Oscar F. Frenzel Papers

Finding aid created by Gregory H. Mobley

Creator: Frenzel, Oscar Frederick, 1861-1929
Creator: Indianapolis Maennerchor
Creator: Socialer Turnverein (Indianapolis, Ind.)
Title: Oscar F. Frenzel Papers
Collection No.: MSS070
Dates: 1876-1904

Quantity: 14.4 cubic feet

Quantity: 4 boxes, 27 flat boxes

Language: English .
Repository: Indiana University Indianapolis German-American Archives
University Library
755 W. Michigan St.
Room 0133
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Business Number: 317-274-4064
URL: https://library.indianapolis.iu.edu/special

Biographical Note

Oscar Frederick Frenzel (1861-1929) was a member of an Indianapolis family deeply involved in the city's banking, business, and cultural activities. The family is most closely identified with Merchants National Bank (now part of National City Bank, a Cleveland-based holding company). Oscar joined the bank in 1873 as messenger, succeeding his older brothers John (who had risen to the position of cashier) and Otto (who was the bank's bookkeeper). John and Otto purchased the bank in 1882, making John, at the age of 28, the nation's youngest bank president.

Oscar remained with Merchants until 1929, eventually rising to the position of vice president. He served as an officer in the Indiana State Bankers' Association. Oscar was also a member of various Masonic groups, the Indianapolis Academy of Music, the Indianapolis Socialer Turnverein, the Indianapolis Maennerchor, and the Indianapolis Target Shooting Association.

Scope and Contents

The Oscar F. Frenzel Papers is made up of nine series: Publications, Correspondence, Financial, Personal, Maennerchor, New American Opera Company, May Music Festival, Socialer Turnverein, and Independent Turnverein.

Publications (1877-1903) includes issues of Puck, a German-language magazine published in New York; Beiblatt der Fliegenden Blatter, a German magazine; and miscellaneous publications in English or German.

Correspondence (1874-1888) contains both Frenzel's personal and business correspondence. The personal correspondence provides a glimpse of the social activities and customs in Indiana in the late nineteenth century. The business correspondence indicates the type of financial and commercial activities Frenzel was involved in during this period.

Financial (1876-1888) consists of records and other papers from some of Frenzel's business activities.

Personal (circa 1880s) includes business and calling cards given to Frenzel; dues and membership cards for organizations to which Frenzel belonged; and miscellaneous items.

Maennerchor (1880-1904) has invitations and programs for Maennerchor events, histories of the Indianapolis Maennerchor, and miscellaneous items.

New American Opera Company (1888-1889) is an announcement of operas for the company's 1888-1889 season in Indianapolis.

May Music Festival (1894) is the program for the sixth annual festival, held in Indianapolis.

Socialer Turnverein (1880s) contains invitations to various events sponsored by the Socialer Turnverein.

Independent Turnverein (1880s) has invitations to various events sponsored by the Unabhangiger Turnverein.


Conditions Governing Access:

This collection is open to the public without restriction.

Conditions Governing Use:

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.

Related Materials

MSS040 Indianapolis Maennerchor Records

Indexed Terms

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Oscar F. Frenzel Papers, Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Indiana University Indianapolis.

Collection Inventory


Publications , 1877-1903

Language: English .

box 1-13
Puck , 1882-1891

Language: German .

box 14-18
Beiblatt der Fliegenden Blatter , 1888-1891

Language: German .

box 19
folder 1
Das Buch fur Uhundefreunde Blatter , 1877

Language: German .

box 19
folder 2
Skat manuals , 1877-1888

Language: German .

box 19
folder 3
Houghtaling's Hand-Book of Useful Information , 1884

Language: English .

box 19
folder 4
The Stoddard Lectures , 1886-1887

Language: English .

box 19
folder 5
Pocket Atlas of the World , 1887

Language: English .

box 19
folder 6
Book catalog and Christmas catalog , 1888-1889

Language: German .

box 19
folder 7
Proceedings of the convention of the National Democratic Party , 1896

Language: English .

box 20
folder 1
Die Geschichte vom langen Steamboot John , Undated

Language: German .

box 20
folder 2
Zur Guten Stunde , Undated

Language: German .

box 20
folder 3
Familierschatz , Undated

Language: German .

box 20
folder 4
Maps of Indianapolis , Undated

Language: English .

box 20
folder 5
Battery Bulletin , 1882

Language: English .

box 20
folder 6
Otto Friedrrich's Dog Breeder's Catalog , circa 1884

Language: English .

box 20
folder 7
Vom Fels Zummeer , circa 1886

Language: German .

box 20
folder 8
Verzeichniss (train schedule) from Berlin , 1889

Language: German .

box 20
folder 9
Die Gartenlaube , 1890

Language: German .

box 20
folder 10
Francke Hardware Company catalog , 1903

Language: English .

box 20
folder 11
Indianapolis Kindergarten Monthly Annual Report , 1899

Language: English .

box 20
folder 12
Harper's Bazar (sic) , 1897

Language: English .

box 20
folder 13
Leyer und Schwert by Theodor Korner , Undated

Language: German .

box 20
folder 14
Zur Guten Stunde , Undated

Language: German .

box 20
folder 15
Moderne Kunst , Undated

Language: German .


Correspondence , 1874-1888

Language: English .

box 21
folder 1-3
Corresponedence, Personal--to Oscar Frenzel , 1876-1878

Language: Correspondence contains letters written in German and English

box 21
folder 4-7
Corresponedence, Personal--to and from Oscar Frenzel , 1879-1881

Language: Correspondence contains letters written in German and English

box 22
folder 1-6
Corresponedence, Personal--to and from Oscar Frenzel , 1882-1885

Language: Correspondence contains letters written in German and English

box 23
folder 1-6
Corresponedence, Personal--to and from Oscar Frenzel , 1886-1888

Language: Correspondence contains letters written in German and English

box 23
folder 7
Corresponedence, Personal--to and from Oscar Frenzel , Undated

Language: Correspondence contains letters written in German and English

box 24
folder 1
Corresponedence, Personal--Wedding invitations to Oscar Frenzel , circa 1880s

Language: English .

box 24
folder 2
Corresponedence, Personal--Invitations to Oscar Frenzel for various social and business events , circa 1880s

Language: English .

box 24
folder 3
Corresponedence, Personal--Postcards to Oscar Frenzel , 1877-1888

Language: English .

box 24
folder 4-8
Correspondence, Business , 1874-1888

Language: English .

box 24

Language: English .


Financial , 1876-1888

Language: English .

box 25
folder 1
Receipts for items purchased by Oscar Frenzel , 1880s

Language: English .

box 25
folder 2
Vouchers from Grand Saving and Loan Association , 1883-1885

Language: English .

box 25
folder 3
Vouchers from Mechanics' Saving and Loan Association , 1885-1886

Language: English .

box 25
folder 4
Vouchers from Mississippi Street Saving and Loan Association , 1882-1886

Language: English .

box 25
folder 5
Vouchers from Grand Saving and Loan Association , 1882-1886

Language: English .

box 25
folder 6
Vouchers from Crescent Saving and Loan Association , 1883-1886

Language: English .

box 26
folder 1
Cancelled checks from Merchants National Bank , 1882-1887

Language: English .

box 26
folder 2
Bankbooks from Merchants National Bank and other financial institutions , Undated

Language: English .

box 27
folder 1
Business receipt book , 1876-1879

Language: English .

box 28
folder 1
Minutes of meetings for the board of directors of the Mississippi Street Saving and Loan Association , 1886-1888

Language: English .

box 28
folder 2
Receipts for expenditures of Oscar Frenzel , 1877-1888

Language: English .

box 28
folder 3
Accounting pages , circa 1880s

Language: English .

box 28
folder 4
Envelopes used to hold or send legal papers , Undated

Language: English .


Personal , circa 1880s

Language: English .

box 29
folder 1
Business cards from various individuals , undated

Language: English .

box 29
folder 2
Dues cards for Oscar Frenzel from various organizations , 1883-1888

Language: English .

box 29
folder 3
Calling cards from various individuals , circa 1880s

Language: English .

box 29
folder 4
Bag with Italian words written on it , undated

Language: English .

box 29
folder 5
Tickets, line of march and funeral procession, small notebooks, bookmark , undated

Language: English .


Indianapolis Maennerchor , 1880-1904

Language: English .

box 30
folder 1-2
Invitations to and programs for Maennerchor events , 1880s

Language: English .

box 30
folder 3
Geschichte des Indianapolis Maennerchor , 1880

Language: German .

box 30
folder 4
Festschrift fur Feier Goldenen Jubilaums des Indianapolis Maennerchor , 1904

Language: German .

box 31
folder 1
Festschrift fur Feier Goldenen Jubilaums des Indianapolis Maennerchor , 1904

Language: German .

box 30
folder 5
40th anniversary program for the Indianapolis Maennerchor , 1894

Language: German .

box 30
folder 6
Program for the Sangerfest of the Nord-Amerikanischen Sanger-bundes , 1894

Language: German .

box 30
folder 7
Program for the Indiana Musical Festival , 1886

Language: German .

box 30
folder 8
Miscellaneous Maennerchor materials , 1886

Language: German .


New American Opera Company , 1888-1889

Language: English .

box 30
folder 9
New American Opera Company announcement of operas for season in Indianapolis , 1888-1889

Language: English .


May Music Festival , 1894

Language: English .

box 30
folder 10
May Music Festival program , 1894

Language: English .


Socialer Turnverein , 1880s

Language: English .

box 30
folder 11
Socialer Turnverein invitations , 1880s

Language: English .


Independent Turnverein , 1880s

Language: English .

box 30
folder 12
Unabhangiger (Independent) Turnverein invitations , 1880s

Language: English .