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Odo, Franklin
The 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate) was a racially segregated U.S. Army unit comprised of Americans of Japanese ancestry (AJA) from Hawaii, except for Caucasian officers. The unit's outstanding training records and demonstrated loyalty lifted the "4-C Unsuitable for Service" classification for other AJA and led to the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, who later joined the 100th overseas. These American soldiers, simultaneously fighting the Axis Powers overseas and racism at home, are survived by their descendants, The Sons & Daughters, who work to share their parents' stories. This collection is made possible by 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans, formerly known as Club 100, and consists of donations made by veterans' Bernard Akamine and Ray Nosaka's children, Drusilla Tanaka and Ann Kabasawa, respectively, as well as by IU Kokomo faculty and students who visited Club 100 on class trips in 2006, 2008, and 2014.

2. 26th Amendment Collection, 1946-2021 2.5 linear feet (8 document cartons, 1 small document carton, and 423 GB of digital files.)

Keefer, Patricia
Consists of documentation of the movement to lower the voting age to 18 culminating in ratification of the 26th Amendment to the Constitution in 1971 and of retrospective interviews and discussions of the movement by those who participated in it.

3. 32nd General Hospital Collection, ca. 1918-1997 1.1 cubic feet (1 document box, 1 pamphlet box, 2 flat boxes)

United States. Army. General Hospital (32nd)
World War I and World War II necessitated the expansion not only of the combat forces of the U.S. military but also of its medical services. To help meet this need, medical schools and the American Red Cross sponsored the creation of hospital units. The Indianapolis medical community followed this trend during both wars. In 1917, the Indianapolis Chapter of the American Red Cross established the unit eventually designated Base Hospital 32. Almost all of the doctors, nurses, and enlisted men originally assigned to the unit came from Indianapolis or central Indiana. In 1942, the Indiana University Medical Center set up the 32nd General Hospital. Named in honor of its World War I predecessor, this unit drew most of its original medical and nursing staffs from the IU Medical Center. Both units served in Europe. The records consist of photocopies of unit files of the 32nd General Hospital; unit histories, scrapbooks, and personal reminiscences compiled after the wars; records relating to reunions held by members of the 32nd General Hospital, photographs, an 8mm film of the 32nd General Hospital and two videotape copies of the film.

10. Adam mss., 1863-1930 1 Box (1 standard)

Adam, Juliette, 1836-1936
The Adam mss., 1863-1930, consists of the letters and papers of French writer, literary review editor, and salon hostess Juliette (Lambert) Adam, 1836-1936.

12. Adams mss., 1912-1981 1 Box (1 standard)

Adams, Reily Gibson, 1911-
The Adams mss., 1912-1981, consists of the letters, photographs, and writings by and about author Booth Tarkington, 1869-1946, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Kennebunkport, Maine. The collection was compiled by Reily Gibson Adams, 1911-1982, whose first wife, Mary Stewart Haines, 1912-1975, was Tarkington's first cousin twice removed.

13. Adams, R. mss., 1968-1984 2 Boxes (2 standard)

Adams, Richard, 1920-
The Adams, R. mss., 1968-1984, collection consists of the papers of publishing firm Rex Collings Ltd. relating to the publication of several novels, primarily Watership Down (1972), by author Richard Adams, 1920-2016.

14. Adam Yarmolinsky Papers, 1973-1977 0.8 cubic feet (2 Document boxes)

Yarmolinsky, Adam
In 1973, the Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs was formed to study the relationships between foundations, the government, and the public. To meet the needs of this study the Commission contracted with several individuals to do research and write papers. Adam Yarmolinsky served as both a researcher/author and a special consultant to the Commission. This collection includes the correspondence and papers of Adam Yarmolinsky related to his service to the Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs.
Agency for Instructional Technology
The Agency for Instructional Technology (formally 1973-2015) was a non-profit organization based in Bloomington, Indiana that produced and distributed educational television and multimedia programs to schools in the United States and Canada. This collection contains the organization's administrative records, publications, and production files.
Davis, Agnes, 1905-1967
Agnes Davis was a soprano and professor of voice in the Indiana University School of Music. Her career highlights include winning the Atwater Kent singing competition in 1927 and touring with the USO from 1943-1945. Collection includes both business and personal correspondence, newspaper clippings documenting her career, and several programs from her performances.

25. Alan D. Solomont Papers, 1999-2009 .5 Cubic Feet (1 letter-size Hollinger box.)

Solomont, Alan D.
These papers collected by Alan Solomont focus on the development of presidential advocacy for national service during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations, when he was a board member and later Board Chair for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Items are halved between select correspondence, drafts, and event ephemera created or received by Solomont, and a collection of materials by other entities advocating and explaining national service, including presidential speeches and ephemera, and mainstream and philanthropic periodicals and publications in both complete and clipped form.
Horowitz, Alan Stanley, 1930-
Alan Stanley Horowitz was curator of paleontology and part time professor of geology at Indiana University from 1966-1996. His collection consists of materials relating to his research interests and position at IU, including geological and paleontological research, publications, and records relating to professional organizations with which he was involved.
Horowitz, Alan Stanley, 1930-
Alan Stanley Horowitz was curator of paleontology and part time professor of geology at Indiana University from 1966-1996. His collection consists of materials relating to his research interests and position at IU, including research relating to his work in the geological and paleontological fields and publications and records relating to professional organizations with which he was involved.

29. Albee mss., 1961 1 folio

Albee, Edward, 1928-2016
The Albee mss., 1961, consists of mimeographed stage scripts for The American Dream and The Death of Bessie Smith, two one-act plays by American dramatist Edward Albee, 1928-2016.

33. Alden mss., 1951-2001 8 Boxes

The Alden mss., 1951-2001, consists of correspondence and research files generated by historian Dauril Alden, 1926-, in preparation of his biography of Dutch and Portuguese colonial historian Charles Ralph Boxer, 1904-2000.
Diamant, Alfred, 1917-2012
Alfred Diamant was a professor of Political Science at Indiana University from 1967 to 1988 and served as the Chair of Political Science and West European Studies. He taught all levels of political science from introductory to doctoral courses with a special interest in comparative government. This collection consists of Diamant's academic papers including class material, student correspondence, and personal publications.
Tischler, Alice, 1935-
The Alice and Hans Tischler Collection of Israeli and Jewish Composers, 1929-2008, consists of printed and recorded music written by Jewish and Israeli composers and collected by music librarian Alice Tischler and musicology professor Hans Tischler as well as the Tischers' research notes and other personal effects.

45. Allen Family mss., 1908-1972 3 Boxes (3 standard)

Allen, Harriet Herron Collins (Mrs. Samuel Ellsworth Allen), 1866-1942
The Allen family mss., ca. 1908-1972, consist of five letters from poet Nicholas Vachel Lindsay, 1879-1931, to Harriet Herron Collins Allen, (Mrs. Samuel Ellsworth Allen) of Cincinnati, Ohio, and of letters from several individuals involved with the theatre to the Harriet Allen's daughter, Ruth Collins Allen.

46. Allen mss., 800-1972 150 Items

The Allen mss., 800-1972, consists of manuscript pieces collected by William Edward David Allen, 1901-1973, foreign service officer, businessman, and author, and his own writings about Georgian history.

47. Allen, R. mss., 1999 1 Box (1 custom)

Allen, Roger, 1942-
The Allen, R. mss. consists of a translation by Roger Allen, 1942-, Professor of Arabic, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.