Creator: | Indiana University Center for the Study of History and Memory |
Title: | Economic Development in Indiana |
Collection No.: | ohrc040 |
Dates: | 1996-1997 |
Quantity: |
Quantity: 29 Interviews (Audio files, transcripts, and collateral materials ) |
Abstract: | This collection of interviews gathers information about economic development from some key locations in southwestern Indiana, Indianapolis, and northwestern Indiana, among others. Topics include environmental issues, Brownfield redevelopment, tax incentives, and labor unions. Many issues are the same from one region to another, but some regions, such as northwestern Indiana, emphasize environmental or Brownfield redevelopment over unions or workforce training. |
Location: | Interviews are housed in Franklin Hall, Room 0030A. Contact for more information. Copies of interview transcripts are also held by the IU Libraries University Archives. For other locations housing the interviews from this project, please contact the Center for Documentary Research and Practice office. |
Language: | Materials are in English |
Repository: | Center for Documentary Research and Practice Franklin Hall 0030B 601 E. Kirkwood Avenue Bloomington, Indiana 47405 Business Number: 812-855-2856 URL: |
This collection contains twenty-nine interviews over the course of two years. Interviews range from 25 to 100 minutes. All interviews consist of audio tapes.
The archive of the Center for Documentary Research and Practice at Indiana University is open to the use of researchers. Copies of transcript pages are available only when such copies are permitted by the deed of gift. Scholars must honor any restrictions the interviewee placed on the use of the interview. Since some of our earlier (pre-computer) transcripts do not exist in final form, any editing marks in a transcript (deletions, additions, corrections) are to be quoted as marked. Audio files may not be copied for patrons unless the deed of gift permits it, and a transcript is unavailable for that interview. The same rules of use that apply to a transcript apply to the audio interview. Interviews may not be reproduced in full for any public use, but excerpted quotes may be used as long as researchers fully cite the data in their research, including accession number, interview date, interviewee's and interviewer's name, and page(s).
[interviewee first name last name] interview, by [interviewer first name last name], [interview date(s)], [call number], [project name], Center for Documentary Research and Practice, Indiana University, Bloomington, [page number(s) or tape number and side if no transcript; if digital audio and no transcript, cite time when quote occurs].
Oral history interviews conducted by the Indiana University Center for the Study of History and Memory from 1968 to the present, with particular focus on the history of twentieth-century America and the Midwest.
No(s): 96-133
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 65 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Mark Akers speaks about his work as the executive director of the Boone County Economic Development Corporation. He discusses the creation of the Lebanon Business Park, the impact of low taxes on economic development in Indiana, and the interaction between state and local development offices.
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Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-117
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 80 minutes; Merrillville map, Report of Gary-Hammond PSA
Scope and Content Note: Anonymous speaks about the Merrillville Chamber of Commerce, his interest in the economic area, the history of Merrillville, and his education. He also discusses the importance of transportation and tourism in the area.
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Access Status: Restricted: Contact center staff for more information
No(s): 96-112
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 85 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Steven Ashby speaks about the labor movement at Staley's in Decatur, Illinois, and his work with the Calumet Project.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-125
Creator: Heathcott, Joseph
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 78/ ips, 90 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Randall Bailey, a high school teacher, discusses economic development in Warrick County, Indiana. He describes the need for state and local funding to attract industry, and the state of the county. Bailey discusses his hopes for the industrial park in the county. He then describes how the loss of the mining industry and cutbacks at the Alcoa plant have affected the local economy. He also discusses his role as a teacher and his thoughts on the condition of education.
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Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-121
Creator: White, Samuel
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 50 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Tom Blaylock, international vice president of the Aluminum, Brick, and Glassworkers International Union, discusses his perspective on economic development in Indiana. He talks about his early interests in economic development in the labor movement, lobbying for fair wages and job security. He speaks of his current involvement in economic development in Indiana, specifically the Economic Development for a Growing Economy tax credit program, and how the EDGE laws have encouraged economic development in Indiana. He discusses the role that labor unions can play in economic development. Finally, he speculates on the future of economic development in Indiana and the success of the EDGE law.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-120
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 75 minutes; rainwater pamphlet
Scope and Content Note: Doreen Carey, executive director of the Grand Calumet Task Force, speaks about the history and work of the task force as well as environmental issues. She discusses the Three-City Empowerment Zone application, as well as her career as a laborer at U.S. Steel. Carey describes the environmental concerns of the area including industrial pollution of the air and the Grand Calumet River.
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Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-116
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 75 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Lorenzo Crowell speaks about labor unions, tax abatements in Gary, and job displacement.
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Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-113
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 60 minutes; copies of Hammond ordinances
Scope and Content Note: Bessie Dent speaks about working at Inland Steel, going through retraining, and being laid off several times. Later, she discusses the Calumet Project, Hammond tax abatements, and Brownfield Redevelopment.
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Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-138
Creator: Lindstrom, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 45 minutes; "Vision of Indy" plan
Scope and Content Note: Larry Gingerich talks about his job as an economic development officer in Indianapolis and for the state of Indiana. He discusses successful projects in the past, like re-using the Fort Benjamin Harrison land, and developing Circle Center Mall in downtown Indianapolis. He talks about some of the difficulties facing economic development in Indianapolis, like aging city infrastructure and a poor educational system. He discusses the roles citizens and labor unions can play in economic development. Finally, he speculates on the future of economic development in Indianapolis and Indiana, and the kinds of jobs and businesses he would like to see take root.
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Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-136
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 50 minutes
Scope and Content Note: John Hagen has been the economic development officer for the Anderson Economic Development Corporation since 1986. He discusses the history of economic development in Anderson, Indiana, which relied heavily on the General Motors manufacturing plant located there, and recent attempts to diversify the kinds of businesses active in the community. He describes the advantages and disadvantages of being a nonprofit economic development corporation that does not accept government funding. He speaks of the ways the Anderson Economic Development Corporation has tried to promote the community, and their relationship to economic development in the state of Indiana. He talks about the roles citizens, education, and organized labor can play in economic development policy. Finally, he speculates on the future of economic development in Anderson, Indiana.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-124
Creator: Heathcott, Joseph
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 60 minutes
Scope and Content Note: James Holderread discusses economic development in Warrick County, Indiana. Holderread discusses his responsibilities as the director of the Warrick County Department of Economic Development and his experience in the field of economic development. He discusses his goals for increased employment, education, and technology in the county.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-119
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 50 minutes; newspaper clippings
Scope and Content Note: Carl Jenkins discusses his work with the Local Initiative Support Coalition (LISC) to improve the quality of housing in Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana. He describes the mission of the LISC programs. Jenkins also discusses the importance of community development corporations and community involvement in improving the image and living conditions in the area.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-132
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 50 minutes; report
Scope and Content Note: Mark Keillor discusses his education and job experience. He discusses his job as the Indiana Gas Company economic development manager. He discusses the changes economic development undergoes in public interest and in relation to the changing trends of the market. He talks about the challenges in his work including competition, business deregulation, and lack of funds. Keillor discusses the ultimate goals of economic development and his objectives for the future.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-134
Creator: Lindstrom, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 40 minutes; clipping of Indianapolis-Star.
Scope and Content Note: Lieutenant Governor Joseph Kernan speaks about his job duties, and how he became interested in economic development. He discusses business and tax incentives of other states compared with Indiana, relations between state and local development offices, job training, and education reform.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-128
Creator: White, Samuel
Physical Description: Not transcribed: 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 30 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Roy Mabrey discusses being a laborer, and becoming involved in the labor movement and the politics behind it. He discusses his day-to-day responsibilities with the United Way, and the conflicts that occur between economic development agencies, government welfare programs, and the companies in the area. Mabrey speaks of the great need for creating educated, qualified workers through job training and good work ethics. He talks about some of the challenges Evansville faces and the lack of responsibility the community exhibits. He discusses his hopes for the future.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-126
Creator: Heathcott, Joseph
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 45 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Jack McNeely, the business representative for the Sheetmetal Workers Union Local No. 20 in Evansville, Indiana, discusses the role organized labor can play in economic development. He talks about his duties as a union business representative and how they have changed over the years. He speaks of the importance of adequate education in economic development. He talks about the future for economic development in Indiana, and the stronger role he hopes unions will play in economic development in the future.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-115
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 80 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Mary Mulligan speaks about the role of the Brownfields Redevelopment Program, the Voluntary Remediation Program, and municipal coalition building.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-118
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 100 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Nissen speaks about the economic conditions in the Gary, Hammond, and East Chicago area, and his ideal and expected projects for the future. He also discusses the problems of casinos, and the sixty day Plant Closure Notice Act to give warning to the workers and the community.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-127
Creator: Heathcott, Joseph
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 60 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Paul is the field representative for the International Bricklayers and Allied Craftsworkers Union for the Evansville area. He describes his duties as a field representative, and his future in the union. He discusses the roles unions can play in economic development. He emphasizes the importance of good educational facilities to economic development. He describes his work in the Evansville Planning Commission and how it relates to economic development. He talk about city infrastructure, especially interstate highways, and their importance to economic development. Finally he talks about sustainable economic development and speculates on the future of economic development in the Evansville area.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-135
Creator: Lindstrom, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 75 minutes
Scope and Content Note: David Perlini, executive director of the Indiana Department of Commerce, speaks about job creation, workforce training, and education reform throughout the state. He also discusses some of the reasons or benefits of using tax abatements to attract businesses.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-123
Creator: Heathcott, Joseph
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 60 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Kenneth Robinson, the executive director of Vision 2000 located in Evansville, Indiana, discusses economic development in the Evansville region. He talks about his early experiences in urban planning which led to his interests in economic development, and his time in Butler County, Ohio, where he held his first position in economic development. He speaks of the relationship to other economic development officers in the region and his relationship to Indiana's economic development office. He talks about Vision 2000's involvement in bringing a Toyota Motor Company Plant to Gibson County, Indiana. He speaks of the long term goals of Vision 200 and the future of economic development in the Evansville area.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-137
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 60 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Joanne Sanders is a representative of the Indiana AFL-CIO, located in Indianapolis, Indiana. She describes her duties as a union representative and her duties working with displaced workers throughout Indiana. She talks about corporate relocation and the effects it has had on economic development in Indiana. She speaks of wages, and the discrepancy between the average worker's salary and the highest paid people in a company. She discusses the role that labor unions can play in economic development and talks about the future of economic development in Indiana and the United States.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-111
Creator: Borden, Timothy
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 60 minutes
Scope and Content Note: James Sandrick, president of Whiting-Robertsdale Chamber of Commerce, speaks about economic development and societal changes in northwestern Indiana. He discusses his early life, education, job experiences, and getting involved in the chamber of commerce. Being a lifelong resident, Sandrick speaks about Whiting, Indiana as a "company" town and discusses the local history. He also discusses plans for the future of the area.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-140
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 30 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Jack Swarbrick, an attorney specializing in legal issues related to sports, speaks about the amateur sports initiative that sprang from the Indianapolis community during the 1970s. The effects of the Amateur Sports Act, and an emphasis on sports within the community led to the city hosting several sports events over the past two decades. Swarbrick further discusses the impacts of those events on the city, and how they have been used to further economic development.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-122
Creator: White, Samuel
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 2 tapes, 1 7/8 ips, 75 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Thomas Utter is the executive director of the Lincolnland Economic Development Corporation in Spencer County, Indiana. He talks about the goals and mission of the Lincoln Land Economic Development Corporation as a nonprofit entity dedicated to bringing business and employment opportunities to the Spencer County area. He discusses his role as the economic development officer for Spencer County and how economic development officers throughout the state of Indiana interact with each other. He talks about the differences between economic development in Kentucky, his home state, and Indiana. He talks about the future of economic development in Spencer County, and the challenges of finding the right industry to complement the conservative small town nature of the county.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-131
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 50 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Vercauteren, the economic development officer for the Johnson County Economic Development Corporation, discusses economic development in Johnson County and the state of Indiana. He outlines his educational and job history, first in urban planning and then in economic development. He talks about his duties as the economic development officer for the Johnson County Economic Development Corporation, and that institution's goals and mission statement. He discusses Johnson County's transportation infrastructure and sewer system, which he feels are hindering economic development opportunities in the area. He speaks of the importance of education and job training for economic development. Finally he speculates on the future of economic development in the Johnson County area.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-139
Creator: Kimball, Richard
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 25 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Jay Walters speaks about developing recreational paths that lead to downtown, the quality of Indiana public schools, and the transition from rural to urban areas through economic development.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-129
Creator: White, Samuel
Physical Description: Not transcribed; 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 50 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Alan Winslow speaks about the National Economic Development Center and tying to ignite economic development through loans to small businesses.
Indexed Terms:
Access Status: Open
No(s): 96-130
Creator: Heathcott, Joseph
Physical Description: Not transcribed, 1 tape, 1 7/8 ips, 30 minutes
Scope and Content Note: Matt Wirth speaks about economic diversification and building the infrastructure to entice small, feeder businesses to the Toyota plant in Pike County.
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Access Status: Open