Welcome to Archives Online
Archives Online is a portal for accessing descriptions of archival and special collections held by libraries, archives and other cultural heritage units at Indiana University or affiliated with Indiana University. The collection descriptions (finding aids) are for non-book and original research materials such as correspondence and photographs. Digitized items are provided when available.
Indiana University Bloomington

Indiana University East

Indiana University Indianapolis

Indiana University Kokomo

Indiana University Northwest

Indiana University South Bend

Indiana University Southeast

Indiana University Bloomington
African Studies Collection
Herman B Wells Library E660
1320 East Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit African Studies Collection
Attention visiting researchers: The H. K. Banda Archive is open for research. However, researchers must inform the Librarian for African Studies one week prior to their arrival of the archival materials they would like to see from off-site storage.
Archives of African American Music and Culture
Smith Research Center, Rooms 180-181
2805 East 10th Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47408-2601, United States
Visit Archives of African American Music and Culture
The Archives of African American Music and Culture (AAAMC) is a repository for materials covering a wide range of African American musical idioms and cultural expressions from the post-World War II era. Highlights include interviews, researcher documentation, and publicity materials featuring Black performers, artists, radio personalities, and music industry executives.
Archives of Traditional Music
1165 East 3rd Street
Morrison Hall 117
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit Archives of Traditional Music
The Archives of Traditional Music is an audiovisual archive that documents music and culture from all over the world. With over 100,000 recordings that include more than 2,700 field collections, it is one of the largest university-based ethnographic sound archives in the United States.
Black Film Center & Archive
1320 East Tenth Street
Herman B Wells Library, Room 044
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000, United States
Visit Black Film Center & Archive
Founded in 1981, the Black Film Center & Archive (BFCA) is a repository of films and related materials made by, about, and featuring African Americans, the people of Africa, and the African diaspora. Holdings date from 1895 to the present and include films, personal papers, posters, photographs, press kits, pressbooks, and interviews with filmmakers and actors.
Center for Documentary Research and Practice
Franklin Hall 0030B
601 East Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit Center for Documentary Research and Practice
The Oral History Archive began in 1968 gathering interviews for the IU sesquicentennial. The archive expanded with other projects, mostly focused on the history of Indiana and the Midwest such as labor, politics, medicine, immigration, and social history. The archive contains over 2,000 interviews--audio files, transcripts, and some video. The archive is now housed in the Center for Documentary Research and Practice, a unit of the Media School.
Folklore Collection
1320 East Tenth Street
Herman B Wells Library E760
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000, United States
Visit Folklore Collection
The IU Libraries’ Folklore Collection is the largest single library collection of its type in North America. This site includes an inventory of approximately 6,500 items from the Henri Gaidoz collection, pamphlets, booklets, and offprints compiled by this French folklorist. Subjects for these items include folklore, mythology, Celtic Studies, saints, Catholicism, and comparative religion.
Government Information, Maps, & Microform Services
1320 East Tenth Street
Herman B Wells Library 250B
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000, United States
Visit Government Information, Maps, & Microform Services
Government Information, Maps, and Microform Services provides access to United States Federal, State of Indiana, and Local information. The repository primarily contains the finding aid for the public collection of documents related to the PCB contamination and cleanup of Monroe County, Indiana.
IU Libraries Moving Image Archive
1320 East Tenth Street
Herman B Wells Library
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000, United States
Visit IU Libraries Moving Image Archive
The Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA) is one of the world’s largest educational film and video collections. The archive contains more than 86,000 items spanning nearly 80 years of film and television production, including many rare and last-remaining copies of influential 20th-century films. IULMIA is a member of the distinguished International Federation of Film Archives, the leading association for film preservation.
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
William & Gayle Cook Music Library
200 South Eagleson Avenue
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
The William and Gayle Cook Music Library, recognized as one of the largest academic music libraries in the world, serves the world-renowned Jacobs School of Music and the Bloomington Campus of Indiana University. The collection comprises over 700,000 catalogued items on 56,733 linear-feet of shelves. It occupies a four-floor, 55,000 square-foot facility in the Bess Meshulam Simon Music Library and Recital Center, dedicated in November 1995.
Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Reading Room and Archive
416 North Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, Indiana 47408, United States
Visit Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
The Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Repository works towards providing historical and archaeological information about the peoples of Indiana and the Midwest. Holdings include the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Collection, as well as the institutional records of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology and the manuscripts of prominent regional archaeologists.
Latin American Music Center
Merrill Hall - MU 117
Jacobs School of Music
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit Latin American Music Center
The Latin American Music Center fosters the academic study, performance, and research of Latin American art, popular, and traditional musics. In partnership with the Cook Music Library, the center helps to manage one of the largest archives of 20th century Latin American art music in the world.
Liberian Collections
Herman B Wells Library
1320 East Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit Liberian Collections
Attention Visiting Researchers: The Liberian Collections are currently closed for research. The Liberian Collections maintains the world’s largest non-governmental collection of Liberian materials. Holdings spanning back to the 1820s include personal papers of Liberian political leaders, intellectuals and scholars, ethnographic research records, government publications, newspapers and photographs.
Lilly Library
(812) 855-2452
The Lilly Library is the rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of the Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington. Its collections represent a diversity of subjects, including literature; children’s literature; history; folklore; science; radio, film and television; book collecting and bookselling; journalism; and translation.
Modern Political Papers Collection
Herman B Wells Library E460
1320 East Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000, United States
Visit Modern Political Papers Collection
The Political Papers collections consist of papers created by the offices of members representing Indiana in the U.S. Congress from World War II to the present. Collections document the development of legislation, building relationships with constituents, and the conduct of campaigns in local and national contexts, with a focus on insights into the functioning of Congress. Photograph by Architect of the Capitol.
Paleontology Collection
The IU Paleontology Collection was formally established as a public trust research repository for fossil material in 1903. The Collection is available for study by the international scientific community and it contains more than a thousand nomenclatorial type specimens, 1.3 million fossil specimen lots, and thousands of photographs, negatives, 35mm slides, manuscripts, and field notebooks detailing the history of paleobiological research at Indiana University.
South and Southeast Asian Collections
Wells Library
1320 E 10th St
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
This repository contains niche and archival collections relating to South and Southeast Asia. These include images, ephemera, rare and unpublished works, and media recordings.
The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
The Library and Special Collections
1165 East Third Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
Established in 1947, The Kinsey Institute works towards advancing sexual health and knowledge worldwide. The archival collections include the papers of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the Institute research data and codebooks, media response to The Kinsey Report, and materials of other research scholars and institutes.
The Media School Archive
Franklin Hall
601 East Kirkwood
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States
Visit The Media School Archive
The Media School Archive is a repository of artifacts from some of the most significant voices in Indiana journalism and beyond. Collection highlights include personal papers of media mogul Roy W. Howard, historic newspapers and photographs from the archives from the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame, and memorabilia from Ernie Pyle and other key media figures.
University Archives
Herman B Wells Library E460
1320 East Tenth Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000, United States
Visit the University Archives
The Indiana University Archives is the largest and most comprehensive source of information on the history and culture of IU. This site includes finding aids for the records of university and campus organizations as well as the personal papers of IU faculty, staff, and alumni.
Working Men’s Institute
Established by philanthropist William Maclure in 1838, the Working Men’s Institute (WMI) is devoted to the dissemination of useful knowledge. The WMI’s Branigin Archive houses manuscripts and artifacts from New Harmony’s two communal societies (Harmonist and Owenite) and the after glow period (1825-1890) when New Harmony was known as the Athens on the Wabash.
Wylie House Museum
Built in 1835 by Indiana University’s first president, Wylie House Museum is now part of the IU Libraries and is open to the public for guided tours. A rich archival collection contains thousands of Wylie letters that span more than a century, hundreds of photographs, and ephemera.
Indiana University East
Indiana University East Archives
Campus Library
Hayes Hall 140
2325 Chester Boulevard
Richmond, Indiana 47374, United States
Visit Indiana University East Archives
The Indiana University East Campus Archives collects, organizes, preserves, and provides access to print and electronic resources that document the history and continuing activities of Indiana University East faculty, staff, students, alumni and benefactors. Materials span from 1946, when Indiana University East started as the Earlham College Indiana University Extension Center, to the present.
Indiana University Indianapolis
Indiana University Indianapolis General Collections
University Library 0133
755 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
Visit the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives
The General Collections include the records and papers of organizations and individuals with ties to the University and/or Indianapolis.
Indiana University Indianapolis German-American Archives
University Library 0133
755 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
Visit the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives
The German-American Collections include the records of national and local social, cultural, economic, and athletic organizations started by German immigrants. Particularly significant are the national and local records of the American Turners, a social organization of German origin whose is physical fitness, sports, and the propagation of German culture.
Indiana University Indianapolis Philanthropic Studies Archives
University Library 0133
755 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
Visit the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives
The Philanthropic Studies Archives documents the history of the philanthropic tradition, including the historical records of nonprofit organizations, advocates for the nonprofit sector, fundraising firms, private foundations, individual philanthropists, and organizations and individuals involved in national service theory and practice.
Indiana University Indianapolis University Archives
University Library 0133
755 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
Visit the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives
The University Archives at Indiana University Indianapolis (IU Indianapolis) was created in April, 1975 by Vice President and Chancellor Glenn W. Irwin, Jr. to serve as the official repository for University records that have long-term historical, administrative, legal, and/or fiscal value. It accessions such records by authority of the University’s administration, preserves them for future use, and organizes them for controlled access. Its primary purpose is to serve the administrative, teaching, research, and public service needs of the University and other user communities. In order to fulfill this purpose, the University Archives collects as comprehensively as possible those records that have enduring value to documenting the history of IU Indianapolis, its administration, and the schools, programs, and services that it administers.
Ray Bradbury Center Archives
IUPUI Cavanaugh Hall
425 University Blvd
Room 121
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
Visit the Ray Bradbury Center Archives
The Ray Bradbury Center Archives includes personal and professional correspondence, published and unpublished literary works, manuscripts, typescripts, screenplay and teleplay drafts, story concepts, photographs, scrapbooks, and other ephemera he collected. The Ray Bradbury Center is working on processing the collection, in the meantime please feel free to reach out to the Archives with any questions.
Ruth Lilly Medical Library
Indiana University School of Medicine
975 West Walnut Street, IB 307
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, United States
Visit Ruth Lilly Medical Library
The History of Medicine Collection at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library includes rare books, journals, manuscripts, artifacts, and other unique materials documenting the history of medicine; medical education, training, research, and practice; and health and disease treatment and prevention in the state of Indiana and beyond. The purpose of the collection is to support the research, learning, and success of Indiana University students, faculty, and the general public.
Indiana University Kokomo
Indiana University Kokomo Campus Archives
Indiana University Kokomo Library
2300 South Washington Street
Kokomo, Indiana 46902, United States
Visit Indiana University Kokomo Campus Archives
The IU Kokomo Campus Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to resources created by or about the Kokomo campus since its establishment in 1945. Highlights include photographs, scrapbooks, campus publications, and select special collections relevant to the history of Kokomo, Indiana.
Indiana University Northwest
Indiana University Northwest Archives and Special Collections
John W. Anderson Library
3400 Broadway
Gary, Indiana 46408, United States
Visit Indiana University Northwest Archives and Special Collections
The IUN Archives and Special Collections include two main collecting bodies: The Calumet Regional Archives (regional history) and University Records (campus history). Founded in 1973, the Calumet Regional Archives collects and preserves records relating to the Calumet region of Indiana including Lake and Porter Counties. It includes over 500 collections. In addition, the campus archive documents the history of IU Northwest, including materials related to faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Both archival collections are housed in the John W. Anderson Library and serve as a unique community resource documenting and preserving the history of IU Northwest, the City of Gary, and the Calumet region.
Indiana University South Bend
Indiana University South Bend Archives and Special Collections
Schurz Library
1700 Mishawaka Avenue
PO Box 7111
South Bend, Indiana 46634, United States
Visit Indiana University South Bend Archives and Special Collections
The Indiana University South Bend Archives and Special Collections is the official home for records that document IU South Bend’s origins and development, as well as the activities of its officers, faculty, students, and alumni. In addition to university records, the IU South Bend Archives is home to the collections of the Civil Rights Heritage Center, documenting Michiana’s civil rights history with an emphasis on African American, LGBTQ and Latinx experiences; as well as rare books, special collections, and collections documenting the history of the Michiana area.
Indiana University Southeast
Archives and Special Collections, Indiana University Southeast
Indiana University Southeast Library
4201 Grant Line Road
New Albany, Indiana 47150, United States
Visit Archives and Special Collections, Indiana University Southeast
Archives and Special Collections, Indiana University Southeast