The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
The Library and Special Collections
1165 East Third Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
Established in 1947, The Kinsey Institute works towards advancing sexual health and knowledge worldwide. The archival collections include the papers of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the Institute research data and codebooks, media response to The Kinsey Report, and materials of other research scholars and institutes.
Our Collections
Kenneth R. Haslam, MD Polyamory Collection, 1970s-Present
The Kenneth R. Haslam, MD collection at The Kinsey Institute contains materials related to polyamory. It consists of conference materials, Internet resources, media coverage, and research articles, as well as Dr Haslam's personal correspondence and papers originally delivered at poly-oriented meetings, sex research and sex therapy conferences. Additionally, there are materials from several other donors relating to research, media response, and community communications and publications. The bulk of the collection represents the work of Dr. Haslam and other poly-activists from 2000 to the present, with contributions from earlier polyamory writers and activists dating from the 1970's. Dr. Haslam's decision to develop the polyamory collection at The Kinsey Institute reflects his interest in providing information and educating the public about polyamorous relationships. The collection includes biographical information about Kenneth Haslam, who has been a leader in organizing and documenting the polyamory community, and in introducing polyamory into the academic sphere. Dr. Haslam's presentations, featured in this collection, are geared towards educating professionals, practitioners, the public and the poly-community; they form a framework for understanding polyamory, along with snapshots of the lifestyles and communities. Many different polyamory groups and communities are represented in the collection, including the 1970's Kerista Community and the Church of All Worlds in the U.S., and international materials, such as Dutch language publications from The Netherlands. The collection also contains newsletters that were the precursors of Loving More magazine, a complete collection of Loving More magazine. The vast array of Internet community resources includes list-servs, blogs and journals, and websites. Examples are archives of the website "Polyamorous Percolations," "Swingercast," the swingers' podcast, Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness materials, and archives of various web-based discussion groups. There is a polyamory bibliography containing a variety of materials, including books on the subject that are held by the Kinsey Institute.
Collection ID: X7910428
The Alex Comfort Collection, 1958-1983
Alex Comfort, Ph.D., (1920-2000) was a British biochemist, physician, sex researcher and author of numerous works including The Joy of Sex (1972), which sold over 12 million copies. This collection contains material on homosexuality, bondage, sexual health, etc. These items were used by Comfort for research for his book "Joy of Sex". There is also material related to the Sandstone experimental sexual community where Comfort lived for a short time.
Collection ID: X7905646
The Alice Field Collection, 1936-1956
Alice Withrow Field (1909-1960) was a sex researcher, criminologist and social scientist. This collection is comprised of papers, statistical and criminal reports, professional correspondence, research notes, manuscripts, charts, publication drafts, and legal information regarding criminal cases of sexual offenders and the relevant penal codes for New York City. The two foci of the collection are materials pertaining to the New York City Sex Offender study, and materials concerning cases in the Women's Court and Wayward Minors' Court.
Collection ID: X7910171
The Benjamin Graber Collection, 1973-1991
The collection consists primarily of scholarly journal articles authored or co-authored by Dr. Benjamin Graber. Also included are his two studies dealing with male orgasm and sex offenders. The Graber collection also contains an extensive research file of approximately 5500 scholarly journal articles and research publications that have been organized in a ProCite database.
Collection ID: X7910409
The Beverly Whipple Collection, 1950-Present (ca.)
The Whipple Collection contains materials related to Beverly Whipple, PhD, RN, FAAN, a professor Emeritus at Rutgers University and a certified sex educator, counselor, researcher, and sexologist. This collection contains biographical material, correspondence, publications, research files and miscellaneous material. Much of the research included in this collection is devoted to female sexuality and pain control.
Collection ID: X7913467
The Carney Landis Collection, 1934-1937
Carney Landis (1897-1962) was a physician, sex researcher and psychologist. This collection is comprised of case studies detailing the personal and sexual histories of 293 women obtained through interviews (1934-1937).
Collection ID: X7913476
The Charles L. Ihlenfeld Collection, 1960s-1990s
The Ihlenfeld Collection includes the writings, correspondence, and lecture notes of Dr. Charles L. Ihlenfeld as well as materials on the work of Dr. Harry Benjamin and Dr. Ihlenfeld's research, clippings files, and audio cassettes of interviews and radio appearances. The materials were collected between the late 1960's and the mid-1990's.
Collection ID: X7910478
The Elaine Hatfield Collection, 1975-2000s
The Hatfield Collection contains materials related to Elaine Hatfield, a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii. This collection contains biographical materials, items related to the criticism of her work from Senator William Proxmire (D-Wisc), video materials and other miscellaneous items.
Collection ID: X7910440
The Harry Benjamin Collection, 1891-1986
This finding aid describes the arrangement of Benjamin materials located within the Kinsey Institute Collections. It includes correspondence, Dr. Benjamin's personal papers, manuscripts, notes from lectures, conference proceedings, photographs, research files, slides, clinical objects, rare books and other printed works. Materials span the period 1891-1986.
Collection ID: X7905605
The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) Collection, 1978-2006
The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) Collection consists of materials related to the activities of HBIGDA, a multi-disciplinary professional organization dedicated to the research and treatment of gender identity disorders. This collection contains organizational information, symposium materials and publication, correspondence and miscellaneous material.
Collection ID: X7910420
The Havelock Ellis Collection, 1901-1980
Henry Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) was a British sex researcher, physician and social reformer. This collection contains correspondence by and about Ellis, drafts of his publications, article offprints and information on the National Committee on Maternal Health. These items span 1901-1982.
Collection ID: X7910115
The International Academy of Sex Research (I.A.S.R.) Collection, 1976-2002
The International Academy of Sex Research collection consists of correspondence relevant to academy elections, membership, conferences, publications, and day-to-day operations between the years 1976 and 2002. It also contains some financial information—primarily IASR bank statements, bank stubs, and photocopies of checks from dues.
Collection ID: X15709196
The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) Collection, 1993-2010
The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) was founded in 1993 by Cheryl Chase, herself an intersexual who underwent female sex assignment and clitorectomy in early childhood. Her goal was to support and advocate for intersexuals by increasing awareness and acceptance of their various conditions and by discouraging medical professionals from surgically assigning gender to intersexed infants who are unable to consent to the procedure. In 2003 Cheryl retired from her position as director of the ISNA, passing the direction of the organization to Monica Casper, with Jane Goto acting as her assistant. In a posting on the bodieslikeours.org message boards in June 2003, Monica Casper described the goals of the ISNA very clearly: "Our mission is to end shame, secrecy and unwanted surgery for people with intersex conditions. We are a policy/advocacy organization working toward systemic social change… At the heart of ISNA's mission is fostering social acceptance of all bodies – be they intersex or not, trans or not, queer or not – and fostering informed consent for people to decide what happens to their bodies. Many people with intersex conditions have choice stripped from them when they are operated on as children, while many trans people have choice stripped from them when they are unable to obtain the surgical care they want and need." This collection contains a great deal of correspondence from people with intersex conditions looking for information and support, from urologists and sexologists, and from people affected by ISNA's many press releases who wish to express support. The collection also includes a huge number of academic articles on intersex issues as well as popular press articles intended to raise awareness about intersex issues. Key Members and their positions at the time of these materials: Cheryl Chase, Founding Director (1993-2003) Monica Casper, Director (2003) Alice Dreger, Chair (1996-2005) Robin Mathias, Chief Financial Officer (2001- ) Sherri Groveman, Treasurer and Founder of the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Jane Goto, Operations Manager (2003- )
Collection ID: X9412497
The Ira L. Reiss Collection, 1953-2020
The materials in this collection are related to Ira L. Reiss, a sociologist specializing in the study of human sexuality. This collection contains biographic information, correspondence, publications/research, lectures, and AV recordings. Reiss's total collection spans an impressive 57 years, from 1953 to 2010 and Reiss will soon be adding new material.
Collection ID: X8258750
The J. Kenneth Davidson & Nelwyn Moore Collection, 1970-2005, bulk 1990-1999
The Davidson-Moore Collection contains materials related to the research of Dr. J. Kenneth Davidson Sr., professor emeritus of sociology and former coordinator of family studies at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and Dr. Nelwyn B. Moore, professor emeritus, Texas State University-San Marcos. The collection currently includes correspondence, publications, research, grant applications, presentations/lectures, and a categorized/ numbered collection of 10,000+ articles regarding the topics of Contraception, Family Planning, Physiology, Sex Attitudes, Sex Behavior, and Sex Knowledge. Davidson and Moore have refereed many published manuscripts, of which the collection includes much original data and research material. The topics of the publications include sexual fantasies, premarital sexual intercourse, college-level sex education, sex attitudes and behavior, female sexuality, guilt, masturbation, parenting, orgasm, and contraception.
Collection ID: X9376423
The John Money Collection, 1940-2004
The Money collection includes professional correspondence (1950-2004); lectures, presentations, and audiovisual materials (1960s-2004); articles and clippings (1973-2000); including thousands of reprints and pamphlets on a broad range of sex education and research topics, scientific journals and erotic magazines (1940s-2000); a complete holding of his manuscripts and publications; scientific, erotic and pornographic journals and magazines (1949-1985); conference programs and papers, photo albums, and information, and materials relating to sex research organizations and conferences.
Collection ID: X16189380
The Leonore Tiefer Collection, 1948-Present
The Leonore Tiefer Collection contains over 900 monographs extensively covering topics such as Women's Studies, Feminism, Clinical Psychology, and Human Sexuality. Her collection also includes several educational videos, educational slides, and personal photo albums of attended professional conferences. Archival collection currently being processed.
Collection ID: X15703165
The Magnus Hirschfeld Collection, 1895-1931
The collection of Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935), German physician and sex researcher who is credited with founding the German homosexual rights movement. This collection contains contents from a scrapbook compiled by Carl Hoefft with an eye towards eventual publication. Materials include invitations, articles, books, pamphlets, posters, handbills, letters, questionnaires, speeches, legal documents and a horoscope. Most materials are in German.
Collection ID: X7910463
The Robert Latou Dickenson Collection, 1883-1949, bulk 1883-1923
The collection of Robert Latou Dickinson (1861-1950), sex researcher and gynecologist, is comprised of 136 archival folders (2.5 linear ft.) of manuscripts and publication drafts, clinical case files and related sexually explicit materials, professional correspondence, a few medical drawings, and an incomplete draft biography of Dickinson written by his son-in-law, George Barbour. The collection also includes organizational records, minutes, and correspondence associated with The American Association of Marriage Counselors (1944), the Institute for Sex Research (1945-1949), The National Committee on Maternal Health (1931-1949) and the World League for Sex Reform (1926). The majority of the Dickinson collection consists of case studies, sexual histories, and gynecological/sexology subject files selected from the original 5200 files (1883-1923). The bulk of the original collection is held by the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
Collection ID: X7906338
The Sexual Freedom League Collection, 1966-1978
The collection consists of four sections containing 65 archival folders covering the years 1966-1978: 1) Organizational information and correspondence includes meeting minutes, financial information, social activities, press releases, media relations, chapter information, calendars, and correspondence to/from the SFL and its religious offshoot, the Psychedelic Venus Church. 2) Newsletters consist of the pre-publication notes and correspondence dealing with the Sexual Freedom League Newsletter. 3) News Clippings contains newspaper and magazine articles on the topics of sex, gender, reproduction, women's rights, homosexual rights, nude beaches, and newsletters and flyers from other sex-related organizations. 4) Art and Objects consists of sex-related items.
Collection ID: X7913437
The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (S.S.S.S.) Collection, 1956-1990s
Established in 1957, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex was formed in response to the growing demand amongst American sex researchers for a national organization capable of uniting individuals professionally engaged in sex research. The SSSS has since grown to provide sex researchers from all over the world with a forum for discussing issues related to sex research including annual conferences, a newsletter, and the Journal of Sex Research. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS) Collection contains materials relevant to the incorporation of SSSS, its constitution, conference proceedings, meeting minutes, financial records, membership lists, and publications in addition to a large collection of conference-related audio/visual materials.
Collection ID: X7913461