Public Administration Review, undated
box 23
SAGE (Yearbook), undated
box 23
Social Problems , 1978
box 23
Social Science Quarterly, undated
box 24
Urban Affairs Quarterly , 1878
box 24
Victimology, undated
box 24
PMT Reply Letters, undated
box 24
LEAA Performance Measurement Theory Project Labels , 1978
box 24
Performance Measurement Theory Solicitations , 1979
box 24
Handbook of Political Behavior , 1979
box 24
Performance Measurement Theory Book

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 24
Grantees, LEAA Performance Measurement Theory Project , 1979
box 24
Law Enforcement in Jennings and Flordell Hills, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Hazelwood, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Glendale, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Florrissant, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Bellefontaine, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1927
box 24
Law Enforcement in Bella Villa, Missouri: Citizen Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Overland, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
Law Enforcement in Northwoods, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 24
box 24
Data: PII06, undated
box 24
Data: PII10, undated
box 24
Data: 1352, Indy 70, undated
box 24
Data: 1451, NRC73, undated
box 24
Data: 2081, PII08, undated
box 24
Data: 2201, PII20/(25), undated
box 24
Data: 2191, PII19, undated
box 24
Data: 2121/2221, PII12/PII22, undated
box 24
Methods Reports, MR 09 – MR 20 , 1978
box 25
Police Communications Study , 1980

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 25
DuPage Fire/RMS , 1989-1990
box 25
Original Fire/RMS, Final , 1990 - January 1991
box 25
Parks "Fire and Emergency Medical Service in DuPage County, Illinois" , 1991
box 25
Original and Copy, Fire/RMS , November 23, 1990
box 25
Fire/RMS, Early Receipts, undated
box 25
DuPage Fire – Data, Figures , 1990
box 25
Aurora, undated
box 25
Batavia, undated
box 25
Benseville Fire Department, undated
box 25
Village of Bolingbrook, undated
box 25
Claredon Hills, undated
box 25
Village of Downers Grove, undated
box 25
City of Elmhurst Fire Department, undated
box 25
Glen Ellyn, undated
box 25
Village of Hinsdale, undated
box 25
Village of Lombard, undated
box 25
City of Naperville, undated
box 25
Oak Brook, IL, undated
box 25
Roselle, Undated
box 25
St. Charles, IL, undated
box 25
Village of Villa Park, undated
box 25
Village of Westmont, undated
box 25
City of Wheaton Fire, undated
box 25
Argonne National Laboratory, undated
box 25
Femi National Accelerator Laboratory, undated
box 25
Addison Fire Protection District #1, undated
box 25
Bartlett and Countryside Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Bloomingdale Fire Protection District #1, undated
box 25
Carol Stream Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Claredon Heights Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Glenside Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Itasca Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Lemont Fire Protection District, undated
box 25
Lisle Woodridge Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
Oak Brook Terrace Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
Pleasantville Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
South Elgin Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
Tri-State Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
Warrenville Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
West Chicago Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
Winfield, undated
box 26
Wood Dale Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
York Center Fire Protection District, undated
box 26
Yorkfield Fire Protection District
box 26
Measuring Municipal Output, (Schmandt, Henry J. & G., Ross Stephens) , 1960
box 26
COG , 1975
box 26
CEW 73 [Census Estimates] , 1975
box 26
NRC , 1978
box 26
Place Code Tape , November, 1977
box 26
Chicago I Program and Data , 1979
box 26
NORC-506 Information , 1967
box 26
Roger Parks Notes
box 26
Govt/74, Contr/72, Pol Bene/73 from Gordon, undated

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 26
ICMA Data , 1973
box 26
Police Services Study, Phase II, Research Instruments (with variable names) , 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 26
St. Louis Historical Papers (1 of 3) , 1971-1973
box 26
St. Louis Historical Papers (2 of 3) , 1971-1973
box 27
St. Louis Historical Papers (3 of 3) , 1971-1973
box 27
Methods Reports, MR2-MR6 , 1978
box 27
Law Enforcement in Velda Hills, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Richmond Heights, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Citizen Perceptions of Law Enforcement in Three University City Neighborhoods , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in St. Ann, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in University City, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Berkeley, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Wellston, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Data: 2071, PII07/(24) , 1977
box 27
Data: 2051, PII05 , 1977
box 27
Data: 2021, PII02/(04) , 1977
box 27
Data: 2121, PII12 , 1977
box 27
Data: 2091, PII , 1977
box 27
Data: Gary/Hammond , 1974
box 27
Data: 2221, PII22 , 1977
box 27
Data: 2081, PII08 , 1977
box 27
Data: 1652, STLPOL , 1972
box 27
Data: 1452, Places1/Places2 , 1977
box 27
Data: 2011, PII01 , 1977
box 27
Data: Measures , 1971
box 27
Data: Chic II , 1971
box 27
Data: 1201, Chic I , 1970
box 27
Law Enforcement in Kirkwood, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Kinloch, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions, , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Riverview, Missouri: Citizen Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in St. George, Missouri: Citizen Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Pinelawn, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Calverton Park, Missouri: Citizen Perceptions , 1972
box 27
Law Enforcement in Bridgeton, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
Law Enforcement in Breckenridge Hills and Mary Ridge, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
Citizen Perceptions of Law Enforcement in Three Kirkwood Neighborhoods , 1972
box 28
Citizen Perceptions of Law Enforcement in Seven St. Louis Planning Areas , 1972
box 28
Law Enforcement in St. Louis Neighborhoods: Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
Law Enforcement in St. Louis County: Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
Law Enforcement in Rockhill, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
Law Enforcement in Webster Groves, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
Law Enforcement in Vinita Park, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 28
SMSA Lists--All
box 28
SMSA Lists--Alphabetical, undated
box 28
SMSA Lists--Top 80, undated
box 28
SMSA Lists--State Capitals, undated
box 28
Calls for Service Coding Manual with Revisions , 1978
box 28
Copies of Materials
box 28
Miscellaneous Fire and Solid Waste Matrices, undated
box 28
Fire Agency, undated
box 28
Fire Study , 1980
box 28
Wunnenberg's Metro-West St. Louis Street Guide, undated
box 28
United Community Chest of Greater Rochester, Commission for Children and Youth Services, Final Report , June, 1976
box 28
Miscellaneous Materials , 1970-1979
box 28
St. Louis Information (1 of 2)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) "The St. Louis Airport Dilemma: A Reasoned Argument Concerning the Adequacy of Lambert-St. Louis Airport," James, Dzierwa, St. Louis Seminar, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1971; 2) Shopping Center Directory for the Greater S. Louis Area, 1972; 3) St. Louis County Hotel/Motel Study, Status Report, 1971 Oct.; 4) Municipal Wage and Salary Survey, 1971

box 28
St. Louis Information (2 of 2)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Directory of Municipal Officials of St. Louis County, 1972-73; 2) Office of Economic Opportunity Information Center, Community Profile, 1972; 3) Local Government Finances in the Nation and the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Feb. 1969

box 29
"Metropolitan Service Delivery Structure and Public Agency Performance: Exploring Old Questions with New Methods, Roger Parks, NSF , July 1, 1983 - December 31, 1984
box 29
Performance Measurement, Phase II , 1980-1982
box 29
Copy of Lin's Notebook, undated

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 29
Law Enforcement in Riverview, Missouri: Citizen Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Law Enforcement in St. Ann, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Law Enforcement in Rock Hill, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Law Enforcement in St. George, Missouri: Citizen Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Citizen Perception of Law Enforcement in Seven St. Louis Planning Areas , 1972
box 29
Mailer Score Sheet , 1972
box 29
Matrix with Current Interview Totals, undated
box 29
Letters to Chiefs and Other St. Louis Folks , 1973-1974
box 29
Originals of Standardized Pages, undated
box 29
Velda Villa Hills, undated
box 29
Law Enforcement in Vinita Park, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Law Enforcement in Webster Groves, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Law Enforcement in Wellston, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 29
Letters to Residents Requesting Findings , 1972
box 29
Law Enforcement in Bella Villa, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 29
List of Addresses Requesting Citizen Reports, undated
box 30
Requests from Other Areas, undated
box 30
Citizens' Reports, Crestwood, Missouri, undated
box 30
Law Enforcement in Calverton Park, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 30
Introduction, Study on Law Enforcement in Missouri, undated
box 30
Acknowledgements, undated
box 30
Former U421 Students , 1973
box 30
Law Enforcement in Bridgeton, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions, undated
box 30
Law Enforcement in Crestwood, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 30
Law Enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 30
Law Enforcement in Bella Villa, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 30
Bellafontaine Neighbors, Evaluations of Local Police Service, undated
box 30
Law Enforcement in Berkley, Missouri: Citizen and Police Perceptions , 1972
box 30
St, Louis City Cops, Law Enforcement in St. Louis Neighborhoods: Police Perceptions , 1972
box 30
St. Louis County Cops and Citizens, Citizen Perceptions of Law Enforcement in St. Louis County: Unincorporated and Contract Communities , 1972
box 30
Citizen Perceptions of Law Enforcement in Three University City Neighborhoods , 1972
box 30
Law Enforcement in Florissant, Missouri , 1972
box 30
110 P.A. 52 – Holly Hills, undated
box 30
111 P.A. 49 – Loughborrough, undated
box 30
Law Enforcement in Jennings and Flordell Hills, Missouri , 1972
box 30
311, Meacham Park, undated
box 30
307, University City
box 30
105, Bellefontaine Neighbors
box 30
107, Bridgeton
box 30
303, Wellston
box 30
304, Berkeley
box 30
305, Overland
box 30
208, Breckenridge Hills
box 30
202, Northwoods
box 30
204, Riverview
box 30
Form 02--Patrol Encounter Coding Form
box 30
Citizen Debriefing Form #5, Variable List 05
box 30
Form 06--Final Version of Police Officer Questionnaire
box 30
Citizen Survey Form 01
box 30
Form No. 3--General Shift Information
box 30
Structure Coding Manual (Citizen In-Person Questionnaire)--St. Louis Study Op-Scan Coding Manual
box 30
Historical Calls for Service--St. Louis
box 30
Historical Calls for Service--Rochester
box 30
Historical Calls for Service--Tampa
box 30
Police Administration Interview Form 07
box 30
Calls for Service/Dispatch Records Form, Variable List 08
box 30
Citizen Survey Variable List 01
box 30
Historical Calls for Service Form, Variable List 09
box 30
Form #10--Leader In-Depth Interview, final Version with Instructions
box 30
Referral Agency Interview, Form Number 20
box 30
214, Ferguson 63135 , May 6, 1974
box 30
302, Kinloch 63140 , May 7, 1974
box 30
312, Velda Village Hills 63121, undated
box 30
102, St. George 63123, undated
box 30
104, Crestwood 63126, undated
box 30
106, Hazelwood 63042, undated
box 30
201, Vinita Park 63114, undated
box 30
203, Flordell Hills 63136, undated
box 30
205, Rock Hill 63119, undated
box 30
206, Glendale 63122, undated
box 30
301, Pinelawn 63121, undated
box 30
207, Richmond Heights 63117, undated
box 30
209, Webster Groves 63119, undated
box 30
210, St. Ann 63074 , May 6, 1974
box 30
Kirkwood 63122, undated
box 30
213, University City 63132, undated
box 30
213, University City 63130, undated
box 30
B. Hills/Mary Ridge, undated
box 30
Calverton Park, undated
box 30
Florissant, 108, undated
box 30
Glendale, undated
box 30
Hazelwood, undated
box 30
Jennings/Flordell Hills, undated
box 30
Kinloch, undated
box 31
Phase II, SPSS Creation, undated

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 31
Materials – Chapter 10 , 1979
box 31
Data, writings, resources, etc. , 1975-1978

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 31
Phase II: Referral Logs, Police Administrator Logs, Public Official Logs, Leader Log, and Rochester Miscellaneous Log , 1977
box 31
Administrative Reports , 1975
box 31
Reference Readings
box 31
Book Outline , December 29, 1972
box 31
Board of Consultants Meeting: Police Services Study, Bloomington, Indiana , September 10-11, 1974
box 31
Matrix Correction & DBUFF Information , 1975
box 31
Urban Citation Retrieval System , 1973
box 31
NORC Data , 1966-1968
box 31
St. Louis Planning Group , 1972-1973
box 31
Kirkwood, undated
box 31
Northwoods, undated
box 31
Overland, undated
box 31
Pinelawn, undated
box 31
Richmond Heights, undated
box 31
Chief's Report: Northwoods Police Department , September 9, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Pinelawn Police Department , September 9, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Kinloch Police Department , September 9, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: St. Louis Police Department , September 9, 1978

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 32
Chief's Report: Wellston Police Department , September 9, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: University City Police Department , September 9, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Greece Police Department , September 9, 1978
box 32
Study Forms
box 32
SPSS System, undated
box 32
Methods Report, The Agency Financial Data Coding Form , 1978
box 32
Methods Report, The Crime Statistics Coding Form , 1978
box 32
Final Report on Research Activities, Products, and Dissemination , June, 1980
box 32
Final Instruments, Police Services Study , February 15, 1975
box 32
Forms, Variables, Codes, etc.
box 32
Chief's Report, Brentwood Police Department , September 1, 1978
box 32
Study Area Description for St. Louis , September 1, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Monroe County Sheriff's Department , May 1, 1978
box 32
Study Area Description for Rochester [and Greece] SMSA , 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Tampa Police Department , September 13, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Clearwater Police Department , September 13, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: St. Petersburg Police Department , September 13, 1978
box 32
Chief's Report: Berkeley Police Department , September 1, 1978
box 33
Chief's Report: Rochester Police Department , May 1, 1978
box 33
LEAA, Correspondence , 1976-1980
box 33
LEAA Board Meeting , September, 1979
box 33
LEAA Police Referral Systems Project Board , 1979
box 33
Law Enforcement Assistance Association , 1970-1971
box 33
National Opinion Research Center (NORC) , 1973-1974
box 33
Map [Indiana], undated
box 33
Elinor Ostrom, Proofing Manual – Chicago Study, undated
box 33
Elinor Ostrom, Brief Sketches of Dixmoor, Phoenix, and East Chicago Heights, Y200 and Y771 , September - November, 1970
box 33
Evaluations of Indoors and Evaluations of Outdoors (excellent, good, fair, and poor ratings), undated
box 33
Roger Parks, Source Material Regarding St. Louis and St. Louis County , 1971
box 33
Brian Loveman, Riding with a Sergeant in C Sector , May 5, 1970
box 33
Elinor Ostrom, Riding with the Two-Woman Police Car in Indianapolis , May 5, 1970
box 33
Elinor Ostrom, Instruction for Non-Participant Observation, PS210, undated
box 33
Urban Government, undated
box 33
Dennis Smith, Report of a Five-Hour Tour with Sergeant Bernard McMichael of the Indianapolis Police Department , May 6, 1970
box 33
Elinor Ostrom, Coding Manual – Chicago Study, Y200, Y171, undated
box 33
Elinor Ostrom, Coding Manual, PS210, undated
box 33
Report on Activities – Memo to Rieselbach , 1975
box 33
Report on Activities, Original without Ventures and Publication List , 1973-1975
box 33
Replies to Newsletter 5 , 1976
box 33
W80-33-7, Telephone Operator Responses, Form 01 , 1981
box 33
W80-33-8, Debriefing Transfer, Form 07 , 1981
box 33
W80-33-9, Caller Debriefing, Form 05 , 1980
box 33
W80-33-10, Trouble Slip , 1981
box 33
W80-33-11, Worksheet, Form 01 , 1980
box 33
W80-33-14, Police Officer Questionnaire and Letter to Police Officer , 1981
box 33
W80-33-15, Coding Manual for Form 05/07 , 1981
box 33
W80-33-16, Workflow Instructions, Form 01 , 1981
box 33
W80-33-17, Workflow Instructions , 1981
box 33
W80-33-19, Beat Information Coding Form, Form 10, undated
box 33
W80-33-20, Work Assignment Log, undated
box 33
W80-33-21, Shift Identification Sequence Log, undated
box 33
Letter to Citizens about Study, undated
box 33
Stephen L. Percy, Police Communications Study – Employment Application , December, 1980
box 33
Eric J. Scott, Officer Interview Form – Police Communications Study , December, 1980
box 33
Eric J. Scott, Police Officer Questionnaire, Police Communications Study , January, 1981
box 33
Chronological Files , April 1980 - May, 1981
box 33
W80-33-4, Agency and Police Unit Type Codes , 1980-1981
box 33
W80-33-5, Specific Service Request Codes , 1980-1981
box 33
W80-33-6(1), Problem Code, undated
box 33
W80-33-6(2), Problem Code Elaboration , 1981
box 33
W80-33-3, Coding Manual Form 01 (1 of 3) , 1980-1981
box 34
W80-33-3, Coding Manual Form 01 (2 of 3) , 1980-1981
box 34
W80-33-3, Coding Manual Form 01 (3 of 3)
box 34
XF 60615--Urban Profile of Governmental Responses to Crime in Indianapolis (Parnell, Phil; Pepinsky, Harold) , 1948-1978
box 34
XF 60616--Metropolitan Subarea Plans Work Paper
box 34
XF 60617--A Position Paper: Youth Unemployment
box 34
XF 60620--Who Should Pay for Public Schools?
box 34
XF 60621--The Local Initiatives Support Corporation
box 34
XF 60622--The East Fens Profile
box 34
XF 60623--Policy Briefs: Neighborhood Justice Centers
box 34
XF 60624--Law Enforcement Workload: A comprehensive survey of sheriff and police budgets, personnel, workloads, and service
box 34
XF 60625--State of Minnesota Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control application
box 34
XF 60626--Baltimore County Police Department Report on Accident Investigation
box 34
XF 60627--Review of Legal Services Corporation's Activities Concerning Program Evaluation and Expansion (2 copies)
box 34
XF 60628--Dallas Citizen Profile Survey
box 34
XF 60629--1980 Dallas City Profile Survey
box 34
XF 60630--Crime Analysis, U.S. Department of Justice
box 34
XF 60631--Organizing a Block Club (Phelan, John)
box 34
XF 60632--The Barter Project, The National Center for Citizen Involvement
box 34
XF 60633--Crime Analysis, National Institute of Justice
box 34
XF 60634--Highlights of Interim Findings and Implications, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (2 copies)
box 34
Neighborhood and community organization: Tampa-St. Petersburg
box 34
XF 60091--1971 Survey of Municipal Police Departments-Kansas City Police Department
box 34
XF 60092--A Survey of the 1970 Salaries & Working Conditions of the Police Departments in the United States
box 34
XF 60093--A Survey of 1971 Salaries & Working Conditions of the Police Departments in the U.S.
box 34
XF 60098--War on Organized Crime Faltering: FED Strike Forces Not Getting Job Done
box 34
XF 60099--Antirecession Assistance is Helping but Distribution Formula Needs Reassessment
box 34
XF 60100--Federally Assisted Areawide Planning
box 34
XF 60067--Federally Supported neighborhood Health Centers, Final Report
box 34
XF 60068--Social Justice Team: Implementation and Assessment-Summary
box 34
XF 60071--Burcart "Measuring Delinquency Through Self-Report Instruments"
box 34
XF 60072--Clarke "North Carolina Statutes Pertaining to Jails"
box 34
XF 60073--Farrington & Wittenberg "Concord Achievement Rehab. Volunteer Experiment"
box 34
XF 60074--Improving Federal Agency Efficiency Through the Use of Productivity Data in the Budget Process
box 34
XF 60075--A comparative analysis of Subsidized Housing Costs
box 34
XF 60076--The National Forests-Better Planning Needed to Improve Resource Management
box 34
XF 60077--Concerted Effort Needed to Improve Indiana Education
box 34
XF 60078--Need for More Federal Leadership in Administering Nonurbanized Area
box 34
XF 60079--Why Urban System Funds Were Seldom Used for Mass Transit
box 34
XF 60080--Nejelski "The Rule of Law & Social Research"
box 34
XF 60081--Hearing Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
box 34
XF 60082--How to Increase Free Patrol Time at Reduced Costs
box 34
XF 60083--Major Changes are Needed in the New-Housing Program
box 34
XF 60084--Stronger Federal Enforcement Needed to Uphold Fair Housing Laws
box 34
XF 60085--Alternative Dispute Resolution
box 34
XF 60086--Activities of Special Police and Guard Forces in DC Can Be Improved
box 34
XF 60101--Management of Seminole Employment Economic Development Corporation
box 34
XF 60102--Pilot Cities Program: Phaseout Needed Due to Limited National Benefits
box 34
XF 60103—Sherwood, Mark "Measure of Poverty: Bureau of Labor Stats, Family Budgets Program"
box 34
XF 60104--Steurle & McClung "Measure of Poverty"
box 34
XF 60105—McNeil, Sater, Arno "Measure of Poverty"
box 34
XF 60106—McNeil, Jack "Measurement of Poverty: Relative Poverty"
box 34
XF 60107--Poverty Status of Families Under Alternative Definitions of Income
box 34
XF 60108--Report on Measurement and the Quality of Life and Implication for Government Action
box 34
XF 60109--Domestic Housing and Community Development Issues for Planning
box 34
XF 60110--Allen "Options for Improving the Equity and Efficiency of Benefit Determination"
box 34
XF 60111--Christophersen "Admin of the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments"
box 34
XF 60112--Ohls & Bearse "Employment Growth Projections for 6 counties Surrounding Bernards Township"
box 34
XF 60113--Kershaw & Lindheim "Preliminary Design of Eval. Of the 'Supported Work' Demonstrations"
box 35
XF 60114--Kershaw & Skidmore "The New Jersey Graduated Work Incentive Experiment"
box 35
XF 60115 (empty--"checked out")
box 35
XF 60116--Survey of Line Officer Educational Needs: Selective Inquiry Among College and Correctional Personnel…
box 35
XF 60117--Johnson "Analysis of State Law Enforcement Improvement Plans Re Role of 2-Year Colleges
box 35
XF 60118--Johnson "Survey of Legislation, Regulations and Policies Supportive of Correction
box 35
XF 60119--Goldstein "Screening for Emotional and Psychological Fitness in Correctional Officer Hiring"
box 35
XF 60120--White "Selected Bib: City-Council consolidation in the U.S."
box 35
XF 60121--Arizona Justice Planning Agency Plan , 1974-1975
box 35
XF 60122--National Juvenile Justice Program Collaboration
box 35
XF 60123--Simon "Contemporary Woman and Crime"
box 35
XF 60124--Local Criminal Justice Planning
box 35
XF 60125--First Findings on Use and Apparent Impact of Felony Firearm Legislation
box 35
XF 60126--Neighborhood Improvement Planning Policy
box 35
XF 60128--Schwabe "Dallas, Texas City Profile Survey"
box 35
XF 60129--Gunn "Target Hardening Evaluation"
box 35
XF 60130--Georgia State Crime
box 35
XF 60131--Nilecj Exemplary Projects (2 copies) , 1978
box 35
XF 60132--Fulton County Field Investigation Property Crime Unit
box 35
XF 60133--East Macon Team Policing Project
box 35
XF 60134--Crime Prevention and Community Relations in City of Augusta
box 35
XF 60135--Domestic Crisis Intervention Evaluation
box 35
XF 60136--Harrisburg, PA Second Year Final Evaluation Report on the Foot Patrol Unit
box 35
XF 60137--Tri-City Impact Program: Final Report-Executive Summary
box 35
XF 60138--Tri-City Impact Program: Interim Report
box 35
XF 60139--Clearance Rates for Texas: Proposed Performance Standards
box 35
XF 60140--Indiana State Planning Memoranda Numbers 1-6 , 1976-1977
box 35
XF 60141--ICJPA Operations Manual: Reports, Monitoring/Evaluation and Assistance
box 35
XF 60142--Evaluation of Specialized Police Training for Supervisory and Management Personnel Program
box 35
XF 60143--Evaluation of Omaha Police Division's Information Crime Analysis Unit
box 35
XF 60144--Departmental Performance Study of Local Law Enforcement Agencies in North Carolina
box 35
XF 60145--Law Enforcement Technical Data Instrument
box 35
XF 60146--Impact of New Sentencing Laws on State Prison Populations in Pennsylvania (2 copies)
box 35
XF 60147--Productivity: A Positive Route
box 35
XF 60148--Community Based Corrections in Indiana
box 35
XF 60149--The Local Criminal Justice System: Myths and Realities
box 35
XF 60150--Report of Panel on Research on Human Services and National Advisory Council on Aging
box 35
00016 MR--Advisory Committees and Participatory Government
box 35
00017 MR--Explaining the Attitude of Community Influentials Toward Government Consolidation
box 35
00018 MR--Governmental Structure and Political Environment
box 35
00019 MR--A Model of Citizen Response to Annexation
box 35
00020 MR--State and County Relationships
box 35
00023 MR--Metropolitan Federation Reconsidered
box 35
00025 MR--A Comparison of Predictions and Experience with Nashville "Metro"
box 35
00026 MR--The Political Evolution of School Decentralization
box 35
00027 MR--A Symposium Governing Megacentropolis
box 35
00028 MR--Public Opinion and Metropolitan Reorganization in Nashville
box 35
00034 MR--Federal Urban Development Policy and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
box 35
00035 MR--Expenditure Implications of Metropolitan Growth and Consolidation
box 35
00036 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00037 MR--Federal-Local Development Planning: Scale Effects
box 35
00038 MR--Metropolitan 'Fragmentation'
box 35
00039 MR--A Public Good Model of Governmental Consolidation
box 35
00040 MR--Political Integration in Metropolitan St. Louis
box 35
00041 MR--Municipal Decentralization
box 35
00042 MR--Metropolitan Government , 1975
box 35
00043 MR--Approaches to the Understanding of Decentralization
box 35
00044 MR--Metropolitan Research and Councils of Governments
box 35
00045 MR--The Study of City Governance and Public Policy Making (2 copies)
box 35
00047 MR--Support for Urban Control-Sharing at the Mass Level
box 35
00048 MR--Prospects for Consolidating Local Government
box 35
00049 MR--The Price of Community Control
box 35
00050 MR--Cities, Suburbs, and Short-Lived Models of Metropolitan Politics
box 35
00051 MR--Citizen Participation in Public Affairs
box 35
00052 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00053 MR--Decentralization and Citizen Participation in Health Services
box 35
00054 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00055 MR--The Quality of Urban Education
box 35
00056 MR--Federally Financed Citizen Participation
box 35
00057 MR--Evaluating Organizational Change in Public Services
box 35
00058 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00059 MR--Municipal Monopolies vs. Competition in Delivering Urban Services
box 35
00060 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00061 MR--The Organization of Government in Metropolitan Areas
box 35
00062 MR--Metropolitan Coordination in Los Angeles
box 35
00063 MR--Decentralization: Fiscal Chimera or Budgetary Boon?
box 35
00064 MR--Decentralization and Citizen Participation in Education
box 35
00065 MR--Neighborhoods and Citizen Involvement
box 35
00066 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00067 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00029 MR--Metropolitan Reform
box 35
00031 MR--Inner-City/Outer-City Relationships in Metropolitan Areas
box 35
00068 MR--"ACOG" - An Experiment in Intergovernmental Relations
box 35
00069 MR--Life Style, Demographic Distance and Voter Support of City-County Consolidation
box 35
00070 MR--"Fragmentation" and Local Organizational Response to Federal-City Programs
box 35
00071 MR--School Decentralization, Community Control, and the Politics of Public Education
box 35
00072 MR--Theories of Government Related to Decentralization and Citizen Participation
box 35
00073 MR--Power to the People: An Assessment of the Community Action and Model Cities Experience
box 35
00076 MR--Maximum Feasible Manipulation
box 35
00077 MR--The View from City Hall
box 35
00078 MR--Citizen Participation and Decentralization
box 35
00079 MR--Citizen Participation in Community action and Model Cities Programs
box 35
00080 MR--Service Delivery and the Urban Political Order
box 35
00081 MR--The Myth of Community Control
box 35
00083 MR--Consolidation of City-County Health Functions in San Diego
box 35
00084 MR--Community and Control in a Metropolitan Setting
box 35
00085 MR--The North Carolina Annexation Story , 1947-1957
box 35
00086 MR--Model Cities First Round
box 35
00087 MR--Metropolitan Growth Must Not Be Left to Chance!
box 35
00088 MR--The Reorganization of Protest
box 35
00090 MR--A Ladder of Citizen Participation
box 35
00091 MR--Toward a Rational Theory of Decentralization
box 35
00092 MR--Urban Growth and Municipal Services
box 35
00093 MR--Suburban Action: Advocate Planning for an Open Society
box 35
00094 MR--Report of the Municipal Government Study Commission
box 35
00095 MR--Urban Growth and Municipal Services
box 35
00096 MR--County Home Rule and Local Legislation
box 35
00097 MR--Urban Growth and Municipal Services
box 35
00098 MR--Planners and Metropolitan Planning
box 35
00099 MR--Rural Local Government: County and Township Government , 1944
box 35
00101 MR--Intergovernmental Relations in Large Council-Manager Cities
box 35
00102 MR--Reflections on Citizen Participation and the Economic Opportunity Act
box 35
00103 MR--Cities
box 35
00104 MR--Rural Local Government
box 35
00105 MR--Rural Local Government
box 35
00106 MR--The Incorporation Trend in Metropolitan Areas , 1900-1950
box 35
00107 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 35
00108 MR--Life-Style Distances and Suburban Support for urban Political Integration
box 35
00109 MR--Participatory Democracy in the Community Action Program
box 35
00110 MR--3-City Consolidation
box 35
00111 MR--Trends in Municipal Government in the South
box 35
00112 MR--A Half-Century of Municipal Reform
box 35
00113 MR--Problems of Local Governmental Reorganization
box 35
00114 MR--A Theory of Neighborhood Problem Solving
box 35
00115 MR--Black Control or Consolidation
box 35
00116 MR--Policy Support and Orientations Toward Metropolitan Political Integration Among Urban Officials
box 35
00117 MR--An Area Federation
box 35
00118 MR--Are Elected Mayors a Threat to Managers?
box 35
00119 MR--Explaining Comprehensive Governmental Consolidation
box 35
00120 MR--The Cities Within a Great City
box 36
00121 MR--Federally Encouraged Multijurisdictional Agencies
box 36
00122 MR--Comparative Urban Structure from and Interorganization Perspective
box 36
00123 MR--American Cities as Social Systems
box 36
00124 MR--Citizen Values, Power, and Policy Outputs
box 36
00125 MR--Metropolity Models and City Hall
box 36
00126 MR--Urban and Suburban Nashville
box 36
00127 MR--Political Representation in Metropolitan Areas (2 copies)
box 36
00129 MR--Strategies for Studying Urban Leadership and Policy Outputs
box 36
00130 MR--Regional Governance for the New York Metropolitan Region (2 copies)
box 36
00131 MR--Boston's Search for a Metropolitan Solution
box 36
00133 MR--Fiscal and Political Problems of Increasing Urbanization
box 36
00134 MR--The City Manager, Administrative Theory and Political Power
box 36
00135 MR--Antagonistic Ambiguity: Notes on Reformism and Decentralization
box 36
00136 MR--Response
box 36
00137 MR--Our Federal System and Urban Development
box 36
00138 MR--Planning and Politics: Citizen Participation in Urban Renewal
box 36
00139 MR--The City and the Ring
box 36
00140 MR--Recent Theories and Problems of Local Government
box 36
00141 MR--American County Government
box 36
00142 MR--Density, Crowding, Stress, and the Ghetto
box 36
00143 MR--Service Performance in Metropolitan Area Research
box 36
00144 MR--Participation in Decision Making: The Bureaucracy and the Community (2 copies)
box 36
00145 MR--Home Rule--A Critical Appraisal
box 36
00149 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 36
00154 MR--The Changing Political Structure of the City in Industrial America
box 36
00158 MR--Voting in a Metropolitan community
box 36
00167 MR--Metropolitan Planning and the New Comprehensiveness
box 36
00168 MR--Research on the Metropolis
box 36
00169 MR--The Political and the Environmental in Urban Research
box 36
00170 MR--A Reply for Professor Rosenthal
box 36
00171 MR--Urbanism and Annexation Attitudes in Two Similar Suburban Areas (2 copies)
box 36
00172 MR--An Experiment in Public Choice
box 36
00173 MR--City Councils and Their Functions in Local Government
box 36
00174 MR--Monodex-Metref Coding Worksheet
box 36
00176 MR--Rationality in Urban Problem-Solving: Transportation
box 36
00177 MR--On Taking the Next Step in Case Studies
box 36
00178 MR--From the Professional Stream: Currents and Sounds
box 36
00179 MR--Revenue Sharing for What
box 36
00180 MR--Six Functions in Search of a Government
box 36
00181 MR--Life-Style and Fringe Attitudes Toward the Political Integration of Urban Governments
box 36
00182 MR--Political Environment and the Adoption of Progressive Municipal Reform
box 36
00183 MR--Forms of Government and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Suburbs
box 36
00185 MR--Administering the Spread City
box 36
00186 MR--Public Efforts to Redevelop American Cities, II (2 copies)
box 36
00187 MR--Metropolitan Utility Supply and Organization
box 36
00189 MR--Urban Transport: Who Decides?
box 36
00190 MR--The Disappearance of Municipal Liberty
box 36
XF 60574--Survey Report on Local Criminal Justice Planning , 1975
box 36
XF 60575--Project Crest: Counseling for Juveniles on Probation (2 copies)
box 36
XF 60576--Victimization, Fear of Crime and Altered Behavior
box 36
XF 60577--Preliminary Analysis of Fire Fighting Services in Monroe County
box 36
XF 60578--Evaluation Needs of Crime Control Planners, Decisionmakers, and Policymakers are Not Being Met
box 36
XF 60579--Domestic Housing and Community Development
box 36
XF 60580--Public Safety Officers' Benefits Act , 1976
box 36
XF 60581--Statement of Bert W. Johnson Before the House Special Subcommittee on Education
box 36
XF 60582--Getting Mileage Out of Linkage
box 36
XF 60583--Crime Control Act , 1976
box 36
XF 60584--National Crime Survey: Central Cities Sample
box 36
XF 60586--Speech to the International Association of Women Police
box 36
XF 60587--Police/Plan and Schedule/Plan…
box 36
XF 60588--Schedule/Plan: Software for Designing Employees' Work Schedule...
box 36
XF 60589--'The Hispanic Victim' National Crime Survey Report (2 copies)
box 36
XF 60590--Police-Community Relations in San Jose
box 36
XF 60591--National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs
box 36
XF 60592--National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs (Prelim Report)
box 36
XF 60374--Police Use of Deadly Force
box 36
XF 60375--A Plan to Increase Police Productivity
box 36
XF 60376--Computer Aided Dispatching for Law Enforcement Agencies
box 36
XF 60377--Special Report on Techniques of Aided Self-Help Housing
box 36
XF 60378--The Interstate Organized Crime Index
box 36
XF 60379--Tying City Pay to Performance (2 copies)
box 36
XF 60380--Aid to Victims of Crime: St. Louis, Missouri
box 36
XF 60381--Kirkwood, Missouri Community Profile
box 36
XF 60382--Water Supply for Urban Areas
box 36
XF 60383--Combined Sewer Flooding and Pollution-A National Problem
box 36
XF 60493--Sewage Sludge--How do We Cope With It?
box 36
XF 60494--National Coordination Project of the National Elderly Victimization Prevention and Assistance Program
box 36
XF 60495--Parole in the United States , 1978
box 36
XF 60496--Troy, New York Residential Survey of Police Services
box 36
XF 60497--Selecting Strategies for Air-Quality Management
box 36
XF 60498--Energy Data Report
box 36
XF 60499--Community-Managed Septic Systems
box 36
XF 60500--Highlights of Fire in the United States
box 36
XF 60501--Title I--Justice System Improvement Act , 1979
box 36
XF 60502--The Coordination of Law Enforcement Services
box 36
XF 60503--St. Paul Neighborhood Team Policing Grant Application
box 36
XF 60504--Fiscal Year Innovative Grants for Community Energy Conservation Competition Solicitation (2 copies) , 1980
box 36
XF 60505--Expanding the Perspective of Crime Data
box 36
XF 60506--Resources on Community Crime Prevention
box 36
XF 60507--Court-Related Programs: Juveniles
box 36
XF 60508--The Hands Up Process Guide
box 36
XF 60509--Youth-Related Programs
box 36
XF 60510--Justice for Juveniles
box 36
XF 60511--Personal and Property Loss
box 36
XF 60512--Economic Loss
box 36
XF 60513--Adult Offenders
box 36
XF 60514--The Leiu: Part of the Political Intelligence Network
box 36
XF 60515--The New Seattle Ordinance to Control Police Spying
box 36
XF 60516--Principles for Effective Control of Police Intelligence Activities
box 36
XF 60517--(Seattle, WA) Police Intelligence Ordinance
box 36
XF 60518--Police Consolidation Bibliography
box 36
XF 60523--Public Administration in the St. Louis Juvenile Court
box 36
XF 60524--Justice Report/Renewal of LEAA Likely Despite Doubt on Crime Impact
box 36
XF 60526--Comparative Quantitative Analysis of Police Encounters (2 copies)
box 36
XF 60527--Directory of Criminal Justice Diversion Programs
box 36
XF 60528--Burglary Prevention Through Home Safety
box 36
XF 60529--The Evaluation of Strike Force I
box 36
XF 60530--Uniform Alcoholism and Intoxication Treatment Act
box 36
XF 60531--Improving Police Productivity
box 36
XF 60532--Measuring Effectiveness
box 37
XF 60534--An Examination of the Conceptual Approaches to Economies of Scale…
box 37
XF 60535--NIAA/NCALI Search on Detox Centers/Detox Modalities
box 37
XF 60536--Consolidation of Sheriff-Marshal Bailiff and Civil Process Functions
box 37
XF 60537--Officer Friendly , 1976-1977
box 37
XF 60538--Improving Productivity of Neighborhood Services
box 37
XF 60539--Scottsdale Police Department
box 37
XF 60540--The City of Simi Valley: Police Problem Solving and Social Conflict
box 37
XF 60541--Handbook of Crime Prevention Bulletins
box 37
XF 60545--The Growing Professionalization of the Police in Massachusetts
box 37
XF 60548--State of New Jersey
box 37
XF 60542--Planning for Housing Security
box 37
XF 60543--Patrol services--Reverse Contract
box 37
XF 60544--Grant Application: Sangamon County Sheriff's and Springfield Police Cooperative Mobile Teleprinter Network
box 37
XF 60547--Police Departments: 24-Hour Service
box 37
XF 60549--Harrison "Standardized Police Training in New Jersey"
box 37
XF 60550--An Attitudinal Survey of North Dakota Government and Law Enforcement
box 37
XF 60551--Kingston "Police Services in Monroe County"
box 37
XF 60552--Neighborhood Youth Diversion Program
box 37
XF 60553--Improving Police Productivity (2 copies)
box 37
XF 60554--Planning for Housing Security
box 37
XF 60555--National Urban Policy
box 37
XF 60556--National Urban Policy
box 37
XF 60557--Housing and Urban Development Act , 1974
box 37
XF 60558--Neighborhood Preservation Act , 1977
box 37
XF 60559--Team Policing in the United States
box 37
XF 60560--Automated Law Enforcement Communications Systems
box 37
XF 60561--Philjim: Philadelphia Justice Improvement Model
box 37
XF 60562--The Economics of Crime and Correction
box 37
XF 60563--Innovations: A Review of Innovative State Criminal Justice Programs
box 37
Docudex: General
box 37
Docudex: Coding Manual
box 37
XF 60175--Erosion of Law Enforcement Intelligence and Its Impact on the Public Security
box 37
XF 60190--Patrol Emphasis Project
box 37
XF 60194--A Management Information System for Small Town Police Departments (2 copies)
box 37
XF 60193--Minnesota Crime Watch
box 37
XF 60192--Governmental Structuring of Criminal Justice Services
box 37
XF 60203--Team Policing, What is it?
box 37
XF 60202--Neighborhood Conservation Demonstrations
box 37
XF 60201--Preliminary Study of the Effectiveness of Auto Anti-Theft Devices
box 37
XF 60200--Neighborhood Preservation
box 37
XF 60198--Volunteer emergency Ambulance Economics in Rural Ohio
box 37
XF 60199--Public Service Impact Statement
box 37
XF 60197--Records Access and Subject Participation in Criminal Justice Research
box 37
XF 60205--Interjurisdictional Cooperation and Police Performance
box 37
XF 60204--A Longitudinal Study of a Small Southern California Police Jurisdiction (2 copies)
box 37
XF 60212--Transit Marketing
box 37
XF 60211--Parking Management
box 37
XF 60210--Transit System Productivity
box 37
XF 60209--Traffic Performance Measurement
box 37
XF 60208--Alternative Work Schedules
box 37
XF 60207--Urban Goods Movement
box 37
XF 60206--Detroit Police Mini-Station Program
box 37
XF 60205--Interjurisdictional Cooperation and Police Performance
box 37
XF 60212--Transit Marketing
box 37
XF 60213--Neighborhood Traffic Controls
box 37
XF 60214--Institutional Framework for Integrated Transportation Planning
box 38
XF 60215--Center City Circulation
box 38
XF 60216--Accelerated Implementation Procedures
box 38
XF 60217--Equality of Distribution of Recreation Services
box 38
XF 60218--Crime in Eight American Cities
box 38
XF 60219--Crime in the Nation's Five Largest Cities (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60228--Emergency Communications Centers
box 38
XF 60229--Crime and the Elderly
box 38
XF 60230-60232--How Well Are We Housed?

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 38
XF 60224--Hidden Cameras Project: City of Seattle-Evaluation Report
box 38
XF 60225--Clear Charts Police Plans
box 38
XF 60226--The Use of Desk Appearance Tickets (DAT's) in New York City
box 38
XF 60227--A Final Report on Project Clear
box 38
XF 60220--An analysis of Assaults on Municipal Police Officers in 46 South Central Cities
box 38
XF 60221--Law Enforcement in Small Cities
box 38
XF 60222--Evaluation of Experiments in Policing
box 38
XF 60223--Hidden Cameras Project: Grant Proposal
box 38
XF 60234--National Neighborhood Policy Act
box 38
XF 60236--Crime Prevention for Senior Citizens
box 38
XF 60237--Functional Consolidation in Municipal Government
box 38
XF 60238--Environmental Factors in Rural Crime
box 38
XF 60239--Juvenile Justice in Metropolitan Nashville
box 38
XF 60240--Lend a Hand for a Safer New York
box 38
XF 60241--Lend a Hand and Improve Your Block
box 38
XF 60242--Lend a Hand in Your Community Board
box 38
XF 60243--Community Crime Prevention-Seattle, Washington (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60244--Intergovernmental Relations
box 38
XF 60246--Interlocal Services Program
box 38
XF 60247--Neighborhood Conservation in Westport
box 38
XF 60248--How Well is Metro Doing?
box 38
XF 60249--The Development of a Program for the Salt-Wahoo Watershed in Nebraska
box 38
XF 60250--Joint Services-A Local Response to Area Wide Problems
box 38
XF 60251--Eugene-Springfield (Oregon) Metropolitan Survey
box 38
XF 60252--Planning Study of Police and Fire Communications and Police Records
box 38
XF 60253--Restructuring the Justice Department Program of Assistance to State and Local Governments for Crime Control...
box 38
XF 60254--Police Productivity
box 38
XF 60255--An Evaluation of the Multnomah County District Attorney's Rape Victims Advocate Program
box 38
XF 60256--Employees Attitudes and Productivity differences Between the Public and Private Sector
box 38
XF 60257--Improving Governmental Productivity
box 38
XF 60258--The Evaluation of Juvenile Diversion Programs
box 38
XF 60259--Issues Being Faced by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
box 38
XF 60260--Special Police Units in Michigan
box 38
XF 60261--National Manpower Survey of the Criminal Justice System (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60262--Abolish Parole?
box 38
XF 60263 (empty--"checked out")
box 38
XF 60266--Handbook of Federal and State Programs of Financial Assistance for Water Development
box 38
XF 60263--The Citizen's Role in Crime Prevention
box 38
XF 60264--What's Known About Different Effects of Police Activities
box 38
XF 60265--Controlling Police Corruption
box 38
XF 60267--Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Program Small Business Planning Grants
box 38
XF 60268--Housing Conditions in Urban Poverty Areas
box 38
XF 60269--Exemplary Projects (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60270--Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions on (2 copies) , December 31, 1975
box 38
XF 60272--The Link Between Learning Disabilities and Juvenile Delinquency
box 38
XF 60273--Systems and Training Analysis of Requirements For Criminal Justice Participants (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60274--The Institute of Judicial Administration
box 38
XF 60275--Expanding the Perspective of Crime Data: Performance Implications for Policymakers (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60276--Millions of Dollars of Delinquent Mortgage Insurance Premiums Should Be Collected by the Department of HUD
box 38
XF 60278--Health Care in Jails
box 38
XF 60280--Juvenile Diversion
box 38
XF 60281--Directory of Criminal Justice Diversion programs , 1976
box 38
XF 60282--A Review of the Literature on the Early Identification of Delinquent-Prone Children
box 38
XF 60283--HUD Challenge--Consumer Participation and Policymaking
box 38
XF 60284--Community Development
box 38
XF 60286--Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions
box 38
XF 60287--Community-Based Alternatives to Juvenile Incarceration
box 38
XF 60289--State Taxation of Mineral Deposits and Production
box 38
XF 60290--Exemplary Programs (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60291--Toward a New Potential (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60293--National Survey of Court Organization (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60294--Curbing the Repeat Offender (2 copies)
box 38
XF 60295--Assessing Criminal Justice Projects
box 39
XF 60296--Forcible Rape: Medical and Legal Information (2 copies)
box 39
XF 60297--City Life and Delinquency (2 copies)
box 39
XF 60298--A Model for the Evaluation of Programs in Juvenile Justice
box 39
XF 60299--Housing Assistance Supply Experiment
box 39
XF 60300--Workplace Crime: Systems in Conflict
box 39
XF 60301--Country-Wide Law Enforcement
box 39
XF 60302--Governmental Data in Municipalities 25,000 and Under (2 copies)
box 39
XF 60303--Municipal Recreation and Park Services and Programs (2 copies) , 1975
box 39
XF 60304--Municipal Computers: Growth, Usage, and Management
box 39
XF 60305--Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions
box 39
XF 60306--High Impact Anti-Crime Program (2 copies)
box 39
XF 60308--Parole Officers' Questions and Answers
box 39
XF 60310--Survey of Police Misconduct Litigation , 1967-1971
box 39
XF 60311--What Law Enforcement Can Gain From Computer Designed Work Schedules
box 39
XF 60384--Combined Sewer Flooding and Pollution-A National Problem, Vol. 2
box 39
XF 60383--Combined Sewer Flooding and Pollution-A National Problem, Vol. 1
box 39
XF 60385--Combined Sewer Flooding and Pollution-A National Problem, Vol. 3
box 39
XF 60386--Combined Sewer Flooding and Pollution-A National Problem, Vol. 4
box 39
XF 60387--Combined Sewer Flooding and Pollution-A National Problem, Vol. 5
box 39
XF 60389--Public Management of On-Site Wastewater Systems
box 39
XF 60390--Action Plan for Alternative Wastewater Management Systems Investigation and Implementation
box 39
XF 60391--Codisposal of Garbage and Sewage Sludge
box 39
XF 60392--Florida's Plan to Reduce Crime Against the Elderly , 1979
box 39
XF 60393--Executive Summary of Florida's Plan to Reduce Crime Against the Elderly
box 39
XF 60395--Kalbermatten et al. "Appropriate Sanitation Alternatives"
box 39
XF 60396--The Community Arbitration Project
box 39
XF 60397--The Female Offender
box 39
XF 60398--Police Forces in the District of Columbia Can Improve Operations and Save Money
box 39
XF 60399--total Performance Management
box 39
XF 60400--Fleischman "Steps to Safer Neighborhoods and Schools"
box 39
XF 60401--Patrol Operations of Burnaby
box 39
XF 60405--Michigan's New Rape Law Evaluated
box 39
XF 60410--Helping Insure Our Energy future
box 39
XF 60402--Total Performance Management in Cincinnati, Ohio
box 39
XF 60403--Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities
box 39
XF 60404--The Scope of Elderly Victimization and Mobilizing the Elderly
box 39
XF 60406--Citizen's Band Radio Highway Safety Evaluation Project
box 39
XF 60407--The Other Side of the Tracks: A Handbook on Nondiscrimination in Municipal Services
box 39
XF 60408--Federal Law enforcement Assistance
box 39
XF 60409--Mortgage Money: Who Gets It?
box 39
XF 60411--(Central Florida Crimewatch Program)
box 39
XF 60412--Arson
box 39
XF 60413--The Citizen Dispute Resolution Organizer's Handbook
box 39
XF 60414--Security in the Schools
box 39
XF 60416--Summary of Productivity Improvement Projects
box 39
XF 60417--Census Neighborhood Statistics Program , 1980
box 39
XF 60418--Community Organizations
box 39
XF 60419--The Community's Stake in Crime Prevention
box 39
XF 60420--Improving Station Locations and Dispatching Practices in Fire Departments
box 39
XF 60423--The Costs of Clean Water, Part II
box 39
XF 60424--The Costs of Clean Water, Part III
box 39
XF 60425--The Costs of Clean Water, Part IV
box 39
XF 60426--Hypercube Queuing Model
box 39
XF 60428--A Simulation Model of Police Patrol Operations
box 39
XF 60429--Patrol Allocation Methodology for Police Departments
box 39
XF 60432--Comparing Illinois Police Data to Courts and Correction Data
box 39
XF 60434--Crime Around Police Precinct Stations in Minneapolis
box 39
XF 60436--Police Management Guidelines for Rural Communities
box 39
XF 60437--Police Management Guidelines: Laurel, Delaware
box 39
XF 60438--Got a Minute? You Could Stop a Crime
box 39
XF 60439--Chicago Law enforcement Study Group Fact Sheet , 1977-1978
box 39
XF 60440--Annual Privacy and Security Audit Report , 1979
box 39
XF 60441--How Well is Metro Doing?
box 39
XF 60442--Police Forces in D.C. Can Improve Operations…
box 39
XF 60443--Water Resources Council, Part II
box 39
XF 60444--Citizen Perceptions of Urban Service Performance
box 39
XF 60445--Selected Reports on Public Service Delivery and Urban Problems
box 39
XF 60446--Stop Rape Crisis Center
box 39
XF 60447--Arson
box 39
XF 60449--Resolutions Approved at Annual Meeting of International Chiefs of Police , 1979
box 39
XF 60450--Crime and the Older Citizen
box 40
XF 60451--Sheriff's Annual Report for Jacksonville, Florida , 1972
box 40
XF 60452--Performance Evaluation of Educational Personnel
box 40
XF 60454--Crimes With No Victims
box 40
XF 60455--Steps to Safer Neighborhoods and Schools
box 40
XF 60456--Shaping Safer Cities
box 40
XF 60457--The Impact of Affirmative Action and Civil Service on American Police Personnel Systems
box 40
XF 60458--Police Unions in the Civil Service Setting
box 40
XF 60459--A National Survey of Parole-Related Legislation
box 40
XF 60460--Local Community Crime Prevention Resources
box 40
XF 60461--Research Design for 'Civil Service Systems…'
box 40
XF 60462--Research Highlights: Office of Research Programs
box 40
XF 60463--The Technology Transfer Program
box 40
XF 60464--The Major Offense Bureau: Bronx County District Attorney's Office
box 40
XF 60465--The Illinois Project for Law-Focused Education
box 40
XF 60466--(State of New York) Crime Victims Compensation Board Annual Report , 1979
box 40
XF 60467--Organizing for Neighborhood Justice in Chicago
box 40
XF 60468--New Orleans: Public Attitudes About Crime
box 40
XF 60469--Criminal Justice: Computer Crime
box 40
XF 60470--Jury Reform
box 40
XF 60471--The Taxation and Financing of Transportation in Wisconsin
box 40
XF 60472--Deinstitutionalization
box 40
XF 60473--School Crime
box 40
XF 60474--Center City Environment and Transportation
box 40
XF 60475--Productivity and People
box 40
XF 60476--Employee Performance Evaluation
box 40
XF 60477--Metropolitan Toronto Police Conditions of Employment
box 40
XF 60478--Metropolitan Toronto Board of Commissioners of Police Annual Report , 1976
box 40
XF 60479--Metropolitan Toronto Police Emergency Task Force
box 40
XF 60480--Metropolitan Toronto Police: The Mounted Unit
box 40
XF 60481--Metropolitan Toronto Police
box 40
XF 60482--Metropolitan Toronto Police Outline of Training Syllabus
box 40
XF 60483--Toronto Population and Police Growth , 1957-1974
box 40
XF 60484--Metropolitan Toronto Board of commissioners of Police Annual Report , 1977
box 40
XF 60485--Metropolitan Toronto Police Annual Statistical Report , 1977
box 40
XF 60486--Paralegals
box 40
XF 60487--Elderly and Handicapped Transportation
box 40
XF 60488--The urban Consortium for Technology Initiative Transportation Task Force
box 40
XF 60489--Elderly and Handicapped Transportation
box 40
XF 60490--Elderly and Handicapped Transportation
box 40
XF 60491--Discretionary Processes Used by Police Officers When Making Emergency Apprehensions of Persons…
box 40
XF 60492--The Burglar at Your Window
box 40
XF 60313--Batteries Used With law Enforcement Communications Equipment
box 40
XF 60314--Repeaters for Law Enforcement Communication Systems
box 40
XF 60315--Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities , 1974
box 40
XF 60316--Housing Management Technical Memoranda
box 40
XF 60318--Report of the Joint Economic committee, Congress of the U.S.
box 40
XF 60320--Equal Pay
box 40
XF 60321--Exemplary Projects
box 40
XF 60324--Parental Involvement in Title I ESEA
box 40
XF 60325--Fixed and Base Station FM Transmitters
box 40
XF 60326--Batteries Used With law Enforcement Communications Equipment
box 40
XF 60327--Voice Privacy Equipment for Law Enforcement Communication Systems
box 40
XF 60328--Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association Bulletin
box 40
XF 60329--Terms and Definitions for Police Patrol Cars
box 40
XF 60330--Survey of Salaries and Working Conditions of the Police Departments in the U.S. , 1972
box 40
XF 60331--National Center for State Courts
box 40
XF 60332--Authority to Arrest
box 40
XF 60333--Authority to Arrest
box 40
XF 60334--Life Cycle Costing Techniques Applicable to Law Enforcement Facilities
box 40
XF 60335--Military Police Law Enforcement Journal
box 40
XF 60336--Survey of Salaries and Working Conditions of the Police Departments in the U.S. , 1974
box 40
XF 60337--Ethnic Succession in Organized Crime
box 40
XF 60338--Survey of Inmates of Local Jails
box 40
XF 60341--Crash Helmets
box 40
XF 60342--Problems in Administering Programs to Improve Law Enforcement Education
box 40
XF 60344--Nuclear Energy and National Security
box 40
XF 60345--Survey of Salaries and Working Conditions of the Police Departments in the U.S. , 1973
box 40
XF 60346--Total Performance Management in Cincinnati, Ohio
box 40
XF 60347--Report on the Administrative Activities of the County Government, South Carolina , 1973-1974
box 40
XF 60348--Interlocal Cooperation Act and the Mutual Aid Law Enforcement Task Force-Texas
box 40
XF 60349--Fire and Police Employees Relations Act and Workingmen's Compensation Legislation
box 40
XF 60351--European Housing Subsidy Systems
box 40
XF 60352--Aided Self-Help Housing
box 40
XF 60353--Pretrial Release
box 40
XF 60354--Ten Code Versus Clear Speech Communication
box 40
XF 60355--Illinois Police Association Official Journal
box 40
XF 60356--The Volunteer Probation Counselor Program
box 40
XF 60357--1 Day/1 Trial Project
box 40
XF 60358--A Community to Rape
box 40
XF 60359--Directed Deterrent Patrol
box 40
XF 60360--Project New Pride
box 40
XF 60361--The Development of a Comprehensive Data System in Hawaii
box 40
XF 60362--Subsidy
box 40
XF 60363--Historic Preservation in San Francisco's Inner Mission
box 40
XF 60364--Simi Valley
box 40
XF 60365--An Atlas of the Greenfield Neighborhood of Pittsburgh , 1977
box 40
XF 60366--An Atlas of the Allegheny West Neighborhood of Pittsburgh , 1977
box 40
XF 60367--A Citizen's Study of the Franklin County Municipal Court
box 41
XF 60368--Court Monitoring Project
box 41
XF 60369--Integration of Para-Transit With Conventional Transit Systems
box 41
XF 60370--Palantine, Illinois Dual Career Ladder System of Career Development
box 41
XF 60371--Transportation Planning and Impact Forecasting Tools
box 41
XF 60372--Family Court Monitoring Project
box 41
XF 60373--The LAPD: How Good is it?
box 41
XF 60015--Federal Crime Insurance Program
box 41
XF 60027--Federal Diversion Act , 1978
box 41
XF 60096--Hofrichter "Victim Compensation and the Elderly"
box 41
XF 60028--IACP Position Paper on the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experience
box 41
XF 60038--Idaho State Code Section 19: Chapter 48--Idaho State Police
box 41
XF 60042--Idaho State Code: Fresh Pursuit
box 41
XF 60040--Idaho State Code: Planning and Communication
box 41
XF 60033--Idaho State Code: Municipal Corporations
box 41
XF 60035--Idaho State Code: Employment Contracts
box 41
XF 60036--Idaho State Code: Joint Powers, Interagency Contracts, Reciprocity
box 41
XF 60037--Idaho State Code: Consolidation
box 41
XF 60032--Idaho State Code: Rehabilitation, Extraterritorial Powers, and Mutual Aid
box 41
XF 60010--Information About Los Angeles County Superior Court
box 41
XF 60004--Justice System Improvement Act , 1978
box 41
XF 60023--Kentucky Road Condition Bulletin , May, 1974
box 41
XF 60031--Lacy-Lakeview, Texas Budget , 1973
box 41
XF 60059--Learning Disabilities
box 41
XF 60095--Law Enforcement and Youth
box 41
XF 60030--Oregon Municipal Policy
box 41
XF 60006--Laws and Guidelines for Local Detention Facilities, California
box 41
XF 60094--Davis "Measuring Effectiveness of Municipal Services"
box 41
XF 60044--Metropolitan Map Series: Indianapolis
box 41
XF 60014--The Municipal Courts of California
box 41
XF 60097--Mason et al. "Old Data for New Research"
box 41
XF 60009--Manual for Initiative and Referendum Sponsors
box 41
A5A3--Market Relationships
box 41
XF 60022--Map of downtown Grand Rapids (Michigan)
box 41
XF 60024--Map of One Way Streets in Downtown Lansing, Michigan
box 41
XF 60046--New Map of Greater Grand Rapids
box 41
XF 60021--New and Proposed Beats: Indianapolis
box 41
XF 60039--California Police Departments Organization Chart
box 41
XF 60003--Population Distribution: Washington State
box 41
XF 60026--A Reporter at Large
box 41
XF 60012--State of South Dakota: Jail Rules and Regulations
box 41
XF 60011--The Statewide Interagency Exchange of Police Services
box 41
XF 60008--Third Biennial Report, Washington State
box 41
XF 60007--This is Scranton
box 41
XF 60016--The erosion of Law enforcement Intelligence, Capabilities, Public Security
box 41
XF 60043--Texas Civil Statutes: Fire and Police Service in Cities Over 10,000
box 41
XF 60045--Recreational Guide: Oregon
box 41
XF 60047--Wayne County, New York Highway System
box 41
XF 60053--Retirement Laws of the Washington Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System
box 41
XF 60054--Source of Campus Authority, By State. , 1970
box 41
XF 60058--A Guide to Government in Washington State
box 41
XF 60060--The California Highway Patrol Story
box 41
XF 60062--Special Committee on Resolution of Minor Disputes
box 41
XF 60064--A Program of the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Justice
box 41
XF 60061--A Model of and Problems Encountered in a Metro Police Department
box 41
XF 60065--A Synopsis: Introduction to Discussion of the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment
box 41
XF 60057--Marion County Violence Prevention and Family Intervention Project
box 41
XF 60087--HUD's Evaluation System
box 41
XF 60088--Survey of Municipal Police Departments--Kansas City Police Department , 1968
box 41
XF 60089--Survey of Municipal Police Departments--Kansas City Police Department , 1969
box 41
XF 60090--Survey of Municipal Police Departments--Kansas City Police Department , 1970
box 41
St. Louis materials
box 41
General--List of Municipalities in St. Louis County
box 41
Police Department Codes
box 41
SLPD Annual Report , 1942
box 41
SLPD Annual Report , 1943
box 41
SLPD Annual Report , 1944
box 41
Pretests of Measures, Questionnaires Version III

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 42
Pretests of Measures, Questionnaires Version III

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 42
Pretests of Measures, Questionnaires Version IV

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 42
Missouri Law Enforcement Handbook, St. Louis County Prosecutor. , 1971
box 42
Questionnaire Comments , 1973
box 42
box 42
Code 1000 (St. Louis)
box 42
Annual Report, St. Louis County Prosecutor , 1969
box 42
Annual Report, St. Louis County Prosecutor , 1971
box 42
Businessman's Handbook, St. Louis County Prosecutor
box 42
Crimes, Warrants, etc. St. Louis County Prosecutor , 1967-1972
box 42
Educator's Handbook, St. Louis County Prosecutor , 1972
box 42
Guidelines for Fair Trial and Free Press, St. Louis County Prosecutor
box 42
1968 Annual Report, St. Louis County Prosecutor
box 42
Police Report Forms
box 42
Docudex Not Entered, A-C
box 42
Docudex Not Entered, D-I
box 42
Docudex Not Entered, J-M
box 42
Docudex Not Entered, N-S
box 42
Docudex Not Entered, T-Z
box 43
XR 21410--Indiana Senate Governmental Affairs Committee "Report to the Senate…Policy Survey of Indiana's Neighborhoods"
box 43
METREF: Promo Abstracts and Reviews
box 43
METREF: Dissemination and Sales
box 43
METREF Vol. 1: Printing Estimates and Funding Sources
box 43
METREF Vol. 2: updates, addition, new journals
box 43
METREF: Journal Release Letters , February, 1978
box 43
METREF: Master Draft, Vol. 1
box 43
METREF: Rough Draft, Vol. 1
box 43
METREF: Sample Abstracts
box 43
METREF: Replies to Requests for Permission to Print
box 43
METREF: Author Release Letters
box 43
METREF: Article Reject Forms
box 43
METREF: To Be Coded

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 43
Monodex-METREF Log , June 1, 1980
box 43
XF 60565--Bibliography: Issues in Crime Analysis in Support of Patrol
box 43
XF 60567--Urban Data Service Report: Municipal Computer
box 43
XF 60568--National Information and Research Center on Women in Policing
box 43
XF 60569--Murray & Krug "The National Evaluation of the Pilot Cities Program"
box 43
XF 60570--National Neighborhood Watch Program: Phase III
box 43
XF 60572--Hindelang "Utilization of Criminal Justice Statistics Project Analytic Report 1"
box 43
XF 60573--Juvenile Diversion Through Family Counseling
box 43
XF 60574--Survey Report on Local Criminal Justice Planning , 1975
box 43
00001 MR--Why Political Machines Have Not Withered Away
box 43
00002 MR--Citizen Participation in the Philadelphia Model Cities Program
box 43
00003 MR--The Metropolis and the Maze of Local Government
box 43
00004 MR--Currents and Soundings
box 43
00005 MR--Decentralizing the City: Who Gets Control?
box 43
00006 MR--The Evolution of a Metropolitan Data System
box 43
00007 MR--The Metropolis and the Central City: Can One Government Unite Them?
box 43
00009 MR--The Metropolitan Government Approach
box 43
00010 MR--Citizen Desires, Policy Outcomes, and Community Control
box 43
00011 MR--Citizen Involvement in the Law Enforcement Process
box 43
00012 MR--Decentralization, Citizen Participation, and Ghetto Health Care
box 43
00014 MR--Suburban Police Departments: Too Many and Too Small?
box 43
00015 MR (empty--"checked out")
box 43
XF 60635--Hartford Crime Survey I, Target Area , September, 1973
box 43
XF 60636--Hartford Crime Survey I, General Area , September, 1973
box 43
XF 60637--Legislation Relating to Municipal Collective Bargaining , September 7, 1981
box 43
XF 60638--Indiana Juvenile Code
box 43
XF 60639--HUD News, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development , May 7, 1980
box 43
XF 60640--Courts of Limited Jurisdiction: More Than Limited Importance (2 copies)
box 43
XF 60641--Monitoring Community Development: A Summary of the Citizen's Evaluation of the Community Development Block Grant Program
box 43
XF 60642--Commercial Revitalization: Neighborhood Focus
box 43
XF 60644--Federal Crime Laboratories Lack a Clear Policy for Assisting State and Local Jurisdictions
box 43
XF 60645--Revitalizing North American Neighborhoods: A comparison of Canadian and U.S. Programs for Neighborhood Preservation and Housing Rehabilitation (2 copies)
box 43
XF 60646--Creighton Legal Information Center
box 43
XF 60647--New Directions in the Criminal Justice System
box 43
XF 60648--Privacy and Security of Criminal History Information
box 43
XF 60650--What Happened After Arrest in Eleven Oregon Counties , February 1979
box 43
XF 60651--Rules and Regulations of the Indianapolis Police Department
box 43
XF 60652--Crime Analysis, National Institute of Justice
box 43
XF 60653--How to Protect Your Neighborhood
box 43
XF 60654--How to Crimeproof Your Business
box 44
XF 60655--How to be "Streetwise"-and Safe
box 44
XF 60656--How Not to Get Conned
box 44
XF 60657--How to Crimeproof Your Home
box 44
XF 60658--Arson-How Not to Get Burned
box 44
XF 60659--How to Protect Yourself Against Sexual Assault
box 44
XF 60660--Violence Against Women: A Cultural Heritage
box 44
XF 60661--Solid Waste, Texas Town & City
box 44
XF 60662--A Special Report on Spouse Abuse in Texas
box 44
XF 60663--Senior Citizens Against Crime
box 44
XF 60664--How to Prevent Rural Crime
box 44
XF 60665--Love Thy Neighborhood! (Spiegel, Hans)
box 44
XF 60666--Housing and Economic Democracy
box 44
XF 60668--Curbstone Crisis Intervention
box 44
XF 60667--NIMH Domestic Abuse Project , 1980
box 44
XF 60669--An Economic Analysis of Rural Court Consolidation in Georgia (Broder, Porter, Smathers)
box 44
XF 60670--Transportation Issues , 1980-1989
box 44
XF 60671--Community Development Program, Latham Street, City of Memphis
box 44
XF 60672--Community Development Program, North Memphis Concerned Citizens, City of Memphis
box 44
XF 60673--Community Development Program, Lincoln Park, City of Memphis
box 44
XF 60674--Community Development Program, West Junction, City of Memphis
box 44
XF 60675--Community Development Program, Klondyke, City of Memphis
box 44
XF 60676--Domestic Violence Research Project, Kansas City, Missouri , 1976
box 44
XF 60677--Domestic Violence Research Project, Bibliography
box 44
XF 60678--Assessing the Relationship of Adult Criminal Careers of Juvenile Careers
box 44
XF 60679--Affirmative Action in the Criminal Justice System
box 44
XF 60680--Law-Related Education
box 44
XF 60681--The Hispanic Victim
box 44
XF 60682--Exemplary Projects , October, 1980
box 44
XF 60683--Small Town Emphasis Program: Water & Sewer, Capacity Training Seminar Series
box 44
XF 60684--Small Town Emphasis Program: Water & Sewer, Resource Guide
box 44
XF 60685--Handbook of Water and Wastewater Resources
box 44
XF 60686--Change the Child (Havighurst, Robert)
box 44
XF 60687--Selected Information Resources on Solid Waste (Feulner, John)
box 44
XF 60688--The Highest Cost of Building Unconstitutional Jails
box 44
XF 60689--Assaults on women: rape and wife beating
box 44
XF 60690--Wife Abuse: The Role of the Social Worker
box 44
XF 60691--"Integrated" Waste Collection Recycles 36 Percent of County's Waste
box 44
XF 60693--Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Program
box 44
XF 60692--Crime Victims Compensation Board, Annual Report , 1979-1980
box 44
XF 60694--Paying for Public Schools, Issues of School Finance in California
box 44
XF 60695--Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York , 1960-1973
box 44
XF 60696--Using New Governance Tools to Solve Local Government Problems , January, 1979
box 44
XF 60697--The Young Offenders Act , February, 1981
box 44
XF 60698--King County Prosecuting Attorney's Juvenile Court Prosecution Program , August, 1976
box 44
XF 60699--Directory of Criminal Justice Diversion Programs , 1976
box 44
XF 60700--Florida Law Relating to Alcohol Offenses and the Rehabilitation of Alcoholics , 1974-1975
box 44
XF 60701--NYC Shelves Merger Plan, Law Enforcement News , 1981
box 44
XF 60702--Grant Application, State of New York, Office of Planning Services, Division of Criminal Justice, County of Suffolk
box 44
XF 60703--League to Improve the Community Education and Referral Service , December 1, 1976
box 44
XF 60704--Evaluating Human Service Programs and Providers
box 44
XF 60705--Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk County (Walsh, James) , November 22, 1976
box 44
XF 60707--The Un-Jailing of Juveniles in America
box 44
XF 60708--The Courts of Oregon , 1972
box 44
XF 60709--And then there were six: the decline of the American jury
box 44
XF 60710--Doing Crime: A Survey of California Prison Inmates
box 44
XF 60711--Pennsylvania Police Standards , 1976
box 44
XF 60773--Arizona Department of Education, Community Education Proven Practices, Agency Coordination and Volunteerism
box 44
XF 60774--Report to the Attorney General, U.S. General Accounting Office , 1982
box 44
XF 60775--Beating Wife-Beating: Executive Summary
box 44
XF 60776--Report to the Congress--Revitalizing Distressed Areas Through Enterprise Zones: Many Uncertainties Exist
box 44
XF 60777--Directory of Community Organizations in Chicago , 1981
box 44
XF 60778--Employment Data for California Law Enforcement (2 copies)
box 44
XF 60780--State Law and the Confidentiality of Juvenile Records
box 44
XF 60781--Citizen Participation Handbook: Four Case Studies
box 44
XF 60782--Report to the Legislature on Statewide Use of the Emergency Telephone Number (Gioia, Paul)
box 44
XF 60593--Federal Law Enforcement Assistance
box 44
XF 60594--Statewide Law Enforcement Evaluative Study
box 44
XF 60595--Police Services in the Ottawa-Carleton Region
box 45
XF 60596--National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs, Report II
box 45
XF 60597--National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs, Report III
box 45
XF 60598--Affirmative Action Equal Employment Opportunity in the Criminal Justice System
box 45
XF 60599--Overview of the Community Accountability Program of the City of Seattle
box 45
XF 60600--Selected Police Agencies Minimum Benefits Survey , 1979
box 45
XF 60601--Evaluating a Performance Measurement System--A Guide for the Congress and Federal Agencies
box 45
XF 60602--Victim Compensation Laws , July, 1980
box 45
XF 60603--Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance Final Report, St. Petersburg , 1979
box 45
XF 60605--Crime and Seasonality
box 45
XF 60606--Assessing Criminal Justice Projects: Findings From the National Evaluation Program
box 45
XF 60607--Performance Measurement Manual, Portland, Oregon
box 45
XF 60609--The Relationship of Crime and Fear of Crime Among the Aged to Leisure Behavior and Use of Public Leisure Services
box 45
XF 60610--Managers Guide for Improving Productivity
box 45
XF 60611--Domestic Violence Bibliography
box 45
XF 60612--The Outcomes of Pretrial Release: Preliminary Findings of the Phase II National Evaluation
box 45
XF 60613--Handbook on Domestic Violence, Information Pamphlet No. 11
box 45
XF 60614--Governmental Affairs Bulletin No. 14 (Cahn, Robert)
box 45
University City, Missouri Police Manual , 1967
box 45
Mihanovich, Clement "The Nature of Police-Community Relations"
box 45
St Louis Police Report , December 1971 - December 1972
box 45
Regional Narcotics Task Force: Grant Application and Progress Report , 1969-1972
box 45
Annual Report, St. Louis County Prosecutor , 1967
box 45
St. Louis, Missouri Police Department. , June 6, 1972
box 45
Writings by Others

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) St. Louis University "Field Placement in Juvenile Delinquency and Criminology"; 2) UMSL "Law Enforcement News Notes; 3) Mihanovich, Clement "Management: Measurement of Public Attitudes Towards Police" The Police Chief, May 1967; 4) Heller, Nelson "Operations Research in Criminal Justice and Public Safety Systems"; 5) Misner, John "The St. Louis County Department of Police"

box 45
Heller & McEwen "The Use of an Incident Seriousness Index in Deployment of Police Patrol Manpower" , 1971
box 45
Works by Others , 1970-1979

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Mihanovich, Clement "Sociology of Police-Community Relations"; 2) Major Case Squad; 3) Missouri Highway Patrol Bulletin, 2/4/72, List of Convictions and sentences for Missouri, 1972 to date; 4) Greenhalgh, W.F. "Police Correlation Analysis…"; 5) Several Articles about use of Educational TV in SLPD; 6) Several Short Histories of SLPD

box 45
Miscellaneous St. Louis PD materials , 1972
box 45
Board of Governors: Minutes of Meetings , 1972
box 45
SLPD Annual Report , 1965-1969
box 45
Police and Crime (1 of 2)

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) St. Louis Police Department "Automatic Pinning, Final Report"; 2) Casey, E.J.M. "Citizens' Attitudes Toward the Police and Law Enforcement"; 3) di Grazia, R.J. "Trends in Police Services, Standards and Ethical Practice" 1972 Jan. symposium; 4) Commission in Crime and Law Enforcement newsletters; 5) Criminal Justice Newsletter, Indiana University, Bloomington

box 45
Police and Crime (2 of 2): Sheppard & Glickman "…Constructing Career Path Programs" National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. , July, 1971
box 45
SLPD Annual Report , 1945-1949
box 45
SLPD Annual Report , 1950-1959
box 46
SLPD Annual Report , 1962-1964
box 46
Drafts and writings , 1970-1979
box 46
Hanson's binder
box 46
Map--Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Area
box 46
Map--Tarrant County Census Tract
box 46
Map--Dallas-Fort Worth Land Use
box 46
Map--Fort Worth, Tarrant County Census Tract
box 46
Dallas-Fort Worth Map Sheets #12-#15
box 47
Dallas-Fort Worth Map Sheets #24-#28
box 47
Dallas-Fort Worth Map Sheets #29-#32, #31NW
box 47
Dallas-Fort Worth Map Sheets #43-#45, #47, #54
box 47
Data, Observations, and drawings. , 1970-1979

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 47
"CHASLOG" correspondence and data , 1973-1974
box 47
Indianapolis Study , 1970-1974
box 47
Crime Victimization Survey , 1978

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 47
Beat Information Coding Forms, Districts A thru D
box 47
Fort Worth booklets , 1980-1981
box 47
XF 60151--Second National Workshop on Criminal Justice Evaluation: Abstracts
box 47
XF 60152--Evaluation of Lincoln Police Department's Major Crimes Unit
box 47
XF 60153--Consolidated Law Enforcement-Sheridan County
box 47
XF 60154--Evaluation of Civilian Replacement for Police Officers Program
box 47
XF 60155--Criminal Sentencing Alternatives
box 47
XF 60157--Lakewood Citizen Participation Plan for U.S. Community Development Block Grant Program
box 47
XF 60158--Victimization Surveys and Criminal Justice Planning
box 47
XF 60159--Contractual Police Program: Data Summary
box 47
XF 60161--Alternatives Update Report , December, 1979
box 47
XF 60162--Report From the Planning and Research Committee on Centralized Recruitment and Testing Capability
box 47
XF 60163--Police, Fire, and Refuse Collection and Disposal Departments
box 47
XF 60164--Application of Latent Trait Theory to Police Performance Measurement
box 47
XF 60165--Housing and Community Development Amendments , 1978
box 47
XF 60166--Tax-Exempt Bonds for Single-Family Housing
box 47
XF 60052--Study of Distribution of Patrol Services in the St. Louis Police Department
box 48
XF 60050--Police Department Allocations for Iowa Municipalities
box 48
XF 60049--Street Map of North West Ottawa County, Michigan
box 48
XF 60048--Santa Clara, California County Map
box 48
XF 60174--Erosion of Law enforcement Intelligence and Its Impact on the Public Security
box 48
XF 60173--Elderly Crime Victimization: Residential Security
box 48
XF 60172--Elderly Crime Victimization: Crime Prevention Programs
box 48
XF 60171--Elderly Crime Victimization: Local Police Department Crime Prevention Program
box 48
XF 60170--Elderly Crime Prevention
box 48
XF 60169--Elderly Crime Victims: Personal Accounts of Fears and Attacks
box 48
XF 60168--Elderly Crime Victimization: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
box 48
XF 60167--In Search of Security: National Perspective on Elderly Crime Victimization
box 48
XF 60189--Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
box 48
XF 60188--Changing Police Organizations
box 48
XF 60187--Victims of Crime or Victims of Injustice?
box 48
XF 60186--Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Program
box 48
XF 60185--The Dedicated Police Computer: Does it Really Make a Difference?
box 48
XF 60180--Approximating the Performance of Urban Emergency Service Systems
box 48
XF 60177--Hypercube Queuing Model
box 48
XF 60176--Erosion of Law Enforcement Intelligence-Capabilities-Public Security
box 48
Indianapolis Police Department Statistical Report , April, 1970
box 49
National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals--Task Force on Criminal Justice
box 49
Crime Statistics for Rochester
box 49
Sergeant's Logs, Dispatcher Logs , 1977
box 49
St. Louis observation data , 1977
box 49
Clearwater Police Department Daily Bulletin , 1977
box 49
Drafts, correspondence, meetings, etc. , 1976
box 49
Data and codes, undated
box 49
Data columns, undated
box 49
Sequence 40-02 data
box 49
Sequence 40-03 data
box 49
Sequence 66-01 data
box 49
Sequence 60-04 data
box 49
Sequence 60-03 data
box 49
Sequence 60-02 data
box 49
Sequence 40-04 data
box 49
Sequence 50-02 data
box 49
Tampa Police Department , 1977
box 49
Sequence 50-01 data
box 49
Sequence 62-03 data
box 49
Sequence 62-02 data
box 49
Sequence 62-01 data
box 49
Sequence 64-01 data
box 49
Sequence 64-02 data
box 49
Sequence 68-02 data
box 49
Sequence 68-01 data
box 49
Sequence 50-04 data
box 49
Sequence 55-03 data
box 49
Sequence 50-03 data
box 49
Sequence 60-01 data
box 49
Sequence 40-01 data
box 49
Sequence 55-01 data
box 50
Sequence 40-05 data
box 50
Sequence 55-02 data
box 50
Data columns, undated
box 50
National correspondence
box 50
National interview notes
box 50
Alabama - Colorado
box 50
Connecticut - Florida
box 50
Georgia - Indiana
box 50
Iowa - Maine
box 50
Massachusetts - Mississippi
box 50
Missouri - New Jersey
box 50
New Mexico - Ohio
box 50
Oklahoma - South Dakota
box 50
Tennessee - Texas
box 50
Utah - Wisconsin
box 50
Alabama Interview Notes
box 50
Birmingham, AL Docudex Forms , 1973-1975

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 50
Huntsville Interview Notes
box 50
Alaska Interview Notes
box 50
Arizona Correspondence
box 50
Tucson Interview Notes
box 50
23/18 Jurisdiction 62
box 50
23/18 Jurisdiction 64
box 50
23/18-70 Neighborhood 01
box 50
23/18 Jurisdictions 60 & 70
box 51
23/18 Jurisdictions 60 & 62
box 51
23/18 Jurisdictions 50 & 60

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 55
box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 50
box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 10

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 20
box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 40

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 10 & 50
box 51
23/18 Jurisdiction 07 & 10
box 51
MR 02—Caldwell, Eddie "Patrol Observation"
box 51
MR 4—Allen, David "Debriefing Methods Report"
box 51
MR 06—Sharp, Elaine "Police Administration Interview"
box 51
MR 09—Mastrofski, Stephen "Citizen Leader Interview"
box 52
MR 10—Percy, Stephen "The Agency Personnel Deployment and Sub-Agency Personnel Deployment Forms"
box 52
MR 11—Percy, Stephen "The Agency Financial Data Coding Form"
box 52
MR 13—Moore, Analee "The Citizen Organization Interview"
box 52
MR 14—Percy, Stephen "Shift Personnel Deployment Form"
box 52
MR 16 –Percy, Stephen "The Crime Statistics Coding Form"
box 52
MR 20—Whitaker, Gordon "The Police Services Study Problem Type Codes"
box 52
MR 23—Allen, David "Response Bias: The Effect of Respondent and Interviewer..."
box 52
Correspondence--The Referral Agency Interviews and Narrative Forms
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Tampa (40)
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for St. Petersburg (50)
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Hillsborough County
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Pinellas County Sheriff's Department (60)
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Clearwater (62)
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Largo (64)
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Pinellas Park
box 52
Mastrofski, Stephen --Study Area Description for Tarpon Springs (68)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for St. Louis (70)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for University City (80)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Ferguson (81)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Brentwood (82)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Bridgeton (83)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Crestwood (84)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Northwoods (85)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Pinelawn (86)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Wellston (87)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Kinloch (88)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Kirkwood (89)
box 52
Sharp, Elaine --Study Area Description for Berkeley (90)
box 52
Florida Division of Standards and Training
box 52
Florida Sheriff's Association
box 52
Florida Highway Patrol
box 52
Florida State Capital
box 52
1973 Annual Report of Crime in Florida
box 52
Dissemination Files , 1975-1976

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 53
Dissemination Files , 1975-1976

Quantity: 7 Folders

box 53
Description of Police Services Study
box 53
Sharp, Elaine "Responsiveness in Urban Service Delivery"
box 53
Sharp, Elaine "Organizations, Their Environments, and Goal Definition"
box 53
Sharp, Elaine "Citizen Perceptions of Channels for Urban Service Advocacy"
box 53
Heath Books
box 53
box 53
Dissemination Files , 1976

Quantity: 5 Folders

box 53
Rochester, New York: Annual Report , 1975
box 53
Rochester, New York: Maps--Rochester SMSA
box 53
Rochester, New York: Car Assignment Logs: RPD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Duty Rosters: RPD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Crimi--Committee Report
box 53
Rochester, New York: Financial Data
box 53
Rochester, New York: Interview Notes--Laird & Sale, Department of Metropolitan Development
box 53
Rochester, New York: Rochester Facts and Facets
box 53
Rochester, New York: Crime Stats: Goodman Section
box 53
Rochester, New York: Communication Policies: RPD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Minority Hiring Agreement: RPD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Complaint Procedures and Forms: RPD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Complaints Against Officers: RPD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Urban Homesteading Program
box 53
Rochester, New York: City Council Calendars
box 53
Rochester, New York: RPD General Order , 1977-1979
box 53
Rochester, New York: Housing Abandonment Study--DCD
box 53
Rochester, New York: Housing Abandonment Study: Real Estate Research Corp.
box 53
Rochester, New York: Housing Age Information
box 53
Rochester, New York: Housing Needs of Lower-Income Households
box 53
Rochester, New York: Ibero-American League Proposal to Assess School district Population, from Pablo Rivera , 1977
box 53
Rochester, New York: Interview Notes--Hastings, Chief of Rochester PD (Hastings, Thomas)
box 53
Rochester, New York: Interviews Notes--Rochester Police Department Planning Staff
box 53
Rochester, New York: Police Budgets , 1972-1976
box 53
Rochester, New York: Population Figures: Morton Hoffman
box 53
Rochester, New York: Beat and Section Boundaries
box 53
Rochester, New York: RPD--General Order Restructuring Patrol Beats
box 54
Rochester, New York: Managing Investigations--The Rochester System
box 54
Rochester, New York: Chamber of Commerce Bulletin
box 54
Rochester, New York: RPD Contract , 1974-1976
box 54
Monroe County: MCSD Annual Reports and Proposals , 1974-1976
box 54
Monroe County: MCSD Budget , 1976
box 54
Monroe County: Communication Forms and Action Codes: MCSD
box 54
Monroe County: Complaint Procedures: MCSD
box 54
Monroe County: Contract and Employee Handbook: MCSD
box 54
Monroe County: Costing County Road Patrol Expenses to Towns
box 54
Monroe County: Facts and Figures on Monroe County Schools , 1976-1977
box 54
Monroe County: Federation of Monroe County Police Officers , 1977-06
box 54
Monroe County: Henrietta--New Community Impact Study , 1977
box 54
Monroe County: Pocket Book
box 54
Monroe County: Housing and Population , 1977
box 54
Monroe County: Housing and Population , 1970-1975
box 54
Monroe County: Interview Notes--Officers D'Amore, Larry & Hill, Scott, MCSD
box 54
Monroe County: Interview Notes--Lt. Edward Gerew, Commanding Officer, Headquarters Section, MCSD
box 54
Monroe County: Interview Notes--Sheriff William Lombard
box 54
Monroe County: Interview Notes--Sgt. Robert Wilsey, Community Services, Sheriff's Dept.
box 54
Monroe County: Interview Notes--Undersheriff John Kinnicutt, Sheriff's Dept.
box 54
Monroe County: Pre-Trial Diversion Program Evaluation
box 54
Monroe County: Public Housing--Stats by Diana Bieliauskas
box 54
Monroe County: Planning Dept.--Publ. List
box 54
Monroe County: Rules and Regulations: MCSD
box 54
Monroe County: Task Force Report (MCSD) , 1974
box 54
Monroe County: Three Assembly Point Plan
box 54
Monroe County: Welfare Department Information
box 54
Monroe County: Work Schedules: MCSD
box 54
Greece PD: General Orders--Calls for Service
box 54
Greece PD: Annual Report , 1974
box 54
Greece PD: Communications Forms, Logs, and Action Codes
box 54
Greece PD: Greece Central School District Summer Census , 1976
box 54
Greece PD: Complaint Information
box 54
Greece PD: Contract , 1975-1976
box 54
Greece PD: Interview Notes—Robert Dubois, Commanding Officer, Staff Services
box 54
Greece PD: Interview Notes—Gerald Phelan, Police Chief
box 54
Greece PD: Interview Notes--Personnel from Storefront Cops Program
box 54
Greece PD: Personnel List
box 54
Greece PD: Master Plan--Greece Planning Board , 1976
box 54
Greece PD: Storefront Cops Report Forms
box 54
Greece PD: Work Schedules
box 54
Gates Township PD: Budget , 1973
box 54
Gates Township PD: Communications forms, Logs and Action Codes
box 54
Gates Township PD: Officer Activity Log
box 54
Gates Township PD: Budget , 1976
box 54
Gates Township PD: Budget , 1977
box 54
Gates Township PD: Contract
box 54
Gates Township PD: Gates Town Planning Inventory , 1972
box 54
Gates Township PD: Interview Notes--Roche, Police Chief
box 54
Gates Township PD: Work Schedules
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Patrol Report Forms (All Departments)
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: ACIR, Government Functions and Processes: Local and Areawide , 1974
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: CAM Neighborhoods: Land Area
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: CAM User's Manual
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Communication Forms and Action Codes--RPD
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Census Tract Data , 1970
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Center for Governmental Research Newsletters
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Directory of County, Towns, and City Officials , 1977
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: GRIP-NAPA Background Information
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes—Thomas Argust, Director, R-MC Youth Bureau
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes--Center for Governmental Research
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes—Donald Fuller, Rochester Criminal Justice Planner
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes—Richard Lewis, RIT Criminal Justice Program
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes—John McNall, Regional Training Academy
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes—Mary Oakes, Director, Entry to Care Program for Alcoholics
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes—Raymond Santirocco, Monroe County Criminal Justice Planner
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Interview Notes--Town and village Police Chiefs from Departments Excluded from Study
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Median Housing Values by Census Tract (map) , 1970
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Mental Hygiene Law
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Metropolitan Police Force: Bonadio Proposal
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Narrative--copies of police administrator and citizen leader
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Neighborhood Selection
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: New York State Standards for Police Officer Candidates
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Preface to Tomorrow: Monroe County History
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Population Estimating Forms, SLP, plus estimates
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Progress of Access Field Trips--EJS miscellaneous reflections
box 54
SMSA--Rochester: Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau Monthly Bulletins
box 55
SMSA--Rochester: School Enrollments
box 55
SMSA--Rochester: Selling Price of Houses by Census Tract-Rochester Real Estate Board
box 55
SMSA--Rochester: Unemployment Figures (All Jurisdictions)
box 55
SMSA--Rochester: Voter Registration in Monroe County , 1976-1977
box 55
SMSA--Rochester: U.S. Bureau of Census, Population Estimates and Projections , 1977-05
box 55
EVN Materials (for Bloom)
box 55
Brighton Police Department Annual Report , 1975
box 55
Irondequoit PD
box 55
Access Field Trip , 1976
box 55
Local Hiring (Greece)
box 55
RIT Criminal Justice Program
box 55
Sorenson, James "The Effect of a Juvenile Referral System…"
box 55
Rochester Correspondence, Eric Scott , 1976-1977
box 55
Rochester Car Rental Information
box 55
Rochester Citizen Organizations
box 55
Rochester Block Driving
box 55
Rochester April Field Trip , 1977
box 55
Banking--Checking Accounts , 1977
box 55
Staff Meetings , 1977
box 55
Survey Firms , 1977
box 55
Telephone/Office Rental/Haines Dir.
box 55
Terms & conditions of Employment
box 55
Training Week--St. Louis
box 55
box 55
Rochester PD--Hasting's comment on forms
box 55
Department Size
box 55
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
box 55
SMSA Rochester Housing Assistance Plan , 1977-1978
box 55
SMSA Greece Budget , 1977
box 55
SMSA Monroe County Budget Plan , 1977
box 55
SMSA Greece Budget , 1976
box 55
Crime Control Plan, Rochester-Monroe , 1978
box 55
Monroe County Housing Market , 1970-1980
box 55
Rochester Budget (1 of 2) , 1977-1978
box 56
Rochester Budget (2 of 2) , 1977-1978
box 56
Rochester Profiles of Change, R.L. Polk & Co.
box 56
Sixteenth Ward, Neighborhood Planning Association Final Report , 1975-1976
box 56
SMSA 14621 Demographic Analysis , June, 1977
box 56
User's Guide to the Profiles of Change , August, 1975
box 56
Profiles of Change, Area Adjoining Rochester, NY

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 56
Data Printouts
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Report to Chief, Officer Survey, PCS
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Data--Income Est.
box 56
Fort Worth Files: NIJ Demand Report, Supporting Materials
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Report on Citizen Interviews
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Census Data Dictionary , 1980
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Training Week Schedule
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Originals (correspondence and forms)
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Post-Field Work Correspondence
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Population and Employment Totals by Census Tract, COG Report , 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 56
Fort Worth Files: Public Housing
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Land Use Maps
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Sample Dispatch Cards
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Staff
box 56
Fort Worth Files: Schedules--In Progress
box 56
Copies of Form 01
box 56
Form 01 Coding Manual
box 56
Copies of Form 05
box 56
Copies of Form 06 and letters
box 56
Copies of Form 07
box 56
Copies of Form 10
box 56
Form Change Forms
box 56
Report on Processing Time , 1981
box 56
Report on Officer Survey , 1981
box 56
Report on Citizen Interview , 1981
box 56
Agency/Unit Code Sheets , 1980
box 56
Project Description
box 56
Problem Code Sheets
box 56
Response Code Sheets
box 56
Specific Service Request Codes
box 56
Miscellaneous Forms--Fort Worth
box 56
Fort Worth: Miscellaneous data, forms, proposals, correspondence, etc. , 1980
box 56
Fort Worth: Fort Worth PD--Org Chart
box 56
Fort Worth: Texas Penal Code
box 56
Fort Worth: Info Flow--IU News Bureau Release
box 56
Fort Worth: Fort Worth PD Complaint Calls, Radio Codes
box 56
Fort Worth: Short Description of Study Purpose
box 56
Fort Worth: Staff Memos--Field
box 56
Fort Worth: 06 Coding Forms—EJS
box 57
Fort Worth: Fort Worth PD Communications Training Bulletins
box 57
Fort Worth: New Master Code Sheets
box 57
Fort Worth: Fort Worth Site Selection
box 57
Fort Worth: Fort Worth Population Estimates (COG)
box 57
Fort Worth: Fort Worth Demographics & Crime Rates
box 57
Fort Worth: Fort Worth PD--Memos on Procedures
box 57
Fort Worth: Transfer of funds--PCS
box 57
Fort Worth: Thank You Letters to Dept.
box 57
Fort Worth: Fort Worth Historical Calls documentation
box 57
Fort Worth: Articles on Dispatch Horror
box 57
Fort Worth: Police Officer Survey--Report to FWPD
box 57
Fort Worth: Old Master Code Sheets
box 57
Fort Worth: Operators
box 57
Fort Worth: Info Flow--Quarterly Reports , 1980-1989
box 57
Fort Worth: Protection of Human subjects--Info Exchange Grant
box 57
box 57
LEAA--Phase II--1st Quarterly Report (General Guidelines)
box 57
LEAA Regional Project Grant Award, Grant Conditions , 1978
box 57
Final Quarterly Report , 1980
box 57
Draft/Final Info Proposal
box 57
NIJ Info Grant Award Letter
box 57
Official Correspondence--Info Exchange
box 57
Fort Worth PD Communications Division Public Safety Dispatcher Training Manual
box 57
Communications Division Training Bulletins
box 57
Correspondence--Scott, Eric. , 1980-1981
box 57
Fort Worth--Map Sheets Outside City Limits

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 57
Test-Retest Code Manual
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Block Maps and Addresses
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Updated Info on Crime, etc.
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Questionnaire (Final)
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Letter of Introduction
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Letters to Citizens
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Letters to Chiefs
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Summary of Field Work
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Questionnaire drafts
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Followup
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Reports for Citizens
box 57
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Miscellaneous binder

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 58
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Test/Retest
box 58
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Revisions to Police Data for APSA Paper
box 58
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Police Data
box 58
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Materials
box 58
St. Louis Test-Retest Files: Miscellaneous Notes

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 58
St. Louis County
box 58
St. Louis County Municipals
box 58
St. Louis County PD
box 58
St. Louis Tabs
box 58
Technical Report No. 6 (Kramer, Thomas; Anechiarico, Frank; Wagner, Larry)

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 58
Comments on Tech. Report No. 6 , 1976

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 58
St. Louis PD "Allocation of Manpower Resources…"
box 58
St. Louis Materials

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 58
Technical Report #6 revised draft
box 59
Complaint Data--St. Louis
box 59
University City Crime Stats , 1975-1976
box 59
St. Petersburg Data
box 59
Lenell's Notes--St. Louis Citizen Questionnaire , 1977
box 59
Citizen Survey Letters
box 59
Rochester SMSA , 1977
box 59
St. Louis Coding, Memos, Maps, etc.
box 59
Citizen Survey: Miscellany from Donnelley
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 7001 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 7002 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 7004 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 7006 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 7007, 7008 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8001 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8002 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8003 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8101 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8102 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8201-8202 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8401 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8501 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8601 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8701 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8801 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8901 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 8902 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: 9001 labels
box 59
St. Louis Addresses: Neighborhood Coding Data , 1977
box 59
NMN Consumer Data
box 59
Terre Haute SMSA
box 59
box 59
Air Force
box 59
box 59
Technical Report 6 Comments: Ala-Ky
box 59
Technical Report 6 Comments: Louisiana-North Carolina
box 59
Comments received on Producer's Report--State
box 59
Recruitment & Training
box 59
St. Louis, MO/SMSA
box 59
Rochester Newspaper Clippings , 1977

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 60
Rochester Newspaper Clippings , August, 1977
box 60
Rochester Newspaper Clippings , September - October, 1977
box 60
Rochester Newspaper Clippings , November, 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 60
Rochester Newspaper Clippings , December, 1977
box 60
Rochester Newspaper Clippings. , 1974-1978
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Cover Page & Table of Contents
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 1

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 14
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Bibliography
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Correspondence Memos
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 12
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 13
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 10
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 8
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 11
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 5
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 7
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 9
box 60
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 2
box 61
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 3

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 61
EO/RBP Book "Polycentricity Orders and Police": Chapter 4
box 61
Files from Roger Parks

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 61
5080 Milwaukee, WI
box 61
6600 Racine, WI
box 61
4720 Madison, WI
box 61
Law Enforcement Data Surveys, Milwaukee, WI

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 62
Correspondence Chronological Files , August, 1976 - December, 1978
box 63
Correspondence Chronological Files , January - July, 1977
box 63
Comprehensive Report, Chapters 1-16

Quantity: 31 Folders

box 63
Comprehensive Report, Other Sections

Quantity: 7 Folders

box 63
PSS Comprehensive Report--Correspondence
box 63
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing"
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Description of the Police Services Study
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Activities Report , 1975
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Outline
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Front Matter
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Old Version, Ch. 1-4
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Old Version, Ch. 7, 10
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Preface & Miscellaneous
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Chapter 1-6
box 64
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing": Chapter 6A-10
box 64
Administrative Reports: #1: Dissemination
box 64
Administrative Reports: #2: Board of Consultants
box 64
Administrative Reports: #3: Interview and Coding Instruments Used in PSS
box 64
Administrative Reports: #4: Data Documentation Report
box 65
Administrative Reports: #5: Role of National Board of Consultants
box 65
Administrative Reports: #6: On Dissemination

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 65
box 65
Handbook , 1975
box 65
Proposal Headings
box 65
Memos Regarding Proposal
box 65
Proposal 1: National and Societal Need
box 65
Proposal 2: Proposed Products
box 65
Proposal 3: Research Design
box 65
Proposal 4: Research Plan
box 65
Proposal 5: Dissemination of Research Results
box 65
Proposal 6: Management Plan
box 65
Proposal 7: Budget
box 65
Comprehensive Report Correspondence

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing--Summary , 1976
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter 6A
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Preface and Acknowledgements
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter I
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter II
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Part II: Introduction to Direct Service
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter III
box 65
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter IV
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter V
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter VI
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Part III: An Introduction to Auxiliary Services
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter VII
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter VIII
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter IX
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter X
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter XI
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter XII
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter XIII
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Chapter XIV
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: A Descriptive Overview
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: A Preliminary Report

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Comprehensive Report
box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing , September, 1976

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 66
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: A Descriptive Overview (1 of 3) , July, 1976
box 67
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: A Descriptive Overview (folders 2-3) , July, 1976
box 67
Comprehensive Report--Policing Metro. America (Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: A Descriptive Overview) , September 17, 1976

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 67
Edited draft of Patterns of Metropolitan Policing

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 67
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing, draft #2

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 67
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing, draft #3

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 67
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing, draft #4

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 68
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing, draft #4 (3 of 3)
box 68
City Data Files: Connecticut
box 68
City Data Files: District of Columbia
box 68
City Data Files: Florida Data
box 68
City Data Files: Georgia Data
box 68
City Data Files: Hawaii
box 68
City Data Files: Idaho
box 68
City Data Files: Illinois
box 68
City Data Files: Indiana
box 68
City Data Files: Iowa
box 69
City Data Files: Iowa
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Referral Logs , 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Fire Info.
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Richmond Heights 207
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: U. City 213, 307, 308
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Florissant 108
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Bella Villa 101
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Bellefontaine Neighbors 105
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Berkeley 304
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Breckinridge Hills 208, 218
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Bridgeton 107
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Calverton Park 103
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Crestwood 104
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Ferguson 214
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Glendale 206
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Hazelwood 106
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Kirkwood 109, 212, 306
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Jennings 211, 203
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Northwoods 202
box 69
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Overland 305
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Pinelawn 301
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Riverview 204
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Rock Hill 205
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: St. Ann 210
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: St. George
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: St. Louis
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Velda Village Hills (Beverly Hills) 312
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Vinita Park 201
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Webster Groves 209

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Wellston 303
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: Complaints about Police Data
box 70
Roger Parks' PSS Files: EVN "Notes to file"
box 70
Ecological Variable Notebook, undated

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 70
Tampa Notes to File
box 70
St. Pete notes to file
box 70
Pinellas County Sheriff
box 70
Pinellas Park
box 70
Largo PD Notes to File
box 70
Tarpon Springs Notes to File
box 70
Shift Times and Day of Week
box 70
Hillsboro County Sheriff
box 70
Clearwater Notes to File
box 70

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 71
Data (4 of 4)
box 71
T-95, McIver, John & Parks, Roger "Bibliography on Individual Police Officer Activities and Effectiveness" , 1995
box 71
T-92, Whitaker, Mastrofski, Ostrom, Parks & Percy "Measuring Police Agency Performance Summary" (Gordon P. Whitaker, Stephen Mastrofski, Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Stephen L. Percy) , March, 1981
box 71
T-88, Parks, Roger & Ostrom, Elinor "Local Government Service Delivery Structures: Some Effects on Public Bureau Supply" , 1980
box 71
T-90, Scott, Eric J. "Determinants of Patrol Officer Referral Practices in Police-Citizen Encounters" , June 20, 1980
box 71
T-86, Parks et al. "Citizen Coproduction of Public Services: Some Economic and Institutional Considerations" (Roger B. Parks, Paula C. Baker, Larry Liser, Ronald Oakerson, Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, Stephen L. Percy, Martha B. Vandivort, Gordon P. Whitaker, Rick Wilson) , August 28, 1980
box 71
T-84, Parks et al. "Consumers as Coproducers of Public Services: Some Economic and Institutional Considerations" (Roger B. Parks, Paula C. Baker, Larry Liser, Ronal Oakerson, Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, Stephen L. Percy, Martha B. Vandivort, Gordon P. Whitaker, Rick Wilson) , September 24, 1980
box 71
T-83, Mastrofski, Stephen "Policing the Beat: The Relationship Between Scale of Patrol Organization and Service-Style Policing in Urban Residential Neighborhoods" , May, 1980
box 71
T-81, Sharp, Elaine "Citizen Perceptions of Channels for Urban Service Advocacy" Mss. notes "Accepted by: The Public Opinion Quarterly Spring 1980, T-81" , March - May, 1980
box 71
T-80, Parks, Roger & Ostrom, Elinor "Inter- and Intraorganizational Service Delivery Structures: Modeling Their Impact on Public Service Outputs" , April 7, 1980
box 71
T-79, Mastrofski, Stephen "Surveying Clients to Assess Police Performance--Focusing on the Police-Citizen Encounter" Stamped "DRAFT" , 1980
box 71
T-78, Hollis, Linda Eardley "Do Citizens Vary in Their Confidence in Police?" Stamped "DRAFT"
box 71
T-77, Sharp, Elaine B. "Responsiveness in Urban Service Delivery: The Case Of Policing" , November, 1979
box 71
T-76, Sharp, Elaine "Organizations, Their Environments, and Goal Definition: An Approach to the Study of Neighborhood Associations in Urban Politics"
box 71
T-75, Parks, Roger "Assessing the Influence of Organization of Performance: A Study of Police Services in Residential Neighborhoods" , July 27, 1979
box 71
T-73, Mastrofski, Stephen "The Primary Assignment Area: Measuring an Aspect of Police Patrol Organization" , April 19-21, 1979
box 71
T-69, Baillargeon, Diane L. & Smith, Dennis C. "In Pursuit of Safety: Alternative Patterns of Police Production in Three Metropolitan Areas"
box 71
T-66, Mastrofski, Stephen "Neighborhood Policing or Stranger Policing--Does the Scale of Police Patrol Influence Community Relations in Urban Neighborhoods?" Conference paper, Southwestern Political Science Association, Fort Worth, Texas , March 28-31, 1979
box 71
T-57, Whitaker, Gordon "Does Structure Make a Difference in Police Performance?" Conference Paper for Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, NY , August - September, 1987
box 71
T-56, Parks, Roger "Police Services Study Technical Report, Linking Organization and Performance Empirically: The Case of Response Time" NSF GI-43949 , October 3, 1979
box 71
T-49, Sharp, Elaine "Citizen Organization in Policing and Crime Prevention: Incentives for Participation" PSS NSF GI-43949 , 1978
box 71
T-43, Dean, Debby "Citizen Rating of the Police: The Difference Contact Makes" , December 13, 1978
box 71
T-42, DNA "The Effect of Street-Level Supervision on Police Officer Actions" , February 26, 1979
box 71
T-41, Percy, Stephen "Response Time and Citizen Evaluation of Police" NSF GI-43949
box 71
T-37, Ostrom, Elinor "Police Department Policies Toward Education" NSF GI-43949
box 71
T-36, McIver, John "The Interaction Between Cooperation and Productivity in the Delivery of Police Patrol Services" , December, 1977
box 71
T-35, McIver, John "Police Agency Cooperation: Patterns of Mutual Aid and Cross-Deputization"
box 71
T-33, Ostrom & Parks "Some Evidence of the Effects of Police Agency Size" (Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon P. Whitaker) Part of a CH IV of Policing Metropolitan America, 1997, NSF GI-43949 , December 7, 1977
box 71
T-32, Ostrom et al. "Evaluating Police Organization" (Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon P. Whitaker, Stephen L. Percy) Conference Paper Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, NSF GI-43949 , April 22, 1977
box 71
T-31, Whitaker et al. "Using Citizen Surveys to Evaluate the Organization of Policing" (Elinor Ostrom, Gordon P. Whitaker, Roger B. Parks) Fact Sheet, Presented at National Conference on Criminal Justice Evaluation, Washington DC , February 22-24, 1977
box 71
T-29, Whitaker, Gordon & Mastrofski, Stephen "Equity in the Delivery of Police Services" NSF GI-43949
box 71
T-27, Ostrom et al. "The Police Services Study: Directions for Phase II" (Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, Gordon P. Whitaker) NSF GI-43949; includes 53 page report, appendices and draft paper by Eric Scott
box 71
T-26, Ostrom, Elinor; Parks, Roger & Whitaker, Gordon "Evaluating the organization of Service Delivery: The Police" , December, 1976
box 71
T-25, Bish, Frances Pennell "The Limits of Organizational Reform" NSF Grant GI-43949, Draft edition , November, 1, 1976
box 71
T-24 "5--Police Agency Expenditures in Wisconsin" (Chapter 5?)
box 71
T-23 "Activity Analysis of the Communications Center of the Chapel Hill Police Department" (Elaine Sharp, Gordon P. Whitaker, Sally Bernard, Ken Cahill, Steve Mastrofski, Dan Wilson) NSF Grant GI-43949, UNC , August, 1976
box 71
T-22, Bish, Frances Pennell & Neubert, Nancy "A Preliminary Inquiry Into Citizen Contributions to Community Safety and Security" NSF Grant GI-43949 , May, 1976
box 71
T-21, Kramer, Thoms "A Review of State Laws Relating to 'Interagency Cooperation'" , January 1977
box 71
T-20, McIver, John "The Effects of State Laws on Municipal Police Departments: Mutual Assistance in Metropolitan Areas" , May, 1976
box 71
T-19, Ostrom, Elinor; Parks, Roger & Whitaker, Gordon "A Public Service Industry Approach to the Study of Police in Metropolitan Areas" NSF Grant GI-43949 , April, 1976
box 71
T-18, Whitaker, Gordon "Mapping Police Services" NSF Grant GI-43949 , April, 1976
box 71
T-17, Whitaker, Gordon "Size and Effectiveness in the Delivery of Human Services" NSF Grant GI-43949 , April, 1976
box 71
T-16, Ostrom, Elinor "Police Consolidation and Economies of Scale: Do They Go Together?" NSF Grant GI-43949 , April, 1976
box 71
T-15B, McIver, John "Comparative Analysis of Police Service Industries: A Matrix Methodology for Describing Interorganizational Relationships" NSF Grant GI-43949 , January 22, 1979
box 71
T-15A, McIver, John "Measures of Metropolitan Police Industry Structure- Service Structure Matrices for the Albany Georgia SMSA" NSF Grant GI-43949 , December, 1976
box 71
T-14, Scott, Eric J. "Determinants of Municipal Police Expenditures: A Review Essay" NSF Grant GI-43949 , June, 1976
box 71
T-13, Parks, Roger "Victim's Satisfaction with Police: The Response Factor" NSF Grant GI-43949 , May, 1976
box 71
T-12, Parks, Roger "Police Patrol in Metropolitan Areas: Implications for Restructuring the Police" NSF Grant GI-43949 , May, 1976
box 71
T-10, Scott, Eric "College and University Police Agencies" NSF Grant GI-43949 , August, 1976
box 71
T-8, Neubert, Nancy "Compensation to Police Officers" Police Services Study Technical Report
box 71
T-7, Gregg, Phillip "Personnel Practices in the Police Services Industry" NSF Grant GI-43949 , December, 1975
box 71
T-4, Ostrom, Elinor "A Historical Review of Entry-Level Training Legislation" NSF Grant GI-43949 , February, 1976
box 71
T-6, Kramer, Anechiarico & Wagner "State Statutory Authorization of the Law Enforcement Functions of State, County, and Municipal Agencies" (Thomas W. Kramer, Frank Anechiarico, and Larry Wagner) NSF Grant GI-43949 , July, 1976
box 71
T-5, Wagner, Larry "A Legislative Description of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act". NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
T-3, Kramer, Thomas & Wagner, Larry "Statutory Provisions Regarding Entry-Level Training of Peace Officers" NSF Grant GI-43949 , April, 1976
box 71
T-2, Wagner, Larry & Kramer, Thomas "A Symposium of Recruitment Systems for Peace Officers" NSF Grant GI-43949 , May, 1976
box 71
T-1, Wagner, Larry "Patterns of State Laws Relating to 'Fresh Pursuit'" NSF Grant GI-43949 , April, 1975
box 71
F-10 "The People's Fire House Fact Sheet" and "The Politics of Fire Protection…" (Fred Ringler, Police Services Study NSF Grant GI-43949) , November 22, 1977
box 71
F-9, McIver, John "The Worster County Fraudulent Check Association: Community Cooperation in Law Enforcement"
box 71
F-8, Scott, Eric "The Intra-County Major Case Investigation Unit of Dane County" NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
F-7, Miller, Gary "The Universal City Joint Dispatching System" NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
F-6, Neubert, Nancy "The State Police of Crawford and Erie Counties" NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
F-5 "Kansas City Area Metro Squad" Staff Research Unit: Police Services Study NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
F-4, Neubert, Nancy "Major Case Squads" NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
F-3, Mastrofski, Stephen "The Tuscaloosa County Homicide Unit"
box 71
F-2, Neubert, Nancy "The Major Investigative Team of Polk County" NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
F-1, Ostrom, Elinor "The Topeka Major Case Squad" , 1975
box 71
MR-16, Percy, Stephen "The Crime Statistics Coding Form" NSF Grant GI-43949
box 71
MR-14, Percy, Stephen "Shift Personnel Deployment Form" NSF Grant GI-43949 , July 25, 1978
box 71
MR-13, Moore, Analee "The Citizen Organization Interview" NSF Grant GI-43949 , October 17, 1978
box 71
MR-11, Percy, Stephen "The Agency Financial Data Coding Form" NSF Grant GI-43949 , November 7, 1978
box 71
MR-10, Percy, Stephen "The Agency Personnel Deployment and Sub-Agency Personnel Deployment Forms" NSF Grant GI-43949 , January 1, 1978
box 71
MR-09, Mastrofski, Stephen "Citizen Leader Interview" NSF Grant GI-43949 , January 23, 1978
box 71
MR-06, Sharp, Elaine "Police Administrator Interview" NSF Grant GI-43949 , January 23, 1978
box 71
MR-4, Allen, David "The Citizen Debriefing Form" NSF Grant GI-43949 , June 2, 1978
box 71
MR-02, Caldwell, Eddie "Patrol Observation: The Patrol Encounter, Patrol Narrative, and General Shift Information Forms" NSF Grant GI-43949 , Septmber 18, 1978
box 72
S78-3, Nanetti, Raffaella & Sabetti, Philip "Local Organization and Citizen Participation in Urban Planning: A Comparative Bibliography"
box 72
S78-1, Bish, Francis Pennell "Community Organization and Neighborhood Government Supplement #1" , January 5, 1978
box 72
S76-3, Greene, Vernon "A Manual Describing the Data Set Comparing Police Performance…" , August, 1987
box 72
S76-2, Baker, Paula & Ostrom, Elinor "Community Organization and Neighborhood Government: A Preliminary Bibliography"
box 72
S74-2 "California. Governor's Task Force on Local Government Reform: Public Benefits from Public Choice"
box 72
S75-1, McDavid, James "The Major Case Squad of the Greater St. Louis Metropolitan Area"
box 72
Township Maps, Cook County, spiral bound oversize , 1969
box 72
Real Estate Index, Cook County, spiral bound, oversize
box 72
Chicago Coding Manual
box 72
Skogan and Parks "The Indianapolis Survey" , 1970
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Chapter 7
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Chapters 1-5
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Chapter 10
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Chapter 8
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Chapter 9
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Theoretical Issues
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Response Data
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Memorandum
box 72
Indianapolis Survey: Workshop Forms
box 72
Projects , September 25, 1974
box 72
Nashville/Davidson County Study (2) , 1974
box 72
CV's of others
box 72
Ecological variable notebook , 1978
box 72
Data on our 60 neighborhoods and on PD serving these 60 neighborhoods , 1977
box 72
EO's Riding in Car notes and surveys (typescripts and photocopies, various observers)
box 72
Citizen Org. Questionnaire
box 72
PSS paper half-sheet with codes and comments
box 73
Notes, comments, survey responses, etc.
box 74
Referral Interview , 1977
box 74
Citizen Survey , 1977

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 74
Observation in Patrol Car , 1977

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 74
Kansas City- Encounter Forms , November, 19721
box 74
Propositions , 1976
box 74
Co-Production , 1975
box 74
Police Survey , 1976-1978

Quantity: 3 Folders

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Correspondence tables of supervisors and patrol officers, to EO, from Diane Baillargeon, Jan 1977; 2) PSS, Dennis, Gordon, EO, RBP, SDM, May-July 1978; 3) Coding Sheet for Status of Interviewed Officers, Key to Form 80; 4) Correspondence, re: University City sample, Gordon, Steve, Lin, Dennis 1978; 5) Photocopy of MS notes, Rochester PD; 6) Monroe County, Photocopy of MS notes; 7) Greece Police Department, Photocopy of MS notes; 8) Gates Police Department, Photocopy of MS notes; 9) Tampa P.D., typescript; 10) Rochester P.D., typescript; 11) Monroe County, typescript; 12) Gates, P.D., typescript; 13) University City, typescript; 14) Ferguson, typescript; 15) Berkeley, typescript; 16) Kirkwood, typescript; 17) Bridgeton P.D., typescript; 18) Wellston P.D., St. Louis Metropolitan P.D., typescript; 19) Further comments on police officer interview, T. Drazan, 5/24/1978; 20) Correspondence: Tony Drazan, Gordon Whitaker, April 20, 1978 Re: comments on police officer interview methods report

box 74
Problem type codes memos
box 74
Historical Materials on Instruments
box 74
Phase II-B Planning , June - August, 1976
box 74
Outcomes , 1976
box 74
Effectiveness, Efficiency, Responsiveness and Equity
box 74
Organizational Arrangements
box 74
Citizen Leader Interview, Phase II Correspondence , 1975
box 74
Fieldworker Interview Forms ES , August 23, 1976
box 74
Dispatch Coding Form
box 74
Neighborhoods in OSS Memos, Data, etc. , 1977-1978
box 74
General Memos on Planning Fieldwork , 1977-1978
box 74
Site Selection, memos, staffing , 1976-1977
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Crime Rates
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Bibliography: Police Consolidation
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Comments on EO/RBP book
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: RBP & EO Classical Model
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Public Bureau Supply
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Model 2--Coordination Costs
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: RBP's Learning Models
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Polycentricity, Public Order, and Policy
box 78
Output, Outcome & Performance: Notes with Roger--earlier drafts
box 89
Evaluation Research
box 89
Experimental e week
box 107
Worksheet A (sample)
box 107
Study Area Description for Largo
box 107
Study Area Description for St. Louis
box 107
Typed Council Meeting Notes [Pike Township zoning]
box 107
Board of Consultants Meeting, South Carolina. , March 17-18, 1977
box 107
Data and materials , 1977
box 107
Bid Letter , 1977-1978
box 107
Board Meeting , July 22-23, 1976
box 107
W77-33 "Materials for Police Services Study" correspondence
box 107
Labor Day Meeting , 1976
box 107
Site Visit , 1976
box 107
Training Week , 1977
box 107
Coding Sheets, IACP Comp. Data , 1972
box 108
Raw Data, IACP, by State , 1972
box 108
Coding Sheets, IACP Comp. Data, by State , 1972
box 108
Worksheet A, Chicago II
box 108
Fort Wayne Beat Area Descriptions
box 108
Beat Coding Forms, District E-H
box 108
Tract-Beat Conversions
box 108
Tape Handling Logs, Work Adjustment Logs, Shift ID Sequence Logs
box 108
1981 Workflow, Manual
box 109
"ELAM" Coding Manual
box 109
Fort Wayne PD Daily Activity Reports
box 109
Phase II
box 109
Department of Justice Information Exchange--Initial Police Response to Calls for Services
box 109
LEAA Performance Measurement Project: Phase I
box 109
McClosky's Local Government Review Board
box 109
LEAA Referral Project
box 109
box 110
W76-5 "On Evaluating the Effectiveness, Responsiveness, Equity, and Efficiency of Police Organization…"
box 110
R76-1 "On the Fate of 'Lilliputs' in Metropolitan Policing"
box 110
R73-3 "On the Meaning & Measurement of Output & Efficiency…of Urban Police Services"
box 110
R75-7 "On Righteousness, Evidence, and Reform: The Police Study"
box 110
T-19 "A Public Service Industry Approach to Police in Metropolitan Areas"
box 110
W79-9 "Purposes, Performance Measurement, and Policing"
box 110
W78-6 "Race and the Equality of Police Service Delivery in Metropolitan Areas…"
box 110
R78-2 "Police Agency Size: Some Evidence on its Effects"
box 110
T-16 "Police Consolidation and Economies-of-Scale: Do They Go Together?"
box 110
T-37 "Police Department Policies Toward Education"
box 110
T-34 "Policing: Is There a System?"
box 110
W76-7 "Policing Metropolitan America"
box 110
W79-10 "Productivity in the Urban Public Sector"
box 111
W77-15 "Review of Policing a Free Society"
box 111
T-33 "Some Evidence on the Effects of Police Agency Size"
box 111
R78-3 "Some Evidence on the Effects of Police Agency Size"
box 111
R73-2 "Suburban Police Departments: Too Many or Too Small?"
box 111
T-46 "Ten Years Later: The Relationship Between Blacks and the Police a Decade After the Riot Commission Report"
box 111
F-1 "The Topeka Major Case Squad"
box 111
W75-4 "Urban Policy Analysis: An Institutional Approach"
box 111
Phase II Narrative Database Manipulation and Checking Problems
box 111
Chicago II Questionnaire
box 111
Variable Files , 1970-1979
box 112
Chapter 1 data and interviews
box 112
Data Logs, St. Louis , 1974
box 112
Indianapolis Questionnaire , 1970
box 112
Coding for Areas
box 112
Measuring Police Agency Performance , 1980

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 113
Measuring Police Agency Performance (3 of 3) , 1980
box 115
Metropolitan Police Services Study Understanding Police Agency Performance , February, 1984
box 122
"Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Design Considerations" Prosperi, David, , December 10, 1976
box 123
East Chicago maps and data
box 124
Virginia data
box 125
Data by state: Top 80 for XMET study list inside folder cover, SMSA's Chosen for Intensive Research Under Phase I of Studies on the Organization of Service Deliver in Metropolitan Areas (NSF 73-28) , 1975
box 125
Coding log data (1 of 2) , 1976

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Coding log data, ICMA Govt/74, October 8, 1976; 2) Blocked Data on USN T355, 1973, Intergovernmental Service Agreements; 3) Coding Log ICMA Contr/72 , 11/8/76; 4) Survey on: Intergovernmental Service Agreements, 1972; 5) Municipal Electoral Systems and City Council Structure-1974 Questionnaire; 6) Personnel Practices in Municipal Police Departments 1973 Questionnaire

box 125
Coding log data (2 of 2) , 1976

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) 1972 Census of Governments Government Finance Tape Documentation, June 1975 (4 copies, plus partial copy-intro); 2) An introduction to MEASUR (SPSS system file); 3) Coding log ICMA POLBENE/73 October 8, 1976; 4) Survey letter from International City Management Association; 5) Coding Manual, EO PS 210 (2 copies)

box 147
Citizen Debriefing Form
box 163
Police Planners Workshop
box 163
International Association of Chiefs of Police--Discipline Study
box 163
Data, correspondence, writings, etc. , 1970
box 163
Dispatcher Complaint Logs , 1976
box 163
Cumberland County Council "Economics of Urban Expansion" , 1958
box 164
California Research Reports , 1968-1969
box 164
Graphs of offenses , 1970
box 164
Indianapolis Police Department , 1971
box 164
"Indy Coding Manual": Data, codes, forms, etc. , 1970-1971
box 164
Indianapolis Police Department Statistics , 1969-1971
box 164
Newspaper Articles , 1970-1971
box 164
Marion County Maps
box 165
VIII Some Examples of Research Instruments (Section removed from E5 Public Policy Analysis manual for Cornel version)

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 167
Citations: PSS, "games", institutional analysis, etc.
box 170
Tampa/St. Peter
box 170
Study Area Description for Tampa
box 170
Chief's Report: St. Petersburg PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Pinellas County
box 171
Study Area Description for Clearwater
box 171
Study Area Description for Tarpon Springs
box 171
Chief's Report: St. Louis Metro. PD

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 171
Study Area Description for Berkeley
box 171
Chief's Report: Berkeley PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Brentwood
box 171
Chief's Report: Brentwood PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Bridgeton
box 171
Study Area Description for Kinloch
box 171
Chief's Report: Kinloch PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Kirkwood
box 171
Chief's Report: Kirkwood PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Northwoods
box 171
Chief's Report: Northwoods PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Pinelawn PD
box 171
Study Area Description for University City
box 171
Chief's Report: University City PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Wellston
box 171
Chief's Report: Wellston PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Gates
box 171
Chief's Report: Gates PD
box 171
Study Area Description for Greece
box 171
Chief's Report: Greece PD
box 171
Study Area Description for St. Petersburg
box 171
box 171
Study Area Description for Rochester
box 171
MR-18-4 Study Area Description for Monroe County (Scott, Eric)
box 173
Black, White and Blue: Police Services to Urban Neighborhoods. Preliminary Outline , October 5, 1978
box 173
Black, White and Blue: Police Services to Urban Neighborhoods. Tables and Notes
box 173
Black, White and Blue: Police Services to Urban Neighborhoods, undated
box 176
Green Bay, Wisconsin (3080)
box 176
Appleton-Oshkosh, Wisconsin (0460)
box 176
Population Data
box 176
SMSA Notes , October 18, 2010
box 180
U.S. Map of Area Zones
box 186
"Understanding Police Agency Performance" (2 copies) , February, 1984
box 186
"Final Report on Research Activities, Products, and Dissemination" (2 copies) , June, 1980
box 198
Book- Measuring Urban Services: A Multi-Mode Approach , June, 1975
box 198
Forms 01-09
box 199
Materials for Reports at Quail Roost, Board of Consultants Meetings , 1977

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 207
E. Chicago Heights Police Data
box 207
UG: ILL.23--East Chicago Heights
box 207
UG: ILL.36--Phoenix
box 207
Chief Stone--E. Chicago Heights
box 207
Chicago Background Materials
box 208
14A--Chicago Police Department (General)
box 208
14--Chicago Area in General
box 208
14A1--Afro-American Patrolman's League
box 208
XF 60041--Alabama Public Employee Rights to Establish Unions
box 208
XF 60002--Arizona Department of Public safety Organization Structure (chart)
box 208
XF 60001--California Highway Patrol Organization Chart
box 208
XF 60017--Cities and Criminal Justice
box 208
XF 60069--Community-Based Corrections in Des Moines
box 208
XF 60063--New Directions in the Criminal Justice System
box 208
XF 60029--Community Economic Profile for Santa Maria, Barbara County, California
box 208
XF 60005--Citizens Alert Annual Report , 1974
box 208
XF 60056--Community Economic Profile for Lompoc, California
box 208
XF 60066--Myths and Realities about Crime
box 209
XF 60034--El Paso Police Department Manning Table , 1973-1974
box 209
XF 60013--Federal Law Enforcement Assistance
box 209
XF 60025--Fairfield, California Police department: Summary of Expenses , 1971-1974
box 305
Forms and Writings

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 305
Variables and Hypotheses (1 of 2)
box 306
Variables and Hypotheses (2 of 2)
box 307
Chief's Report: Gates Police Department , May 1, 1978
box 307
Patterns of Metropolitan Policing: Studying the Organization of Police Services Delivery (Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom)
box 323
Percentage Comparisons Between Citizen Responses to Public Services , 1973
box 323
Percentage Comparisons Between Citizen Responses to Public Services in Berry Hill and Woodbine , May, 1973
box 325
Portfolio for Measuring Urban Services , 1975

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 333
Appendix A: Bid Letter and List of Survey Forms from Which a Bid was Requested (Elinor Ostrom)
box 338
Performance Measurement Theory: Colloquium (Elinor Ostrom to Colloquium Participants)
box 338
Performance Measurement Theory: Chapter for Conceptual Issues on Police Performance Measurement , January 15, 1979
box 338
Respondents from Chicago study: Selected Comments from Respondents (Y200 & Y771 Ostrom) , September - November, 1970
box 371
23/18 Jurisdiction 10
box 371
23/18 Jurisdiction 10 & 01
box 371
23/18 Jurisdiction 01 (1 of 2)
box 372
23/18 Jurisdiction 01 (2 of 2)
box 372
23/18 Jurisdiction 05
box 372
Citizen Survey

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 372
New York and Florida Citizen Addresses

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 372
Missouri Citizen Addresses (2 of 2)
box 378
Neighborhood Police Administration
box 380
Published Works , 1970-1979
box 381
Administrative Reports

Quantity: 2 Folders

Box 434
Box 435
Fact and technical sheets


Phase I: X-Met
box 12
Correspondence on sampling , 1977
box 12
Field work memos , 1977
box 14
Meeting , September 17-18, 1974
box 15
Original XMET Proposal , 1974
box 18
XMET Historical Notebook (1 of 2) , September - November, 1977
box 19
XMET Historical Notebook (2 of 2) , September - November, 1977
box 21
Correspondence , 1975-1978
box 23
Principal Investigators, General Correspondence , 1975
box 23
Cross-Met Board of Consultants Conference, Chicago , April 1, 1975
box 23
Board of Consultants, X-Met , July 6-7, 1975
box 23
Cross-Met Board of Consultants Conference, St. Louis , December 13, 1974
box 23
Cross-Met Board of Consultants Conference , September 10-11, 1974
box 23
Cross-Met, Accomplishments of Phase I, Planned Accomplishments of Phase IIa, undated
box 23
Cross-Met, Brief Statement Describing Recent NSF Research Grants, Findings, and Impacts (also includes MEASURES), undated
box 23
Cross-Metropolitan Study, Correspondence , 1973-1974
box 23
Cross-Met, Cities to be Visited , October - December, 1974
box 23
Cross-Met, Board of Consultants, General Correspondence , 1974
box 23
Cross-Met, Correspondence with Police Officials , 1974
box 23
Correspondence with Principal Investigators, X-Met , 1974
box 23
Cross-Met Board of Consultant Members, 1974 , 1974

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 25
X-MET, Phase I, Data Processing Notebook, Book I , 1975

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 25
X-MET, Phase I, Data Processing Notebook, Book II , 1975
box 26
X-MET Confidential Documents , 1974
box 31
Data as Yet Unmerged , 1975
box 50
X-MET filing forms and articles , 1975
box 50
X-MET correspondence , 1974
box 53
X-MET Mailing Forms of Code
box 59
box 59
box 59
X-MET: SMSA Coding Form #1
box 59
Original X-MET Proposal
box 59
X-MET: NSF Presentation Transparencies
box 59
Original X-MET Proposal--Budget Calculations
box 59
Budget Calculations--Supplement to X-MET
box 61
X-MET Expenditure Forms, Vol. I: Akron, OH--Grand Rapids, MI (#80-3000)

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 62
X-MET Expenditure Forms, Vol. II: Great Falls, MT--Pittsfield, MA (#3020-6320)

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 72
Instruments Xmet: Police Services Study Administrative Report Number 3, Interview and Coding Instruments used in the Police Services Study
box 74
X-Met Memos , 1977-1978
box 74
Materials Related to the Analysis of X-Met Data
box 107
XMET Historical Fieldworker's Meeting , September, 1974
box 186
Phase I , 1970-1979

Quantity: 2 Folders


box 100
Interviews: Academic Council for Environmental Protection
box 100
Interviews: Case Western Reserve
box 100
Interviews: Case Western Reserve (Yueki)
box 100
Interviews: Citizens for Clean Air and Water
box 100
Interviews: Clean Water Task Force
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland City Planning Commission
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland Division of Public Pools and Beaches
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland Federation of Labor
box 100
Interviews: Department of Health--Cleveland
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland Heights--City Planning Commission
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland Press

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 100
Interviews: Cleveland Public Utilities Department
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland State University
box 100
Interviews: Corp of Engineers
box 100
Interviews: Council for Economic Opportunities
box 100
Interviews: County (Cuyahoga) Commissioners
box 100
Interviews: Cuyahoga County Mayors and City Managers Association
box 100
Interviews: Cuyahoga County Municipal Engineers Association
box 100
Interviews: Cuyahoga County Regional Planning Commission
box 100
Interviews: Cuyahoga County Department of Sanitary Engineering
box 100
Interviews: Diamond Shamrock
box 100
Interviews: Dupont
box 100
Interviews: City of East Cleveland
box 100
Interviews: Equal Employment Opportunities Office
box 100
Interviews: EPA
box 100
Interviews: EPA Hearing
box 100
Interviews: Erieway Pollution Control, Inc.
box 100
Interviews: City--Fairview Park
box 100
Interviews: Dr. Giatlin
box 100
Interviews: Greater Cleveland Growth Association
box 100
Interviews: Havens & Emerson
box 100
Interviews: IBEW Union Local 38
box 100
Interviews: Izaak Wolton
box 100
Interviews: John Carroll University
box 100
Interviews: Jones & Laughlin Steel
box 100
Interviews: Lake Carriers Association
box 100
Interviews: Lakeside Yacht Club
box 100
Interviews: Lakewood
box 100
Interviews: League of Women Voters
box 100
Interviews: Lewis Research Center--NASA
box 100
Interviews: Madison & Madison
box 100
Interviews: Maier, Howard
box 100
Interviews: Municipal League
box 100
Interviews: NOACA--Wheeler, Brown, Atkins
box 100
Interviews: N.E. Ohio Water Development Plan
box 100
Interviews: Ohio Department of Development
box 100
Interviews: Department of Natural Resources--Water Plan
box 100
Interviews: Senator Regula, State Environmental Affairs Committee, Ohio
box 100
Interviews: Ohio House of Representatives, Voinovich
box 100
Interviews: Ohio Water Commission
box 100
Interviews: OWDA
box 100
Interviews: Ohio Water Pollution Control Conference
box 100
Interviews: Parma, Ohio
box 100
Interviews: Plain Dealer
box 100
Interviews: Polytech, Eco-Labs
box 100
Interviews: Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Authority
box 100
Interviews: Shaker Heights Law Director
box 100
Interviews: Southerly Treatment Plant
box 100
Interviews: Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey
box 100
Interviews: Stanley Consultants--Engineering
box 100
Interviews: Congressman Stokes Office
box 100
Interviews: Three Rivers Watershed District
box 100
Interviews: Toft, Anthony (consultant)
box 100
Interviews: U.S. Attorney's Office
box 100
Interviews: University Heights
box 100
Interviews: Urban League
box 100
Interviews: Vari Systems
box 100
Interviews: Westlake
box 100
Interviews: Channel 5
box 100
Interviews: Zurn Industries
box 100
Interviews: Clear Water, Inc.
box 100
Interviews: Council of Governments
box 100
Interviews: Dana Corp.
box 100
Interviews: Finkbeiner, Pettis, and Strout
box 100
Interviews: Gulf Oil
box 100
Interviews: Jones & Henry, Engineers Ltd.
box 100
Interviews: Lucas County Sanitary Engineering Department
box 100
Interviews: Lucas County Soil and Water Conservation District
box 100
Interviews: Maumee
box 100
Interviews: Maumee Conservancy District
box 100
Interviews: Northwest Ohio Natural Resources Council
box 100
Interviews: Owens, Illinois
box 100
Interviews: Pollution Control Agency
box 100
Interviews: Soil Conservation Service, Lucas County
box 100
Interviews: Sylvania Public Service Dept.
box 101
Interviews: Tilton, Mr. Calvin--Independent Farmer
box 101
Interviews: Toledo Edison
box 101
Interviews: Toledo--Lucas County Plan Commissions
box 101
Interviews: Toledo--Lucas County Port Authority
box 101
Interviews: Toledo Public Service Dept.
box 101
Interviews: Toledo Public Utilities
box 101
Interviews: University of Toledo
box 101
Interviews: Waterbury, Mr. & Mrs. Neil--Independent, Involved
box 101
Miscellaneous interviews (originals)
box 101
Interview Notes--Battelle
box 101
Copies of Interviews

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 101
box 101
box 101
box 101
box 101
Human Subjects
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Indianapolis Articles to be Abstracted
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Leadership Time Allocation Form
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Metropolitan Development Commission "Preliminary Communities Plan" , 1972
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Mini- & Uni-Governments
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: U.G. Indiana (Indianapolis) Assessed Valuation Marion County
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: WFBM-TV Survey
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Roster of City Officials--IACT
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Assessed Valuations Marion County Units , 1968-1972
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Uni-gov Metro Project--League of Women Voters , 1973
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Indianapolis-Marion County Tax Rates, etc.
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Pop for Taxing Districts , 1970
box 102
Roger Parks' Minigovernment Files: Financial Facts on all Indiana Taxing Units , 1972
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: Presently Existing Units of Government in Indianapolis-Marion County
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: Trends in Local Government--Indianapolis-Marion County, Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce , 1960-1970
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: Government of the City of Indianapolis, Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: Management Info Center, John Rowe
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: Chamber of Commerce--Indianapolis Magazine , July, 1973
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: Pfister's Indianapolis class , 1970
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: IACT Newsletter , 1973
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: MiniGovernments Sampling Procedures
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: U421 materials , 1970-1979
box 102
Roger Parks Mini-Gov Files: U421 materials , 1960-1969
box 173
Minigov. Planning Group, Correspondence , 1973
box 173
Minigov: meeting notes, publications, photocopies of news clippings, house bills, memos, Correspondence: Snorden, Phillip; proposals; Mini Gov Communities Plan, Department of Metropolitan Development , 1972
box 173
Minigovernments Study Group Meeting, typescripts, correspondence, agendas , July 6, 1973

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 251
Proposal , December 20, 1973

Quantity: 2 Folders

Box 437
Neighborhood project and local interviews


box 5
Resilience and Sustainable Development: Building adaptive capacity in a world of transformations, A report for the Swedish Environmental Advisory Council 2002:1
box 103
Evolutionary Group Memos
box 103
Evolutionary Theory
box 103
Animal Signaling
box 103
Articles on Evolutionary Biology

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 103
Brain and Neural Research
box 103
Structure of Brains--Computers
box 103
Genetic Code
box 103
Hockey and Other Games
box 103
Language Evolution
box 103
Multi-Level Selection
box 103
Adolphs, Ralph "Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Social Behavior" , 2003
box 103
Anderson, Philip "The Economy as an Evolving Complex System"
box 103
Bartholdi III, Butler, Tride [?], Evolution of Cooperation , 1986
box 103
Blume, Lawrence "Evolutionary Equilibrium with Forward-Looking Players"
box 103
Boyd, Robert and Richerson, Peter "Punishment Allows the Evolution of Cooperation…"
box 103
Bowles, Samuel and Gintis, Herbert "The Evolution of Cooperation in Heterogeneous Populations" , 2003
box 103
Burtsev, Mikhail and Turchin, Peter "Evolution of Cooperative Strategies from First Principles" , 2006
box 103
Evolution articles
box 103
Irons, William "Evolutionary Biology and Human Social Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective" , 1979
box 103
Chavalarias, David "Human's Meta-Cognitive Capacities and Endogenization of Mimetic Rules" , 2003
box 103
Crutchfield, James and Schuster, Peter "Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Interplay of Selection, Accident, Neutrality, and Function" , 2003
box 104
Dawkins, Richard papers
box 104
Fehr, Ernest
box 104
Guth, Werner
box 104
Hamerstein, Peter papers
box 104
Heiner, Ronald "Robust Evolution of Contingent Cooperation in the One-Short Prisoners' Dilemma" , 2002
box 104
Hamilton, W. D. , 1964
box 104
Henrich, Joseph and Boyd, Robert
box 104
Hofstadter, Douglas
box 104
Holland, John "Reproductive Plans and Genetic Operations" , 1975
box 104
Huxley, Julian "Evolution, Cultural and Biological" , 1957
box 104
Hirshleifer "What Strategies Can Support the Evolutionary Emergence of Cooperation?" (Hirshleifer, Jack; Coll, Juan Carlos) , 1988
box 104
Kirby, Simon "Natural Language from Artificial Life" , 2002
box 104
Krugman, Paul "What Economists Can Learn from Evolutionary Theorists" , 1996
box 104
Kurzban, Robert and Houser, Daniel, PNAS
box 104
Kurzban, Tooby, Cosmides "Can Race Be Erased? Coalition Computation and Social Categorization" (Kurzban, Robert; Tooby, John; Cosmedes, Leda) , 2001
box 104
Kay, Neil "The Innovating Firm: A Behavioral Theory of Corporate R & D"
box 104
Laland, Odling-Smee, and Feldman "Niche Construction, Biological Evolution, and Cultural Change" (Laland, Kevin; Odling-Smee, John; Feldman, Marcus)
box 104
Levitt, Steven
box 104
Simon Levine papers
box 104
Menczer, Genetic Algorithm (Menczer, Filippo)
box 104
Maxwell, Mary "The Evolution of Language" , 1984
box 104
Nelson, Richard and Winter, Sidney "The Need for an Evolutionary Theory"
box 104
Lewontin, Richard "The Structure of Evolutionary Genetics" , 1986
box 104
Mayer, Gene duplication (Meyer, Axel)
box 104
Nelson, Gov. of Econ. Using Innovation
box 104
Nowak, Martin & Sigmund, Karl
box 104
Orbell, John--syllabus for evolutionary theory
box 104
Penn, Dustin "The Evolutionary Roots of our Environmental Problems: Toward a Darwinian Ecology"
box 104
Peterson, Steven and Somit, Albert "Evolutionary Approaches in the Behavioral Sciences: toward a Better Understanding of Human Nature" , 2001
box 104
Pfennig, David and Sherman, Paul "Kin Recognition"
box 104
Perutz, Max "A New View of Darwinism"
box 104
Price, George articles
box 104
Richerson, Peter; Collins, Dwight; Genet, Russell
box 104
Reichard and Hammerstein "Game Theory in an Ecological Context" (Selten, Reinhard; Hammerstein, Peter)
box 104
Schotter, Andrew & Sopher, Barry
box 104
Sole, Ferrer-Cancho, Montoya, Valverde "Selection Tinkering, and Emergence in Complex Networks" (Sole, Richard; Ferrer-Cancho, Ramon; Montoya, Jose; Valverde, Sergi) , 2003
box 104
Somnathan and Sethi "The Evolutionary of Social Norms in common Property Resource Use" (Somnathan; Sethi, Rajiv)
box 104
Smith, John Maynard "The Hawk-dove Game" , 1982
box 104
Stake, Jeffrey E.
box 104
Stegeman, Mark & Rhode, Paul
box 104
Thuijsman, Peleg, Amitar, and Shmida "Automata, Matching, and Foraging Behavior of Bees"
box 104
Tooby, John & Cosmides, Leda
box 104
Trivers, Robert "Sociobiology and Politics"
box 104
Trivers, Robert , 1971
box 104
Weingart, Peter "Human by Nature"
box 104
ISR Evolution and Human Adaptation Program
box 104
box 104
Robutness Literature
box 105
Resilience Alliance
box 105
Resilience Blog
box 105
Institutional Portals
box 105
Resilience Alliance--IU Projects
box 105
Resilience Threshold Data
box 105
Resilience Network , 2000
box 105
Hollings--Resilience Network
box 105
Articles relevant to Resilience
box 105
Ascher, William , 2001
box 105
Bak, Per "How Nature Works"
box 105
Jonathan Bendor's papers on Bureaucracy
box 105
Bray, David "Models for the Promotion of Resilience in Grassroots Organizations and Ecosystems: Lessons from the Yucatan Peninsula" , 1999
box 105
Brunk, Gregory "Why Do Societies Collapse?: A Theory Based on Self-Organized Criticality" , 2002
box 105
Carlson and Doyle, Robustness
box 105
Dodds, Watts, and Sabel "Information Exchange and the Robustness of Organizational Networks" (Dodds, Peter; Watts, Duncan; Sabel, Charles) , 2003
box 105
Dolfing, Birgitta "Dutch Water Boards" , 2000
box 105
Doyle, John Papers, Robustness
box 105
Farr, James "Revolution" , 1982
box 105
Fernandez, et al. "Degradation and Recovery in Socio-Ecological Systems" , 2002
box 105
Holling "Understanding the Complexity of Economic, Ecological, and Social Systems" , 2001
box 105
Hubler, Alfred and Pines, David "Prediction and Adaptation"
box 105
Janssen, Marco papers

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 105
Janssen, Marco "An Adaptive Agent Model for Analysing"
box 105
Jen, Erica
box 105
Kinzig, et al. "Nature and Society (Executive Summary)" , 2001
box 105
Lansing, Steve
box 105
Levin, Simon
box 105
Ludwig, Walker, Holling "Sustainability, Stability and Resilience" , 1996
box 105
McLaughlin, Paul and Dietz, Thomas "The Dynamics of Vulnerability"
box 105
Olsson, Folke, and Berkes "Adaptive Comanagement for Building Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems" (Olsson, Per; Folke, Carl; Berkes, Fikert) , 2004
box 105
Redman, Charles and Kinzig, Ann "Resilience Theory, Society, and the Long Duree"
box 105
Rolett, Barry and Diamond, Jared "Environmental predictors of pre-European…" , 2004
box 105
Ruitenbeek, Jack and Cartier, Cynthia "Invisible Wand: Adaptive Com-management as an Emergent Strategy…"
box 105
Santa Fe Institute
box 105
Scheffer, Marten and Carpenter, Stephen "Catastrophic Regime Shifts in Ecosystems" , 2003
box 105
Simberloff, Daniel
box 105
Walker, Holling, Carpenter, Kinzig "Resilience, Adaptability and Transformability" (Walker, Brian; Holling, Buzz; Carpenter, Steve; Kinzig, Ann) , 2003
box 105
Walker, Brian and Meyers, Jacqueline "Thresholds in Ecological and Social-Ecological Systems" , 2004
box 105
Papers--Robustness Workshop
box 151
Resilience Alliance , March 31, 2006 - December 21, 2007
box 170

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 172
Robust Communities

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 172
Sustainability Science Book

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 172
Robust Institutions


Yellowwood Project
box 112
Correspondence , 1996


Personnel Files
box 101
box 101


Awards and Honors


Nobel Prize


box 113
Email Congratulations, A , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, B , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, C , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, D-E , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, F , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, G , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, H , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, I-J , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, K , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, L , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, M , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, N-O , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations: Congratulations, P , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, Q-R , October 2009
box 113
Email Congratulations, S , October 2009
box 114
Email Congratulations, T-U , October 2009
box 114
Email Congratulations, V-W , October 2009
box 114
Email Congratulations, X-Z , October 2009
box 114
Congratulations, Misc. , October 2009
box 114
Congratulations letters, A-M , October 2009
box 114
Congratulations letters, N-Z , October 2009
box 114
Congratulations cards , 2009-2010

Quantity: 6 Folders

box 115
To EO From Virginia and Howard Gest , 2009
box 115
Peter Levine , October 13, 2009
box 115
President Obama - copy , October 15, 2009
box 115
To EO From Walter J. Hickle , October 22, 2009
box 115
Madhav Kumar , October 22, 2009
box 115
To EO From Mary Beth and Tjip Walker Nov 22, 2009 (4 photo removed to Photographs series) , November 22, 2009
box 115
To Michael McGinnis From President McRobbie Nov 24, 2009 , November 24, 2009
box 180
Congratulations accompanied by newspaper clippings
box 306
box 306
Congratulations , 2009-2010


box 114
Requests , October, 2009

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 114
Requests , January - November, 2009
box 114
Requests , December, 2009

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 114
Requests , January, 2010
box 114
Requests , February, 2010
box 114
Requests: (Letter )Hays, Joaqchim W. (Coin removed) , March, 2010 - August 19, 2010
box 114
Requests , April - December, 2010
box 114
Requests (1 of 2) , January - December, 2011
box 115
Requests (2 of 2) , January - December, 2011
box 115
Requests , January - December, 2011
box 115
Requests, undated: Organized by Class, Year/Sem, Student Last, First names
box 115
Nomination Letter , 2009-2010
box 115
Correspondence , 2009

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 115
Minoti Chakravarty-Kaul , October 13, 2009
box 115
Stockholm School of Economics , October 16, 2009
box 115
Matthew W. Barzum , October 21, 2009
box 115
To EO From Elyce J. Roteela , October 22, 2009
box 115
To EO From Rajendra Pradhan , November 26, 2009
box 306
box 306
To EO From Simon Frantz , December, 2010


box 382
Thomas R. Dye Service Award (Policy Studies Organization) , December, 1997
box 115
The Royal Swedish Academy of Science, booklet in English and Swedish , 2008
box 115
Nobel Lecture , 2009
box 115
Nobel Prize Guide , 2009
box 115
EO's placecards , December, 2009
box 115
Les Prix Nobel - reprint , 2010
box 115
Hotel Guide "Den Gyldene Freden 1722" , December, 2009
box 115
Invitations to Nobel Reception - copy , December, 2009
box 115
Nobel Activities , December, 2009

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Schedule for Nobel Day in Washington, D.C. Dec 1, 2009; 2) Programme for Professor Elinor Ostrom during Nobel Week Dec 2, 2009; 3) Business cards of people EO met in Sweden Dec 3-16, 2009; 4) Contact Information for Nobel Week 2009; 5) Nobel Week 2009 Accompanying Persons List; 6) Nobel Week 2009 Official Program; 7) Bus transport service during Nobel Week 2009; 8) Nobel Lecture Dec 8, 2009; 9) Nobel Prize concert program Dec 8, 2009; 10) Luncheon menu for American Laureates Dec 9, 2009; 11) Hotel Den Gyldene Freden menu Dec 10, 2009; 12) Nobel Banquet Program Dec 10, 2009; 13) Nobel Prize seating plan map Dec 12, 2009

box 115
EO receiving Nobel Prize - copy , December 10, 2009
box 115
Seating plan , December 10, 2009
box 115
Translation of the speeches of the Nobel Prize Award ceremony , December 10, 2009
box 153
Nobel Day, White House, Washington DC , December 1, 2009
box 153
Nobel Week, Sweden , December 4-12, 2009
box 179
Transnational Corporations Review , June, 2010
box 180
Newspaper articles about EO
box 180
Posters explaining research of EO and Oliver Williamson, Nobel recipients , 2009
box 306
Nobel Lunch honoring EO , January 8, 2011


box 395
Awards & Accolades 1 of 2 (EO): "Challenging conventional wisdom" The Herald-Times (2 large framed newspaper prints) , December 13, 2009
box 396
Awards & Accolades 2 of 2 (EO):
box 396
* Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Commemoration of Carl Linaeus, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2007 , 2007
box 396
* "Challenging Conventional Wisdom," The Herald-Times, Tuesday (framed) , October 13, 1009
box 396
* Certificate for Honorary Chairman of Academic Consulting Committee for the Center of Philanthropy at Sun Yat-Sen University, China , May 6, 2011
box 396
* Philip Gamble Memorial Lecture, "Thinking About Climate Change as a Commons," UMass Amherst (framed) , September 22, 2011
box 396
* Certificate of Appreciation for Distinguished Service as President of the American Political Science Association (framed) , 1996-1997
box 401
EO Teri University, New Delhi; Honorary Doctorate , February 1, 2012
box 402
EO Michigan State University Honorary Doctorate
box 403
EO College of Forestry Lecture Poster, Calendar from Indian Economic Service (EO depicted in December) , October 31, 2002 - 2012
box 404
EO National Autonomous University of Mexico Honorary Doctorate , May 8, 2012
box 405
Workshop Building Plans; EO Diploma of Membership for the National Academy of Sciences; Manitoulin Tourist Map
box 412
Honorary Professor, Beihang University , May, 2011
box 412
Certificate of Appreciation, Agency for International Development , December, 1992
box 115
Correspondence--Koontz, Tomas (2 items) , December 1, 2004
box 115
Doctor of Human Letters, University of Michigan (5 items)
box 115
Lin Ostrom Day Bloomington, IN - copy , December 2, 2009
box 116
IU 2010 Distinguished Teaching Awards pamphlets
box 117
NTNU Honorary Doctorate , September 11-12, 2008
box 117
McGill University Honorary Doctorate (cloth tassel included) , May 30, 2008
box 117
William H. Riker Prize , May 9, 2008
box 117
APSA Fellow Induction , May 8, 2008
box 148
Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters Degree, University of Michigan , April 28-29, 2006
box 148
Honorary Doctorate, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden , November 11-12, 2005
box 152
Tisch Research Prize, Tufts University, Massachusettes , March 5-6, 2009
box 153
Phi Beta Kappa Awards Banquet, IUB , APril 27, 2010
box 154
Office of Women's Affairs Ceremony and Reception, Living Legend Award, IUB , May 10, 2010
box 154
College of Arts and Sciences 33rd Annual Recognition Banquet, 2010 Distinguished Faculty Award, IUB , October 15, 2010
box 154
Honorary Degree, Michigan State University , December 9-11, 2010
box 156
Honorary Degree of Doctorate of Laws, Harvard University, Massachusetts , May 23-24, 2012
box 178
Certificate of Achievement, Princeton Global Network (CD removed to Digital Formats series) , 2009-2010
box 179
Time Magazine's Top 100 Influencial People , April - May, 2012
box 179
Correspondence--Carty Award Congratulations , April 22, 2004
box 180
Cozzarelli Prize, National Academy of Sciences , November 6, 2006
box 306
Partners in Philanthropy Awards Dinner Program
box 306
College of Arts and Sciences 33rd Annual Recognition Banquet Program , October 15, 2010
box 306
UCLA College Awards Dinner , Mar. 29-30, 2011
box 307
US House of Representatives , October 13, 2009
box 319
Doctor rerum agriculturarum honoris causa, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (green tube) , June 1, 2007
box 378
Distinguished Professor , 1985
box 384
Proclamations , 2009-2010
box 384
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) , 2001-2002
box 385
Honorary Doctorate, Universitatis Monspeliensis. (medallion) , June 20, 2011
box 385
Commemoration of speech at 38th Tsinghua Forum , May 9, 2011
box 385
Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy certificate, Teri University, New Delhi. , February 1, 2012
box 385
The Mount Royal Club dinner , May 29, 2008




box 115
box 115
IASC , 2009
box 118
Interview requests , 2012


Interviews Given
box 115
Wirtschafts Woch "Baut mehr Radwege!" , October 26, 2009
box 115
Research and Creative Activity , 2010
box 115
Herald Times , March 2, 2010
box 116
Rotman , Fall, 2010
box 116
Ford Foundation , September 13, 2010
box 122
"The Calculus of Commitment" Hess, Charlotte
box 178
Transcript , November 6, 2000
box 178
Interview Women's Policy Journal of Harvard "Finding Local Solutions" , 2009-2010
box 178
November 18, 2010
box 178

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Le Nouvel Observateur June 16-22, 2011; 2) Finance and Development Sep. 2011; 3) Cuadernos de GSD Nov. 12, 2011

box 179
Genossenschaften: Gemeinsam Erfolgreich Allmende Ist Uberall, pg. 6-10


Newspaper Clippings
box 3
Article clipping about EO, undated
box 115
Lippische Landes-ZEITUNG Nr. 186 , August 14, 1982
box 178

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Herald Times "Ostrom, IU collaborators to apply common pool theories to healthcare" Nov. 19, 2010; 2) The Kathmandu Post - Nepal 2010, Dec.


Press Releases
box 115
Political Science at IU , 2009
box 115
Poster "Academic Thoughts and Contributions of EO" , 2009-2010
box 115
Press Meddelande , October 12, 2009
box 115
Indy Star images , November, 2009
box 178
box 178
Political Science, "Kudos" , 1999-2006
box 178
National Academy of Sciences , May 1, 2000
box 178

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Mar. 7, 2003 IU INFO "Ostrom Revists in the Commons" in Science; 2) May 7, 2003 IU Home Pages "IU's Einhorn, Ostrom elected to National Academy of Sciences"

box 178
The Elinor Ostrom-John Prize Fellowship , 2010
box 178
Open Times on Governing the Commons , 2010
box 309
"Institutional Analysis and Development Symposium" , April 2, 2010
box 381


Television, Radio, and Educational Programs
box 115
WFIU Radio (CD removed to Digital Formats series) , June 29, 2010


box 115
"A Second Nobel for Selten?" Wall Street Journal (2 items) , October 15-16, 2005
box 115
Colomer, Joseph "The Nobel Prize in Political Science" , September 10, 2006
box 115
University of Colorado at Boulder; Political Science Newsletter Spring 2010 , April 12, 2010
box 115
IU Annual Report , 2010


Writings about Elinor Ostrom
box 115
The Nobel Prize Chronicles Blog By Steve Hennfeld , 2009
box 115
Baden, John. "Free Insights"; "Ostrom's Contributions to Public Choice" (2 items) , June 27, 2012
box 115
Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change , 2008-2009
box 115
Global Change , June 2010
box 115
President McRobbie Announcement about Nobel Peace Prize , October 2009
box 115

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 115
box 122
Transnational Corporations Review , December 28, 2009
box 178
Research at IU , 2004
box 178

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) AEA 2011 Meetings, Aunash Dixit Jan. 8, 2011; 2) UCLA College Report V. 16 2011; 3) Aus Politik und Zeitgeschiechte July 11, 2011

box 179

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Mujer y ciencai: 13 nombres para cambia el mundo Apr. 2, 2012 (Includes letter from the editor); 2) Indiana Daily Student, Apr. 25, 2012

box 179
box 179


box 115
Photos , 2009-2010
box 306
box 306
box 306




National Science Foundation
box 28
Rick Wilson, Dissertation Grant, NSF SES 81-04772 , August 1 - January 31, 1981
box 28
NSF SES – 8309829, Ostrom, 48-278-27, "Modeling Institutional Arrangements and Their Effects: A Request for Extended Funding" , 1983-1987
box 91
A Defense
box 108
Dr. Gregg Edwards
box 112
"Analyzing Common Resources in Marginal Environments" Agrawal, Arun
box 120
Murray Aborn , 1978
box 120
Richard Atkins, Acting Director. , 1978
box 120
L. Vaughn Blankenship , 1981
box 120
Vincent Covello , 1986
box 120
Science and Technology Research Centers Program , 1987
box 120
United States-Sweden Cooperative Science Program , 1987
box 120
Political Science Oversight Panel , 1988
box 120
Different Proposals , 1977
box 120
Evaluations of Research Reports , 1978
box 120
NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships Outreach to East Europe , 1993
box 120

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 120

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 121
Academic Research Infrastructure Program , 1994
box 121
Guidelines , 1983
box 162
Grant 448-278-48, NSF (Kristen Andersson) , March 1, 2001 - February 28, 2002
box 162
Grant 48-439-04 (NSF – Yandle) , September 1, 1999 - June 30, 2001
box 162
Grant 48-439-07, (NSF – Biss Grant) , April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 163
NSF Feb. Meeting (Fire Safety) , 1974-1975
box 186
Sproule-Jones, Mark "Natural Resources Management" , 1980
box 325
Renewal for , 1976

Quantity: 2 Folders


box 28
Performance Measurement Theory, 59-278-02 , 1974-1980
box 29
NIJ, 81 IJCX 0078, Ostrom, McIver and Parks, 53-439-01 , 1981-1982
box 29
"Seminar on Constitutional Choice and Public Policy Analysis," submitted to Teacher Development in Science Education, NSF , October 14, 1980
box 29
NIMH , 1970-1989
box 29
AID Proposal, "An Institutional and Cultural Analysis of Opportunities for Impediments to Democratization in Central America," Elinor Ostrom , February 15, 1985
box 46
Democratization in Central America , February, 1985
box 91
Gregg Proposal: Curriculum Program Package--National Training and Development Service
box 108
Proposal for Democratization in Central America , February 1985
box 108
Lilly--Gordon St. Angelo
box 108
Liberty Fund
box 108
Liberty Fund--David Franke
box 108
Liberty Fund--A. Neil McLeod
box 108
Liberty Fund--Linda Walker
box 112
GEF , 1995-1996

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 121
NIMH Proposals
box 121
NIMH--Arthur Leabman
box 121
NIMH--Elliot Liebow
box 121
NIMH--Richard Shapiro
box 121
NIMH--Joan Shulman
box 121
NIMH--Ecford Voit
box 121
NIE--Virginia Koehler
box 121
NIE--Dr. Gayle MacColl
box 121
National Institute of Justice
box 121
National Institute of Mental Health
box 121
NIMH--Thomas Lalley
box 121
National Institute of Education

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 121
National Endowment for the Humanities
box 121
NIE grant correspondence
box 121
MacArthur Foundation
box 121
John & Mary Markle Foundation
box 121
Metropolitan Fund
box 121
John Eade--National Commission in Neighborhoods
box 121
NCN--Bill Price
box 121
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
box 121
National Criminal Justice Reference Service--Roy Reese
box 121
National Criminal Justice Reference Service--Mark Shanley
box 121
Lilly Endowment Post-Doctoral Teaching Award Program
box 121
Lilly Endowment--Charles Blair
box 121
Lilly Endowment--Dan O'Laughlin
box 121
Lilly Endowment--Richard Ristine
box 121
Lilly Endowment--Dr. George Springer
box 121
Arthur D. Little Company
box 121
Lilly Endowment
box 121
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Program Announcement
box 123
Background papers, readings, correspondence , March 2003

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 151
Ford Foundation Documents , October 16, 1998 - March 3, 2004
box 161
Grant 41-439-15, SIDA , March 6, 2000 - November 30, 2001

Quantity: 5 Folders

box 161
Grant 41-439-16, SIDA , August 21, 2001 - December 31, 2001

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 161
Grant 44-439-07, Bradley Foundation (1 of 3) , October 1, 1996 - March 31, 1999
box 162
Grant 44-439-07, Bradley Foundation (2 of 3) , October 1, 1996 - March 31, 1999
box 162
Grant 44-439-07, Bradley Foundation (3 of 3) , October 1, 1996 - March 31, 1999
box 162
Grant 44-439-10, Bradley Foundation , May 10, 1999 - May 9, 2000
box 162
Grant 44-439-11, Bradley Foundation , May 10, 1999 - May 9, 2001
box 163
J.C. Ries Proposal--meeting
box 163
Scaife-Mellon Proposal , 1974
box 163
PARKS-LEAA Proposal , 1974-1975
box 164
Community Organization and Urban Institutions , 1970
box 186
NIMH Final Report--Community Organizations and Urban Institutions , 1977
box 186
NIMH trainee materials , 1978-1980


box 381
CIPEC , 1993-1996

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 381
CIPEC , 1993-1997
box 381
CIPEC , 1991-1995
box 381
CIPEC , 1993-1998
box 381
CIPEC , 1992-1997

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 8
Chronological File (Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, others) , January 1986
box 8
Chronological File (Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, others) , February 1986
box 8
Chronological File (Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, others) , March 1986
box 8
Chronological File (Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, others) , April 1986
box 8
Chronological File (Elinor Ostrom, Vincent Ostrom, others) , May 1986
box 29
Nevin, Gill Correspondence File , 1980-1981
box 78
Parks, Roger (unfolding book)
box 112
Princeton University Press , 2004
box 115
Prakash, Aseem , April 18, 2000
box 115
Thank you note cards, , 2008
box 115
To EO From Devaki Jain , February 1, 2012
box 115
To EO From Liwiusz Siemianowski , October 16, 2009
box 115
To EO From Carolina R. de Bolivar , December 4, 1997
box 115
To EO From Shansan Chen and Ying Ding , 2009
box 115
EO Humboldt Jahrestagong, Berlin with Federal Council of Germany , July 21, 2010
box 116
To EO From Tally and Jim Weigard , April 7, 2010
box 116
To EO From My Sister's Closet Fundraiser , October 6, 2010
box 117
Schweik, Charlie M. , January 6, 1999
box 117
Canada Trip , July 22 - August 23, 2009
box 120
Barkan, Rachel
box 120
Ballesteros, Marta , 2002
box 120
Binder, Claudia
box 120
Dutch Comparative Study
box 121
Allen, David
box 121
Bish, Francie
box 121
Carmines, Ted
box 121
Gillespie, Judith
box 121
Jinadu, Adele
box 121
Kiser, Larry
box 121
Pepinsky, Harold
box 121
Parnell & Pepinsky
box 121
Baker, Paula
box 121
Bhagwati, Jagdish
box 121
Desai, Padma Bhagwati
box 121
Dean, Deby
box 121
Foster, Carol
box 121
Duany, Michael
box 121
Kessler, David
box 122
Korzycka, Margorzata
box 122
Martin, Fenton
box 122
McCluggage, Christa
box 122
McIver, John
box 122
Oakerson, Ronald
box 122
Oppenlander, Nancy
box 122
Percy, Steve
box 122
Scott, Eric
box 122
Smerdel, Branko
box 122
Smith, Patty
box 122
Therrien, Teresa
box 122
Toonen, Theo
box 122
Wilson, Rick
box 122

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) EO, anon. 2) Lampkins Ridge; 3) Scott, Charles H. (Love letter promising to marry Elinor by the last day of August 1954); 4) Todd, Nicole; 5) Workshop; 6) VO, EO (Wishes happy birthday); 7) Hong, You; 8) North, Doug; 9) Awan, Leah; 10) Syifa, Melani, Katie, VO; 11) Jaggard, Goldie, July 25 (year unknown, sympathy card); 12) Micholaf, Tom (sympathy card); 13) O'Brien, David (sympathy card); 14) Harf, Jim (sympathy card); 15) Canada, Larry (sympathy card); 16) Gesdre, Marion; 17) Simonarson, Einar

box 122
Workshop in Collective Action and Sustainability , March 10-15, 2011
box 122
Anon , 1993
box 122
Ayo, Dele , Marc 16, 1992
box 122
Cleave, John H. , March 18, 1988
box 122
Thomson, James. , 1988
box 122
Seyler, Liz, undated
box 122
Chandler, Dennis , March 18, 1988
box 122
Schrodt, Philip A. , April 11, 1986
box 122
Robinson, David. , 1987-1988
box 122
George, Gene , September 29, 1988
box 122
Lowenthal, Jim , June 15, 1988
box 122
Dalton, John , October 11, 1988
box 122
Schroeder, Larry , September 19, 1988
box 122
Brady, James , March 15, 1988
box 122
Connerly, Ed , January 11, 1988
box 122
Prosperi, David , October 17, 1976
box 122
Prosperi, David , October 26, 1976
box 122
Ray, Dixie , November 8, 1988
box 122
Ray, Dixie W. , November 16, 1987
box 122
Reed, William Cyrus, undated
box 123
Rothman, Rozann , July 19, 1978
box 123
Rothman, Rozann , September 24, 1980
box 123
Tsebelis, George, notes and exchange (Games in Hierarchies and Networks, Max-Planck-Institut fur Gesellschaftsforschung, Koln; Tsebelis, George; Scharpf, Franz; Weissing, Franz) , September 5-7, 1991
box 123
Memo: Members of the Work Group on Data Bank, from EO , June 29, 1978
box 123
Memo: from Dean of COAS 2005 re salaries, budget approvals, including evaluation of EO and salary , 2004
box 123
Globalization—IU (Peebles, Christopher)
box 123
Akinola, Shittu , August 20, 2008
box 123
Sabetti, Filippo , 2004-2006
box 123
Higgins, Gayle , 2005
box 123
Allen, Barbara , September 8, 2004
box 123
Gieryn, Thomas , June 12, 2006
box 123
McRobbie, Michael A. , May 19, 2006
box 123
Kasza, Gregory , March 23, 2010
box 124
Hamilton, Paul , November 15, 1974
box 124
Longille, Barbara , April 1, 1975
box 124
Tucker, Joseph , 1975
box 124
Weissing, F. S. , 1991-1995
box 124
Aron , June 2, 1994
box 124
Avenhaus, Rudolph , July 8, 1992
box 124
Hirsch, Leonard , July 8, 1992
box 124
Lee, Myungsuk , November 27, 1991
box 124
Yang, Spencer , October 3, 1991
box 124
Weissing, F. S. , April 3, 1996
box 124
March 2, 1989
box 124
Feeny, David , March 3, 1989
box 124
Kantner, Sarah , May 1, 2002
box 124
Ritz, Christopher , April 14, 2009
box 124
Thompson, Bob , March 9, 2000
box 124
Jaeger, Carlo , March 31, 2000
box 124
Eliason, Ray , September, 2001
box 124
Lezotte, Robert , 2001
box 124
McMahon, Shawn , January 12, 2001
box 124

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah; 2) University of Denver

box 124

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah; 2) Ireland, Frederick

box 124

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah

box 124

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Awan, Leah; 2) Thompson, Catalyn; 3) Paddy; 4) Didithye

box 124
(1 of 2) , 1969

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Byrnes, Bob; 2) McCall, Martha E.; 3) Kronenberg, Helen; 4) Harf, Jim; 5) Sutton, Joseph L.; 6) Rieselbach, Leroy; 7) Hattery, Robert M.; 8) Hayes, Richard E.; 9) Political Science Graduate Council; 10) Phillips, Harry; 11) Walkden, Philip; 12) Ostrom, Peter; 13) Hofslitter, Richard; 14) Derge, David R.; 15) Gillis, Frank J.; 16) Phil and Nancy; 17) Carter; 18) Benard, Hama; 19) Guarasci, Richard; 20) Elton and Janet; 21) Rodgers, Bruce

box 124
(2 of 2) , 1969

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Stein, George; 2) Bish, Bob; 3) Malecek, Nancy; 4) Ernst, Richard; 5) Gorgone, John; 6) Keith, Harry; 7) Latz, Donald S.; 8) Dwaine

box 124

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Ostrom, Peter; 2) Hartman, Mae J.; 3) Davis, Debbie; 4) Bruce; 5) Simonarson, Einar; 6) Agger, Robert; 7) Bob; 8) Jim; 9) Workshop; 10) Zhang, Xin; 11) Myers, Charles T.; 12) Kaul, Minoti; 13) Orebech, Peter; 14) Mills, Myrna, Barry Ostrom; 15) Smith, Ronald S.; 16) Wisen, Laura Ann; 17) Berg, James; 18) Tucker, Echo; 19) Thomson, Jamie; 20) Carlsson, Lars

box 125

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Lezotte, Patricia Ann; 2) Syifa; 3) Lampkins Ridgers; 4) Allen, Barbara; 5) Raadschelders, Jozef C.; 6) Goodman, Paul; 7) Todd, Nicole

box 168
Chronological Files , January - December, 1984
box 169
DOSES Working Group: Roster of working group members (Correspondence: Detlef Sprinz, Claudia Pahl-Wostl; EO, McGinnis, Michael Dean, Tom Evans, Christopher Bartlett, David Allen Price, ,Ontology Working Group, Kashwan, Prakash) , 2006
box 170
Water: 2006, Water Crisis, Water Banking , 2006

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 170
Sabbatical Leave Applications and Reports , October 1986 - January 2002
box 170
Future Plans--Sabbatical
box 170
Reimar Lust Award for International Scholarly and Cultural Exchange, Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation , 2009
box 171
Arizona State University (ASU) Appointment Materials , 2006
box 172
EO 1 of 9 , September, 1964 - March, 1992
box 172
EO 2 of 9 , July 1996 - January 1999
box 172
EO 3 of 9: , September 1992 - December 2002
box 172
EO 4 of 9: , March 1999 - November 2005
box 172
EO 5 of 9: , July 2003 - November 2005
box 172
EO 6 of 9: , July 2003 - January 2010
box 173
EO 7 of 9: , September 2006 - December 2009
box 173
EO 8 of 9: , September 2006 - October 2012
box 173
EO 9 of 9: , 2010
box 173
Rahmanian, Maryam , December 1, 2006
box 173
ECAR, Peebles, Christopher , October 25, 2005
box 173
Treadwell, Lt. Governor [Alaska] , May, 2012
box 173
Bollier, David , July 11, 2006
box 173
Conteras, Jorge , July 23, 2010
box 174
Awan, Leah , 1969-1970
box 174
Awan, Leah , 1968-1976
box 174
Awan, Leah , 1977-1982
box 176
Axelrod, Robert [Bob]. , November 21, 2002
box 176
T.K. [Toh-Kyeong Anh]. , February 9, 1999
box 176
Workshop--Social capital , June 30, 1994
box 176
Evans, Peter. , 1994
box 176
Strimling, Pontus. , May 22, 2010
box 176
Parks, Roger. , May 19, 1981
box 176
Tang. , February 6, 1987
box 176
RPG- Irrigation Game , 2005-2009
box 176
Tocqueville Initiative. , 2005-2006
box 177
Annual Review of Resource Economics, Economic Governance of Natural Resources , December 18, 2011
box 177
Janssen, Marco. , 2010
box 177
Anderies, Marty. , 2009-2010
box 177
Trust and Social Capital , May 8, 1995
box 177
Robustness and Irrigation Workshop (Valerie Braithwaite, Robert Frank, Margaret Levi, Toshio Yamagishi, James Walker) , 2009
box 178
A Different Kind of Order , 1996-2004
box 178
John G. Bretting signed "your grandson" but not actually grandson] , September, 2010
box 178
To EO From Joan Pong Linton , December 2, 2010
box 178
To EO From President McRobbie FORMAS Grant , March 28, 2011
box 179
To EO From Richard Guarasoi , May 7, 2012
box 185
Department memos , 1970-1979
box 186
NIMH Mailings , 1978-1979
box 187
Franjo (includes Holland Herald magazine) , 1990
box 216
Nicholson, Norm , December 30, 2002
box 260
Graduate requirements , 1967
box 277
Les Moise , April 29, 1968
box 290
Suzzette, Todd , February 25, 2005
box 290
Araral, Eduardo K. , February 26, 2005
box 291
Maier-Rigaud, Frank P. , October 5, 1998
box 291
September 17, 1990

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Lam, Danny; 2) Daniels, John; 3) Mullins, Doug

box 292
Anon, undated
box 293

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Minigov Planning Group

box 295
Vitale, Tommaso , 2004
box 296
Miscellaneous 5 of 8: Political Theory Workshop participants from EO , February 9, 1994
box 298
Colloquium , 1997
box 301
Mitchell, William , March 7, 1984
box 302
Dragos, Paul , February 3, 2006
box 306
To Patricia Lezotte and Nicole Todd, From George Varhugese , December 28, 2010
box 306
Global Asia Institute Conference , December, 2010
box 309
To Roger Parks from Elinor Ostrom , March 31, 1981
box 310
Schaaf, Jeanne , 1979-1985
box 310
Scott, Anthony , February 13, 1989
box 310
Jenkins, Jerry , November 27, 1987

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 311
Singh, Katar , December 4, 1989
box 311
Winters, Richard , December 14, 1988
box 315
Sproule-Jones, Mark , May, 1996
box 318
Constitutional Political Economy Journal , 1998
box 323
The Urban Institute to EO , January 10, 1974
box 323
Randy, undated
box 367
General--Material Related to Job Openings , 1974-1975
box 367
Miscellaneous , 1973
box 367
Miscellaneous , 1974
box 368

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Lowengrub, Morton; 2) Neal, Homer; 3) Hickman, R. E.; 4) Schaap, Ward B.

box 368
Diamant, Alfred. , 1977-1978
box 369
Helsinki Meeting , 2004
box 379
Hassell, Barbara. , May, 1983


Professional Organizations
box 115
Indiana University , October 19, 2009
box 116
Max Planck Institute , January 12-13, 2006
box 116
ZEF Bonn , May 21, 2001
box 120
Sycamore Land Trust
box 120
Rural Development Research Consortium
box 162
Center for Survey Research Board


box 115
December, 2009

Scope and Contents: Includes: 1) Council of Ministers, Nepal Dec 7, 2009; 2) Sveriges Riksbank Dec 7, 2009; 3) James Marvin Walker, Nobel Reception Dec 7, 2009; 4) Nobel Reception, Gov Mitch Daniels Dec 7, 2009

box 116
IU Office of Women's Affairs Award Ceremony and Reception , May 10, 2010
box 116
Political Studies Association Annual Dinner , August 16, 2010
box 118
Argentina , 2009-2012
box 118
Australia , 2009-2010
box 118
Austria , 2009-2010
box 118
Belgium , 2009
box 118
Bolivia , 2009
box 118
Brazil , 2009-2010
box 118
Canada , 2009-2011
box 118
Chile , 2010-2011
box 118
China , 2009-2010
box 118
Colombia , 2009
box 118
Costa Rica , 2009
box 118
Croatia , 2010-2011
box 118
Ecuador , 2010
box 118
El Salvador , 2009-2010
box 118
Finland , 2009-2010
box 118
France , 2009-2010
box 118
Germany , 2009-2012
box 118
Hong Kong , 2010
box 118
Iceland , 2010
box 118
India , 2009-2010
box 118
Indonesia , 2011
box 118
Italy , 2009-2011
box 118
Kazakhstan , 2009
box 118
Kenya , 2010
box 118
Korea , 2009-2010
box 118
Liberia , 2009
box 118
Malaysia , 2009
box 118
Mexico , 2010-2011
box 118
Mongolia , 2011
box 118
Netherlands , 2009-2011
box 118
Norway , 2009
box 118
Pakistan , 2010
box 118
Paraguay , 2010
box 118
Peru , 2009
box 118
Poland , 2009
box 118
Portugal , 2010
box 118
Puerto Rico , 2012
box 118
Romania , 2011
box 118
Russia , 2009
box 118
South Africa , 2010
box 118
Spain , 2009-2012
box 118
Sweden , 2009-2010
box 118
Switzerland , 2009-2012
box 118
Turkey , 2009-2010
box 118
United Kingdom , 2010
box 118
United States (Alphabetically organized by state, then chronologically within each state) , 2009-2012
box 118
Vatican City , 2010
box 118
Declined invitations , 2014
box 118
Declined invitations , 2013
box 118
Declined requests , 2012
box 118
Declined invitations , 2012

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 119
Declined requests , 2011
box 119
Declined invitations , 2011
box 119
Declined invitations , 2010-2011

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 119
Declined requests , 2010
box 119
Declined invitations , 2009
box 119
Declined invitations , 2008
box 119
Declined invitations , 2002
box 152
Travel Invitations Declined , 2006
box 152
Invitations Declined , 2005
box 152
Declined Invitations , 2004
box 152
Invitations Declined , 1998-2004

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 169
Declined , 2007
box 169
Accepted--UNC Lambeth lecture , September 27, 2012
box 169
University of Virginia , May 31, 2012
box 169
Workshop , April 11-13, 2012
box 185
declined invitations , 1978
box 185
declined invitations , 1978-1980
Box 434


box 117
Year end summary , 1998
box 117
Year end summary , 1997
box 117
box 117
Year end summary , 1994-1995
box 117
Year end summary , 1993
box 117
Year end summary , 1992
box 117
Year end summary , 1991
box 117
Year end summary , 1990
box 117
Year end summary , 1989
box 117
Year end summary , 1988
box 117
Year end summary , 1987
box 117
Year end summary , 1986
box 117
Year end summary , 1985
box 117
Year end summary , 1984
box 174
3 small black calendars , 1986
box 175
Daytimer calendars , 1968-1981
box 176
Pocket Day-Timer , 1982
box 176
Day-Timer , 1970-1973
box 177
Calendars and Journals , 1966-2000


box 382
World Bank Consultant Appointment, Transport, Water and Urban Development Department , 1995
box 385
Workshop on Democracy and Governance , 1991
box 81
IFRI meetings , 1997-1998
box 101
Travel Information , 1978
box 111
Umea, Sweden , 1984-1985
box 115
"Future Directions in Social-Ecological System Research" , 2000-12
box 116
Travel Journals , 1999-2008
box 116
Travel Journals , 2009-2012
box 116
box 116
Travel Journal , November 12-15, 2007
box 116
Tickets and boarding passes , 2000-2009
box 116
Workshop in honor of EO , July 3, 2007
box 116
Conference , June 24-25, 2007
box 116
CEES Seminar , June 15, 2007
box 116
International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management , June 11-14, 2007
box 116
European Society for Ecological Economics Conference , June 5-10, 2007
box 116
Stockholm Resilience Centre Meeting , May 28-29, 2007
box 116
Travel Journal , May 22-27, 2007
box 116
Travel Journal , April 29-30, 2007
box 116
April 16, 2007
box 116
Festschrift , November 22-23, 2005
box 116
"Future of Social Sciences" , October 7-9, 2004
box 116
"Future of Social Sciences II" , October 6-8, 2005
box 116
"Advancing Conservation in a social context planning" , January 23-28, 2005
box 116
"Workshop on the Workshop" , June 2-6, 2004
box 116
"Evolution of Designed Institutions" , February 10-20, 2004

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 116
University of Michigan Economics Seminar , November 20-22, 2002
box 116
Starker Lecture series , October 30-31, 2002
box 116
UNAM Conference , October 25, 2002
box 116
LEAD Conference , October 22-24, 2002
box 116
ISS Meeting , October 8-9, 2002
box 116
SIDA Conference , October 7, 2002
box 116
GSEI and CEE Conferences , April 24, 2002
box 116
"Institutional Analysis of Collective Action by Resource Users" , APril 15-17, 2002
box 116
Travel Journal , June 23, 2001
box 116
"Workshop on the Workshop" , June 16-18, 1994
box 116
Social Capital Modeling Meeting , May 9-10, 1999
box 117
"Workshop on the Workshop" , June 9-13, 1999
box 117
"Federalism from Theory to Practice" , December 4-6, 1997

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 117
Kettering Foundation Meeting , December 15-16, 2008
box 117
Tragedy of the Commons Symposium , 2008-11-21
box 117
"Sustaining Social-Ecological Systems" , 2008-11-06
box 117
IHDP , October 16-19, 2008
box 117
Golden Jubilee Lecture , 2008-10-14
box 117
PIK Workshop , October 9-12, 2008
box 117
International Conference on Cooperative Studies , October 7-9, 2008
box 117
APSA Meeting , August 28-30, 2008
box 117
"Contextualizing Economic Behavior" , August 21-23, 2008
box 117
AAEA Annual Meeting , July 28-30, 2008
box 117
IASC and IFRI Meetings , July 13-28, 2008
box 117
"Land Policies and Property Rights" Conference , June 1-3, 2008
box 117
SANREM Meeting , May 23-29, 2008
box 117
PNAS Editorial Board Meeting , April 26-27, 2008
box 117
Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies Workshop , April 24-26, 2008
box 118
International Resilience Symposium , April 11-19, 2008
box 118
Neale Wheeler Watson Lecture , April 12, 2008
box 118
Centennial Scholar Lecture , March 26-28, 2008
box 118
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting , March 7-9, 2008
box 118
SANREM Meeting , February 27-28, 2008
box 118
FSU Experimental Meeting , February 22-24, 2008
box 118
Environmental Governance Workshop , February 4-8, 2008
box 118
ASU Workshop , January 9-11, 2008
box 123
Bielefeld Public Lecture
box 123
Bielefeld Public Lecture, Outlines
box 123
MS notes, EO, Presentation, decentralization, 1 pg. on reused paper , September 30, 2000
box 125
Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago. , 2002
box 125
NAS Annual Meeting, Washington DC. , 2002
box 125
AIT Workshop , 2002
box 125
University of Kathmandu Lecture Series, Nepal. , 2002
box 125
Walker-Ames Lecture Series, University of Washington. , 2002
box 125
Conference on Policy Tools and Government Performance, Washington DC. , 2002
box 125
Public Choice Society and Economic Science Association Meeting, San Diego. , 2002

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 125
IU/NYU Videoconference on "Democracy in Africa?" , 2003
box 125
Kazan Institute of Federalism, Russia. , 2002
box 125
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD. , 2002
box 125
Santa Fe Institute Advisory Board Meeting, New Mexico. , 2002
box 125
University of Maryland, Olson Memorial Lecture Series. , 2002
box 125
EPA Science Advisory Board Lecture Series, Washington DC. , 2002
box 125
Environmental Policy Forum, Stanford University. , 2002
box 125
Unreimbursed Travel, , 2001
box 126
GDN Third Annual Global Development Conference, Brazil , 2001
box 126
APSA Director Search Committee Meeting, Washington DC. , 2001

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 126
Public Domain conference, Duke Law School. , 2001
box 126
International Association of Centers for Federal Studies, Nigeria , 2001
box 126
Complex Systems Advisory Board Meeting, James S. McDonnell Foundation, New York. , 2001
box 126
Workshop on Economic Inequality and Economic Sustainability, Santa Fe. , 2001
box 126
Second Technical Design Meeting of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment , 2001
box 126
Workshop (CEESA ACE Phare Seminar) Slovakia , 2001
box 126
European Research conference on Social Capital, UK. , 2001
box 126
Symposium and Workshop on Management of Common Resources, Sweden. , 2001
box 126
APSA "Annual Meetings" San Francisco. , 2001
box 126
Beijer Board Meeting, Sweden. , 2001
box 126
8th IASCP Conference, Bloomington, IN. , 2000
box 126
World Bank Meeting, Washington DC. , 2000
box 126
Production and Diffusion of Public Choice Conference, Virginia. , 2000
box 126
Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago. , 2000
box 126
PSA Conferences, University of London , 2000
box 126
"Development and the Nation State in the Cross-Currents of Globalization and Decentralization" St. Louis. , 2000
box 126
Sujai Shivakumar's Manuscript Review Session, Workshop. , 2000
box 126
Scientific Committee Meeting, IHDP, Germany. , 2000
box 127
"Making Choices--an Interdisciplinary Approach to Modeling Decision Behavior" Germany , 2000
box 127
SIDA, Sweden. , 2000
box 127
Nominating Committee Meeting, Washington DC. , 2000
box 127
Liberty Fund Conference, California. , 2000
box 127
LTER Meetings, Arizona. , 2000
box 127
Alliance of Distinguished Rank Professors, 20th Anniversary Dinner. , 1999
box 127
Junior Master Class, Illinois. , 1999
box 127
Ken Bickers and John Williams' Manuscript Review session, Workshop. , 1999
box 127
The Skytte Foundation, Sweden , 1999
box 127
Lulea University, Sweden. , 1999
box 127
Goteborg University, Sweden. , 1999
box 127
The Beijer Institute, Sweden. , 1999
box 127
International Society for New Institutional Economics, Washington DC. , 1999

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 127
APSA, Georgia. , 1999

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 127
The Third SFI Integrative Themes Workshop, California. , 1999
box 127
HDGC Committee Meeting, Japan. , 1999
box 127
SP-PRCA Devolution Workshop, Philippines , 1999
box 127
HDGC Committee Meeting, Washington DC. , 1999
box 127
IASCP Board Meeting, Bloomington, IN. , 1999
box 127
BULTER Committee Meeting, Maryland. , 1999
box 127
Grand Challenges Committee Meeting, Colorado. , 1999
box 127
University of Zurich, Switzerland. , 1999
box 127
"The Biology of Belief" University of Michigan , 1999
box 127
University of Kentucky Lecture , 1999
box 127
Barbara Allen's Manuscript Review Session, Workshop. , 1999
box 127
Trust Conference 2, New York. , 1999
box 128
"Deterioration of Forestry Resources and Institutional Change in Mexico" Mexico. , 1999
box 128
Colloquium IV: Federalism in the Americas, Mexico. , 1999
box 128
Conference on "Community and Markets in Economic Development" Stanford University , 1999
box 128
Katz Memorial lecture, University of Pittsburgh. , 1999
box 128
BLTER Meetings, IUB. , 1999
box 128
box 128
APSA Regional Meeting--Institutions Experiment
box 128
Baird Teaching
box 128
The Biologist's Strategy
box 128
Buchanan and Tullock
box 128
box 128
CIPEC IAD Framework unpacked
box 128
CIPEC Questions and Challenges
box 128
Collective Choice Processes
box 128
box 128
box 128
Coping with the Commons
box 128
Complex Systems in the Field
box 128
Decentralization and Development--St. Louis and London
box 128
Criteria for Judging Theories
box 128
Design Principle
box 128
Dynamic Game Theory
box 128
Ecosystem/Human System Linkages
box 128
box 128
Evolutionary Processes
box 128
Experimental Research
box 128
External Rev--Lin #1
box 128
Game Theory--Gintis
box 128
box 128
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 128
box 128
Indirect Evolutionary Trust
box 128
box 128
Institutional Incentive and Sustainable Development--Ostrom, Schroeder, Wynne
box 128
Institutions and Infrastructure
box 128
box 128
Linking Operational, Collective, and Constitutional Choices
box 128
box 128
Map of West Coast Basin
box 128
McArthur--Human Security--Global , 1996
box 128
MacArthur--GEF site visit
box 128
Santa Fe--McArthur
box 128
Mellon Project
box 128
box 128
Monitoring Game (Weissing/EO)
box 128
Motivational Problems
box 128
Nature of Goods
box 128
Nepal Irrigation Data
box 128
NSF-CIPEC site visit
box 128
Origin of Self-Governing Regimes
box 128
Prisoners' Dilemma
box 128
Reformulating the Commons
box 128
Rules-Action Situation Linkages
box 128
Rules as Tools to Change Situations
box 128
Sequential and Simultaneous Move Games
box 128
box 129
Building Social Capital at World Bank
box 129
Sustainability of Development Assistance
box 129
World Bank--Time-Dependent CPR
box 129
Mini-Conference Structure
box 129
Florida State University , 1983
box 129
Colloquium presentation , 1979
box 129
Presentation at NSF on Urban Finance Problems , 1978
box 129
Presentation to Ventura Regional Planning Group , 1979
box 129
Presentation to Board--Police and Blacks. , 1978
box 129
Presentation--Goals Paper, Quebec
box 129
Presentation on teaching and research
box 129
Notes from Chicago Undergraduate course
box 129
Education Presentation in Cleveland
box 129
Research Faculty Lecture
box 129
Washington University Lecture
box 129
Presentation: West Basin Case
box 129
Institutional Analysis
box 129
APSA: Swiss and Japanese Villages
box 129
Presentation at Harvard-MIT seminar , 1994
box 129
Institute of Sociology , 1987
box 129
"Origins" Paper Presentation , 1985
box 129
box 129
Berlin Paper
box 129
box 129
Relative Equality
box 129
Presentation on Action Situation and Rules for AID & LOGAN
box 129
Conference on "Heterogeneity and Collective Action," IU Bloomington , October 14-17, 1993

Quantity: 6 Folders

box 130
American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C. , September 2-5, 1993
box 130
Social Capital and Public Affairs Project Meeting , July 29-31, 1993
box 130
IPSA International Workshop on "What Developing Societies Can Learn from the Welfare States" , July 24-25, 1993
box 130
UNEP/IUFRO International Workshop on "Developing Large Environmental Databases for Substantial Development," Nairobi, Kenya , July 14-16, 1993
box 130
IDRC Workshop on Local Institutions for Common Property Resource Management, Philippines , June 21-23, 1993
box 130
Fourth Annual IASCP Conference, "Common Property in Ecosystems Under Stress," Manila, Philippines , June 16-19, 1993
box 130
Conference on Application of Advanced Information Technologies for Management of Natural Resources
box 130
FAO Common Property Meeting, Manila, Philippines, Spokane, WA , June 14-19, 1993
box 130
Soviet American Conference on the Future Transformation of Soviet Central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan , May 24-30, 1993
box 130
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago , April 15-17, 1993
box 130
Conference on Participatory Rural Appraisal Methods, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal , March 21-26, 1993
box 130
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting, The Monteleone, New Orleans, LA , March 19-21, 1993
box 130
Meeting at ICIMOD, Planning for Forestry Database , March 15, 1993
box 130
Seminar at Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Katmandu, Nepal , March 10, 1993
box 130
Conference on "Roots of Western Democracy," Association of Polish Scientists in Lithuania , March 11, 1993
box 130
Meeting in Paris with French Participants in "Natural Resources and Property," Network , March 4-6, 1993
box 130
Conference on "Common Property Regimes: Law and the Management of Non-Private Resources," Nyvagar, Lofoten, Norway , February 16-21, 1993

Quantity: 3 Folders

box 130
IRMA International Symposium on Rural Cooperative Management, Anand, India , December 7-11, 1992
box 131
Economic Science Association Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, , October 22-24, 1992
box 131
Meeting, Robert Putnam's "Social Capital and Public Affairs" Project, AAAS, Cambridge, MA , October 16-18, 1992
box 131
Meeting at MacArthur Foundation, Chicago , October 16, 1992
box 131
DFM Project Annual Planning Meeting, Burlington, VT , October 6-7, 1992
box 131
AFR/DG DFM Meeting, Washington, D.C. , September 21, 1992
box 131
Third Annual IASCP Conference, Stouffer Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. , September 17-20, 1992
box 131
FAO Meetings, Washington, D.C. , September 15-17, 1992
box 131
CIRAD Workshop on Institutional Economics and Agriculture, Montpellier, France , September 7-10, 1992
box 131
American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL , September 3-6, 1992
box 131
Workshop on "Understanding Central Asia of the Future," Scottsdale, AZ , May 30-June 7, 1992
box 131
2nd Conference on "The World in Transition," Moscow , May 25-September 29, 1992
box 131
Preliminary Planning Session, "Social Capital and Public Affairs," American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Cambridge, MA , May 22-23, 1992
box 131
SSRC Seminar on "Political and Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change," Upperville, VA , May 1, 1992
box 131
Conference on "Linking Local and Global Commons," Center for International Affairs, Harvard University , April 23-25, 1992

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 131
Midwest Political Science Association 50th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL , April 9-11, 1992
box 131
AID Research Advisory Committee Meeting , April 9-10, 1992
box 131
Presentation at University of Rochester Political science Seminar Series , April 8, 1992
box 131
ECPR Meeting in Ireland , March 30-April 3, 1992
box 131
Public Choice Society/Economic Science Association Annual Meetings, New Orleans , March 20-22, 1992
box 131
Individual/System Seminar, University of Illinois , February 13-16, 1992
box 131
Second Conference on Global Change and Security, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL , February 11-13, 1992
box 131
Trip to Nepal , January 9-22, 1992
box 131
Conference on "The Theory of Democratic Institutions," Taiwan, ROC , January 4-7, 1992
box 132
Meeting of External Review Team for Department of Political Science, University of Illinois, Champaign , December 5-7, 1991
box 132
International Center for Self-Governance Advisory Group meeting , 1991

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 132
Meeting of the AID RAC Subcommittee to Review Science Advisor's Grants Program, Washington, D.C. , November 14, 1991
box 132
Third International Workshop of the FMIS Network, Mendoza, Argentina , November 12-15, 1991
box 132
Visit to Zurich for Workshop on Environmental and natural Resources Policy, Swiss Federal institute of Technology , December 1996
box 132
Second Colloquium on Federalism in Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico , December 5-7, 1996
box 132
Workshop on the Development of Inter-organizational Theory, Roskilde University, Denmark , December 15-17, 1996
box 132
Southern Economic Association Annual Convention, Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C. , November 23-255, 1996
box 132
Northeastern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston , November 14-15, 1996
box 132
EO Visit to MacArthur Foundation Chicago , November 13, 1996
box 132
Annual Luncheon of the Southern Political Science Association, Colony Square Hotel, Atlanta , November 8, 1996
box 132
EO Presentation at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia , November 7, 1996
box 132
FAO Working Group on Institutional Development, Rome, Italy , October 21-24, 1996
box 132
Symposium on Economic Aspects of Behavior in Animal and Man, Belgium , October 18-20, 1996
box 132
EO Presentation to Natural Resources Seminar, University of Michigan , September 26-27, 1996
box 132
Seminar on Common Property Issues in the South Pacific, Canberra, Australia , September 23, 1996
box 132
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco Hilton and Towers , August 29-September 1, 1996
box 132
Meeting with Bolivar, Medina, Ortega, and Loveman , August 20-23, 1996
box 132
Colloquium on The Road to Federalism, Mexico , June 13-15, 1996
box 132
"Theory and Praxis of Contemporary Federalism," Antigua Hacienda de Galindo, San Juan del Rio, Queretaro , June 13-15, 1996
box 133
Sixth Annual IASCP Conference, "Voices from the Commons," Berkley, California , June 5-9, 1996

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 133
UBC-UPM Conference on Certification of Forest Management, Malaysia , May 12-16, 1996
box 133
Experience Workshop on Capacity Building of Environmental Economics in Developing Countries, Goteburg, Sweden , May 9-10, 1996
box 133
Economics, Values, and Organization Conference at Yale University , April 19-21, 1996
box 133
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago , April 18-20, 1996
box 133
International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA , April 16-20, 1996
box 133
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, Apr. , 1996
box 133
Beijer Institute Resilience Network Planning Workshop, Little St. Simons Island, Georgia , April 10-14, 1996
box 133
Conference on Population, Institutions, and Environment, Rampur Campus, Chitwan, Nepal , March 17-20, 1996
box 133
Hacienda Group Meeting, Hacienda San Antonio, Colma, Mexico , March 7-10, 1996
box 133
Conference on "Water: A Trigger for Conflict/A Reason for Cooperation," IU Bloomington , March 7-10, 1996
box 133
APSA Administration Committee Meeting, Washington, D.C. , March 1, 1996
box 133
EO Colloquium at Program in Agrarian Studies, Yale University , February 16, 1996
box 133
EO Presentation at the Law, Economics, and Organization Workshop, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT , February 15, 1996
box 133
Workshop on "Designing Institutions for Environmental and Resource Management," Tucson , January - February, 1996
box 133
Conference on Public Choice and the Judiciary, Utah , November 9-11, 1989
box 133
Workshop on "Rational and Bounded Rational Principles of Strategic Behavior," ZiF, Bielefeld , October 30 - November 3, 1989
box 133
Meeting with the MacArthur Foundation on Population/Natural Resources, Washington, D.C. , October 17, 1989
box 133
APSA Meetings, Atlanta , August 31 - September 3, 1989
box 133
Policy Studies Organization Special Conference on Advances in Policy Studies, Atlanta, GA , August 30-31, 1989
box 133
International Economic Association, 9th World Congress, Athens, Greece , August 28 - September 1, 1989
box 133
Conference on Comparing the Federal Systems of the U.S. and Canada, Dartmouth, Hanover, NH , June 21-24, 1989
box 133
Conference on "New Institutional Economics," Arthur Young International, Washington, D.C. , June 5-6, 1989
box 133
Training Meeting with Nepali Officials at Workshop , May 31-June 2, 1989
box 133
Inter-University Working Group on Common Property Resources, Meeting, Duke University , May 26-27, 1989
box 133
Liberty Fund Victoria Summer Lecture Series , May 15-20, 1989
box 133
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago , APril 13-15, 1989
box 133
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL , March 17-19, 1989
box 133
Seminar on Institutional Analysis in Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson , February 9-10, 1989
box 133
USGS Proposal Evaluation Panel Meetings, Reston, VA , February 7-8, 1989
box 133
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Session at ASSA Meetings, New York , December 29, 1988
box 133
AID/SSAAP Symposium, Arlington, VA , December 13, 1988
box 134
Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX , November 20-22, 1988
box 134
Individual vs System Seminar, University of Illinois , November 30, December 1, 1988
box 134
Presentation at USC, Claremont, UCLA , November 9-11, 1988
box 134
Liberty Fund Conference on "Liberty and Responsibility in the Writings of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists," Philadelphia , November 12-14, 1988
box 134
Seminar on Institutions of Democracy and Development, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. , October 21, 1988
box 134
Conference on "Normative Underpinnings of Constitutional Order," Jackson Hole, WY , September 29 - October 2, 1988
box 134
1988 APSA Meeting, Washington, D.C. , September 1-4, 1988
box 134
XIV IPSA World Congress, Washington , August 28 - September 1, 1988

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 134
European Public Choice Society Meetings, Bergen, Norway , May 18-21, 1988
box 134
Harvard visit to give mini-course , April 18-22, 1988
box 134
Conference on Religious Dimensions of American Constitutionalism, Emory University, Atlanta , April 7-8, 1988
box 134
ECPR Workshop, Rimini, Italy , April, 1988
box 134
Public Choice Annual Meeting, Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco , March 18-20, 1988
box 134
Conference on "The Transition to Democracy in the Hispanic World," Sitges, Spain , March 12-15, 1988
box 134
Conference on "Setting New Agenda on Intergovernmental Decentralization: The International Experience" , February 22-24, 1988
box 134
World Bank Symposium, Washington, D.C. , February 25, 1988
box 134
National Urban Policy Committee Meeting , January 7-8, 1988
box 134
CPR Advisory Panel Meeting, Bloomington , December 3-7, 1987
box 134
Workshop/Colloquium on "A Critical Assessment of the Achievements of the Economic Approach," Atlanta, Georgia , November 26-29, 1987
box 134
National Urban Policy Committee Meeting, Nashville, TN , November 13-14, 1987
box 134
Conference on "Liberty and the American Constitution," Temple University, Philadelphia , November 8-10, 1987
box 134
Liberty Fund Conference , November 6-7, 1987
box 134
Policing as a Multi-Firm Industry, American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C. , November 14, 1981
box 134
Opening Conference of the Research Group on Guidance, Control and Performance Evaluation in the Public Sector, University of Bielefeld , October 19-25, 1981
box 134
45th Annual Edmund James Lecture, University of Illinois, "Modeling Bureaucratic Incentive Systems in a Local Public Economy" , October 5, 1981
box 134
NORG Panels at APSA Meetings, New York , September 3-6, 1981
box 134
APSA Meetings, New York , September 3-7, 1981
box 134
University Consortium for Neighborhood Research and Development , 1981
box 134
"Neighborhood Research and Development in the 1980s," University Consortium for Neighborhood Research and Development
box 134
New Dimensions in Political Science: How Do We Know What We Know? , Marh 26-27, 1981
box 134
Indiana Political Science Association Meeting, DePauw University , May 1, 1981
box 134
1981 APPAM Conference, Washington, D.C. , October 22, 1981
box 134
Liberty Fund Series Conference "The Constitution of a Free Society: Towards…" Blacksburg , June 14-17, 1981
box 134
Mental Health and the Economy Symposium, Holiday Inn North, Indianapolis , January 27, 1981
box 134
Covenant Meeting, Philadelphia , May 7-9, 1981
box 134
Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Cincinnati , 1981
box 134
Big Ten Chairpersons Meeting, Evanston , October 16-17, 1980
box 135
Symposium on "Anatomy of Government Deficiencies," Bavaria , July 22-25, 1980
box 135
APPAM Meeting , October, 1980
box 135
Covenant Workshop, Temple University , December 18-19, 1980

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 135
NORG Meetings at APSA , August - September 1980
box 135
CITEP Meeting, Madrid, Spain , November 17-28, 1980
box 135
Washington, APSA Meetings , 1980
box 135
American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco , November 1980
box 135
Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago , April 24-26, 1980
box 135
National Policy Seminar, Boston , November 13-14, 1980
box 135
APSA 1980 Annual Meeting, Washington Hilton Hotel , August 28-31, 1980
box 135
National APSA Conference , 1980
box 135
Covenant Conference on Federal Theology, Temple University , February 27-29, 1980
box 135
Indiana colloquium on Teaching, undated
box 135
Lilly Conference for College Teachers, IU , March 8-11, 1980
box 135
Mississippi State University (Graduate Seminar), "Stennis Visiting Scholar," undated
box 135
Public Administration Meetings, , Spring, 1979
box 135
"Consolidated Police Services," New York, (International Chiefs of Police), undated
box 135
Public Choice Society, San Francisco , March 14-16, 1980
box 135
University Committee on Urban Affairs , 1979-1980
box 135
International Institute of Public Finance, Hamburg , August 1 - September 4, 1978
box 135
Workshop on Covenant and Politics, Temple University, Philadelphia , November 8-9, 1979
box 135
Association for Centers for Federal Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Penn. , May 13, 1979
box 135
Conference on Strategies of Administrative Reform , October, 1979
box 135
APSA Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. , August 31 - September 3, 1979
box 135
ENAP Conference, "The Future of Public Administration,"
box 135
Ventura County , January 18-19, 1979
box 135
Academy for Contemporary Problems, Washington , January 17-18, 1979
box 135
Western Political Science Association Meeting, Portland, Oregon , March 22-24, 1979
box 135
Conference on Urban Fiscal Research Issues, Sponsored by NSF Chicago , APril 26-27, 1979
box 135
Joint National Meeting of the TIMS/ORSA (Performance Measurement Session) , April 30 - May 2, 1979
box 135
Indiana Political Science Association Meeting, Ball State , May 4, 1979
box 135
NSF Workshop on Government Performance, Washington D.C. , May 4, 1979
box 135
University/Neighborhood Planning Committee, White House, Washington, D.C. , October 19, 1979
box 135
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan , November 8-10, 1979
box 135
1979 Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago , April 18-21, 1979

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 135
Liberty Fund Seminar: University of Miami , January 20-22, 1978
box 135
Israel: 2nd Patterson Conference on "Federalist Options in Multi-Ethnic Situations" , January 26 - February 9, 1978
box 135
AAAS Annual Meeting , February, 1978
box 135
Liberty Fund on Socratic Seminar on Education, Indianapolis , February 16-17, 1978
box 135
Public Choice Membership Annual Meeting, New Orleans , March 3-5, 1978
box 135
Meeting at Marshall University , March 29, 1978
box 136
PERC Political Economy Forum, "The Political Economy of Customs and Culture: Informal Solutions to the Commons Problems," Emigrant, MT , June 13-16, 1991
box 136
African Governance Team Meeting (ARD) Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana , 1991
box 136
Conference on Security and Global Change, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL , May 8-10, 1991
box 136
Midwest Political Science Association 49th Annual Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago, IL , April 18-20, 1991
box 136
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting, the Monteleone, New Orleans, LA , March 15-17, 1991
box 136
AID/Evaluation Team Meeting (Sponsored by AID) , February 25-26, 1991
box 136
Conference on Political Economy of the Good Society, Yale University , January 25-26, 1991
box 136
International Symposium, "What's the Use of Users? Up-Dating Public Services: The Service Relationships, Paris , January 16-18, 1991
box 136
Conference on Institutional Reforms: Precondition for Sustainable Development, Santiago, Chile , November 5-6, 1990
box 136
Economic Science Association Meetings, Westward Look Resort, Tucson, AZ , October 26-28, 1990
box 136
Center for Urban Policy Research Advisory Conference, University Hotel and Conference Center, Indianapolis , October 18-19, 1990
box 136
Workshop on "Federalism in Nigeria," Administrative Staff College of Nigeria, Topo-Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria , October 17-19, 1990
box 136
International Association for the Study of Common Property Meeting, Duke University , September 27-30, 1990
box 136
Conference on Soviet Federalism, the Nationality Question, and Economic Decentralization, Leicester, UK , September 11-13, 1990
box 136
APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco , August 30-September 2, 1990
box 136
Conference on "The World in Transition: Patterns and Directions of Institutional Change Among Modern Societies," Warsaw, Poland , May, 1990
box 136
Liberty Fund Symposium on Freedom and Federalism, George Mason University School of Law , April 19-22, 1990
box 136
Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago , April 5-7, 1990
box 136
Presentation at Georgetown Law Center , April 4-5, 1990
box 136
Public Choice Society Annual Meetings, Tucson, AZ , March 16-18, 1990
box 137
Conference on Experimental Research on the Provision of Public Goods and Common-Pool Resources , May 18-20, 1990

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 137
South America Trip, Montevideo Conference , June 7-22, 1990
box 137
Conference on "Local Institutions and Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria," Ile-Ife, Nigeria , February, 1990
box 137
Conference on "Non-Profit Organizations in Markey Economy," Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland , November 7-9, 1990
box 137
Economic Science Association Annual Meeting, Western Look Resort, Tucson, AZ , October 18-20, 1991
box 137
IDRC Common Property Workshop, Ramada Inn, Winnipeg, Canada , September 30 - October 2, 1991
box 137
International Association for the study of Common Property, Second Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada , September 26-29, 1991
box 137
AID Workshop on Democracy and Governance, Fairview park Marriott, Falls Church, VA , September 18-20, 1991
box 137
Workshop on Democracy, Development Studies Program, Arlington, VA , September 18, 1991
box 137
Workshop on "Games in Hierarchies and Networks," Max-Planck-Institute, Cologne, FRG , September 5-7, 1991
box 137
1991 APSA Meetings, Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington D.C. , August 29-September 1, 1991
box 137
International Political Science Association Meetings, Buenos Aires, Argentina , July 21-25, 1991

Quantity: 4 Folders

box 138
International Political Science Association Meetings, Buenos Aires, Argentina (5 of 5) , July 21-25, 1991
box 138
Bonn Workshop in mathematical Economics, Universitat Bonn, Germany , July 1-12, 1991
box 138
IFRI Workshop in Cochabamba, Bolivia , December 12-16, 1995
box 138
EDI Curriculum Development Workshop, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. , December 6-7, 1995
box 138
Real Utopias Project Conference on Efficiency and Equality, University of Wisconsin, Madison , November 3-5, 1995
box 138
Economic Science Association Fall Conference, Westward Look Resort, Tucson, AZ , October 13-15, 1995
box 138
Second Humboldt Conference on Game Theory in the Behavioral Sciences, Tucson, AZ , October 10-12, 1995

Quantity: 5 Folders

box 138
EO Presentation at Department of Economics, University of Delaware, Newark, DE , September 28, 1995
box 138
IACFS Meeting, Philadelphia, PA , September 11-13, 1995
box 138
Asko Meeting, Stockholm Centre for Marine Research, the Asko Laboratory, Stockholm , September 7-8, 1995
box 138
EuroMAB V. Conference, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland , September 4-8, 1995
box 138
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago , August 31 - September 3, 1995
box 138
EO Meeting at MacArthur Foundation, 140 S. Dearborn, Suite 1100, Chicago , August 31, 1996
box 138
Workshop on "Ethics and Economics in Environmental Management," Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Uppsala , August 25-27, 1995
box 138
IUFRO World Congress, Tampere, Finland , August 8-11, 1995
box 138
EO Seminar in Oslo , May 29, 1995
box 138
Beijer Committee Meeting. Stockholm , May 29 - June 3, 1995
box 139
EO Presentation to People and Parks Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY , May 3, 1995
box 139
Seventh Annual World bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington, D.C. , May 1-2, 1995
box 139
SPEA Conference on "The Role of NGO's in Economic Development," Bloomington, IN , April 10-13, 1995
box 139
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago , April 6-8, 1995
box 139
Scholars Advisory Committee to the Conference of the States Workshop , March 1995
box 139
Follow-up Meeting after Trust Conference, Bloomington , February 27-28, 1995
box 139
Russell Sage Workshop on the Construction and Maintenance of Trust, New York , February 25-26, 1995
box 139
MacArthur Foundation Site Visit , February 8-9, 1995
box 139
SCOPE Meeting, Washington, D.C. , February 6-7, 1995
box 139
Presentation at University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN , February 2-3, 1995
box 139
Workshop re NSF-RFP Special Funding Opportunity in the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, University of Florida, Gainesville , January 18-19, 1995
box 139
Meeting of FAO Forestry Working Group on Common Property at Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford, UK , December 15-18, 1994
box 139
ICSG Board of Overseers Meeting, Institute for Contemporary Studies, San Francisco , November 14-15, 1994
box 139
Final DFM Seminar at USAID, Washington, D.C. , November 2-3, 1994
box 139
IRIS Conference on "Economic and Political Institutions for Sustainable Development," Washington, D.C. , October 24-26, 1994
box 139
IFPRI, ODI, CIFOR International Workshop, "Policies on Local Organizations for Natural resource Management" , October 19-21, 1994
box 139
EO Presentation at the University of Maryland , October 13, 1994
box 139
EO Seminar at Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA , October 12, 1994
box 139
EO Meetings in D.C. , October 12-14, 1994
box 139
Planning Meeting re Initiative in Economics, MacArthur Foundation , September 30 - October 1, 1994
box 139
American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, New York , September 1-4, 1994
box 139
IFRI Uganda Workshop , September 1-2, 1994
box 139
Beijer Institute Workshops at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm , August 27-30, 1994
box 139
IPSA World Congress XVI, Berlin , August 21-25, 1994
box 139
IFRI Training Workshop in Bolivia , August 15-30, 1994
box 139
Social Capital Meeting, Cape Cod , July 7-10, 1994
box 139
Lin in D.C. for Presentations/Meetings at World Bank and AID , June 27-28, 1994
box 139
IASCP Executive Council Meeting, Bloomington , June 20, 1994
box 139
Presentation at International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C. , June 2, 1994
box 139
Meetings in D.C. re Fundraising , June 1-3, 1994
box 139
Working Group Meeting re Beijer Institute Research Project/GIS/IFRI at the Workshop , May 10-11, 1994
box 140
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago , April 14-16, 1994
box 140
Public Choice Society Annual Meeting, Austin Marriott at the Capital, Austin, Texas , August 8-10, 1994
box 140
MacArthur Foundation Advisory Committee Meeting in Chicago , March 28, 1994
box 140
Conference on "Biological Diversity: Exploring the Complexities," Tucson, AZ , March 25-27, 1994
box 140
Workshop on "Ideas, Institutions, and Economic Growth," 223 Moses Hall, UC-Berkley , March 11-12, 1994
box 140
Meetings at Ford Foundation, New York City , March 4, 1994
box 140
International Conference on "The Quest for Excellence: Public Administration in the Nineties," Hong Kong , February 25-26, 1994
box 140
Workshop on "Renewable Resources and Appropriation Regimes," Paris , February 22-26, 1994
box 140
EO Seminar at FAO, Rome , February 28, 1994
box 140
EO Workshop Presentation at the World Bank, Washington, D.C. , January 18, 1994
box 140
Institute for Policy Reform Advisory Board Meeting , January 17, 1994
box 140
Allied Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA , January 3-5, 1994
box 140
Conference on Hierarchies, Markets, Power in the Economy…," Castellanza/Milan, Italy , December 15-17, 1993
box 140
Meetings in Rome , December 14, 1993
box 140
Conference on "Game Theory in the Behavioral Sciences," Frankfurt, Germany , November 18-23, 1993
box 140
SSRC Meeting on Development, Doral Tuscanny Hotel, New York City , November 13, 1993
box 140
Liberty Fund Seminar, "The Tower of Babel and the Architecture of Liberty," Indianapolis, IN , March 4-6, 1994
box 140
Meetings at Biodiversity Conservation Network, Smithsonian and World Bank, Washington, D.C. , October 27, 1993
box 140
ASPA Meeting, Phoenix, AZ , APril 9-12, 1978
box 140
Liberty Fund Socratic Seminar on the Problem of Constitutional Choice, Indianapolis, IN , May 11-12, 1978

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 140
Community Organization Seminar, NIE, Washington D.C. , November 6-7, 1979
box 140
Association for Administration of Volunteer Services, Pittsburg, PA , May 31, 1978
box 140
Academy for Contemporary Problems and Kettering Foundation: National urban Round Table, Washington, D.C. , June 1-2, 1978
box 140
Conference: St. Vincent, Aosta Valley, Italy , June 27-30, 1978
box 140
APSA Meeting , September 1, 1978
box 140
International Institute of Public Finance Congress, Hamburg , September 4-8, 1978
box 140
League of Women Voters on Local Government, Bloomington , September 12, 1978
box 140
Liberty Fund Socratic Seminar, "Is There a Public Interest?," Indianapolis , November 2-3, 1978
box 140
Lecture and Seminar, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada , November 22-23, 1978
box 140
National Victim Witness Conference, Washington, D.C. , December 10-13, 1978
box 140
Miami Conference , 1977
box 140
Metropolitan Fund, Ann Arbor , October 20, 1977
box 141
Graduate Seminar, Northern Illinois University , November 3-4, 1977
box 141
Seminar, North Carolina State University , October 10-25, 1977
box 141
Administration in the Public Domain, Charlottesville, NC , October 18-21, 1977
box 141
Women in Science Workshop, Indiana University , October 8, 1977
box 141
IACT Conventions, Indianapolis , September 20, 1977
box 141
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Conference on Government, Washington, D.C. , September 17-20, 1977
box 141
APSA 1977 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. , September 1-4, 1977
box 141
International Conference of Institutes and Centers for the Study of Federalism, Basel, Switzerland , June 19-21, 1977
box 141
Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago , April 21-23, 1977
box 141
Southern Political Science Association, Houston, TX , April 12-15, 1977
box 141
American Society for Public Administration Meetings, Atlanta, GA , April 1, 1977
box 141
Public Choice Society Meeting, New Orleans , March 10-12, 1977
box 141
National Conference on Non-Metropolitan Community Services Research, Ohio State University , January 11-13, 1977
box 141
Police Foundation Executive Forum on Upgrading Police, Washington, D.C. , April 12, 1976
box 141
Public Choice Meeting, Roanoke, VA , April 15-17, 1976
box 141
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago , April 21, 1976
box 141
Conference on Future of County Government in America, Boston , September 15-19, 1976
box 141
Southern Political Science Association , November 4-6, 1976
box 141
NSF, RANN Symposium, Washington, D.C. , November 7-9, 1976

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 141
HDGC Committee Meetings, Washington, D.C. , December 10-11, 1998
box 141
The Fifth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics , November 16-19, 1998
box 141
Common Property Conference , November 11-13, 1998
box 141
Conference on the Role of Local Institutions in Governing Common Properties, Trento, Italy , November 12-13, 1998
box 141
A Symposium on Human Behavior and the Assumptions of Economics, Cambridge, MA , October 29 - November 1, 1998
box 142
SCOPE Meeting, Washington, D.C. , October 15-16, 1998
box 142
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) , September 13-15, 1998
box 142
Beijer Board Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden , September 6-12, 1998
box 142
APSA 94th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA , September 3-6, 1998
box 142
Association for Politics and the Life Sciences (APLS) Annual Meeting, Boston , September 3-6, 1998
box 142
2nd International Conference on Property Rights, Economics and Environment (Theme: Water Resources), Aix-en-Provence, France , July 6-8, 1998
box 142
SCOPE Meetings, Piscataway – Somerset, NJ , June 14-19, 1998
box 142
IASCP Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada , June 10-14, 1998

Quantity: 5 Folders

box 142
HDGC Community Meeting, National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C. , May 27-29, 1998
box 142
International Workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management, the World Bank, Washington, D.C. , May 10-14, 1998
box 142
Midwest Political Science Association 56th Annual Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago , April 23-25, 1998
box 142
Task Force Meetings of the Community Forestry and Population Issues Project, FAO, Rome , April 20-24, 1998
box 142
HDGC Centers Meeting, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA , April 9-12, 1998
box 142
Long-Term Ecological Research Project, Baltimore, MD , March 26-29, 1998
box 142
International Workshop on "Shared Resource Management in South Asia--The Next Step" Anand, India , February 17-19, 1998
box 142
Research Planning Workshop on Cross-Scale Environmental Risks, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University , January 28-30, 1998
box 142
FAO Oversight Panel on Sustainable Development, Rome , January 26-27, 1998
box 142
Meeting with Ford Foundation Representatives and Presentations at FLACSO, Mexico City , December 7-8, 1997
box 142
Colloquium III, "Federalism: From Theory to Practice," Hidalgo, Mexico , December 4-7, 1997

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 142
Federalismo de la teoria a la practica, Pachuca, Hidalgo. , Decembr 4-6, 1997

Quantity: 2 Folders

box 142
EO Meeting with Gustavo Gordillo in Mexico City , December 3, 1997
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