Collection context
- Creator:
- Athenaeum Foundation (Indianapolis, Ind.)
- Abstract:
- The Athenaeum Foundation was organized in 1991 and incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The foundation's purposes was to acquire title to the Athenaeum, located at 401 East Michigan Street in Indianapolis; to raise funds for and supervise and direct the rehabilitation of building to maintain its architectural and aesthetic integrity as a historic structure; to educate the public about the history and significance of the Athenaeum; to foster the use of the building by the foundation itself, the building's tenants, and other organizations; and to oversee the management of the building.
- Extent:
- 8.6 cubic feet (8 cartons, 1 flat box)
- Language:
- English .
- Preferred citation:
Athenaeum Foundation Records, 1894-2011, Mss076, Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Indiana University Indianapolis.
- Biographical / Historical:
The Athenaeum (originally known as Das Deutsche Haus) was built in two phases between 1892 and 1898 to serve as the home of the Indianapolis Socialer Turnverein (now known as the Athenaeum Turners), the city's largest Turner society. The building was owned by Socialer Turnverein Stock Association. During the first half of the 20th century the large membership of the society provided enough income to maintain the building, but declining membership during the second half of the century reduced the funds available for building maintenance. By the early 1990s, it became clear that the Turners and the Stock Association did not have the resources to make needed repairs and renovations. In 1991 the Turners and the Stock Association formed the Athenaeum Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit foundation. Ownership of the Athenaeum was conveyed to the foundation, and the foundation took responsibility for raising the funds for repairing, restoring, and maintaining the building. Members of the Turners and its ladies' auxiliary became members of the foundation and could elect one member of the foundation's board of directors.
- Scope and Content:
The collection includes articles of incorporation, board of director and committee minutes, correspondence, financial records, and records relating to the restoration of the building.
- Acquisition information:
- Presented by the Athenaeum Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2011
- Rules or conventions:
- DACS-Describing Archives: A Content Standard
This collection is open to the public without restriction.
The copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code)) govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.
Athenaeum Foundation Records, 1894-2011, Mss076, Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Indiana University Indianapolis.
- Indiana University Indianapolis
University Library 0133755 West Michigan StreetIndianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
- Indiana University Indianapolis